I'm so sorry for Snowie, but Bowy is super cute!
One of ours didn't eat much at first either, and rushed back in the cage whenever we came close. But she eventually came out and now it's hard to get her in the cage when it's vet time haha
She'll come around eventually. Perhaps try to attract her with (non salted/spiced) canned tuna or chicken, or kitty wet food.
But yeah, if she doesn't hide under something and is observing you, I'm sure it'll be all right :D
And perhaps those toys made of a stick with feathers at the end might interest her. You can move it to get her interested, I find that it's easier to play with ours with such toys where you can actively participate. Though the girl (the one who took the most time to adapt) now brings me her mouse toy for me to throw for her :D
Wish you the best with this lovely kitty!
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Thank you. :)
Yeah in 6 months she has to get chipped, a shot and neutered (we thought to do it in once since she has no way of escaping here), but even at home my sister couldn't get her in the cage, because she is quick as lightning, but i catch all animals, insects to cats.
She wasn't very happy offcourse, here she even looked at one second at the front door and cage, like get me back.
My mom wasn't also happy because she thought she could train her some more, but i find the long distance with her scootmobile dangerous and often (because everyone is moving) handyman are blocking the entrance with the van, plus it's better she gets adjusted quickly here.
She has a bowl with wet food, dry food and water, sometimes she takes a nibble of it, and even uses the litterbox thankfully however (with my whole germphobia thing) that was still a thing but i think combined with litter it wouldnt be so bad, well the smell for sure was, but she moved the litter to one side, so some parts sticked.. and then it sticked to the bag i put it in, and then my finger, needless to say i used all sorts of stuff chlorine, mouthwash (kills 99% germs), dettol and a shower. I hope eventually i get better over it.
Like normal people would just think i wash my hands and perhaps use 1 dettol and it's over you know, i wish there was just a simple pill for it, but there isn't i believe.
She did climb my leg (with very sharp nails) and on my lap for 3 seconds, then on the pc case almost hitting the off switch, and then actively used the cat pole, she was resting on the couch (but with the nails, i wanted protection...) but i found a cloth my mom gave me. But i thought she was laying so peacefully so i tried to pet her, but she jumped under the couch, she doesn't let me pet her yet.
I think she is sleeping now.
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Good luck with your germphobia, I hope having her will help you a little with it and not become too much a burden. At least cats are generally clean, so that's one thing ^^
If she's making her life, then it means she's adapting well to your place, it'll be fine, in no time she'll come to you :D
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Thank you, i know they lick themselves clean (although they say our tongues are disgusting, don't know about theirs), but they also just don't wipe.. And the litter box sure ain't clean either as i noticed myself the first time this morning in a very bad way. ;)
At first she always hid under the couch, she has sharp nails (tried climbing up my leg) i didn't like that very much with the couch, but i found a cloth to put over it (although the sides are still uncovered) now she really just enjoys laying on it and sometimes switches to the catpole, the toys and tunnel she ignores.
I even gave her my very own fluffy pillow i used on my chair, but she pays no attention to it, and every time i come close she still hops away. Really gonna take some adjusting. :)
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Bowy is real cutie! Hope you'll become best friends soon!
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Such a beautiful cat, like they all are. I hope she brings you a great many years of joy and continual looks of disdain and contempt for the ape-thing that takes care of her er, I mean love and affection π. Don't worry about her timidness as people have been saying, and also don't try to go out of your way to change how you do things, she had to get used to you as the way you actually are.
I notice that you entertain prospects of having your own space just for yourself.... π€£ .......oh you were probably being serious π. If 42 years of having cats has taught me one thing is that it's their place now, they're just consenting for you to live there. Consider letting her into the bedroom at some point, cats are generally clean and as you'll soon discover spend a large amount of time grooming to keep that way. And nothing says irate and pushy kitty like a place it knows it can't be allowed to visit. We spent nearly 8 years trying to keep our Ollie out of the bathroom, being ambushed and howled for our trouble. We relented and now she only pops in their occasionally to knock my toothpaste off. She's got a real thing against it.
(That reminds me, until you discover what her personality is, don't have anything lying about that you can't afford to have knocked/whacked over. If she's a whacker/tosser like my Ollie...well...you'll have less stuff to tidy π.)
I hope you don't mind one more piece if unsolicited advice, but I'd advise to get her litter situation sorted out sooner rather than later; a cat's toilet space is one of its primary anchor points of routine & familiarity, changing it later can cause it's own kind of distress. Be mindful you're using the litter solution you're happy with because it can be difficult to change their litter type down the track.
Apologies for the wall of text, it's just I know the excitement of letting a little friend into your life. And if she drives you crazy like all our cats do, well, that goes with the territory. π
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Thank you. :)
Hey, ape thing? Neighbours said i looked cute and handsome, well okay okay they meant Bowy. π
I got my keys since march, i live here now for only 8 weeks, it took a month to wait for volunteers to do the floor, more weeks for the painters, then someone was supposed to hang my lamps, after 1 1/2 lamp he gave up (and he hit a wire in which an electrician had to come). Thankfully a neighbour helped me hang the lights this weekend
There are still many things like curtains, bookplanks i don't dare to drill (not knowing what drill, screws, plugs etc, or if i hit anything inside the walls) when it was 30C twice i had waste bags taped all over my balcony doors and bedroom window (although the heat pump/ventilation system even made it so with 30C that i had to wear a sweater and jogging pants and slept under some sheets.
Even had the sniffles for a few days.
I couldn't work on my bed drawers because the lamp there had to be done first, and it's like any ikea thing, engineering difficult, so i made sure the living room was cat proof that she could walk anywhere without crawling into things or letting things fall, and most of my junk is also now in my bedroom (and no the drawers aren't in there yet and probably take some time, i take things slowly, and last 8 weeks been so hectic due all various reasons (loneliness, some depression in which i went back to drinking 3x which made me feel really awful) and normally i didn't move one inch of my butt and suddenly i walked/biked over 150km, so while others already having or starting their vacation, i also created one for myself.
They lick themselves clean, i know (although atleast i know a human tongue is not clean) but for me it's the whole "behind" thing, we wipe, they don't, why i even struggle (now) to have them on my lap, i already let them on the couch else she couldnt sit anywhere.
With my moms cats it sometimes even stuck under their feet or even do the whole thing next to the box (blame the litterbox), that's my reason why i don't find it sanitary for them to be on my bed.
The bugger however did get a sneak peak in my room yesterday and meowed and it felt like it came from all different sides, searching for it, until it eventually moved out again by itself.
It's just hard to let go of control when you were under control your whole life for 42 years (even over my parents at parts, like can you open my mail?).
Not sure what you mean with the whole litter box situation sorry, for now it's in the kitchen (first with the cover but since she was moving the litter i thought remove the box) although cleaned and refilled she seems to do that again, i don't know how to prevent that, eventually it will have to move to the bathroom (think air circulation is better and much fresher not near the kitchen) and she has another place to go to.
The only akward part in my opinion (not like she cares) is maybe if we are on the toilet at the same time (or if i shower) however not the whole floor dries up so i am afraid she will walk with her paws offcourse through the wet parts and take it on the wood floor.
There are two options scoop (while getting a dirty scoop) or like my mother she just drops the whole box in a plastic bag, like i tried but since she moved the littter some parts sticked, then it sticked to the bag and my fingers...i used unicura, chlorine, mouthwash (clears 99% of germs) dettol and a good shower..
42 years of of having cats, that's just my age and just starting. π
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Ape thing is just how I see our cats looking at us π. I read somewhere that's cats know they were once worshipped as gods and have never forgotten. So true. Rarely a week goes by when I don't see what seems like a sigh and look of indignation that they've been reduced to such a lowly state π€£.
Hopefully you'll be able to get your place fitted out and that will help her settle. Dealing with temperature extremes will be something to think about, although cats generally have better tolerance for temperatures than people think; I was told by a vet once that unless it's a long haired breed they tend to not feel hot until it passes 33-34C. It's winter here atm (well Australian winter but still cold) and she mainly just follows the sun from one place to another till she snuggles in her plain open box with a blanket, then after dinner she retreats to the spare bed under the quilt. She's more comfy than meπ.
Summer is a different issue, hopefully you can find a solution with the balcony to give her some relief, it's great for my cat in the afternoons & evenings of hot days. To a point obviously. Above 35C she doesn't go out and when it hits 40C she gets dragged downstairs to the split level laundry whether she likes it or not. In recent years I haven't had to convince her that much thankfully.
I don't know if it's feasible for you but when we moved to this place we invested in a large mass of green mesh, sold as chicken netting, from a hardware store. We pinned it up over the top of the balcony at about 6ft height and it creates a kind of canopy for her. To be fair though the balcony railing has a lattice so that already stopped her from getting out in that direction, your circumstances may vary.
With the litter all I mean is that cats are creature of habit, the longer you leave it in the kitchen, the more she'll associate that place as where to do her business. It can be a challenge to get them accustomed to a new spot but it can be done. I can see your conundrum though, I think it will come down to the place least inconvenient for you.
If you can train your little girl to accept the lid in the litter tray then that would be amazing; all but one of the cats we've had have either been older hand-me-downs or rescue cats and so very set in their ways and all stubbornly refuse to use a litter box with a lid. And given we use clumping clay litter there's been lots of kicking of particles. Vacuum cleaner gets used every week for a few seconds. It's just part of the mess of pet ownership. I use a dedicated scoop to get her litter, a few seconds under hot water is enough to clean it, though washing your hands is advisable to minimise toxoplasmosis concerns. Even that isn't a huge concern unless there's a baby about or you're immunocompromised.
I hope you and Bowy can help each other through the ups and downs of life; I'm not daft, they aren't a magic bullet to solve anyone's ills and gods know there have been times I've been driven to madness, but I sincerely believe that they can be an anchor for rough times. The need to care, for something other than ourselves first can be a great comfort, and in exchange for our love (and food π) they give so much back in return. My beautiful Ollie helped me and my mum after my dad died just by being here, and in the 2 years since my mum died I can't imagine how I could have gotten through without her. I hope you're able to keep your head above water in these turbulent times, I think Bowy is worth it π.
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I know you were using it as a joke. π The egyptians worshipped cats i think, they got symbols for them. sekhmet?
I live in a newly build apartment with heat pump/ventilation system, been 30C twice here and i still had to use a sheet and even got the sniffles, and thermos said 21C, so they don't have to be afraid it gets too warm for them.
40C here outside, is a real extreme that luckily only happens rarely, i find 30C is already my person limit (especially at my moms place where it was hot).
I have a railing they could fall through, that is my first concern, i need to fence off which you tie with tiewraps, but i don't know from what height you start, and if there was a special sort (i asked my neighbour in a letter but she never replied.
i don't think they can really jump off yet as a kitten, my neighbour has two grown cats with furniture and i asked do they never jump off? And she said no. But if times comes yeah i could place a net all over the balcony.
If only i could pick her up then i could show her where the litter box would be, but every time now i still come close she hops away, like the cover of the couch isn't correctly placed right now, if i would straighten it, off she will go.
Maybe in a few days? Or i just put the box there and she will just find it herself.
Well with my germphobia, even with dettol, mouth wash (killing 99% germs) and chlorine i still wouldn't feel myself clean, normally at home i would have gone to take a bath, but here i only have a shower, i thought i would swear though the first few times (but i didn't want to upset the cat) and i am still relatively doing okay with it, not that i am looking really forward to the next time or the next.
Thank you, well i started to feel alone since i moved out (dont have much family/friends etc, a girlfriend would help but love don't come easy.. even a bit towards depression, where i started to drink again (and offcourse when you aren't 20 anymore you just feel worse).
But i will buy a kiss me i am single shirt, and september 7 there is a meeting here with all the people from all the flats, and apparently there are a bunch of single ladies, so who knows. :p
If something every would happen to my mom i also have to take responsibility of her cats (which i hope will go together with Bowy, because of them is very jealous), best if she just outlives the cats, but life.
Anyway i have to cook, been a long day (done some groceries while Bowy slept and got her a snack, she still isnt eating very well like today she barely ate anything), messages getting long (not just from you) i am a bit tired, and starting to get confused what i wrote to who. :p Thanks for the chat and advice though.
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awesome!!!!!! congrats and have a lot of fun with it xD
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The first moments are hard for a small animal who doesn't know where she is and what the hell is going on, specially where are their siblings? So let her accustom to the new environment and humans. Pet her (contact is important), offer her treats (boiled ham, pate, something juicy) and let her investigate things at her pace. Usually it's best one room at a time than let her roam through the house as she'll feel lost in such a big place.
In short - be patient, it's not easy for her. Soon she will adopt you as her human.
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She crawled my leg with her very sharp nails, sat on my lap for 3 seconds that was all the contact, every time i come close now, even if i wanted to put the cover of the couch right she will jump right off. Also she doesn't eat very well today.
The main room she stays is in is the living room although eventually the litterbox has to be moved to the bathroom, but best if i could just pick her up and show her, when she let me.
I gave her some snacks but it's all very small bites from her.
Thank you.
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Thank you.
Well so far she climbed my leg up twice with her very sharp claws, even took up over my desk very unexpectedly.
My mom sometimes got hit by a paw even till it bled, only 1 of the cat was the "agressive" one, but i was never hit that hard and sometimes gave a small tick back and said uh don't.
The other one even gave me paws on my head, the other liked getting rubbed with my sock for massages (laying like it was sexual).
They both did try to set their mouth in my finger a few times however, luckily they never bite through.
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Hello! Bowyβͺπ₯(*ο½₯Ξο½₯)οΎππ<π₯π πΉ
Your heart condition was very good, better than expected.
So she did basically i believe told a white lie saying the calico one was sick and it costed too many medical bills, when she send me the new pictures after Snowie's passing and comparing it to the old pictures i still had, there was no doubt it was the same (so my second choice cat).
Purebreds may be more susceptible to disease.
However, tortoiseshell cats are "hybrids with various cats within the Japanese region.
(The exception to this is the "Japanese Bobtail," which has an island characteristic in its tail, and is treated as a purebred after the fact, since there are presumably no purebreds in Japan).
There is nothing to worry about.
(If you want to prepare for further illness, you will need to move to Japan.πΈ)
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Thank you, and added. :)
Yeah i hope she is watching from kitty heaven to watch over me and her sister.
I know i shouldn't, it doesn't add anything/change, but i still sometimes watch pictures of Snowie and feel the sorrow of what could have been instead of now just focusing on Bowy (i still do offcourse, but still).
She is shy, she has times she won't let me come near her, but now 2 times she has this investigating mode, and she even climbed on my desktop, i was surprised, she looked like at me like who's the boss now, and stepped all over my stuffed animals.
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You are a warm-hearted person indeed.
I feel you. And I'm sure you do what you think is right and it can help you in one way or another.
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I'm happy you found a new kitten but i'm truly sorry you have to go through such drama to get there.
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Thank you.
At first a bit worrysome, also the litterbox the first times very stressy and messy (with the germphobia thing), but apparently i still live.
She was very very shy, and where she is coming from (the whole horror farm, i can't blame her), she doesn't like to be pet or even helped when she climbed up on the fridge nor seeked much contact.
The first two days she did made 2 small inspection rounds and for some reason crawl and rummage in the litterbox first (again great with my germphobia) and then tried to seek me and crawl my leg (with very sharp nails) and even climbed on the desk for a small bit.
This morning however i just woke up, got coffee and tea, and she immediately crawled on my lap, tried to pet her but she jumped off but by accident i let my hand hang loose next to the chair and she licked my hand and even gave me some paws, then she crawled again on my lap or more so my private parts with her sharp claws...
And then she went on the desk again but this time for like 10 minutes, on my keyboard offcourse causing all sorts of things to happen.
I made her watch a cat video and showed pictures of her sister Snowie and herself, and she went with her paws on the computer screen, so it's seems first contact is coming.
I also thought she was going to sniff my tea instead of trying to drink it and offcourse that was hot and a scare.
She seems to be overall a little less active though then the first 2 days (more use of the cat tunnel and toys, and just walk around).
She lays a lot on the cat pole or the couch and sometimes under the couch near the mop in the corner (maybe she parties at night secretly). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpBBA_Pso88&ab_channel=KPN
I have to wait 1 more week to receive money, then i'll seek if there are some toys we can have an interaction with together.
Also i asked my niece who also got a cat from my mother, if she perhaps could help me get the balcony catproof so she can go there, before the summer already ended.
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All praise Bowy and the calico supremacy!!
Of our five cats 2 are inseparable from me, one a calico just like her. Im typing this with her sleeping right next to me.
She dont get computers or reading but im sure she aproves and would think Bowy shouldve been your first choice anyway.
Just make sure to play with her a lot until she gets in her teens. Thats unecessary with brothers/sisters, but being the only kitten around she will need some more attention and play (including some agressive play, not much, like letting her fight with your feet while using a tenis or similar). Throwing small bits of crumbled paper around, laser pointers, pulling any piece of paper with a line and later on pretending to chase/ambush and the aforementioned feet fighting... should be enough
Besides the energy they need to spend, they learn some of hunting, agility and fighting (wich is useful for self protection, like some stray cat getting into the house) from playing/fighting with other kittens... but more importantly it can affect things like fear, sociability and such. Cats have varied personality and can be more or less social or scared all by themselves but getting little to none of that is pretty much firesure way for a cat being scared(and hiding) of any and everything, from random noises to strangers.
Start with any pencil under a rug just moving, its awesome fun and easy... just DONT EVER PLAY WITH YOUR THUMB UNDER RUGS.
I did so in the past and some cats took too long to learn/understand they shouldnt hunt feets under rugs anymore. Its one of the most fun one can have with a kitten- but in few months theyre bigger, their claws get bigger, and you wont want random clawy ambushes on your feet.
Wishing you both all the best!
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I love that she seeking company at my desk,
Snowy and Bowy were both my choices, but i could only pick one, i even offered to financially pitch in for the other one, but my mom wouldn't have it, and she was in favor of Snowie, and i was also okay with that, she looked cute too, in a different way.
She even went so far with a white lie that Bowy "would be sick" to enforce me to go for the white one even and not to have 2.
Someone here adviced against lasers (it does can hurt ones eyes) and they would just use their sharp nails to destroy everything (and having had them in my crotch and trying to climb my bare back, i can say they are sharp.
Thank you for the good tipcs, and the best wishes!
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Yeah, but that will just never ever happen here, my taking on the germpobia can only go so far, i told her 2 days ago, look you can be the princess, you can have everything except my bed after she already crawled on it (twice) (my stuff was already in the wash and she didn't went in the box before so i let it go).
Also where would my potential (if ever) girlfriend lay? Or me on the couch? Also the cat side is much bigger...
I just forgot to mention also my pc would be one of those rules, and i told before she tried 2 times slowly to sit with me at the desk for a few minutes.
But yesterday she sat here an whole hour, even over my arm, but also over my keyboard from time to time that offcourse makes your screen goes bonkers while you want to type a mail.
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I joked a bit with it in the direction of "she owns now nearly all".
In the most cases lay cats between/on your legs or besides your body, sometimes on your breast (but i don't like a cat in the night direct/so close on my face).
Sometimes you can't move because the small cat blocks everything or because you don't want to wake her up etc.. It's the same as with a child :D
In general it's totally ok to demand space, as example with laying in the bed and take her then on the blanket on your legs or something like this. They don't need to be (too much) spoiled all the time ;o)
You need a decoy keyboard :-D
One for you, then a U (flip it mentally) formed wood/plastic thing to lay the second keyboard on top. This way she can't walk over your keyboard, can't "type" when you type on the same keyboard and still is "in the middle of the action".
I know i had a picture of it but don't find it right now.
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This whole litterbox is already a major thing for me (also hoping to get over things), i am also already learning to let things slide with the cat like sitting on certain stuff, a bed is just out of the question for atleast a long time, i also wouldn't know if i even manage to get a baby still (which i so hope) how to do the whole diaper thing, which is much much worse even then a litter box, and in the middle of the night when you are still half sleeping.
I got 2 spare logitech keyboards, with the battery in, somehow i can manage to type on both that keyboard and the current one.
If the battery is out it's just a thing that does nothing and she can use. But she seems to learn to sit in front of me just watching the screen.
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Now i got the "issue" of her wanting being too much with me behind the computer, but the desk is already full (with stuffed animals i just don't have another space for right now and i would like to stay them there also as some " company" i am used to it).
So she has to be in front of me or she sits on the keyboard, i know and love the contact she is seeking, but i can't have her with me the whole day else i can never play a game anymore, should i let her, should i set boundaries (i mean she also has to have her own me time). And just move her sometimes? (but then i find it so sad she crawling under the chair in the corner instead of her just playing with other stuff, although maybe it's also just her little hideaway.
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Bowy suits her. I hope she lives 20 healthy years for your amusement :)
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Awwwww so cute!!! Good luck to the kitten and Lugum!
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So she, the princess should finally arrive any moment soon today, she is still with my mother in the garage/shed (hence not fully clean in the pictures), she likes to hide behind the washing machine.
First of all myself and Masafor fthought to find some oddities in my moms story, unfortunately Snowie did get grabbed by a predator bird and another cat got under the lawnmower (needless to say the sights were awful). It's on a big farm where my moms housekeep is moving in to with her friend, but she didn't know how the cats were treated (the owner could have just locked them up, which with kittens would make sense instead of roaming all over the place), and she was furious, even so she made sure the mother cat got neutered, so she won't have kittens anymore.
It's still very dumb luck that when Snowie was supposed to come the car airco was broken, 30C and the woman had fallen, else she would have been safe and sound with me, i didn't used to grieve so much anymore, i mean it sounds weird but when i look at a picture of my dad, i just feel good memories, when i still look at a picture of Snowie i feel very sad (but then again i should let that part go, because it has no use) except hoping she watches from kitty heaven to look after her sister and me.
Now in the beginning, my mom sent me 2 pictures, Snowie, and Bowy, but i always insisted in wanting both, and since my mother paid for it, i couldn't really ask for two (even though i offered to pay for the second) not to mention if i get my moms 2 cats, i would have 4.
So she did basically i believe told a white lie saying the calico one was sick and it costed too many medical bills, when she send me the new pictures after Snowie's passing and comparing it to the old pictures i still had, there was no doubt it was the same (so my second choice cat).
My mom was very vague (even angry) when i asked her 3 times if it was the same cat, but i asked if this cat was sick? And she said no.
So i don't think there was ever a cat that was sick in the first place in this whole story.
I got a female friend both me and her with a spiritual connection, and she always said upfront she felt this cat "belonged" to me, she however said i should name her bowie (i am a david bowie fan) but i found that not quite fitting, my mother made it Bowy, and i am okay with it, it's a very common dutch boy/girl name and it's also kinda in memory of Snowie.
And where i thought my heart was so bad (1% away from heart failure) while i didn't speak to a cardioloigist, i still had an appointment with the liver doctor and he said it wasn't at all so bad as i thought it was, i just need to watch my salt intake (isn't much anyway) and just never 1 drop of alcohol anymore, and technically i could live to be a 100.
These are made by Bowy, so thank her, not me. Most are leftovers from the earthquake bundle i believe, i hope there are no region restrictions if so please let me know or allow a deletion.
More extra: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/Ngtwq4G
Something extra: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/7RLHZBj
The fourth one is just model cute. My sister couldn't get her in the box, my mom wanted to wait and go bring her with her scootmobile but many times it's blocked by handyman, and i will get any animal insect or cat, so i put her in the box and she is now here.
Only she still seems very shy at first, meows a lot, not wanting to eat or drink, or play with her toys, dunno if that's normal behaviour,
David Bowie-Cat People.
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