Hello SteamGifters,

Few days ago it was 2SolveMe 2nd anniversary, so to celebrate I decided to create a small challenging puzzle.

Actually I didn't create the cipher myself, my friend who isn't on SteamGifts did. He really loved TomasMacMordain cipher puzzles, so he decided to help me to create one similar for this special occasion.

Award: Victoria 3 (plus 5 other giveaways).

Because it's a challenging one, I will add hints as time passes.


if 'Hello world' is 'mmloow  ~ll'
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ,.!@#$%^&*()'
'ccgeggoikkomoo qsswuww y{zaCCGEGGOIKKOMOO_QSSWUWW_Y[z01337577?99,./ac'% ~.*)i'

what "2Solve.Me" equals to?

Puzzle Link

Hint 0: It's not proper cipher, I am sorry, just cipher like puzzle. You can look at the SG puzzle guide or past TomasMacMordain puzzles, it's in similar fashion.
Hint 1: Left side and right side have the same number of characters (including empty space), so the answer would have the same number of characters as "2Solve.Me"
Hint 2: "SeeSharp" is "wew{isrs"
Hint 3: Think in binary!
Hint 4: It's not a proper cipher, you cannot decode the solution back to the original string.
Hint 5: Why did the programmer go broke? -Because he lost his bitwise savings! ;)

Edit: Initial passed code had bad spacing (because markdown removed it for some reason), fixed

Answer: so~woomw

twchiu solved it first, and gave simples explanation so I will re-post it here:

  1. Convert the character to ASCII code in binary.
  2. Use "OR" operation(0 OR 0 = 0, otherwise 1) with the next character.
    • The last character pair with the first one.
    • If the result is non-printable, turn it into a normal space.
  3. You have the answer!

C# Code:

string input = "2Solve.Me";
string output = "";
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i) {
   output += (char) (input[i] | input[(i + 1) % input.Length]);
1 week ago*

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I hope we get a solution after the fact, lol (i think i have a faint idea but dunno how to execute it, so...~)

1 week ago

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Bump! :)

1 week ago

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Bump for solved

1 week ago

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Oh nooo, less than a day left! :'(

6 days ago

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could you share the solution? i really didnt get this one

5 days ago

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hi, just posted the solution and the steps on how to do it

4 days ago

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wow, this was really beyond my knowledge
i tried bitwise ciphers but i couldn't find the pattern or logic behind it

4 days ago

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Wow, yeah I gave up after the first few days. And now I see the solution, there is no way I was gonna solve that lol

Thanks for answer though, interesting to learn about various methods out there

4 days ago

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reads the solution
........... what? o_O

so essentially its unsolvable as i dont understand the solution one bit. XD

but great that there are actually ppl out there who are capable of it. respect! 👍

4 days ago

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