which is the best monitor for pc gaming if you don't want to waste money? (i've nvidia gpu so i won't consider freesync)
Because of NVidia (what else?). FreeSync is for AMD cards and they let manufacturers use it for a nominal price only. NVidia charges a ton of money for the patent, further cashing on their lead in the game enthusiast segment. And no, you cannot use a Freesync monitor on an NVidia card. They made sure of that.
i'm not a multiplayer gamer and for what i read if you're not an hardcore FPS multiplayer online gamer you don't need 144hz.
While this is true, 144 Hz is a lot better for your eyes and it gives a smoother experience in general PC use as well. Yes, this includes a simple web surf.
It doesn't provide enough benefits to warrant a 144 Hz monitor over a 60 Hz one right now though, especially if money is a concern.
i love high resolution but i know that i won't be able to play games in 4k with my gtx970
A 970 can handle that resolution well. Then again, I switched to windowed gaming a while back, so for me a 4k monitor would be awesome as it would let me put the game and more stuff around it (for example, I could play in 1080p and have a Twitch chat window right next to it).
i also read that if you have a 4k monitor and you downscale the resolution for play the result is awful.
This is generally true for every monitor and resolution. 720p full screen on a 1080p monitor looks awful as well.
i don't understand so much about IPS, VA, TN (…) IPS looks like what i'm searching for.
Correct. In general, it is the best picture quality for everyday use. There are aspects other panel types do much better, but IPS in general is the advised one.
(This is a topic that can be argued upon or contested easily, but IPS monitors for home computers used for gaming as well are popular for a reason.)
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thanks for long reply. are you sure i'll be able to play games in 4k with one single gtx970? it sounds weird. anyway it's full of good 4k monitor without g-sync at great prices (370€-400€) but if i'll not get advantage of this resolution i think i should skip it and maybe go for a WQHD. WQHD monitors have good prizes until you go for g-sync that mostly ever go together with 144hz and the price raise up to 700€
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Depends on the game. You another CS:GO player? Then yes. You want to play Arkham Knight in it? Then no.
PC games often suffer from optimisation issues, but since they were held back big time by consoles sticking to the previous generation for five years longer than they should have, the general real requirement of a game is rather low, especially considering that GPUs don't completely stopped getting better (even if NVidia and later AMD pretty much just released the exact same cards with slightly higher clock rates as a new generation).
But to put is simple: GTA V was able to run on a GTX 970 at 4k:
You can build your comparisons from there.
But yeah, it is generally recommended as a 1440p card.
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Biggest factor for bad/good for eyes is backlight flicker caused by badly designed brightness control of the backlight LEDs. It's independent from refresh rate and it's effect is most prominent on minimal brightness settings (that would be used in reality, as factory defaults are literally burning out eyes)
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Some claim that the smoothness of movement can also affect eyesight/cause issues. It may be a hoax or a false claim to sell the new monitors, but from a short experience, I can confirm that higher refresh rate looks more comfortable—and I only saw a 100 Hz display, not even a 144 Hz one.
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It certainly improves expirience (if you can deliver constant 144fps, that is) - there is smaller discrepancy between expected and actual position of moving object, meaning less processing on brains side but I haven't read if it's in any way damaging.
I've not seen side-by-side comparison of exactly the same monitor working at 60 and 144. Without it it's hard to tell what impact raw refresh rate has on display feel (I suspect things like frame processing time, pixel transition speed, design of overdrive have much bigger impact)
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hi everybody. i really would like to change my monitor without waste money and try to find the best one for the use i'll do of it.
i hope somebody in this great gamers community will help me.
i'm not an expert of monitor and my small knowledge come from different forums in the web.
i'm not a multiplayer gamer and for what i read if you're not an hardcore FPS multiplayer online gamer you don't need 144hz.
i love high resolution but i know that i won't be able to play games in 4k with my gtx970; i also read that if you have a 4k monitor and you downscale the resolution for play the result is awful.
i don't understand so much about IPS, VA, TN. for what i found in the web, TN is the best if you want fast gaming instead of quality (online hardcore fps again?), VA is good for the black color and IPS looks like what i'm searching for.
g-sync i still didn't get if i can get advantage by playing normal games offline. somebody says it's the same as v-sync somebody else says is the future. i'm really confused. hope somebody will help me.
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