I'm doing a giveaway for Battlefield™ 1 and want to give more people a chance.

If you want to at least try the game, preferebly will play it. (No +1 for library, please)
Write a reason for wanting to join this giveaway and maybe something extra(if you can/want) like a meme, joke etc..

BTW, some of you might be removed from the whitelist after giveaways ends...

You can check if you already can join here Battlefield™ 1 or in my profile...

Probably can't gift to United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Switzerland and Liechtenstein... Sorry about that but nothing I can do.

Giveaway ends on July 5th 15:00 Central European Time (CET)

1 day ago*

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I would love to enter having played many hours of Battlefield 3 years ago. I recently thought about possibly giving another game in the series a go, and Battlefield 1 seems like a good choice :) thanks for the opportunity

1 day ago

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Added but you might be removed from whitelist after, btw.

1 day ago

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I'd love to join, if I may. Interested in playing of course (I play my SG wins every month for events like PAGYWOSG).

I'm not good with jokes, but I can provide some geography fun facts ... Berlin is the only capital city with lower GDP per capital than the country that it's in.

1 day ago

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Added but you might be removed from whitelist after, btw.
If you win and portal 2 session is good, we might need to squad up for it then. :) (Have the game on Origin/EA)

1 day ago

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I would like to play battlefield 1 since in 2022 they gave away battlefield 5 on the ps plus but since I sold the ps4 to buy a PC I can no longer play it and I would like to play a battlefield again, they also say that battlefield 1 is the best the saga

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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I'm not entering, just want to say, you gotta give it a try soon winner. BF1 is probably one of the best modern BF games, and personally my favourite, and the online still goes as hard as it did years ago :)

1 day ago

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I like battlefield 5 better for some reason but BF1 is great too.

1 day ago

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I would like to join so I can get the game to 100% and get all achievements since it's my hobby.

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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I would like to play bf1. I recently grabbed 4,5 in sale and i can't turn them off sometimes. Can i join too?

1 day ago*

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1 day ago

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1 day ago

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This would be my first Battlefield game, and it is the only Battlefield game on my wishlist. I have taken a decade break from the genre because I play Spec Ops the Line, and that game had the best story in the genre, and on top of its many messages, it encouraged the player to try different sorts of game. Nonetheless, I want to try out the genre again, and since this is "Battlefield 1", I thought it would be a good entry into the series. I am the sort of person to 100% the achievement, though I hope the multiplayer isn't dead.

Here is a meme in our troubled times:

View attached image.
1 day ago

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1 day ago

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I already have the game, just wanted to bump because I like the idea :)

1 day ago

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How is Battlefield 1?

FPS games aren't my fave, but i've ben curious recently about modern FPS games. Only one i've played regularly is TF2.

1 day ago

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This comment was deleted 1 day ago.

1 day ago

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Привет! Я слышал, что вы разыгрываете ключ для Battlefield 1. Я бы очень хотел принять участие, потому что...

Я хочу испытать острые ощущения от войны, не выходя из своей уютной гостиной.
Я уверен, что смогу вывести из строя больше танков, чем вражеская армия!
Мой кот одержим лазерами, а в этой игре есть лазерное оружие. Это будет идеальная игра для нас обоих!
Я всегда мечтал стать снайпером, но у меня плохое зрение. Эта игра станет моим шансом воплотить мою мечту в жизнь (хотя бы виртуально).
Я коллекционирую цифровые следы пуль. Эта игра позволит мне расширить свою коллекцию за счет миллионов новых экземпляров.
Я надеюсь, что вы найдете мои шутки достаточно забавными, чтобы подарить мне этот ключ. Спасибо за проведение розыгрыша!

Hello! I heard you're giving away a key for Battlefield 1. I'd love to enter because...

I want to experience the thrill of war without leaving my cozy living room.
I'm confident I can take out more tanks than the entire enemy army!
My cat is obsessed with lasers, and this game has laser weapons. It would be the purrfect game for both of us!
I've always dreamed of being a sniper, but I have terrible eyesight. This game would be my chance to live out my dream (virtually, at least).
I collect digital bullet holes. This game would allow me to expand my collection by millions.
I hope you find my jokes funny enough to grant me this key. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

1 day ago

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I think I played this during a free weekend a couple of years back and it was pretty fun back then. I just hope the cheaters aren't still a big problem in this game. Anyway, I think it'd be cool to play this game again, so thanks for this opportunity.

Also here's a Battlefield 1 Video from my favourite Youtuber!
I can't believe his Battlefield 1 series was 7 years ago, time flies man.

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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Thanks for the chance! I would like to play, I played a lot Battlefield 2 bad company and 3 and are very good games!
Have a nice day :)

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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I've recently been watching shorts of a grandpa sniper on BF sniping the hell out of players. Then I've been seeing other shorts of a guy using helicopters to just massacre everyone and even planes on BF. I'm not sure which BF to start with, but would definitely like to experience the joy from those shorts. Hopefully, completing the campaign will make me good enough not to get killed as soon as I spawn.

1 day ago

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Added, I think Battlefield 1 is best to start at. (as far as release date goes) Also Battlefield 5 is great too, I like it better and both are cheap.

1 day ago

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I like placing c4 on quad can i join?

1 day ago

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I haven't played a Battlefield game yet. I have played some CoD games only on single campaigns. I don't like much these games, I like FPS like Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark or Turok and Metroid Prime which have some exploration, but I would like to try Battlefield 1 because the setting is about WW1. There are not many games about WW1, I find the time period more interesting than WW2, and also I love history and I hope I would enjoy learning about WW1 through that game.

1 day ago

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I haven't ever played Battlefield but i've heard it's really good and really wanna give it a shot.

1 day ago

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Thanks I can enter already.
I have never played a Battlefield game, was too consumed with COD, back in the MW era.
I do remember a friend obsessed with Battlefield while in the hostel, there was this level where he had to snipe or something. And the windspeed played a huge factor! IIRC the bullet even swerved! That was something that caught my attention, and I thought of playing a few games of the series some day.

So thanks for sharing your GA :)

1 day ago

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I'd like to join. I've been looking for WW related military shooters and two that crossed my path were BF1 and BF5. After looking at the reviews it seemed that BF1 is in a lot more better condition.

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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Thank you :)

1 day ago

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I'd like to play this one since the last battlefield game I played was Battlefield 3 and I really enjoyed it, plus I love WW related games

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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Thank you!

23 hours ago

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Thanks for this amazing giveaway. I already own the game.

23 hours ago

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I would like to join WL but i am not entering Bf1:)

16 hours ago

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I will play the campaign (presuming it has one) but have no interest in multiplayer.

16 hours ago

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I will be happy to play the campaign, maybe try MP.

16 hours ago

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I was planning to get the gamepass in order to buy Battlefield with my friends who already own the game this summer. It'd be nice to actually own the game too.
Also, have this.

5 hours ago

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4 hours ago

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