IIRC, it means you access a protected giveaway without going through the site.
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Well, the site seems to disagree. But perhaps you can contact the creator in the topic for the tool and see if you can get more details if you are completely honest about not breaking rules.
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Start by going to SGTools page and following the forum link there.
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zadaj pytanie w topicu Knysys'a, może nie umieściłeś sgtools w swoim poradniku :( sorry, nie mogłem się powstrzymać
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Już to zrobiłem. Ale racja, mogę dodać do poradnika ;)
Jedyne co robiłem dziwnego ostatnim razem to przeniosłem się z kontynuacją jakiegoś pociągu na inny komputer. Może mu się coś pomieszało - na tym drugim oczywiście nie przechodziłem przez bramkę skoro lecę dalej...
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przewinienia Knysys dodaje ręcznie, więc sprawdź na wątku czy ktoś Cię zgłosił
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to nikt poza nim Ci nic nie powie na pewno (poza ewentualnym uprzejmym)
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to nie ma wplywu z jakiego komputera wchodziles - SGT robi cross-check z kontami SG nie z adresami IP. Kiedys w duzym evencie nie starczylo mi pkt na wejscie we wszystkie gA, wiec sobie linki do GA zapisalem na google drive i wchodzilem dzien pozniej na laptopie w wgl innym miescie i nie bylo problemu.
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jedna z 2 mozliwosci, ale w obu robienie topiku to nie najlepszy pomysl ;) Masa ludzi dojdzie do wniosku ze pewnie sam sobie jestes winien bo cos zrobiles nie tak i cie Blacklistnie, nastepna masa cie blacklistnie nie czytajac nawet topiku za sam tytul i z niego wyciagajac wnioski ;p Lepiej napisz koment w oficjalnym watku SGT i czekaj na odpowiedz.
A co do tych 2 mozliwosci:
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Już napisałem do autora sgtools prośbę o wyjaśnienie. Nie korzystam z żadnych lików od nikogo. Jedyna opcja, jaka mi się nasuwa na myśl - to taka jak wspominałeś - ktoś może dla jaj skopiować czyjś link po czym podmienić treść swojego postu na inny - nie zostanie to nigdzie odnotowane... Będzie wyglądać identycznie jak linki prywatne...
Swoją drogą skoro serwis pozwala korzystać z sgtools to można by takie GA oznaczać w jakiś sposób (prócz pisania przez autora w treści).
PS. Tak, blacklista rośnie - dziś +3 - ale mam to głęboko w poważaniu. Nie muszę przecież wszystkiego wygrywać ;)
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to nie tak ze serwis korzysta z SGT, to SGT korzysta z serwisu. Podobnie jak dziesiątki czy może setki innych serwisów gdzie ludzie moga wkleić linki do priv gibków - od puzzle-related takich jak ITH czy jigidi, przez prywatne strony internetowe czy blogi organizujace konkursy dla czytelnikow poprzez prywatne gibki na SG po kanały social media - wrzucasz link do private giba w Steam Activity feed dla znajomych ze steama, na fejsa dla znajomych z fejsqa, na twittera dlaq followerow, umieszczasz go w filmiku YT dla subskrybentow itd itp. SG nie moze sobie pozwolic na wprowadzenie specjalnego oznakowania "ten GA jest powiazany ze strona 3cia SGT" bo czemu akurat dla SGT a nie dla innych kanalow - a kanalow jest tyle ze ogarnac i wymienic wszystkich sie nie da. Wiec zamiast tego jest 1 wspolny mianownik dla wszystkich takich zreczy - nazywa sie Private Giveaway. A leakowanie private GA jest stare jak same private GA - siega czasow SGv1 na dlugo przed powstaniem SGT. Dlatego tez wchodzac w private GA ZAWSZE upewnij sie ze GA jest zrobiony przez osobe od ktorej miales linka. Albo ze w description jest pozwolenie na share'owanie (np feel free to share this GA with all your friends etc).
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As somebody wrote above, resync with SGTools. It happens from time to time, but resyncing usually helps.
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Hmm, I don't know then. I guess try to get knsys (creator of SGT) to investigate for you.
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Maybe the tools are trying to tell you that you have won far too much in the short time you have been here. :P
Just kidding. :P
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The only "strange thing" that I do last time (as I remind) is to start an sgtools protected train on one computer (in work) and continue home on other - i just copied link to continue when my points are regenerated - without browse thorught gate on second one. Maybe this is a problem...
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I was joking on that. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
But try synching with the tools themselves. I had an issue starting yesterday that flagged my account too. Someone suggested synching with the tools and it worked.
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Ah I see, sorry.
Then that's all have. Sorry, I didn;t mean any offense with my joke there about too many wins.
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yes, i broke the first rule of blacklisting. don't talk about blacklisting =)
Blacklist Wipe Thread
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its np, even if it were a serious BL i just assumed it was for trying to help today =) but if it was something else then your welcome to leave me on it =)
that would of been the first BL for trying to help someone was all, so thats where the confusion came from.
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No, there must be a reason to stay (low ratio etc.). Otherwise I remember a reason of this. In this case it's a my imprudence to remove it. I just saw it's a funny to block you for a while - "I removed all my BL".... and there are +1 happen. So this gut will think about this. And I had a right :D
Again sorry for my strange humor....
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My sleepy brain did not see the answer in this thread. :(
Or are you talking about a different thread?
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no direct comment link, cause you know, no calling out, but you can find it easilly yourself ;)
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sorry but tbh he explained it very well. You can say he did not saying "I don't understand this tech gibberish you are saying" - but I for one understand this tech gibberish and if database structure is what he claims it is it's impossible for a bug to occur. Sure - like you said, bugs can occur even years after release of something, but it's not about any bug but a specific bug. Such a bug is impossible to occur. Actual DB bugs occur because of something going wrong in syntax - for example because of specific circumstances despite not filling requirements something going through, but here it's the case of no logs in 3 different checks of you at all and something like this is impossible.
Truth is you most probably, knowingly or not, doesn't matter, entered GA via leaked link. You don't accept it and try to defend yourself, claimimng how software bugs can hapen anytime, but you know nothing about software bugs thus you are not aware that it's still possible to determine whether any bug happened or not. In this specific case bug happening without a trace is not possible. Simple as that.
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Sorry Zelghadis, but we still sometime getting an errors even on Oracle 10g. Used by millions, 10 years old, still have bugs discovered. This is not only syntax. I don't use other way to enter so only errors in code or data process in server can have impact. You can also get a code served to other verified user - served to you by sgtools server - everything is possible. It's not a problem to give a link (even by author), by mistake - to second GA, correct it - and if you waiting for points to respawn - you will not even know that. There are 1001 possibilities how this can work. Nobody can exclude error.
I'm sure, that not using links from others - this must come from SG. And I don't know why this is not logged in sgtools. I don't defend myself because I can't prove anything - I don't create screenshoots on every link that I clicked on SG. Also I have no interest to use leaked links. Entire situation is just weird to me :/
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you again prove that you have no idea what you're talking about and using the fact that vast majority doesn't know as well to your advantage ;) Do we still get bugs on years old software? Yes we do. But like I said - it doesn't mean that ANY bug is possibkle. It means that bugs are possible no matter how old software is, but some bugs are impossible and it's period. If part of your software has 2 locked integers, both with designed value of 2, you perform integer operation of SUM, result will always be 4, same here - if DB is designed the was knsys said it's impossible for bug such as you describe to appear. Is it possible for other kind of bug to appera? Sure is. But not this one. Either party must be lying - either you entered direct link or SGT doesn't use automatic db status register. And in this case considering we never got a confirmed entryof unregistered SGT status register it would be impossible to code on itself to suddenly decide I will not record this one particular case. 3 times in a row on 3 separate code checks.
Like I said - your whoile line of defense lies on you not understanding how coding works and on the common knowledge "buggs apperar" - without detailed knowledge that bugs do appear but in cases of something being not thought of while designing code, not in cases of code randomly deciding to do something unpredicted in any part of it every now and then.
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in short - I am saying that I cannot judge whether you did it intentionally or not, but I am 99.9% sure that you entered using non-SGT link (this 0.01% is in case knsys is lying about DB setup only, but it's extremely unlikely, because in such a case such thing would occur much more often). I'm not saying you did it to evade protection, because in case of unknowingly entering leaked link you didn't know about protection, but it doesn't change the fact you entered leaked link, and you entering leaked link is almost 100% certain.
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HAKIMODO, I don't understand why you are still complaining about this. You already BLed the GA creator due to your mistake. Your friend alt account? (who also BLed the GA creator) copied the link. Then you entered the GA and forgot to run the SGTools check for this account. It is your first mistake of this kind and the infraction will pass, just don't make the mistake again. You want to keep passing the blame, but it is you who made the mistake.
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No - I gived him link to this thread and this game becase we talked about this situation.
I don't told, that I entered into this GA taken from anyone. I told, that I showed him link to this - ended one week ago.
You can't join into finished GA - it's impossible.
At this point you're lying and you match the story to the facts.
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I don't think you're lying, but I do think you're wrong.
First, you need to accept that a tool like sgtools doesn't make mistakes like giving out a link and then clearing the log.
When knsys explained how there were no logs of you checking the giveaway, you should've stopped and said "oh... that's strange. I guess I must've gotten the link elsewhere." There are a lot of ways one can enter a protected giveaway without going through the check - intentionally or not.
If not everyone had been so eager shooting accusations both ways, I'm sure this case could've ended long ago, probably even with your suspension lifted, since apparently your account would've passed the check.
Anyways, just let it go, you're not gonna gain anything positive from taking on more arguments with anyone :)
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What this mean? On sgtools I see this information
You are currently serving an infraction until 2016-10-27 03:06:53 NY Time
...and why I see this?
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