If you love it keep it, it'd be a hassle to find somebody to take it anyway, and for only $50 towards your goal. not like its really taking up that much space anyway.
I'd say keep it until its so vintage nobody minds the small broken bits too much. hoard everything
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Then wrap it nicely and store it in a dust free drawer. Problem solved.
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don't sell it !!!
u will be trampling all over your memories and honor of your family.
give up selling that psp before a forced seppuku.
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To be honest I also have a PSP 1000, I've had it ever since it was released. Mine doesn't have the same problem as yours though, the only bad thing is the battery won't stick in and I'm forced to duct tape the back of the PSP. I keep it because I still have UMD discs and I like to play them. IMO, just keep it. You can save up to buy a VITA and still keep your PSP, I have tons of things stored in it so I'd rather not sell it.
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Play with her one last time, tell your brother to be there with you, play with her untill the battery runs down, kiss her screen while shedding a tear and remove the battery, put her back into her original box, bury her in your garden/favourite park while you remember the good times you had with her. Never forget her.
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I've got a PSP 1000 as well, didn't even remember it! I might as well sell it since I don't play it and it should be played shouldn't it? So lets sell our psps, earn a few coins and make two kids happy!
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Sell it and save up for a Vita! Really amazing handheld, it is where I spend most of my gaming time nowadays :). And you can also get PS1 and PSP titles on PSN and play them on the Vita! :)
If its too much, get then a PSP 3000 + microSD adapter+ 16GB microSD. Then put CFW on it so you can play without carrying those horrible UMDs around, have better loading times, and even put some emulators in it :)
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Think of all the advantages of the 3000 or the Vita.... Better screens, better sound, less of a brick.... They are wonderful :D
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to be honest , it sounds like your mind is already made up on this
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Keep in mind that the Vita doesn't play UMDs. so if you have a bunch of them you'll want to look at replacing. I just got a 3000 to replace my stolen 1000 via Amazon, was about $70 for one in almost new condition.
Mine is due to be delivered today, so I'll let you know how much better it is than a 1000 when mine shows up :)
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Yeah, I had to buy again because mine was stolen with a UMD game in it and memory card. Really sucked. I had some Amazon gift funds saved up, so it didn't end up costing me a thing, but that money was my savings for a Vita!
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Yep, if you want to play a UMD game you either need a PSP or to buy on PSN. So yeah, that's why I bought another PSP instead of continuing to save for a Vita with mine being stolen.
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And just got my new PSP and I'll say the 3000 series is a major step up. It's so light, the screen is brighter even on the power saving settings. The power button works so much better and I love the new position of the WLAN switch. The wireless is also better, no more having to bump my router down in encryption type so the PSP can connect. It's definitely a nice upgrade.
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Don't sell it! It's an emulator heaven!
I still play all kinds of things on my psp slim :)
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I wouldn't recommend selling it. I recently "hacked" my psp 100 (for lack of a better word) to allow me to use iso and cso files, and I've been playing my PSP way more now. Also, I downloaded a GBA emulator so I can play Pokemon Fire Red, its great.
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Get a new one, keep the old one for multiplayer games. It can be just like old school console gaming, where they blame the controller for their losses.
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When you can't properly play with it, why keep it as a gaming console? Or at least remove the hardware and make a clock out of it or sth
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0 Comments - Created 3 hours ago by Lugum
...but please convince me to sell my PSP fat?
here's the story: i have had this PSP 1000 for years, got it from my brother who had brought it oversea and given it to me. Time goes on, and it is now in pretty bad condition, with drifting analog, jammed buttons and spring door, etc.... all the minor problems become a big pain in the ass. I try to fix them all myself, just to see that i can't, so i waste a good amount of dosh (that can be used to buy gifts for you guys :P) for repairing services and surprisingly, they didn't solve the problem.
So now, i'm considering selling it and saving up for a Vita, or a 3000 at least. A Fat in bad condition could only be sold for
$50 at best, if i'm lucky, but that's a start. Yet, the problem is that i'm just so damn attached to the thing (all that nostalgia man), that i feel really hesitant to make the deal, so i wonder if any of you could convince me out of this BS.
TL;DR : broken psp, want to sell the thing and get a better one but to attached to it, need someone to talk me out of it.
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