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Sony. They still have 15 exclusives to announce to be released in the first year of the console.
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more than likely alot of games like knack, which most adults arnt intrested in "atleast myself and my group of friends"
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that sentence did not make any kind of sense, sorry. Like, just look at first-party titles on the PS3. Heh, I would even argue that there is a lot of kinect games to be unveiled yet. If thats what most "adults" are interested in, then I will rather stay with the "childish" games.
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well see closer to launch, but i bet that the titles to be unveiled will be nothing intresting, otherwise they would have dropped them. the only games they showed at e3 were the games every1 already knew about. the only thing they had going for them at e3 was the less restrictions that xbox, which isnt valid anymore. if they had any truly intresting titles, they would have released atleast a teaser.
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that makes no sense whatsoever. There is something called Gamescom, and there is something called TGS. Makes sense of them to save some announcements for it...just saying. Only someone that is not really up to date with the latest years of first-party Sony games would say that there isnt "any truly intresting titles"
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Uh yeah no. Knack looks incredibly awesome. Saying "most adults" is just... well naive.
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im 26 and happily married with 2 kids, and neither me nor any of my other friends "varying in age, some married and some not" and we all "about 10 friends i see on daily basis and play games with regularly" agree that the only reason wed anty up money on a system is the aaa titles that are geared for us as adults. we have nintendo wiius for our children and if we want to play kiddy games such as knack, then thats our system to do that on.
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I believe 20, and 40 with exclusive in-game content
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why base a system soley on hardware. all that power does you no good if it doesnt release any good exclusive, and so far, they havnt shown any that i like.
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"that I like."
Can't look at it that way. Have to look at whether or not the exclusives announced are quality regardless of preference. So far, I don't see any exclusives I like, but the line-up is solid, and they still have more to announce.
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naughtydogs is beast no doubt, but epic games man, they rock it hardcore
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3rd party or not, they only make gears for xbox, but i see your point
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Shame that seem to be pretty much done with Gears of War.
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They should make a game based on the Samaritan tech demo or the Infiltrator tech demo.
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What has Microsoft got as exclusives these days?
343 isn't Bungie, and Halo 4 showed it. Titanfall looks like COD with mechs as killstreaks, played on Battlefield's maps. (Okay, that's probably exactly what a lot of people want. But it doesn't exactly scream "amazing".) Ryse looks more like cutscenes than a game, the little bit of actual game looked weak, the QTE finishers looked like they'd wear out their welcome fast, and the cutscenes didn't even look particularly good. Crimson Dragon is a 360 Kinect game that was turned into an Xbox One game with controller support, and the controller support was allegedly rather poorly done (though that could be improved before release). And there is no telling how Killer Instinct will turn out (made by a studio with a poor track record, but also has some fighting game guys working on it, but one of the guys brought in has supposedly said that he was unhappy with the way the game was going,...)
I'm not saying that Sony is necessarily doing much better on exclusives. (Nintendo has some decent exclusives, but the Wii U will likely spend large chunks of its life starved for games. Good exclusives can help sell a system, but the system needs other games as well, and that is Nintendo's weak spot.)
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Ryse: Son of Rome will not be exactly what was in the demo, thos finishing moves where you hack and slash arent going to be as prevalent. They greatly exaggerated then to show all the different moves and stuff. The final release will have alot less of them.
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When they announce u can disable the OS features so games and run better or something and use less ram it might be close to even. But the ps3 still looks better tech wise and the multiplayer online is cheaper (the fact u have to pay at all when publishers can jst pay Sony the cost is still dumb), vita add on etc.
I prefer kinect over move but both arent that cool to play on.
But both still shit with lack of real compatibility with old games, i know the arch is diff so would need to emulate some stuff but with all that improved tech they jst dont want to do it and charge u again for same game that u enjoy. Not like its a change from cartridge to disc... console makers seem so criminal at times.
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Emulation on pc is diff cuz arch is diff, wasnt any point to build a ps3 like machine cuz it would be expensive and u would have to get the chips from the same factory.
ps2 games were emulated through profiles on ps3, sony has the tech to include it in the ps4 but didnt bother.
MS has to set up profiles in a less complicated fashion to get xbox games on xbox 360 but dropped it as it was profitable. Can easily be done when they own all the tech for the system, so cut costs and maximise any potiential resale of same products...
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"emulate some stuff".
Its.Not.That.Simple. You will not see a working PS3 emulator for a decade or more. At least. Hell, I doubt that it will exist at all (in a working state. There is already a PS3 emulator, but it can only play very, very simple homebrew games)
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I would kill for an emulator for PS3 right now....
My PS3's disc drive is broke... ;-;
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Your thinking in terms of getting it to run on a pc with access to different hardware, but sony owns everything they need and ran emulation profiles for ps2 games on ps3 before releasing ps3 that no longer supported it.
The only problem was the architecture was different which they could of included in along side the existing set up to run through a separate core but they didnt cuz instead of charge more for ps4 they jst rather charge u for games and keep the price high anyway. The have the factory for it but wateves.
And MS already has emulators and emulated some xbox games to xbox 360 but dropped it after a few titles.
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Kinect is better then Wii controls? Odd I cant remember one good Kinect game ever, I can think of many good wii games, was playing Trauma Center yesterday, Wii controls worked great, cant see that working on a Kinect.
Also, non lazy people, its fun to move around sometimes, also motion controls doesn't = jump like an idiot for 30 mins, it can be precise hand motions.
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wut wut wut? Wii Motion + is far superior to kinect as far as I am concerned. At least Wii had good games. Kinect games....not so much.
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It's early days, but Microsoft have scored a colossal PR own goal. A scorching 45 yard overhead kick into the top corner... That said, there's plenty of time for Sony to fellate the fox-terrier in similar fashion, and I think to only reason they're currently looking like the "good guys" is because Microsoft went first and tested the water with draconian DRM systems which I suspect were not dissimilar to those being considered for the new Playstation.
MS overestimated what consumers would tolerate, and (perhaps more importantly) the scale of media backlash against what was being proposed. It's all worked out rather nicely for Sony, who have allowed Microsoft to do their market research, and walked away looking like saints...
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I wouldnt say its a "colossal PR own goal" w/e that is.
If anything they regain a little ground, but the fact that they wanted this scheme in place to begin with has pissed plenty of people off. Long standing MS "fanboys" have given xb1 second thoughts.
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I don't know. It's a pretty major gaffe as far as I can see, particularly since right up to the point of their U-turn, Microsoft were aggressively defending their stance, and banging on incessantly about the rationale behind their decision, and how in time we'd all learn to grow fond of it.
No matter what they're claiming, this isn't (and never was) about listening to their customers. This is about NOT listening to what the customers wanted AT ALL (no customer would EVER "want" the sort of draconian DRM bullshit that was on offer). This was about backing themselves into a corner and, in the face of a PR shitstorm, defending themselves with all the ferocity of a cornered beast. It was ONLY THEN, after aiming flurry after flurry of futile blows against concerned customers and press articles alike, that they realised their position had become utterly untenable, and the only destination at the end of this course of action was a massive hit to their bottom line.
That's listening to their accountants, not listening to the customers. What bunch of misguided tosswits could ever invisage a world where consumers would greet this sort of BS with giant shit-eating rictus grins, and lubed up posteriors?
An embarrassing climbdown that could have been avoided if they'd bothered to do any homework at all on their customers, and what they wanted.
Not that Sony would have done things any differently IMHO. Their lucky break was that they came to the party second, and watched the whole kerfuffle unfold from a safe distance. They were fortunate enough to have time to hide the bottle of meths they'd turned up with behind a bush, and grab some nicely aged port, turning up at the party looking every bit the refined gentlemen, with Microsoft left lying unceremoniously in a pile of broken glass, meths and their own vomit.
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i say xbox has the advantage now, better exclusive imo. titanfall and dead rising 3 blow infamous and killzone out of the water. and honestly when it comes to consoles, exclusives is all that matters. as far as the gpu and ram being more powerful, its not actually true due to the fact that the sRAM the xbox has makes it run only 8gb/s slower, which isnt even remotely noticeable. and that developers are better at taking advantage of the ddr3 over the gddr5. however there is no argueing the gpu of the ps4 is stronger, however the only games that the gpu will be used to improve graphics on the system will be the exclusives. so this being said the main games people play "bf4 cod the new ips destiny and the division" will look and perform the same regardless of which console you play them on. so at this point the only arguement is the price, which the ps4 wins out due to the fact its 100$ cheaper, however this being said xbox one comes with kinect which makes the differnce if the kinect is something your intrested in "most hardcore gamers like myself dont give 2 shits about kinect". so all in all, it comes to exclusives, which microsoft blows ps4 out of the water with.
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oh yah, we cant forget the server lag ps3 has always been known for, so it stands to reason that ps4 will more than likely still have this standing in the way of it dominating the system warfare. and almsot all gamers can agree the xbox remote is far superior to the ps remote. less latency, no "fucking thumbs keep hitting each other" issues.
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and before some1 says im just a xbox fanboy, its not true, i own both ps3 and xbox 360 and play many games on both. halo and gears of war on my xbox, uncharted and recently last of us on my ps3
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Again, this is also just an opinion. Most the people i know prefer the PS controller over the xbox, but that's because they play more PS3 than Xbox. And i've never seen anyone complain about their two thumbs hitting each other while playing with a PS3 controller. Maybe if you put your whole thumb over it then yea i could see that happening, but why would anyone do that? That would just be uncomfortable.
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see its funny you say that.. as Im the opposite.. most people (including myself) cant stand the Sony controller .. and prefer Xbox
I have had a PSX, PS2 but opt'd to go 360 as I hate the sony controller.
I used a 360 controller for PC too.
My friends that ditched the 360 LOVE their PS3.. but still prefer the 360 controller.
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I'd disagree with you on exclusives, but everyone has their opinions.
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This. Opinions, opinions. Imo, for example, none of the games announced so far are enough to make me consider dropping that much money on either console. Plus with all the PR bullshit circling these events nobody really knows which games will actually end up being trully exclusive.
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Titanfall is also for PC so it's not a real exclusive, at least not in my opinion.
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Yep that knocks it off the list, if anyone disagrees the OUYA has a ton of exclusives, more then both the Ps4 and One ;-P!
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you know what i meant, not every1 types proper when they are speed typing.
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Ok fine, you win, how does that negate the fact I pointed out? Its not an exclusive.
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but titanfall wasnt a fact "that i pointed out" it was a fact desi pointed out, and this discussion was about consoles not pc. we all own pcs, xbox and ps owners alike, its which console youd prefer and why
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this is why i said when console wars, didnt calculate pc in the mix, every1 knows pc is a more open ended system, but it lacks games like gears of war, halo, and dead rising 3 from xbox, or infamous, uncharted, and killzone from playstation. thats why i choose to buy all of them, but thats only bc im fortunate enough to have the money to do so,
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titanfall is a console exclusive, which is what this discussion is about, ofcourse pc gets alot of the games consoles call exclusive, but not all of them
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If its on more then one system(PC and Xbox One) its not an exclusive(Look up the word if you don't understand).
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very well, its a ps4 vs xbox esclusive, never heard of some1 call their pc a console, just bc its has exe console prompts doesnt mean that it inherits the title of console, maybe thats just me. but when i say "i think imma but that game on my console" its clearly understood that i mean either ps4 or xbox, it never pops in any1s mind that i meant pc.
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you are aware that its also being released on the 360, right? 360 and the One are different consoles.
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who the hell would buy a game on the 360 after the release of next gen. unless your just a broke ass who cant afford to do anything. and 360 is still microsoft so regardless its a xbox exclusive, regardless of the fact that 360 or one follows the xbox. playstation will never see it. and thats the discussion, ps vs xbox.
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playstation will never see it? completely false, they already said that they can and that they will be multiplatform.
"unless your just a broke ass who cant afford to do anything"
Wow. Wtf. That was downright retarded. No, seriously. What.The.Fucking.Fuck. You know that the world is facing a economical crisis, right? You know that 499$ is not exactly cheap, right?(but yeah, must be awesome spending your parents money on consoles, I guess) YOU KNOW THAT THE 360 HAS A HUGE USERBASE AND THATS WHY THEY ARE RELEASING THE GAME ON IT, RIGHT?(also, quite stupid of you saying that no one would buy 360 games when the One is out... like, wtf, are you dumb? The games magically stop being good when a new console gets out? You throwaway every single console you have when a new one gets out?= Holy fuck that comment was so retarded that I felt even my IQ go down a bit. Guess what? The 360 version will sell much, much more than the One version. You can count on it.
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im a 25 year old father of 2, i think i can spend my money wherever the hell i want as long as i support my wife and kids, which i do. if your too lazy to get off your ass and get a job to buy a 500$ console, then thats your fault, dont blame the economy for your short comings. and you show me where they said ps4 was gonna get titanfall, i know they said "we dont hate playstation" but the devs never once said playstation will get titanfall. and why are you so caught up on titanfall; deadrising 3, halo, quantum break ryse killer instinct and sunset overdrive are also xbox only.
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"dont blame the economy for your short coming"
You sound more like a 12 year old kid with no knowledge of the real world. Calling everyone who buys 360 games when the next gen is out is downright stupid, childish, and immature.
Dead Rising 3: Oh, so cool and edgy, lets strip everything good from the Dead Rising and make it a generic zombie game! OMGsoadultcoolandedgydudebro. Ryse= QTE fest. Guess "adults" dont like games, just cinematic experiences that play themselves. Killer Instinct? Made by Double Helix studios. Sorry, but nope, nope, and nooooope. Halo? Halo is fucking dead and buried. Just see Halo 4. Nobody cares about Halo anymore. It was good when it was made by bungie.(also, Halo 5 is not even coming until 2015. Kinda moot point talking about something so far off)
So the only interesting stuff is Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive.
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killer instinct is made by rare. ryse is not qte fest, qte is a cinematic that wont finish unless you hit the proper buttons in time. the button icons on ryse are for bunus points, even if you dont hit them in time, they still continue with the kill. nobody intrested in halo? lol
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No, it isnt made by "rare". Its made by Double Helix studios( a very fucking shitty studios). Rare is just a consultant. They are not doing the game.
"even if you dont hit them in time, they still continue with the kill"
Thats the worst fucking kind of QTE. Basically, the game plays itself. Omg, sooooo fuuuun.
And, nobody is interested in Halo. See how much the Halo 4 online is dead and see how 343 is trying to revive it again and again, failing every single time.
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i have never tried to play halo and not found a room, furthermore 343 made crazy bank on halo 4, and continue to do so with their dlcs, so they have no reason to "try to revive it"
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"Calling everyone who buys 360 games when the next gen is out is downright stupid, childish, and immature." what was i calling them? or was i calling them on a phone?
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Calling everyone who buys 360 games when the next gen is out broke is downright stupid, childish, and immature."
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"You sound more like a 12 year old kid with no knowledge of the real world." how could anything i said even make you think i have no knowledge of the real world, i have a real job, a real house, a real family, and all of it from the sweat of my back. i didnt go around saying "oh i cant find a job" and just giving up. and ofcourse, there is always the race card "its bc im black/spanish/white" when in fact the reason you cant get a job is your not qualified.
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Yep, you just confirmed that you are a 12 year old kid. You know that the entire world isnt just "MURICA FUCK YEAH", right?
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yes your right, im 12 years old, i just started my family really early, wanted to get a head start on things... murica, fuck yeah.
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You know that conditions and standards of life, unemployment,infra-structures, minimum wages, taxes, etc etc, are not the same everywhere, right? Surely you have the intellect to at least understand that simple concept, I would imagine. Not everything happens in your own little bubble.
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everything that i care about happens in my own little bubble, my life is about my family. id rather spend my time looking into the happiness and well being of my family, and not some bernardo half way across the world who still has a minimum wage job at whatever age he is.
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anywho, i think we got off point, regardless of your life decision, you will choose what system you like more, and more than like already have choses, otherwise you wouldnt be tryin to slam me on this forum for standing up for xbox. so lets just say i like xbox, u like pc/ps4 and leave it at that. ill personally be getting both, so the choice isnt a choice for me, its a preference.
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Lol @ the personal attacks. I have the luck of having a job that pays quite well for my needs. But that is what I am. Lucky. This country has less and less jobs every single day, businesses close, wages go down... You are only a kid if you are that ignorant of what happens in the rest of the world.
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you say ignorant to the needs and problems of the rest of the world, i say focused on my life and the needs at hand. and the us of mother fuckin a has a terrible unemployment rate atm, so if you think its just your country, whichever that may be, that is suffering, you are sadly mistaken.
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Its not about "life decisions". Its about calling everyone who will still play games on the 360 games a "broke ass" is a very, very stupid thing to say.
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back on that huh, that was mainly aimed at offending you, which i aparently nailed. i of course understand why some folks would choose to buy 360 games for a while, its not every1 who wants to drop or can drop 400-500 on a system, then another 60 on the game or games they choose to buy for them.
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welp im off to bed, hope i didnt ruffle your panties too much bernard, best of luck on the whole decision making process, hope you enjoy whichever you pick. they will both have pros and cons, so it doesnt really matter in the end.
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offended me? directly? No. But I know a lot of people who struggle every month to survive and calling people "broke asses who cannot get a job" is, in the least, quite disrespectful.
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I think you might start stepping on toes with your "who the hell would buy a game on the 360 after the release of next gen. unless your just a broke ass who cant afford to do anything." comment. As of right now, I'm getting a PS4 and keeping my 360, so for someone in that position, a 360 version of Titanfall sounds ideal.
Or at least it did until I saw that it's coming out on PC.
All I know is, right now, I don't feel like Microsoft deserves my money for the One, and the only exclusive (that I know of) that appeals to me is Dead Rising 3. I'll of course miss Fable, but with Anniversary about to come out, I'm betting that by the time a NEW Fable comes out exclusively on the One, I'll have enough spare cash to buy that, too. And if not, maybe I'll hang with a friend and play some of it there. That aside, I don't like Halo or Gears, so I'm not missing anything there.
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oh i forgot about fable, those games are great. but like you said, if given the choice, even though you own a 360, you would choose to buy the game on the pc simply for the better graphics and more than like, performance. the broke ass thing was more aimed at bernard, hes flaming on me for some reason so i figured id try to get under his skin a little. i do see the xbox 360 surviving, atleast for a little while, however any1 who has the free cash will more than likely buy the one instead of stay with the 360, unless they choose ps4, which is absolutly fine.
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Im with you here.
Another reason I wont be switched (selling my 360) is I have so much invested in last gen. Not going to just sell it for a few exclusives. Id rather get them (titan fall) on PC until either PC needs upgrade or titles are exclusive exclusive on the XboxOne(80)
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not one of the Xbox exclusives looks at all interesting, imo. They all looks like feces.
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Well Titanfall does look cool, but even the developers said it was hard to work with Xbox's RAM
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"Wii U sales rise 875% on Amazon UK after XBox One announcement"
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Honestly I am not a big fan of it but it still shows how bad the newer systems looked to people, bad enough to boost sales like that.
I don't own one and probably wont until its dead and on a shelf for 100 bucks.
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you do know that no matter how bad the press is, ps4 and xbox one are gonna sell atleast 75million each in the launch. given that there are 300mill of ps and xbox users, so no matter what hapeens, those xbox users who spent 8 years achieving gamerscore arnt gonna transfer to ps for a little more gpu performance that devs will never make use of, same goes for the playstation. given there may be some transfers from both sides, but nto as much as alot of folks seem to think.
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You can type slower and less instead of "Speed typing" because your sentences are literally giving me a headache.
I cant finish reading what you wrote, sorry.
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Sony. Better exclusives, more powerful, cheaper, and no spy cam.
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mostly every1 has a chat cam on or near their pcs, what makes it any differnt than the xboxs kinect? also, your phone? dont be such a nervous nelly
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"Mostly every1"... haha I'm not sure in what reality you live but no self-respecting gamer has a cam...
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ummm not only gamers have pcs smart guy, furthermore, if you have friends or family, and your away from home for any extended amount of time due to job or life in general, your going to have a cam back home to chat with the fam. unless you have no social life, which is fine too, if thats the way you want to live your life.
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Apparently, the online restrictions weren't the problem, and I kinda lost interest into investing in a console now, is it because of this policy change that makes Microsoft (kind of) stand a chance?
Also, I think lots of people already took their decisions, so it's probably normal that you see many still going for Sony, some say it's merely because the PS4 has better exclusives or slightly more powerful hardware, but anyway, this really makes the next generation look like the previous one, only with shiny graphics and new games, no innovation or change what-so-ever.
I'll explain: Microsoft was going for exactly that and tried to go for the "Steam" route, but they failed horribly since the Xbone doesn't really improve over Steam, it doesn't even come close actually, moreover, the "gaming" part of the Xbone got so overwhelmed by casual stuff such as TV features, Bing, Netflix and Skype, that it makes it look terrible next to the PS4, added to all the region restrictions, always-on requirement and 24h hours check-in, which aren't even close to how Steam works.
With those scrapped along with the family share feature (which in my opinion wasn't really worth having an always-on connection and lots of regional restrictions), Microsoft has successfully made the next generation look dull and boring, I have realized that the PS4 is just like the PS3 with better graphics, some online features, "less free" multiplayer and new games, I guess I'll stick to PC for now and see what comes next.
Would be interesting Sony's next move sets the Multiplayer free again, although that'd ruin the point of PS+ for most buyers.
Ninja-edit: Well, maybe a Wii-U..
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Wii-U doesn't have not enough good games on it yet, most of them are games that are allready out.
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People buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo IP's usually, so thats pretty much the reason to own one I would say, thats how its been for a while with Nintendo systems.
That said I rather play my Snes right now :-P
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Oh I know, but I'm pretty patient about all this, it might be Wii-U or PS4 when a good amount of time has passed, or neither..
There are actually some tempting titles on Wii-U getting announced, and ones that I keep hearing about, plus it feels a lot different from the PS4xXbone big boys gen.
I've recently been emulating some old Mario/Zelda games and I have been missing out on so many good games that it's almost a shame, hehe.
But yeah, who cares, heh.
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I'm kind of disappointed Microsoft is backing out. Some of their policies like the region locks and the always on features were terrible, but the whole online DRM is way past due, honestly before all the press about next gen consoles I had completely forgotten console gamers still used discs.
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yah i liked the drm, but i travel alot so it would have been difficult to hook up my console to the net every 24hr "on the off chance i do bring it along" but being able to let friends barrow my games no matter the distance would have been nice
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smart glass vs vita, every1 has a smartphone or tablet at this point, not many gamers are intrested in vita. atleast none of my group of friends. even the ones that did buy a vita, they never play it, it sits somewhere on a shelf collecting dust.
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its an app that lets you control your xbox with your smartphone or tablet.
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Nope, and nope. PS4 also has a smartglass-like app for IOS and Android platforms. With the same features. Remote play on the PSVita is a totally different thing altogether.
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this is where your wrong, devs of some games will be releasing secondary apps "bf4's commander mode" for example. but xbox uses smartglass for all sorts of things, such as setting up a match for when you log on your xbox, or playing xbox while a map or your equipment is on you phone, allowing you to drop those uis off your console screen. ps4 will not have this.
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It already has. Please, do some research before spouting lies.
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remote play on vita is playing a ps4 game with dumb downed graphics, thats it, its something like wiius remote.
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what has that to do with anything? Its not the same thing as smartglass. Simples as that. And well, duh, of course it will stream with lower resolution. Wouldnt make any sense to do otherwise. But every single other graphical aspect is there.
The thing is, is that PS4 has remote play with Vita AND a smart-glass equivalent for Android/IOS.
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... "Smart Glass vs Vita"? Wat?
PSVita is a mobile Gaming Console like a Nintendo 3DS.
Smart Glass is a remote app that lets you do a few nifty things via your phone/tablet like stream a movie on phone/tablet to your TV.
I fail to see how these can be compared, they are two totally different products.
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im comparing them as they are the second screen options for either of the 2 consoles.
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except they are nothing alike. PSVita is for remoteplay. There isnt remoteplay with smartglass, and Sony has a equivalent app that has the same features of smartglass.
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the fact is, you gotta be withing wifi range of your ps4 while the ps4 is on, only to play the title you could play with the power of the ps4 on a smaller screen with restricted access to the content, not intrested in this, thanks though. and if i have my ps4, and im at home, why would i sacrifice the big screen and power of my ps4, for a small screen thats doing basically the same thing i can do on the console?
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It actually works through internet too. So you can be across the country and play your PS4 games. Regarding home use, I think its pretty useful. Many times someone of your family could want to see TV. With this, you can keep playing while they are still able to see tv.
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thats kinda cool i guess, they didnt say that at the convention.
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'Everyone has a Smartphone'...I don't. But I'm planning on getting a Vita, does this mean get a PS4?
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go for it, im buying both ps4 and xbox, im not trying to tell you which to get, im just giving info on the second screen options the systems provide.
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Currently PS3 games sometimes offer a "dual buy". Where if you buy the PS3 version of a game you also get the Vita version for cross play free. So if you, for example, have travel time to work or school (w/e) you can play where you left off on your PS3 (Or PS4) and continue on your Vita or vice versa.
I'd imagine theyd push that for PS4.
That said I don't have a Vita myself so I don't know how smooth that is but its something to keep in mind if you decide to pick up a Vita and possibly a PS4.
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They already have some triple-cross buy games planned(PS4,PS3,PSVita)
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Ohhh that sounds interesting, I think I'll stick with my PS3 for a bit, till FFXV and KH3 are released.
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nevermind, kingdom hearts 3, gotcha, both those games are coming to xbox as well if im not mistaken.
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Yes, this gives me time to decide which next gen console to get, I was going to get PS4, but after Microsoft decided to drop the DRM thing I might get that instead. It really depends on the exclusives that the companies announce in the future that will sway me to which side.
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same here, getting both within the 2014 period, but will start with just one of them. leaning towards xbox for its innovation, but like you say, exclusives will win me.
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It's still too early to say but I guess it depends on what people want.
Microsoft is pushing the whole media center thing one step ahead while Sony is counting exclusively on gaming. Not that this is a bad thing but a first impression always count and when MS came out with "TV, TV, TV, Kinect, Kinect, Kinect" we all saw how the market reacted even if it was kinda normal for them to focus on the new features of the console.
When it comes to hardware configuration thing aren't that different so it kinda depends on devs to get the best out of it.
The price argument is not valid since as a game we should be interested in GAMES not hardware so if I wanna play I will get both, not just one. But this is also available for the whole console war.
The always on DRM is another thing come people complained but again, I don't see that as a valid point. Steam has it, UPlay has it, Origin has it. Besides, Xbox One is available in countries that usually have stable Internet connections.
And there is the Kinect problem that for some reason some is it as a spyware device. Seriously now? I'd be more concerned about what data Google and Facebook have on me than this because I seriously doubt MS has a team with the sole purpose is to watch you ppl jerking off.
And there is the used games policy. Somehow I think is about being able to share games with friends and not the fact that people won't be able to play used games. But again, Steam, UPlay, Origin. Besides, we all know the publishers tried everything to stop this. Now they can choose if their games will be free to share or not.
The only real thing that SHOULD make the difference is the limited availability Xbox Live has. It's still unclear to me how this works. When I created my Xbox Live account, the service wasn't (and still isn't) available here so I selected US and had no problem. If this will still work, and the only limitations are Netflix & co. related than I'm cool with it. If not, there's a big problem for MS.
On the other hand, PS4 is just PS3 with better hardware and new games with better graphics. Not a bad thing but some people were expecting a little more than this.
And there is the multiplayer subscription, kinda like Xbox Live Gold on X360.
Scratch what I said. I just saw MS announcement. No more DRM for Xbox One LOL :)
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One more thing about Steam, it requires online activation only not always on. Once you played the game once while online, you can play it infinitly while offline. Of course, the stats won't be recorded in that mode.
I don't know about the other gaming platforms though.
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True. UPlay also has an offline mode. However there are games that require you to be online to play them. But that's not the point. The point is you do need an Internet connection to at least activate the games.
But it doesn't matter anymore since MS removed all Xbox One DRMs as of today.
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I'm sorry, you just can't compare Online PC services to always on DRM for consoles. Apples and oranges my friend. The console is supposed to be easily portable, without the demand for Internet. Whereas the PC is built because of and upon the Internet.
Same goes for games on console vs the PC... it can't be compared. Many people only buy a console to purchase used games as they can't afford the price of new games. The history of console gaming has always included used games, so that can't be considered a non-issue (Yes I know it is no longer an issue, but I am addressing the limitations of your opinion).
The $100 difference in price between the two consoles, especially considering the cheaper one is more powerful, is also a substantial enough to be relevant.
And for the record, PS4 will allow such things as Netflix without a subscription, whereas the xbox won't.
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This is true about Netflix.. however PS4 WIll require PSPLus for MP.. so MOST gamers will opt for PSPlus .. which means Netflix will be a non-issue
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Naw, PSPlus will become with Live is now .. EVeryone for the most part will have it. There's to many reasons to have it at this point.
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Xbox One still has always-on DRM, if the game relies heavily on cloud computing. The scenario would be similar to SimCity or Diablo 3 to some extent.
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"The always on DRM is another thing come people complained but again, I don't see that as a valid point. Steam has it, UPlay has it, Origin has it. Besides, Xbox One is available in countries that usually have stable Internet connections."
See, actually, consoles should be something very simple... you connect 'em to a TV, put a DVD on and play.
If a console becomes something so complex (requiring Internet checks, updates, always-on DRM etc.), that it's actually just a weird boxed PC, well, you know that for $500 you can get a pretty good PC that can run anything that XBOX1 can, and without all of its limitations?
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I love beign a PC gamer in this moments. If i would buy a console that would be a PS4, miccrosoft wants to do a lot of things and how they say in my country "el que mucho abarca, poco aprieta"
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Xbox Fail still has that kinect spying on you.And PS4 is overall better.As far as I know you need to pay money for both of them to be able to play online, but PS would give you free games every month.
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i think xbox will give you free games as well, i know they are right now. well see if this continues with the launch of next gen.
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We'll have to see when someone bothers to make a poll or something like that for the consoles but if you're talking about the 2 companies. Microsoft obviously.
My personal opinion is that Microsoft and Sony are in a head to head competition for the consoles and are trying really hard just to top each other and do what the other one doesn't let you do. And Nintendo is really trying to innovate and do what would seem really cool and unique for the gamers.
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Whoever has the upper hand, it's still not us. I'll stick with the PC and the old consoles I missed, tyvm.
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Microsoft lost it, the XBox one is now effectively a more expensive, weaker PS4. I was so hyped for the "original XBox One" because it would be a console version of Steam, but they had to give in... I'm glad Microsoft blew it up too, getting the PS4 first now and the XB1 later down the line (if they still had the old XB1 policy I would've gone for a XB1 first).
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I'm really glad (and surprised) that Microsoft already did a 180 and realized the errors of their ways. But I still view the Kinect (and the $100 increase in price because of it) as a big negative.
I don't want Kinect. I don't want to pay for it. I don't want it plugged in. I don't want it taking up space on my entertainment center.
Plus, Microsoft doesn't have an exclusive that I give a damn about.
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