Hey! I gotta find a new GPU for my computer, it can't cost more than U$200,00 my GPU right now is a nvidea GeForce GT 650 1 gb Zotac, Thank you all for your help

12 years ago*

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for about 30-60$ more (or wait for sales) you can get a 660 and can max out most modern games at 40fps

edit: most of the more graphics intensive games like bf3

12 years ago

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my opinion, you dont need any other graphics card, cuz you already have a good one, and if you want to buy a video card, you SHOULD pay more than that, else you're going to buy shitty one.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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GTX 660ti is the best ratio perf/price around. Stay away from AMD cards (terrible drivers, bad performance on newer games and higher failure rate)

12 years ago

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There's nothing wrong with AMD

Here we are buddy

12 years ago

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Wrong, the 670 is the best bang for your buck card. The 660ti is using a crippled 192-bit memory interface, which is a. old technology and b. was a shitty idea in the first place. The 670 uses a 256-bit interface, and all the benchmarks show it is FAR superior. The price difference is a bout 30 bucks, so no bitching about that.

12 years ago

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Yay, more AMD misinformation.

12 years ago

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Intel fanboy? I use AMD cards and they work fine for me.

12 years ago

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Intel? who would be a fanboy of Intel?!???!

12 years ago

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Trust me, a LOT of people are. There are so many threads on different forums of people asking advice on new rigs etc and always there are people who give hate on AMD without reason. Reading some threads is just like reading console fanboys have it out.

12 years ago

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AMD HD7890

12 years ago

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Imaginary money for an imaginary GPU?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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i still own a 9500gt 1gb and it works quite well even with the newest titles :)

12 years ago

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Yeah, a decent card will run you around 300 to just under 400. The low end cards are just that, low end. Also, the top of the line cards are always a TERRIBLE idea because their power/cost ratio is stupidly out of sync with the mid-high range cards of the same manufacturer. eg. 680 is about 500 bucks, 670 is about 370 bucks, 680 is about a 5-8% increase in performance for a bit more than 30% increase in price. Whereas the 660ti is about 330 or 340 and the performance difference in a 660ti and a 670 is (depending on the game) anywhere from 10-35% increase. You do not buy a new card every year I assume, so why not just get a good card to start with and not cripple yourself with such a low budget.

12 years ago

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With that money your best bet will be either Radeon HD 7870 or GeForce 660. If they cost too much for you go for Radeon 7850, GeForce 650 Ti is much slower. Manufacturer wise I would sugest Gigabyte as their cards have very good coolers and often come with little overclocking done.
Take a look here to decide which one of them depending on what games you play/want to play. Also you will most likely get one or more free games with your card, it should be Far Cry 3 if you choose AMD or Assassins Creed 3 for Nvidia.

12 years ago

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GTX 660.... NOW!

12 years ago

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Get a HD7870. 660 is terribad compared to it's ancestors.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Funni.