So today I created a lvl1+ giveaway for 5 copies of Post Master. Out of the 5 winners only 1 had activated all his wins, so I had to create 4 tickets asking for a reroll. 1 was approved, but the other 3 were denied because the winners had already been suspended before. So, simply put, I wasted a support's precious time for nothing.
Now, if there was a list on the winners' profiles with the suspensions they have already served I would have been able to check myself and send the keys.
I know that it is perhaps too much work to add all the suspensions served retroactively, but why not start from now?
Every user that is suspended from now on, or in my case reported and has already served his suspension will get the update on his profile. I guess, in the long run, this will make support's life easier

8 years ago

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Do you think this would help?

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I have a better idea that I will let you know of

It's been suggested before. Use the search function to check.

@Doc: I wasn't.

8 years ago*

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To be fair, you could have just as easily searched and linked it yourself. You know, helping OP instead of being snide.

8 years ago

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true, just checked. I will delete the discussion

8 years ago

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Btw, support (PeteOzzy) replied really fast.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by pas1966.