If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
This is a pretty neat way to encourage folks to play their winnings.
Will likely do Sakura Beach (3h), Trackless (3-6h), Memoranda (3.5h) and either Beach Bounce (2h) OR Désiré (5.5h).
I'd add These Nights in Cairo and others but I've already started on those :')
Not sure about the wishlist game just yet.
Welcome back to sg!
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Changing to Trackless, Memoranda, Beach Bounce and Desire. Since Sakura Beach doesn't have achievements.
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Of course you come back with a bang, being super generous. Nice to see ya, hope all's well! Good luck to those participating, hope you enjoy whatever decide to play. :)
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Welcome back!
I might take part but not sure yet. I'm going to be a bit busy the next couple of weeks and if I were to do this, I want to do one of my longer wins (+40h). I know it is overkill, but I'm the weird guy who handicaps himself just for kicks.
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Cool idea! I wanted to tackle Drakensang: The River of Time next so it'll motivate me to play it all this month
Question: I had opened it after I won it to check it out but I hadn't progressed in the story and have no achievement on record yet, is it ok to pick this one? I could go with LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean and Gods Will Be Watching but that's about all the wins I haven't really played yet that aren't endless
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Explodemon: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061637451/stats/appid/281820/achievements
Achievement: Save the Universe
Guacamelee: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061637451/stats/appid/214770/achievements
Achievement: Boom-Shack-Calaca
Steam and Metal: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061637451/stats/appid/335010/achievements
Achievement: Made it!
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Nice idea, I think I'll play Batman The Telltale Series (6 - 8 hours) and Sam & Max Season 1 (which has 6 episode and the time on HLTB is about 2 hours for each episode so about 12 hours in total). S&M doesn't have achievements so screenshots are fine right?
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Good to see you, welcome back! Very nice event, makes people play their games :D As for the wishlisted game, the price range doesn't matter? so even FFXV would be fine?
I still have 4 games left to play just don't know which one to chose. The games are: Lichdom battlemage, Monsti, Dead Rising 2: of record, Fault milestone 1. (Take thy throne is multi)
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I've made a mess of it ._. Started Lichdom: Battlemage then won other games and played them first, because the game is pretty hard and I am failing xD
So what I've played and completed(so far):
AER: Memories of Old Achievements
ABZU Achievements
Life is Strange Achievements I won this but played the episode 1 before(8 dec 2015) so I had 2 achievements in it. Does it still count if I finish it? [Edit] finished it :s
Fault: Milestone one Achievements
What I'm still busy with:
Lichdom: Battlemage Achievements ~10 hours
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Unfortunately LiS doesn't count since you've started it a long time ago.
Battlemage is a boring game. I've started and stopped at least 2-3x before finishing it. My first and last achievement in the game are 1-2 years apart. xD
Abzu and AER are fine. Just one more medium game or 2 short ones to go. :)
Good luck!
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Alright, that was hearth breaking. At some point it made me scream rewind rewind REWIND!! It didn't help though, you can choose but I had the feeling it didn't matter that much Spoiler: In the end there is only 2 bad ends, and I do get it but one makes no sense to me. Why kill Chloe? then you wouldn't have to play because nothing matters. So I went with the save Chloe, fuck everyone else xD The game gave me some scary chills as well, it was nice :3
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Game | Length (HLTB) | Link | Status |
Duke Nukem Forever | ~9h | Achievement Page | Finished |
Volume | ~7h | Achievement Page | Finished |
Edit: Since Runestone Keeper appears to be a rogue like that may not have a deffinitive ending I changed it to Volume. I hope it's ok.
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Well it's hard to find wins that I haven't played and at the same time also have howlongtobeat data... Too bad I already started Deponia, I was planning to continue it this week-end.
I think I'll go for those 2 medium games (I have some time from card farming but no achievement):
If I get stuck or turn out not liking one of them, is it okay to switch to another game? (I tried most of my wins but I'm not really into forcing myself to continue them if I don't enjoy them...)
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Well I did manage to finish Prototype 2 too after all ^^
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Been playing Prototype 2 for 2 days now. It's fun but the bugs are major... So far I've experience 4 game-breaking bugs that required reloading the game and sometimes even messing around with the computer a bit (setting CPU affinity to 1 core only). How can they leave a game unpatched in such a bad state? :o It's all the more a shame because the game is nice otherwise
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Too bad I already started Deponia
Well I just finished it anyway, and it was great ^^
Except for the "Droggeljug" mode 🙃
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Noice , loving the idea of this event.
gonna be playing Life Is Strange , will edit this once i have beat the game.
Loved the game but REALLY hated the endings.
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Oh lucky you, I actually played this game twice ^^
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Hmm. I only have the two short games that I've won and haven't yet played. Okay if I just do those?
Also, would it be okay to request a DLC for if I win (XCOM 2: War of the Chosen)?
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if by playing fewer than 4 short games you reach 100% games played, you get a free pass. In your case, you'd have to play Black Sails, Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman and Small Town Terrors: Galdor's Bluff.
Whatever you want, except the few rules I posted in the OP (no preorders, special editions, etc)
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I think I'll be playing Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and Submerged. don't know how long they are but I'll adjust the games to meet the requirements just in case.
note: I have 6.6 hours on shantae and 0 achievement(s), and 3 hours on submerged 0 achievement(s), Idled but untouched.
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Fun event! Sadly, I don't think I can join. I have played my win game, wasteland 2, for more than 40 hours but I am still not even in the middle of the game yet. Have fun for this new event and welcome back!
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Don't have enough short/medium games left and I only have 3 untouched long options to "choose" from (one is a sequel, one is something I wanna co-op so it would be unreliable). The last one.. would take me 60-70 hours probably (Tales of Symphonia). Maybe I'll give it a go, but it's pretty unlikely I'll finish that in time :p
Also, welcome back :)
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Well, I powered through this faster than I expected :3<
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It's bc Wasteland 2 has two versions - Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 2 Director's Cut. I finished Director's Cut which is slightly improved, but the same product. ^^
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Sure, here are my achievements :)
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Weird because original doesn't even exist in steam shop anymore :p
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That's a really nice idea you conceived there! I decided a couple of weeks ago to play through all my remaining SG wins and that's a nice reward you got there.
I plan to play:
1) Animal Lover ~7hrs
I actually started this today. After the time you posted this but before i read it. I think it still counts. If not let me know.
2) Blue Rose 2,1/2hrs
I will also play: 3) Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials ~3hrs and
4) Snares of Ruin No time available at howlongtobeat.com.
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I do not recommend you to play midnight mysteries. IIRC, the achievements are broken, you have to do a bunch of things to make them work. I'm not sure you'll be able to prove that you played the game.
edit: I guess you could post a screenshot of th credits scene.
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Now you mentioned it i'm definitely going to take one for good measure. Thanks for the headsup!
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I've been thinking about a fresh start for a little while and I've decided that this event/GA was the way to do it. I emptied both my black and whitelist for this, therefore everyone has the exact same chance to win the game their heart desire.
The TL;DR: Play sg wins (if you have already played 100% of your wins or know someone who has done it, let me know and you/the person will get a free pass) -> get invited to a WL GA -> Write whatever game you want in the description of said WL GA before it ends -> if you win the WL GA, I'll buy the chosen game for you.
The complete rules:
1) Choose some games you won here and finish the required amount(The playtime should be based on Howlongtobeat.com average main story time), according to the table below:
Edit: Some people are having doubts, so let me explain. You either have to play 1 long game OR 2 medium games OR 4 short games.
Games started/finished before the start of this event(18/05/2018) do NOT count.
2) You will have until the end of the GA (~1 month) to prove it to me, either through a screenshot of the ending scene/credits or a link to the corresponding achievement page. (The game needs to be beaten/finished, which means no endless/multiplayer-only games)
3) If you manage to beat enough games and to show me some proof, I'll whitelist you, giving you access to a giveaway.
4) Write the name of the game you want inside the WL giveaway. If you win it, I'll buy that game for you. (The whitelist GA is more like a placeholder, but you'll still get it, if you want)
Don't forget to write the game you want before the WL ends. Think about it before writing it down, I won't accept changes later. Do NOT edit your post inside the WL giveaway. You'll be disqualified.
NO deluxe/gold/collector's/whatevernamemarketingiscallingthesedays edition. NO Preorders.(If it launches before the end of the WL GA, it's fine!) NO games from GOG, Origins, Blizzard, Uplay...
Some giveaways:
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Death's Hangover
Mr. Shifty
Crazy Machines 3
If you don't care about any of this, here, have a picture of a cute doge. (You can also have fun with the poll)
PS: Thanks for the helping me set this up, Tempete! :)
PS2: It's good to be back!
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