Hello there!

In the past few weeks, I've been trying to reach the 50% mark in my Steam Average Game Completion Rate.
I did that today, earning my 2000th achievement in the process.

To progress faster, I obviously focused on games I had already begun, very easy/short games, and games with few achievements.
But several games weren't playable or simply wouldn't launch on my computer (I'm using a very low-specs PC right now, my usual one being down. I'm replacing it next month), so it took quite some time to reach 50%.

Anyway, to celebrate this pointless achievement, I'm giving away the HB Capcom bundle. Only the first tier though, because I'm broke (guys, I'm replacing my computer!):

Strider - Level 3
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Level 4
Lost Planet 3 - Level 5

The first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 is for my whitelist. You can apply to be on it if you want. Just tell me how awesome you are!

9 years ago

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Do you care about achievements when playing a game?

View Results
I try to 100% every game when possible.
I like unlocking achievements, but I don't focus on it.
I don't care at all.
I prefer unlocking a potato.

Achievements aren't pointless!
They're a way of life!

9 years ago

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I just try to get 100% achievemnts when a game has (this stopped me to start playing some games until I do all I can to fully complete what I have started already), but dunno if this counts for something...

9 years ago

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So far I only got 100 % on the Lego Movie Videogame (easiest Lego game imo), but I usually don't care too much. When I install a new game I look at the achievements and just start playing the game (usually you unlock at least 40 % just by playing through the story). After that I'm usually sick of the game or I don't care anymore since I completed the story. Although for Borderlands I might want to try to get most of them.

9 years ago

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Also I wish steam did something with achievements. Now they are just a popup and then a stat, not really worth the time you to spend on some achievements. If they made like a point system (like on xbox (or was it ps, really don't know)) that shows somewhere where you could actually easily see it, it might be nicer to go for achievements.

9 years ago

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I have 88 games perfected. Though i try not to go solely for achievements. I would still do most of the things they require, even if achievements were not in game, simply because im a perfectionist. Pretty hard for me to drop the game at anything except 100%. Even if it's boring shit like MGS V.
Congrats though on 50%. I had about 49% when they implemented showcases in the first place. Now im at 60%. Could be more, i have lots of uninteresting games with 1-5 achievements, that i dont really want to play..

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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iam so awesome i can go invisible in dark

9 years ago

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Congrats, I wish I could share here my PSN experiences...
I really miss the system that you level up with achievement.
Somewhat I think Steam are light years behind other DRM because of that.

9 years ago

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i usually do not care for achievements at all.
however, sometimes there are some which give a cool idea of something you can do in a game.

i am so awsome, i can make yellow snow by using only clear water. i do not recommend eating the snow.

9 years ago

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I'm currently at 47% complete, gotta love having a bad computer to be unable to play most games and broken achievements since I buy the inexpensive indie games for free steam cards and xp for how many games you got.

9 years ago

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I'm at 66%... which I guess is... decent...
I can definitely do better than that if I had the time. :D

9 years ago

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Why have I been blacklisted :(?

9 years ago

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I don't know. You must have done a terrible thing like killing a puppy or something, haven't you?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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2nd option: "I like unlocking achievements, but I don't focus on it".
Also i have only one 100% game, The Walking Dead... i don't want to say anything, because of possible spoilers, but, yeah... you know why.

9 years ago

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I like getting achievements for story-based milestones (e.g., finished a chapter, got a particular ending) or for doing something optional (beat a particular enemy, found an Easter egg, etc.). I hate when achievements feel condescending, like when games give you an achievement for clicking start. Or the most egregious one I've seen, Shan Gui, which is a 10-minute long linear visual novel with seven "congratulations, you're still reading this!" achievements. (And one secret achievement, so that's something, I guess.)

9 years ago

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Before I start every game I judge if I wanna do 100% of it based on achievements. Sometimes I make that decision after 1-2 hours in-game. Then I see if I can do them in one playthrough, if I can't I just play the game twice. But yeah, I like doing that, very often doing 100% in-game is more fun than just beating the game for the sake of beating it. For example LEGO: Batman, it doesn't have achievements but doing 100% in it was more fun than just playing the story for the sake of playing it (especially that the game is very, very easy).

So far I collected every achievement in 89 Steam games and my average game completion rate is 49% (it was 53% or something but sometimes I start a game to see if I want to play it, then an achievement pops-up, I decide I don't want to play the game after a few minutes and it ruins my completion rate, or some games just have an achievement for starting up the game and if you wanna start the game for cards you just get one achievement and it ruins your completion rate as well, stupid).

9 years ago

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I just play the game, then when I'm done I'll look at the achievements and see what I missed. I don't mind achievements that are unlocked during normal game play because they might give an idea if you missed something. I miss those I'll go back and play it to get them. Achievements that require you to go out of your way to do things I don't bother.

The last game I finished was Brothers a Tale of Two Sons. The achievements for it were little secret things you could find during the game. After finishing it, I'd only unlocked 4 of 12 achievements. I want to go back and play it again to find those that I missed. If I had looked at the achievements before playing the game, I probably would have been trying to find them instead of enjoying the story the game was telling.

9 years ago

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That's the main problem with achievements. It can actually kind of take you out of the game. So the best way to enjoy the game is usually to play it once without caring about its achievements, and then playing a second time to get them all.

9 years ago

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I never buy game or even play game which I got somehow (free or as gift) if that game doesn't have at least 1 achievement (also I don't play game if have one or more broken achievements). Games without achievements I can download from torrents if I am really desperate for some game. From other side, I don't care if game have cards or not, that is not relevant for me. But, I will not play game genre which I don't like only because have achievements. Point is - on Steam I play only games with achievement, I play for 100% of that game, I am "perfect game hunter" not "achievement hunter" (for me is kinda same crap if I can't get one missing achievement in game or game without achievements). So "sum of all achievements completed" and "Avg. Game Completion Rate" are insignificant stats for me, only "number of perfect game" is important for me on Steam. For now I have it 191 (have own quest to finish 9 more until Halloween) and, of course, SAM or other cheat are not way how achievements should arrive to me...

9 years ago

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If the achievements are fairly easy I will 100% it. Unless I love the game then I will put hours into it just getting the last one! However I probably will go back to a few games and try to get some rare achievements along with 100%-ing it :D But I think I need to play a handful of must complete base game first! xD

Btw, thank you very much for the whitelist and the GA :D

9 years ago

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It's not that pointless for me :)
I have 50% as well.
Playing games with achievements makes the second sense of playing for me. I don't only play to finish it but I also try to play it to finish it with 100% achivements done :)

Such a shame some games have this stupid achievements, while they are dead in multiplayer. (f.x. Hoard)

9 years ago

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Hehe I almost always can count on getting the 'you've died so many times' achievements :) I think I like them for the most part. They help me get through the game and complete my backlog. I was a bit bummed that I've finished some games before achievements were introduced - like Half Life 2. And there's been a few games I've completed near 100% achievements, and I didn't do that one thing to get 100% (and don't have any saves near said achievement. Gif is pointless possible Game of Thrones Spoiler.

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9 years ago

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I wish I would get 100% on games I loved and care about. But the "Perfect Knight Day 2" from Arkham City, makes me hit myself against the wall.

9 years ago

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I am awesome cause i just had a Zombie filled dream last night.

9 years ago

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Gz on 50%, are you going for higher now? Or just staying stable at 50ish?
My current goal is 90% completion, I'm at 89% now... So close, and yet so far.

9 years ago

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I'll just try to stay above 50% because there are several games I really want to play that I already know I won't be able to get a lot of achievements from.

9 years ago

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I look like Lemmy Kilminster, ride a 4 year old Pinto Horse western style and drive a Ford Mustang, awesome ? No idea but fun for sure :-)

9 years ago

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I like collecting achievements and they are a criterium for getting new games (either if the game has achievements or if there are too many unreasonable achievements). As such I have an unhealthy high completion rate -_- . It is shame that achievements will never get any real worth beside personal preference thanks to all jackasses using SAM.

But I also play games without them. Just if I have to chose anyway I will take the achievement game.

9 years ago

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