darkest dungeon.
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Plague Inc: Evolved
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TWD telltale is great! Pretty sure Crypt of the Necrodancer (https://store.steampowered.com/app/247080/) can be played just using the arrow keys. Great game with great music. If I can think of any others I'll let you know :)
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Never thought about games that you can play with 1 hand, so let's see...
Heroes of might and magic (or any turn-based strategy for that matter).
Tower defense games (in my case it's Defense Grid series).
Random games like The room, Tharsis, FTL, Papers, Please.
A lot of visual novels (which you probably dislike more than point'n'clicks :D) and... point'n'click games.
Personally, i think you have all that you need with fallouts and telltale games.
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I guess any turn-based rpg game (Final fantasy, The legend of heroes, Dragon Quest, etc.)
And if you want something less weeb...Cities Skylines.
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Both can be played just using the mouse.
The bad thing, sometimes both are a bit frustrating...
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How to Use the On-Screen Keyboard on Windows 7, 8, and 10
For your convenience, you can make keyboard input with your mouse.
FTL: Faster Than Light
In this game, you can select with the mouse.
You can "pause" by pressing the space key during battle.
Various instructions can be given during "pause".
You can probably play.
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pocket pinball.
its just as much fun with only 1 flipper.
i went through my game list looking for other GOOD 1 handed games but i couldnt find any
if you end up playing a P&C game. dropsy and i have no mouth and i must scream.
but i dont dig P&C games ether.
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Sorry about your hand.
Strategy Games, RPGs, and Puzzles are obvious avenues to check. Some suggestions:
Age of Wonders III
Creeper World series
Legend of Grimrock
Divinity: Original Sin
Mini Metro
Some Puzzles
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Sorry about your hand, buddy. Obviously most regular games will be off limits for awhile so you've gotta think outside the box.
The Stillness of the Wind
The Darkside Detective (this one is a point n click game which you said you dont like but I found the humor to be really enjoyable and made the game worth playing)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (kind of like Orwell mixed with humor)
The Gods Will Be Watching (surprisingly hard sci-fi game)
I hope you get some good suggestions from this thread. Take care of yourself and heal up soon. Best wishes.
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The infinity engine games. just bind the pause button to your right mouse button or something and you're good.
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I'm sure many RPGMaker games can be played one handed, I would highly recommend To The Moon and Finding Paradise. Mad Father and The Witch's House are also quite good. Ib is another fantastic game, though not on steam
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I can't recommend enough To the moon and Finding paradise. Also consider playing Rakuen and A bird story .
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That's terrible what happened to your hand :(
I don't like the point and click genre too. How about Slay the Spire or Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech if you like card games that is! Any turn-based games would be okay too, I believe
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https://store.steampowered.com/app/740240/ Very addicting
https://store.steampowered.com/app/255710/ Should be somewhat playable even with only one hand
https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/6588/Monkey_Island_Collection/ Point and Click though. Curse was my favorite of the four, even though i never got to finish it.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/418240/Shadow_Tactics_Blades_of_the_Shogun/ Definitely playable with one hand, as ive done it myself out of lazyness. But sometimes having another hand would make somethings a little bit easier for the shortcut commands. I would also recommend all of the Commandos games which are of the same style of gameplay, but im not sure if only one hand is enough. Nonetheless Blades of the shogun has a demo on that very steam page you can try out before getting it.
Oh i forgot about
https://store.steampowered.com/app/38600/Faerie_Solitaire/ There is a remastered version too.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/700660/Dice_Tower_Defense/ Small game for small fun :)
Given this i could suggest also Tower Defense games: https://store.steampowered.com/tags/en/Tower%20Defense/#p=0&tab=TopSellers
I'm not sure if they require a 2nd hand though.
There is also card games like Artifact which can be fun.
Backgammon/chess/minesweeper(non steam)
I also remember playing a Risk type game which was fun too(non steam)
Maybe also Uno / Monopoly / Tabletop Games(not sure how tabletop simulator works regarding playing one handed)
Also some strategy war games are viable to play with one hand. Age of empires came to mind, wont delve in too much into this this wide category,
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Into the Breach! I think I've only ever used my mouse (so just one hand) while playing this. Needed to press a key or two sometimes during gameplay, but 98% of the time - a keyboard is never needed (from my experience at least). You can take your time with ItB. Don't know if you enjoy turn-based titles and while this one kicks my butt, I do suggest it.
Other nice things about it:
The Telltale games are good options too (Tales of Borderlands will mostly likely cheer you up in some way), though many parts will require you to use m+kb, like when you explore a room & walk/talk to NPCs and interact with objects. Also while usually most of its Quick time events (QTE) just asks you to press a key, some segments require you to multitask & use m+kb during it (if I remember correctly D: )
Also, holy crap, that is scary and horrible dude. 😨I don't think I have the right words to say, but just gonna send some good vibes to you ~
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I hope you'll get better soon.
Jets'n'Guns Gold
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You're right, you need a 3DS or Wii U to play it legally. Or I guess you can buy the SNES cartdridge but that's really expensive.
Also I realized he talked about his left hand being broken which is how the one-handed play works, but a remap could easily make it playable right hand only (using an emulator or Wii U version)
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To make a long story short, my (thankfully not dominant) left hand was severely crushed and with metal pins all throughout my fingers I can't go back to work and can't even think about the games I'd usually waste my time off with using a controller, let alone play anything using a mouse and keyboard...gotta love how MCC flights finally start next week apparently too :(
I need something to occupy my time for at least the next 4 weeks, my biggest problem is point & click games are my absolute least favorite genre...I'd still be willing to try some if the story was captivating enough though...I'll likely be giving TWD and some other Telltale games a try, definitely the 2d Fallouts and Wasteland 2 because those seem most up my alley. Just curious what games you guys might have played and loved that you don't need two hands for!
Obligatory giveaway open to everyone just delete the part it says to
Edit: Wow, thank you for all the great recommendations and kind words they really do mean a lot. I'll soon be trying many of what I already own and looking towards splurging on the ones I don't once the summer sale starts haha. Again thank you guys y'all are an awesome community
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