AFTER you buy game for 60$ ( at very least ) you will be given an excellent opportunity to buy lootboxes which will contain random game altering cards( yes not cosmetics anymore,we are past that ) for this mainly multiplayer game. What a time to be alive! Pay to get a way to pay more.

Some of the cards goes as far as offer complete invincibility for a duration of time.

As always,Video from Jimmy :

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I knew IT!!! It's G2A's FAULT!!!

7 years ago

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people feel socially connected and not left behind with games having planned regular updates, unlike finished products that will most likely get some hype once and then take the dust. constant content and news just mean more social presence and everything it involves. it's like either paying for a book that about anyone can read alone and basically be done with it once we finish reading it or pay constantly someone to be allowed hearing them telling unoriginal and overused stories and jokes with some hypocritical compliments here and there to the audience so everyone stays and without ever telling the end of the story so that listeners keep sitting there with their wallets at hands unless it's to start another one

7 years ago

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It's kinda what they do already with the "shortcut kits" for the Battlefield games, but in a more scummy way. Making it drop via loot boxes people may buy more boxes for getting a chance of what they are wishing for.

7 years ago

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I'm not surprised at all. Reddit praised that game and was stinking on P2W since day one. People were happy because of the content, but what happened is the previous one had NO content.

There is only a battlefront 2 and we all now wich one it is.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What blow my mind the most is that some people (seriously, who the fuck are they??) will actually spend their money supporting this.
Sad thing is, as long as it sells, shameless editors will keep on selling it.

7 years ago

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Rich spoiled kids mostly (lot of them out there)

7 years ago

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Yeah I guess. Which is going to ruin the community, because rich spoiled kids are also the most toxic players. xD

7 years ago

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No need for them to be rich, just willing to spend their money or their parent's money on items to "be better than you".
If they made a server only with players that buy crates, and one without crates, most of them would not buy them, as they will lost the "advantage".

7 years ago

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paying to have stronger characters instead of actually playing for it is called "convenience" now, with the "argument" that a game can't be, by some definition, pay to win if there is no special item available only for real money that provides way more higher stats than what's in the game

7 years ago

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Inb4 shills trying to justify that you can still get the same upgrades after a huge grind vs players who completely outclass you.

7 years ago

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b-but it's just convenience ! and you can still just play for 1000 hours to get there ! obviously everyone that pays to w... be convenienced is top skilled and would get there without a doubt and very easily if they were to actually play the game ! it's not pay to win ! think of the poor devs and their children who also need to eat ! don't you have a heart !? doesn't work that was not called for and breaks an already paid product, pushing fairness and equality between players even further apart deserve salary !? you monster !!!

7 years ago

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hm well good thing i don't play shit games like this in the first place.
a good singleplayer game beats multiplayer junk like this any day of the week anyway.
i'd rather buy six solo games for 10 bucks each next sale than spend 60 bucks on a single turd game like this with the option to keep milking me forever for any kind of bullshit they come up with. thanks but no thanks, my money stays with me.

7 years ago

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If Shadows of War is an indication, this bs is going to SP games too.

7 years ago

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Well, what were you expecting ?

EA changed their target market years ago, it's now 12-16 y.o. kids who think they're hardcore gamers so EA is making casual shooters for those kids now.

7 years ago

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Why am I not surpirissed that it's EA the one behind this?
I wish they would bring back Road Rash instead of continuing with their BS practices.

7 years ago

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+1 for Road Rash

View attached image.
7 years ago

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My favorite one was the PC port, it was basically Road Rash 4 but they dropped the "4" and pretended it was a reboot (they were doing that crap even back then).

7 years ago

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I think that's the one I played as well! I just posted the first gif that conveyed Road Rash-ness adequately LOL

7 years ago

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Try Road Redemption. I've written it a review. Maybe you'd find it enjoyable (The game). I did :)

7 years ago*

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Oh wow! How did I not know this existed!? Just a week ago too! Thanks for the heads up! :D

7 years ago

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Have you given Road Redemption a go, yet?

7 years ago

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Is on my wishlist, I'm waiting for a good discount (maybe next christmas sale with a bit of luck). I just have a few doubts about the rogue-like-y elements.

7 years ago

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I've played a lot of it, it's rather fun. You can check my review. Maybe it'll help you decide one way or another.

7 years ago

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I really enjoyed it. :)
Was definitely fun.

7 years ago

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I still have my long box copy for 3do! Oh the memories of that game... :)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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meh, just vote with your wallet. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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An empty wallet voting "nay" doesn't seem to carry as much weight as a full one voting "hurt me daddy EA!" though.

7 years ago

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while I do not have even machine to run this, and not sure if even wanted, not a fan of SW
I do not see need of having any game, as someone said here recently , games are not 1st need.
And as much as we might not like it, not every game have to be for everyone. If EA want to make p2w and find customers for it, so be it.
If there will be not enough $$ they will change it. General goal for private company is to make most profit, not please everyone. i do not work for any related business, and wonder how many bl this comment will get me :P

7 years ago

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I would be cool with the selling of content in games if it made games cheaper or had a chance to pay me back. See Overwatch, which is hugely profitable but shirks a $60 price tag despite its quality because of boxes, or a bunch of free to play games that operate on cash shops but are still playable for free. Killing Floor 2 and a bunch of other games on Steam pay me for paying by dropping items I can even sell and earn SteamFunBuxTM. But there are other times when it's frustrating, like in Final Fantasy XIV where I'm already paying a fairly hefty subscription if I want to pay, or Battlefront 2. I honestly had some respect for EA lately, with the wonderful game that was Titanfall 2 (even after they added cringey monetized skins that gave progression benefits, at least it didn't make players stronger directly) and promises against DLC. But if "No season pass, no split playerbase" just means "because everyone can pay for boxes to be 'more equal'" that's not really delivering on the promise.

7 years ago

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How is Overwatch 60$, and how is the game 'profitable' ? Profitable for Blizzard? I'm slightly confused

7 years ago

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It doesn't have a $60 price tag (unless you go for the shinny collector's edition) and it's immensely profitable for Blizzard. I could have phrased it a bit better.

Overwatch is like $200 because of events leading to loot crate binges. T_T

7 years ago

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New one starts soon. Already got my credit card warming up for it. lol

7 years ago

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It's been running for 2 days now... :p

7 years ago

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sounds awesome ^^

7 years ago

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Good thing I have no intention of ever buying it, bad thing is the sheeple will still buy it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Have they made money of cancer yet? I heard WB backpedalled after complaints, a market of hate for the taking!

7 years ago

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They came out with a post detailing the fixes to the loot box system. This post is misleading and false.

7 years ago

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At least the first article about this statement I found is 3h old...which would make the post accurate at the time of posting^^

And also just because EA responds with "we will change it" doesn't really mean it def. will be changed this way...can just be to deflect the bad publicity. :)

Because why release a full p2w-lootcrate system in the beta if it wasn't your intention it the released game?

7 years ago*

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We know you have a lot of questions about Crates and progression, so we want to clarify a few things, as the complete system was not in the Beta and will continue to be tuned over time:
There are many things you can earn in the game, including weapons, attachments, credits, Star Cards, Emotes, Outfits and Victory Poses.
As a balance goal, we’re working towards having the most powerful items in the game only earnable via in-game achievements.
Crates will include a mix of of Star Cards, Outfits, Emotes or Victory Poses.
Players earn crates by completing challenges and other gameplay milestones, or by purchasing them with in-game credits or Crystals, our premium currency.
If you get a duplicate Star Card in a crate, you will get crafting parts which you can then use to help upgrade the Star Card of your choice.
And lastly, you have to earn the right to be able to upgrade Star Cards and unlock most Weapons. You can only upgrade or unlock them if you have reached a high enough rank, which is determined by playing the game.

7 years ago

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I;m sorry but if you believe that EA will keep it's word you are dumb.

7 years ago

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Gambling for kids.

Stick a slot machine into a kid and family friendly Star Wars game and gamble away money to unlock OP buffs to your characters. #Gamingin2017

7 years ago

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If they sold the game for $20 and then did this I'd have less of a problem but they sell the game for $60, a lot of games then sell a season pass for $40, then they expect you to pay more money just to compete with kids who got a hold of their parents credit cards. It's even worse for sports games because they come out every year. NBA 2k18 became pay to win this year and that's disgusting.

I know I know, this brings in so much money for game companies. It's just you have to question these peoples' ethics and beliefs to steal money from people.

7 years ago

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Inb4 its not p2w because you can earn some points and purchase in shop

7 years ago

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Pff who wantsto play game to actually get better and unlock stuff then you can just throw your parents money at it.

7 years ago

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Im sorry but if you call someone dumb for believing what they want does that also make you dumb? Ill be sure to post back here when the game launches to make you eat crow and to tell you a few choice words for questioning my intelligence.

7 years ago

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Remember EA said no DLCs to split the community.

7 years ago

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It appears to be the month where publisher fight out who can get away with bs.

Ms with Forza, WB with Shadows of War, 2K with NBA2K18, EA with Battlefront 2.

All so close togehter. Coincidential, eh?

7 years ago

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Big publishers actually uses a very very good tactic to push their bullshit. Do it once,receive huge public outcry,back off. Do it again,receive a bit less outcry,back off. Repeat until there will be minimal public outcry because it's "old news" and bingo,they won :) Same wnet with Bethesda's paid mods. WE NOW HAVE THEM even though they backed off of it first time,they just waited long enough and did the same shit again and it worked. Media outlets dont cover it because it's not sensational anymore and average consumer has memory spawn of 1 week/

7 years ago

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Forza 7 fixed their problems after a week. The other games have yet to follow suit.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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They will push it as far as they can and average consumer being retard with one week memory spawn will soon accept the new 'rules' .

7 years ago

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It's sad but that's what EA do to beloved franchises they didn't create - gut them and drain every last drop out of them before they die.

Look at SimCity - they killed it with the stupidity of always online and tiny maps (and if they didn't outright lie about it being necessary, then they came as close as you possibly can).

Look at their first try at Battlefront, it died within a month or two because compared to the previous Battlefront game released years before it was an empty shell.

This Battlefront will sell well up until Christmas and the release of Episode 8, then a month or two later it will sink like a stone before EA come out with an "Ultimate Edition" before later either going F2P, or joining EA Access.

Anyone who spends big on micro-transanctions for a game that has such a short shelf-life is mad.

I was hugely disappointed with the ruling from the ESRB on loot boxes NOT being a form of gambling.

THAT would have hugely crippled such P2W features.

7 years ago

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I know Titanfall and Titanfall 2 are gutted and destroyed by microtransactions right? SAD!

7 years ago

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"It's sad but that's what EA do to beloved franchises they didn't create"

Next time, it's probably best to read the comment properly before replying....

7 years ago

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I read what you said. I was being sarcastic because both Titanfall games were excellent.

7 years ago

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I am against microtransactions,so i wont buy this.
i was thinking about buying next shadow of mordor but if there are things which would probably make game unfair for me and give others advantage so that i can not progress because i dont have xy item which is made through dlc then i wont buy it.
i just hope this bs practices dont come to singleplayer rpgs which i play the most.

7 years ago

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Except they already came.

7 years ago

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Well, they have to compensate for lack of Season Pass somehow...
Considering there are speculations the next Battlefield will also have free DLCs (no Season Pass), something similar could happen to it, too.

7 years ago

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Easy solution: Don´t buy it. There are enough cool games left to play.

7 years ago

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