Are you dying to see what's hidden in this Steam Vault?
oh god, just start and move those "bundles" there
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But teh 'AAA' gamez?
I'm sure they aren't decades old or anything...
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Not going to buy again already bought two and got burned both times not falling for the so called “guaranteed AAA game”, might be one but probably one that’s been bundled like 20 times.
I think the one that might had better drops was the more espensive one, like 12.99?
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I'll pick 10 random nopes for Free.
I never got my money's worth out of these bundles and I tried them quite a few times. Never again.
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I bit the bullet for research purposes, you may thank me for my sacrifice later.
Road to Guangdong - Story-Based Indie Road Trip Driving Game (公路旅行驾驶游戏)
Dad Quest
Zoo Park
Perfect Universe
Velocity Extra
Castaway Paradise - Town Building Sim
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Stealth Inc 2
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
EDIT also I thought Borderlands: the Handsome Collection was the first game + dlc, but its the second game and pre-sequel + all its dlcs, so I am pleasantly surprised there. And I finally got the first Syberia. And Velocity Extra & Castaway Paradise both seem up my alley. And I made a bunch of giveaways. So my seven bucks ended up being well spent.
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Ooooh another mystery bundle of nope. How exciting. >.>
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Fanatical loose, for me, with each mystery crap bundle more of their reputation.
Canceled the newsletter, gave them feedback at the surveys and wrote them a mail to their mystery crap bundles. I think they should know now that not all customers are happy with their handling for """new""" bundles.
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they dont care about the customers they lose. they just care about the gambling addicts $.$
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but if the addicts buy multiple times, fanatical might get more money...
you wouldnt believe how much muny an additive person can spend, even if they have no job^^
a friend of mine has spend 2600 euro (living from hartz iv) for a free to play game. and with this "you might get next time the game you want" people will fall again and again for it. fanatical dont want people who will buy "maybe one". they want people like my friend^^
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So it's anti-consumer to spam people with coupons all the time? I really don't get why people either have to buy all bundles and whine about their poor quality or then not buy anything at all. Why not just buy the bundles you think are worth it and all problems solved.
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It's much easier to just figure out if you want the bundle at full price and then check if you have a coupon or not. Can't really see how -10% or even -15% would make that big of a difference in bundle worth. I'd have been much happier if they never had any coupons of any kind and just lowered prices a bit for everyone instead, less hassle and spam that way.
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They went from handing out 10%-off (sometimes 15%) coupons left and right, to giving 5%-off coupons sometimes, and now even those coupons require a minimum spend amount.
Really not just to argue, but... numbers? Instead of 10% discount one gets no discount, and they raise the minimum price to I don't know, 4$? Then the difference is 0.4$, even less with a smaller discount or a cheaper bundle. And we're talking about bundles, with multiple games in them, making it less than 0.1/game being more expensive, with each game being multiple hours long in general.
Also, it's not them being more expensive, just not being made cheaper (also only for newsletter subscribers, or one reading their blog - both ways of advertisement). It's an insignificant amount for a user, unless buying bundles in ridiculous numbers, and treating games not as a form of fun or enjoyment, but commodity. (Games are still ridiculously cheap in bundles)
Maybe anti-trader approach, but pretty far from being anti-consumer, if consumer is expected to play the games, or even one.
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While that is hard to argue with, games are just too cheap. And many people think that it should never get more expensive, game creators never should get paid, even 1$ / game is outlandishly expensive and bundle sites get flak. That's like doing a job for cheap for a friend, then being stuck with that price because you're the devil if you would want to raise the prices to reasonable levels. Not high for its worth - just more reasonable. I know nobody, including me likes rising prices, but we're spoilt rotten.
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I can stare angrily towards Fanatical about their lootbox-bundles! That one I really dislike from their part, especially that I love(d) how fanatical often bundled kind of B-games, many interesting, older things cheap. But now they are often just fillers in random-bundles :(
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Saw a few people say that the Humble Australian Relief bundle was too expensive, and my head nearly exploded.
Heh, sorry for being one of those people. If you are curious what I and perhaps some other people were thinking, I am rarely eager to spend significant amounts of money on games when:
My backlog is large
I already have many of games (I'd only activate a handful from the Australian bundle)
Other recent bundles have provided a better value or more desirable games that I want, AND/OR
I would rather spend $ on meaningful DLC on sale for games I have that I'm really interested & confident in than a bunch of games I don't have that I am uncertain about or semi-interested in
For some people like me its that type of personal + market supply & demand sort of thing, though I understand that for some there may be a sense of entitlement for ultra deep sales & bundles comparable to the demand of F2P in mobile gaming.
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Why not just buy the bundles you think are worth it and all problems solved.
I personally take the same approach, but it doesnt solve the problem of conscience for some people.
Some people believe that if you buy any of their stuff, then you are supporting their "anti-consumer" practices. Some people took the same stance on Humble Monthly becoming Humble Choice. Even though someone could keep paying the same (or pause) and now got choice instead of buying most games blind, some people didnt want to support the price being jacked up for new subscribers.
These principles matter more to some people than paying more elsewhere for the same games or go without buying some games.
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If I would stop buying everything that's price has gone up over times, I couldn't buy anything at all ever including food etc.
If you want to get rid of inflation and the global capitalist economy that causes it, the solution to that is communism. And no, it has never worked anywhere. Equally silly solution to prices going up is paying even more, hardly makes any sense but I guess the principles of blind idealism are too strong.
Lootboxes usually have more of a guarantee of getting at least something than lottery tickets. So are people boycotting every store that sells lottery tickets as well?
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If I would stop buying everything that's price has gone up over times, I couldn't buy anything at all ever including food etc.
...except that the price increase was 66% going from Humble Monthly ($12 USD) to Humble Choice Premium ($20 USD) per month. Of course that could've been avoided if you basically had an active or paused subscription in December 2019, but I guess its too much for some people to have on their conscience that price difference for other new gamers or the inconvenience of needing to remembering to pause once per month if there's a month you don't like.
I understand it - Its just quite frankly not a battle I'm willing to fight because I like occasionally buying games for relatively cheap and giving some of them away.
Lootboxes usually have more of a guarantee of getting at least something than lottery tickets. So are people boycotting every store that sells lottery tickets as well?
Yes, I think most gamers who felt the conscience to not continue with Humble Choice after Monthly are more likely to take a stand against games with lootboxes and even entire developers/publishers that have ever made lootbox games.
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Hahaha - Valve get a pass because they are regarded as the saviors of PC gaming, have put out some awesome PC games in the past, and they're not owned by some other big company.
Humble is "IGN man bad" because they were acquired by a publicly traded parent company, and there is a perception that their current bundles aren't "as good" as what they used to be.
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Leisure Suit Larry 2 Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places)
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Castaway Paradise - Town Building Sim
Odallus: The Dark Call
Without Within 2
Attack of the Earthlings
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Stealth Inc 2
Sid Meier's Civilization® V
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Clue 2 is probably Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Dang, Shannon got it first
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My “AAA” game was life is strange season 1 lol. Not what I’d call AAA personally but at least someone here will hopefully enjoy it. $7 for y’all isn’t a problem to me :)
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triple AAA? thats why i abandoned fanatical bundles for good, LIS season 1 triple AAA? Ninjin: Clash of Carrots triple AAA? come on... e just bouth the long dark for 10€ on humble and was way better than spend 7,65€ on this crap bundle... for 9€ you can buy stardew valley bundle...
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I got:
Space Overlords
Curse: The Eye of Isis
The Purring Quest
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 2
Without Within 2
The Flame in the Flood
Still Life 2
One Finger Death Punch
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition (the AAA game)
Not completely terrible, but still pretty bad.
My advice to anyone thinking of buying this: don't. You're probably better off just buying some cheap games from the Steam Lunar Sale that just started.
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I'd get some money together and try it, but I know I'll never, EVER get the Injustice 2 I want. Only thing on it I want that I don't have.
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This bundle is better than some of their other recent Mystery Bundles. I bought 3 and received these AAA Games (along with other good/bad games):
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ ($50)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($20)
The LEGO® NINJAGO® Movie Video Game ($20)
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Wearing a tinfoil hat and eating a cheese sandwich? Sounds like a typical Thursday at my place...
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Gambling report
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail
Enforcer: Police Crime Action
Cubicle Quest
Curse: The Eye of Isis
Still Life 2
Jet Set Knights
Garfield Kart
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Craft Keep VR
Garfield Kart
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
The Descendant - Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
Dog Sled Saga
The Purring Quest
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Valnir Rok Survival RPG
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Siralim 3
Odallus: The Dark Call
Syberia 3
Attack of the Earthlings
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
Injustice 2
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Degrees of Separation
Cursed Sight
The Indie Mixtape
Garfield Kart
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Odallus: The Dark Call
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
I think i was right though it is slightly better than previous stuff from them.
Lego +Cursed Sight were the only two i didn't own already.
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Mystery Vault Bundle
23 Jan 2020 - 21 Feb 2020
View this bundle on: [ITAD]() - - [Lestrades]()
10 random games for $6.99 | €7.65 | £6.39 | CA$9.19 | AU$11.25 | RUB515
What games are in the Mystery Vault Bundle - Picture clues
Clue 1 - Sleeping Dogs™
Clue 2 - Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Clue 3 - On Rusty Trails
Clue 4 - Hamsterdam
Clue 5 - Feathery Ears (?), Life is Strange (?), LEGO The Incredibles (?)
Loot box
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
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Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
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