OK in terms of chronology [I have 1000 hours in most] this is order of continuity!
1] Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope ->
2] Serious Sam 4 ->
3] Serious Sam 3: Battlefield Earth ->
4] Serious Sam: The First Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR] ->
5] Serious Sam: The Second Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR]
Serious Sam 2 and Next Encounter can fit anywhere before original Encounters but is largely considered non-canon as of now.and seem more a separate continuity. However Serious Sam 2 patched, fixed at present A GOOD 15 YEARS POST RELEASE is mindless awesome fun to play exploring the alien worlds referenced in mentioned continuity.
Problem is Encounters released first than SS2, 3 and 4 in that order. yet SS4 and 3 are story starts and have weapons and combat modes, skill trees missing in encounters. Because the prequels released later with more gimmicks. Oriiginal encounters still remain benchmark and most fun to play. However vs community is almost dead. Campaign no issues. Games include 3 paid DLCs to TSE, SS3 and SS4. Rest games are largely ported cross platform non-canon mayhems. Buy the whole game pack when on sale at discount. The series started with encounters and kept going back in time in retro rewind with every new game, a prequel and thus ahd a paradox of advanced fighting options in past not in present timeline. No proper sequel as of now to encounters is made.
Classics Revolution is combination of both classic games recompiled by Croteam''s fans and game testers commu8nity it still work in progress with some fan made extra campaigns, weapons thrown in. Fusion allows you to play Both encounters and BFE as one universe matching look and feel but I hate the fact it has same achievements to get all over again. These packages automatic come free if you own all classics, HD and SS3 but it feels like an overkill. If you are starting out choose if you want solo games and achievements or Fusion / Revolutions set of achievements and play accordingly. Else play both options and grind achievements 2x replaying each game twice at least in Serious and easy modes for serious and clock based fast completion achievements..
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OK in terms of chronology [I have 1000 hours in most] this is order of continuity!
1] Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope ->
2] Serious Sam 4 ->
3] Serious Sam 3: Battlefield Earth ->
4] Serious Sam: The First Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR] ->
5] Serious Sam: The Second Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR]
Serious Sam 2 and Next Encounter can fit anywhere before original Encounters but is largely considered non-canon as of now.and seem more a separate continuity. However Serious Sam 2 patched, fixed at present A GOOD 15 YEARS POST RELEASE is mindless awesome fun to play exploring the alien worlds referenced in mentioned continuity.
Problem is Encounters released first than SS2, 3 and 4 in that order. yet SS4 and 3 are story starts and have weapons and combat modes, skill trees missing in encounters. Because the prequels released later with more gimmicks. Oriiginal encounters still remain benchmark and most fun to play. However vs community is almost dead. Campaign no issues. Games include 3 paid DLCs to TSE, SS3 and SS4. Rest games are largely ported cross platform non-canon mayhems. Buy the whole game pack when on sale at discount. The series started with encounters and kept going back in time in retro rewind with every new game, a prequel and thus ahd a paradox of advanced fighting options in past not in present timeline. No proper sequel as of now to encounters is made.
Classics Revolution is combination of both classic games recompiled by Croteam''s fans and game testers commu8nity it still work in progress with some fan made extra campaigns, weapons thrown in. Fusion allows you to play Both encounters and BFE as one universe matching look and feel but I hate the fact it has same achievements to get all over again. These packages automatic come free if you own all classics, HD and SS3 but it feels like an overkill. If you are starting out choose if you want solo games and achievements or Fusion / Revolutions set of achievements and play accordingly. Else play both options and grind achievements 2x replaying each game twice at least in Serious and easy modes for serious and clock based fast completion achievements..
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These games are very repetitive by nature, so I'll be highly impressed if anyone manages to play the entire series back to back without getting burnt out.
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OK in terms of chronology [I have 1000 hours in most] this is order of continuity!
1] Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope ->
2] Serious Sam 4 ->
3] Serious Sam 3: Battlefield Earth ->
4] Serious Sam: The First Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR] ->
5] Serious Sam: The Second Encounter [All versions Classic, HD & VR]
Serious Sam 2 and Next Encounter can fit anywhere before original Encounters but is largely considered non-canon as of now.and seem more a separate continuity. However Serious Sam 2 patched, fixed at present A GOOD 15 YEARS POST RELEASE is mindless awesome fun to play exploring the alien worlds referenced in mentioned continuity.
Problem is Encounters released first than SS2, 3 and 4 in that order. yet SS4 and 3 are story starts and have weapons and combat modes, skill trees missing in encounters. Because the prequels released later with more gimmicks. Oriiginal encounters still remain benchmark and most fun to play. However vs community is almost dead. Campaign no issues. Games include 3 paid DLCs to TSE, SS3 and SS4. Rest games are largely ported cross platform non-canon mayhems. Buy the whole game pack when on sale at discount. The series started with encounters and kept going back in time in retro rewind with every new game, a prequel and thus ahd a paradox of advanced fighting options in past not in present timeline. No proper sequel as of now to encounters is made.
Classics Revolution is combination of both classic games recompiled by Croteam''s fans and game testers commu8nity it still work in progress with some fan made extra campaigns, weapons thrown in. Fusion allows you to play Both encounters and BFE as one universe matching look and feel but I hate the fact it has same achievements to get all over again. These packages automatic come free if you own all classics, HD and SS3 but it feels like an overkill. If you are starting out choose if you want solo games and achievements or Fusion / Revolutions set of achievements and play accordingly. Else play both options and grind achievements 2x replaying each game twice at least in Serious and easy modes for serious and clock based fast completion achievements..
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I'd actually go for the not-HD versions of First and Second Encounter. Sure, you have better textures and lighting in the HD versions, but I think the entire amazing aesthetic of the original is gone in the newer versions.
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Yes. They changed couple of traps to something more horrible. Especially the rotating room in The pitt and the upide down flipping spikes impaling room in Ziggurat before end fight. + Rocket jumps work best in original versions to reach places out of maps too.
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I personally wouldn't care too much about the story if I were you. (I mean, it's there, but in the earlier games it's really basic (so if you were to go in chronological order the story would get less and less important).)
But also don't forget to play with Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem. (Didn't see anyone mention it for some weird reason...) It's also an FPS game like the others (it's also the newest one) and story wise it's kinda between SS4's level 13 and 14... (Similarly how the DLCs usually take place inbetween the last few levels in the other games.) Kinda, but nope. And one might say it's non-canon, but at this point anything can be canon.
About HDs:
The first two games (First Encounter, Second Encounter) have HD releases (and the original "Classic" ones). And there is the (even newer) SS Fusion which combines the First Encounter, Second Encounter and SS3. It has some "upgrades", like in SS3 some enemies have new attacks (like the Scrapjack can shoot grandes). (Also, there is Serious Sam Revolution, which also combines TFE and TSE with a new (actually non canon) chapter... but I haven't tried that.)
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I'm going to start playing Serious Sam games, but there are many of them in Steam, so anyone who played the series please give some information what is the play order ? Which of them are connected and which are standalone games.. and also there are HD and non HD.. is they are the same game with the difference only in the graphic or different at all? Any info will be helpful.. thanks. :)
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