Just so you know, we can't see the ticket you linked-- only you can.
My two cents: You didn't even pay for the game, chill out.
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Here is something that was posted by Waxlor (Support) in a previous giveaway for this game:
Support here.
to the giveaway creator: you'll be obliged to give the winner the complete edition. If you're not willing to do that; delete this ga before it ends.
To a potential winner: DO NOT mark the giveaway as recieved if you do not get the complete edition. If you do mark as recieved you will be suspended and you will not be able to get passed SG tools protected giveaways which scan for non activated wins.
Not sure what your particular key was for, just letting you know what was posted in another giveaway by support before it was deleted.
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That strange concidering they dont do the same with for example street fighter and tomb raider.
The store page is just base game. The name doesnt matter in other cases so why should this. Interesting.
You cant even giveaway bundles on this site. (Which the complete edition is. Its base game with DLCs)
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I understand how it works but if I where you I would just wait to give it away until you get a respons from support. Either they make a diffrent choice from this than they made from the examples I gave above that had similar situations. If this is the case your GA is not valid. If it is OK it will be added to free list anyways and give you 0CV.
So why the hurry? You should have know the SG police would try to arrest and shame you.
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That makes it look even more like support is actually OK with it concidering they think that the app has been given away for free. If it didnt count it would still have full CV. I never saw Waxlors actual message. Not sure if he knows exactly how the store page was set up or if support on this site is divided on how these cases should be handled.
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I think the support member made a mistake because they didn't fully understand the situation. This is a very confusion situation because of how SG works with Steam id's and how the dev/publisher changed the title of the game. This free key will only give you episode 1, but it will activate what is called the "complete edition" on Steam because the complete edition is actually only episode 1.
The dev changed the name of episode 1 to the complete edition and then added DLC for episodes 2-5. When you activate this key, you get the complete edition, but not the chapter 2-5 DLC. You should be able to activate this game and mark it as received.
This creates a ton of confusion and will always cause problems because nobody knows what is being given away and nobody can receive CV now even if they give away the real complete edition.
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Dont use logiq about how steam and this site works. The other users clearly said the game had complete edition in the title. :)
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Yes, that is why it is confusing. When someone creates a giveaway, we won't know if they are giving the complete edition that is just episode 1 or the complete edition that has the DLC for episodes 2-5.
The same thing happened recently with Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Tons of people are giving away the Definitive Edition here, but it doesn't come with any of the Definitive Edition content because they renamed the base game to the Definitive Edition.
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I don't know if they have the ability to do that. Everything on this site is run through the Steam API which pulls all the info directly from Steam.
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but they have price for deleted app?I see two deleted game yesterday more than 1p (price when they have no price no?because I can't know how they can have US price for app who don't have anymore steam store page^^) they can add some section I think (but I'm not know how work steam api XD)
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actually no need to go see yesterday ^^ just look at the price of Warlock Revenge deleted game for 3p but me too I don't know how it's works (for price and for game add) but I see some guys who said to create a support ticket for add a game it's seems it's the first cat for ticket XD
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You're the living example of the joke of a person that's driving on his car and then a radio announcement comes and says that there's one person driving the wrong way on street 123 and then he screams to himself "One person? Everyone is driving the wrong way"
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what bugs me is when i see somebody giving away 5+ copies.
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You grabbed multiple copies from this giveaway as well ... so don't agree please.
Edit: I guess Vahid meant people grabbing more free copies, wanting to profit from it. And it lower chances for others to get a copy from giveaway. You did the same.
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Not gonna comment on what you said but I deleted the "fake giveaway" part because I think "fake giveaway" means a different thing than I first thought. What I meant was that since you're willingly providing the wrong key, it's fake in that sense. However I think the actual suspension reason relates to creating a giveaway in order to get whitelists, likes in social media etc. and then deleting the giveaway before it's over.
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Do you really think that this would be the first time that a content someone has doesn't match the given options on SG?
And it always was so that either support managed to add a fitting option or people had to surrender their ambition to create a giveaway.
But in all these years I've never seen anyone failing as spectacularly as you do to accept the circumstances.
Sorry buddy, there is no constitution granting you the fundamental right to create a giveaway for every Steam key you might get. Some keys simply end up in plain threads.
Oh and about #3 ... guess why it gives no CV? Because people like you struggle to accept the most simple of rules. Thanks to you those people who gift the real complete bundle won't get anything, because you just had to "gift" your episode 1 by all means.
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Why did this app give 0CV as of today if it was not concidered as free?
Edit. You edited after I asked. Your reason is some create "fake GAs" so they will punish everyone else? Not that this is how the site is built and it actually show up as owned?
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Congrats for ignoring everything that was written down, just to repeat your very same nonsense again and again.
And if you care so much about people wanting the game, why not let them grab your key directly from PC Gamer? Ah, probably too much logic again for you.
I'm curious, on how many blacklists are you now? I'm just imagining how helpful we might be, trying to help you skip over our giveaways in future. ^^
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Nonsense #3
It was full value before everyone started to report these fake GAs, lol
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kiddos, crying, etc
Seems like the only kid around here is you.
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"AMK" id
A.M.K. + id
initials + id
Too hard to guess, right?
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And i'm blacklisted, lol.
Would really miss all your fake GAs (no)
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Вась, угомонись. Тебе тут за усердие приплачивают что-ли?
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Т.е если с кучкой рачков кто-то не согласен, значит мультиакк. Проспись, маня.
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Просто удивительно, что нашлись два идиота, создающих одинаковые раздачи с бесплатными играми под видом других игр, несущих ахинею, и кидающих в ЧС после пары безобидных комментов.
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Побегала манька, во всех тредах высрала тонну комментов, ей нассали в ротешник и кинули в чс. А ты чего ожидала? чс для этого и существует. А теперь офнись и больше тут не появляйся. Разрешаю напоследок че-нибудь пиздануть.
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if you giveaway Episode 1 you cant post for Complete Edition.
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This game its like Hitman on steam. If you the 1st episode its says you have the hole game... I activate the game on my account and all the giveaways for the complete edition disapear from the site, because steam says that i have the complete edition.
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if you activate key only have only episode 1, not the complete edition
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There is a lot of confusion going around because of how the dev/publisher changed the title of the game and how SG works with Steam id's. If this game use to have an episode 1 and the title was changed to Complete Edition while using the same Steam id, then SG is basically screwed because there are two different game versions with the same Steam id and nobody will know what is being given away or activated.
People are going to give the complete edition and when you activate it, you will only get episode 1, but you can mark the giveaway as received because the complete edition on Steam is actually just episode 1. When you activate this key and go to the Steam store, it will show that you own the complete edition. What you will not own is the DLC for episodes 2-5, but those are not part of this Steam id.
This is annoying because if anyone wants to give the real complete edition in the future won't be able to get CV and anyone that owns the first episode won't be able to enter for the real complete edition to get the rest of the episodes.
A similar thing happened with a Tomb Raider game where they released a definitive edition and also changed the base game to be called the definitive edition even through you don't get the contents of the real definitive edition.
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What you need to ask yourself is this --
If you were the winner of the giveaway, thinking you've jst won the actual $30 complete edition, and all you won is the first episode, how would you feel?
A little decency and respect for your winners is a good thing, as is making sure they're getting what they should (in this case, all episodes that comprise the $30 game).
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We are not talking about how a winner feels or what is morally right to giveaway knowing its not technically complete edition. We are talking about how the site is built and that this is even by SG standard concidered as free because they have added it to the 0CV list.
I wouldnt personally give it away if I only had ep 1. But thats not the issue here.
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touché :)
Edit: Technically yes, but also no. Wouldnt suprise me if support has a diffrent opinion in just this case. (But would be strange concidering its 0 CV) But there has been other games as mentioned in the thread where they said OK.
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The problem is that similar situations have come up in the past and they are handled differently. Recently tons of people have been giving away Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, but it doesn't include any of the Definitive Edition content because the dev renamed the base game to the Definitive Edition.
There are other games that have had similar problems, but I don't remember what they were. They are usually games that are released in episodes over time and then the dev/publisher decides to change the content of one of the steam id's and that screws up SG because there are now two different things on the same steam id.
Technically it should be fine because the key will activate the correct Steam id for the giveaway that is created, but I would prefer if the giveaways weren't allowed so that the real complete edition doesn't get dropped to 0 CV. There will probably be a bundle that includes the real complete edition in the future and it would be nice if people could get credit for giving it away when they buy it. Either way it is going to create a lot of confusion because SG relies on the Steam API and steam id's and the dev/publisher screwed up.
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I would prefer it were disabled so winners don't assume they're getting the full $30 game when they're not.
Regardless of either of our opinions, I think we would both agree that you should always show a little decency (particularly over a +1 sent or a "thanks!") and be sure our winners are getting what they're supposed to.
Personally speaking, I'd feel like shit when the winner messages me and says "Umm, I only got episode 1?"
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That's true, I wouldn't want to do that to someone either.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything support can do to stop people from giving it away. Maybe they can add a new entry called episode 1 and assign it the same Steam id as the complete edition. Then at least people can create a giveaway with the correct title and people entering will know it is only episode 1.
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This is the problem of marketing this game (the full season and the first episode have one page in the store).
I don’t know if you are aware or not, but if the winner confirms this giveaway, he will be blocked on steamgifts.
Are you so angry that you wish this to a user you are not familiar with?
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Regardless of however the publisher decided to name their game on Steam, the fact is, if you make a giveaway for the complete edition, then by SG rules you have to give the complete edition to the winner. The publisher has nothing to do with SG, so there's no point in assigning responsibility to them. You're the one responsible for the giveaways you create, no one else.
If you don't have the actual complete edition to give away to people, then don't create a giveaway with just the first episode. It's that simple.
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You make an awful lot of effort to give away something that is 0 CV and isn't even on the list, and protect your "right" to do so (and deliberatelyconfuse winners), while telling people that if they don't like it, they can skip it. While you could have skipped the giveaway, or skipped making the giveaway, skipped making the topic, and just like that - the cool way - drop the key in a forum.
Literally less than 10 seconds to delete the giveaway, instead you're making all his hassle for literally no gain, lol.
Also, you addressing the thing that it should be for full game but omg, evil dev name changed - it obviously makes it a fake giveaway as you deliberately choose to give something you don't intend to deliver. Still no idea why you're wasting so much time and energy protecting something that worth literally nothing, but hey. You can skip the logic if you don't like it
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Your giveaway is implying that it's the full package (30P isn't just the first episode), while you're actually only giving away episode 1, which for some reason has the same name (but isn't actually the same). So you're not giving away what you're actually claiming to give away, despite the same name.
Imagine having a kid, let's say his name is James. You bring him to the daycare, but when you pick him up later, the daycare wants to send home a different kid than your own with you. The employee says "Well, your own kid is named James, and so is this other kid, so it's fine if we give you this different kid instead". That employee is you, OP.
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Then why did you even request the key ? Dont act saint here with "It doesnt matter where I got the key from". You obviously got the key from promotion. In the end the problem is you snatching the key from someone who actually wanted it
And for what ? For useless "sent" number increase that dont mean anything ?
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Dont give me that "hack you talking about" crap. It takes a second to check steams page and see if its something you like or not...
I mean give it away if you want - and to be honest I agree with you - yes, the first episode is named complete edition so I suppose nothings wrong with giving it away - its not like its giving you any CV.
All I'm saying is youre creating a fuss over nothing here. And for what ? Because you have become useless middle person for a game thats free in the first place. It took me literally 5 seconds to open steams page, see that its a genre I would enjoy and got it.
SG is full of people like this every time keys are given out - snatching keys in every promotion for useless 0 CV giveaways obviously knowing they wont play the game. Okay - sorry if you didnt grab the key for that and realized only after you dont want it. Still - overly huge fuss over 0 CV giveaway. I dont even care about people grabbing keys for +1 on steam as that being completely useless is more useful then 0 CV giveaway in SG profile.
Out of curiosity I checked your profile. To add to the insult youre blatant liar as well ? "Dont want it" my ass. You actually have it added to your steam library ? So you actually requested two keys - one for yourself and one for a useless GA and unnecessary discussion. Kudos to you buddy, kudos to you.
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why you don't post your key here??? https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/hK2kQ/orphan-keys-drop-thread
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I didn't bring up those points saying you care about them, I brought them up to show how obvious it is that the key you're giving away isn't the (full) game you selected to giveaway on SG. And you're right, you don't have anything to do with what a publisher includes in his game, but you do have something to do with the game you've selected when you created the giveaway.
Judging by your responses to other people so far, it's pretty obvious to me that you're either not interested in other people's arguments or you're unable to grasp them. The question which then remains is why even create this thread in the first place?
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Close topic, delete giveaway, drop it there. Takes 30 seconds. The real nonsense that you're so invested in the "the developer is at fault" narrative that you're wasting your time and tanking blacklists while yelling "but I don't get nothing out of this staaahp". Stop for a second and look into the mirror lol, because you look like a bloody fool, or liar - whichever people think you are for saying one thing and doing the other.
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This thread is truly something. Not really providing to the discussion with it but i just felt like typing this out.
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You are not giving Complete Edition but only first chapter in the name of Complete Edition. And you got Complete Edition points but people righteously complained cuz they didn't get Complete Edition? What am i missing here? tldr?
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I meant no offense, i didn't really understand the buzz. Please make a ticket and close this topic. It won't make any good.
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He is not getting ''complete edition'' points, because the first episode is called ''complete edition''. at this point "complete edition" giveaway is 0 CV....
All the discussion is about is confusement on winners side and the fuel to argument is his rather aggressive attitude. This wouldnt have probably even gone further then 10 initial comments if he would have made normal post in the first place
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