It seems Lootboy struck gold with these card collecting events. They have 3 running now simultaneously, it's ridiculous. Probably it's far cheaper for them to pay out a few winners than to run a guaranteed credit event. They can also give out these cards instead of diamonds for login activity and watching ads which is another bonus for them.
I just hope they'll still run a guaranteed Steam wallet event not restricted to a select handful of countries.
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Somehow I doubt it will ever happen. Even Action Special Lootpack is now region restricted.
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That's why it's not worth investing in it anymore
so what if you have 15k diamonds if you have nothing to spend them on
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Will I get black market lootpack for buying 10 The Big Showdown packs?
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Is the February action working for others? It says it'll be available from 28/2/2023 but it's also only available until 28/2/2023. And from the countdown it's going to be "available" 2 minutes after it ends.
So I'm curious if it's a bug or just their way to not make it available in some regions.
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Well, for me it says "Try it" but when I'm clicking the link (from the PC) it says that it can't find the February pack at all...((
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I imagine that's the regular February pack, no? But yeah doesn't seem to be available yet. The one I'm asking is about the action pack that gets you loot tickets or whatever they're called. They started offering those in some regions first, but then made them available in more regions, but then the one from this year was again removed from several regions and only available in a few regions. So I'm curious what's happening with the one this month.
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I imagine that is due to regional times. Where I am, we are a few hours behind the time Lootboy uses.
Was the January action pack available in your region? I'm curious if the bug is because it shouldn't be available in my region or if it's a general bug for everyone.
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This time they didn't add any country restriction.
So probably just a bug from their side.
LootPack Details below.
【February Action Special LootPack 2022】
【During】Available until Feb 28 2023 19:59:00 GMT-03
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Just adding info.
【Diamond Quest: Underworld Empire】 (Only available for Mobile App)
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Maki's Adventure Discovery Pack [For season ticket members only]
Only available until February 8, 2023.
Sold out?
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Valid codes:
Code | Reward |
ANOMALY | Community Lootpack 🧧 |
WEARE! | 1000 🪙 (comic) |
SAD | 1💎 |
Hijoe6 | Community Lootpack 🧧 |
fray | Community Lootpack 🧧 |
flickzy | Community Lootpack 🧧 |
berki or BERKI or Berki | Community Lootpack 🧧 |
Discord500 | 500🪙 |
Welcome500 | 500🪙 |
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【Diamond Quest: Tacticool】 (Only available for Mobile App)
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Ohh they give diamonds as well? Since their description only mentions about signed Tom Brady Jersey...
Looks like LootBoy is hiding diamonds each part without mentioning.
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Now you mentioned that... I don't remember others mentioning diamonds as rewards besides Credits thing 😅
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Ahh the usual countries 😪
That upgrade event is also viewable on web LootBoy TOTY Upgrade Challenge 1.
And got the following.
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You could check here on LootBoy Weekend Special
The usual countries are the following:
And the mentioned LootPack of choices.
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Oof, it's the same every time, I've been waiting for an int one for months. At this point I'm starting to consider just taking the next one with guaranteed game credit, might as well try my luck trading that for something else than waiting forever.
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Ahh sorry to hear that, I'm more worried about what I read the other day people mentioning warranty period... imagine if this lasts long enough and they reply to you "Your warranty has ended. So no replacement." 😱
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Well that is an extra thing to take into account, but I think game specific credit expires after a while anyway so if I take that risk I'll be basically taking pretty much any trade offer. Still not convinced about going for that just yet tho, I haven't bothered with trades for years so I'm very rusty, it's just an option to keep in mind in case the int version of the Steam credit promo continues to not be a thing for a few more months.
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But that dude don't cared for his win 2 or 3 years.
I think it's "ok" that they don't want to invest all the time to get new keys for this specific game. For sure for other conditions as before and in a very low amount, on top (so assumed worse conditions as before for them).
If someone don't care for a win for so long, i don't think he can expect much.
Besides that are lb not earn a lot of money with the most users that write in this thread. So, i assume, they are not motivated to spend money in such cases, instead of earning money in the end.
I had with Indiegala the "warranty lost" situation when a bought key of a bundle wasn't ok and older as 60 days.
Since that time i don't purchase anymore on indiegala because that was a shi* move from them but they had it written in their shop rules, so nothing i could do and anyway a lawyer would cost more as the ~1€ key.
I see a difference between 60 days and 2years+ and the key on lb was, most likely, for free on top.
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That's true 😅 To be honest idk why checked wins after that amount of time but well...
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Yes, there were international promos for guaranteed steam credit in the past, at least two or three times if I'm not remembering it wrong. They've also had other promos like getting some diamonds back when buying a pack, I took advantage of one of those once and got something like 13 packs for the price of 10, which was an ok deal as far as I was concerned.
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Just adding info about what @Axelflox mentioned with some examples only. (Sorry if I didn't mention some of them)
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mine says 83 or higher not greater than 83 . . . and i got an 83 that's not an improvement for its slot. still have a 75 cb i'd really like to replace, but also sitting at 953 total rating.
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aw, i wish they would make it available for all regions. lootboy makes it harder to find diamonds and it's even harder to find promo where you can use them...
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10xSS and i got 10$, but when i clicked scratch here it says
Rubber Bandits
Paradise Lost
Majesty 2 Collection
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Dead Age
The Whispered World Special Edition
Little Dungeon Stories
The Franz Kafka Videogame
Syberia II
All game keys are fine
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Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal
Dead Age 2: The Zombie Survival RPG
Earth 2150 Trilogy
Broken Age
Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony
all of these were bought with season tickets
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25xSS with diamonds:
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
Mini Ninjas
Red Wings: Aces of the Sky
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Crazy Machines 3
Smart Factory Tycoon
Surviving Mars
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut
The Deed II
LEAVES - The Journey
World War III: Black Gold
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
BATTLETECH Digital Deluxe Edition
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 3
ShootMania Storm (4x4+3, weird key but it worked, looked like a retail cd key)
Red Bow
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 2 (looks like i jumped over year 1)
All worked fine
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Finished Archvale and it was super addicting and fun, so is Voidigo and Ikenfell :)
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I've sent you an invite.
Let's try (I'm from Ukraine) ^, ^
P.S. By the way... Even if you will not send anything you can still add me at Steam))
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You could ask someone to activate the wallet codes then buy TF2 keys for you with the money. Then they could simply gift them to you. A bit convulated but you could get most of the money this way. (A bit would be lost on fees and on whatever you leave for the person that helps you out.)
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I also have a problem but not region related. For some reason, Steam doesn't allow me to add funds to my wallet using PaySafeCard. I got $10 credit-of-your-choice but when trying to select PSC in Steam for payment and pressing "continue", it gives me an error saying the transaction couldn't be completed. It doesn't even get me to the page where I enter the code. From Spain, still haven't exchanged for the code, just thought I would see if it would work and well it doesn't.
So well, all this code/credit stuff sounds so easy and useful, but in the end it gives us headaches. I hope you end having luck.
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I have 1244 diamonds. Is there a really "quick" way to earn 6 diamonds? I'd like to get to 1250 diamonds today. Every survey I take ends up telling me at the end that I did not qualify, so they are a waste of time (I tried quite a few of them).
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are those diamond video packs region restricted or something?
'cause I've never seen 'em((
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I assume you mean on the mobile app. I'm still learning how to use that. I have not yet figured out how to get to the diamond videos, at least it is not obvious to me. I'll keep trying to figure it out unless someone can tell me how to do it?
EDIT: I found them, I'm watching them...
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340 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by medion
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181 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by jesuswelcome
1 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Outmind
Lootboy may close down! Might be a good time to spend your diamonds and empty your inventory...
For the newest codes and special deals check out the latest comments! ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺
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Additional hints:
It seems Lootboy has gotten a lot better when it comes to duplicated keys, but if you still have doubts about a key, you can use the group below for those giveaways :)
Unfortunately it happens far too often that Lootboy is handing out duplicate keys, so a lot of people feel uncomfortable with creating public giveaways with the games from Lootboy. So I just created a little group with some rules to make it less risky for the generous givers.I hope this helps :)
Steam Group Link
SG Group Link
A huge thanks to all the people who are posting new codes here or answer questions from other users! ٩(◕‿◕)۶
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