Announcement Video


  • Launching on September 20, 2019 for $199.99
  • Portable only (cannot be connected to TV)
  • Lighter and has a smaller screen (5.5-inch touch display vs. 6.2. Still 720p) than regular Switch
  • Has built in controls (not Joy-Cons) and no dock
  • Slightly better battery life
  • Compatible with games which support handheld mode
5 years ago*

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Will wait for New Switch Boy U Advance 64 XL Pro Classic.

Since I don't have a TV and don't care for motion controls this sounds like a decent version of the Switch to get. How much smaller is the screen though? It looks kind of similar in the video.

5 years ago

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5.5 inch, according to the news.

5 years ago

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That's smaller than my phone. :O

5 years ago

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Pokémon will be the system seller for this one. Every kid will “need” their own Switch.

5 years ago

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Too bad every kid now plays PUBG or Fortnite, so it will be wasted on Fortnite, sadly :(

5 years ago

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Despite what my CK II playtime says, it is possible to play more than one game.

5 years ago

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How is the online MP when you get a good 10 or so players in CKII?

I only ever played it with 2 others and it ran great but the netcode for Stellaris leaves a bit to be desired so curious how our big CK game is gonna end up

5 years ago

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I haven't gotten into MP much myself, but from what I've seen it sounds like a blast. Vanilla is very stable for MP.

Not sure what it would be like with 10+ players, might need a mod for maintenance.

5 years ago

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You can bet yo Ass there will be a Pokemon bundle.

5 years ago

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Oh yeah. They already announced a Sword/Shield themed Switch Lite:

View attached image.
5 years ago

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oh, that's why I got a new survey in one of my emails asking if I own a nintendo switch or whatever.. I'm still back at the gameboy times, anyways.. I highly doubt I'll buy a console in the next decades =(

5 years ago

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Last time I was hyped for anything Nintendo was back when I saw Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest on TV.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Warping issues were from a select run manufactured at a particular facility. There's nothing wrong with leaving it in the dock all day.

5 years ago

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didnt they say they arnt working on a new switch ?!!!

5 years ago

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They said the same about working on a new 3DS, right up until the day the XL was announced. This is standard Nintendo.

5 years ago

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lol i see

5 years ago

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Tbf, there've been rumours about 2 new Switch versions (Lite & Pro) for the past 6 months. I purposefully held off buying one because of it.

5 years ago

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To be more fair, those rumors began literally the moment the Switch went on sale. This happens with every console/phone/whatever.

It's against any company's interest to confirm such rumors, as it negatively affects sales of the current console/phone/whatever.


5 years ago

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Technically its not "new" internals are all the same. Nothing is faster or more powerful. Just smaller... so I guess it was a white lie?

5 years ago

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well the leaked info was a bout a new powerful switch or a mini switch but nintendo said they arnt working on anything new related to the switch lol

5 years ago

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And a switch pro*. Basically nothing new just bigger and smaller.

5 years ago

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Nah, I highly doubt we'll see a pro version soon, or at all. It's in their best interest to keep selling the original model.

5 years ago

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Okay the dutch article called it a pro, but there will be 2 new switch versions atleast, and one of them being more powerful.

Who knows, rumors? Time will tell.

5 years ago*

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I don't see anything more substantive than the normal rumors. No sources?

5 years ago*

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They could also "switch" to PC, like SEGA.

5 years ago

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This looks better for what I intend to do with the Switch (ie play Animal Crossing for 5000 hours) than the regular version. I don't care about TV mode and always thought joycons were utter trash so I see that version as an improvement (although it still has those horrible + - buttons apparently). Kinda afraid of that "Compatible with games which support handheld mode" line though. Let's hope that compatibility will be high.

5 years ago

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Yeah I was pretty excited until I came to that part. I'd really only use the Switch like a handheld anyway, and the joy cons are a bit of a turn off to me, but maybe Animal Crossing and the new Pokemon games will be compatible? Let's hope

5 years ago

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A few people already pointed that they're probably releasing that model specifically for Pokemon, so I guess this one's a safe bet. Even though I jump at every occasion to drown the current Nintendo in acid bile, I don't think they'll mess up with Animal Crossing either (although I'll admit I'm saying this with half rational thinking, half prayers). I'm more concerned about third party titles, indie games and very late titles.

5 years ago

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That's true. Animal Crossing is huge too, so I'm really, really hoping. And the late release stuff is a good point too. Maybe if the lite is popular enough, compatibility won't be a big issue. Maybe lol

5 years ago

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I've never really had a handheld console and the idea of owning one is enticing. The main issue has been pricing since even though I'd gladly take a used "jailbroken" PSP or something, the prices have never been that great. The $200 price tag isn't too inviting, but I like that they're taking a direction of including more people in their console.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Seriously - what is that video even supposed to show besides "look, cool kids who skate and hang around in cool places use this - you must buy it as well" .. Never liked these ad campaigns that solely bases their adverts on some kind of social constructs and celebrities instead of what the product actually does

5 years ago

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Never liked these ad campaigns that solely bases their adverts on some kind of social constructs and celebrities instead of what the product actually does

You just described the entire advertising industry.

5 years ago

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I wouldnt say "entire" ..
But definitely most of the industry. There are still ads that balance between showcasing the product and kind of promoting a lifestyle that goes with the product..
SpaceCouncil asked the right question - what does skaters have to do with a gaming console.. aside from trying to promote it through "cool" lifestyle

5 years ago

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aside from trying to promote it through "cool" lifestyle

Again, this sums up the ad industry. Selling you the "life you want."

5 years ago

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But I want a non-cool life :3

5 years ago

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I'm not like the other doctors.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You're a member of the Space Council, was he one of your astronauts?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Mario Galaxy 3?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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YA KNOW at first the $200 doesnt sound that bad and kinda gets me hyped and all then the realization comes that mario maker 2 is $60 and n-sane trilogy is $40 .... so you are already starting with $300 ... and yeah that is just the start.
Console gaming must be a luxury hobby. o.o Buying all these new consoles and their games each year or so.

5 years ago

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PC gaming has a front-loaded cost. With consoles, the cost is more dispersed.

5 years ago

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And mobile gaming is !!FREE!!*** (with that triple asterisk :D)

5 years ago

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I used to think the same until I got my Switch last year. The only game I ever bought was Mario Odyssey because I found out that I could easily trade it. I've played most of their first party titles without spending anything after the original purchase.

Pc gives the illusion of being the cheapest way to play games, but if you don't want to collect games, console is soooooo much cheaper. Nintendo is even better because their sales are awful, so if you bought a $60 game, when you trade it after a couple months/years, it's still worth at least $50-60. It's quite easy to find 1:1 trades.

5 years ago

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So the switch cant even run games at 60fps and now they make a worse edition lol

5 years ago

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It runs plenty of games at 60fps. What are you on about?

5 years ago

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I mean games that weren't made for the switch specifically like The Witcher 3 for example. They should make a pro switch that can run that on 60 fps in the TV dock.

5 years ago

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Rocket League wasn't made for Switch and it runs at 60fps, both handheld and docked.

Regardless, the Switch was clearly never intended to be marketed to the diehard fps crowd. Nintendo stopped trying to compete hardware-wise a long time ago. Expecting anything different is inviting disappointment.

5 years ago*

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True, and they dont have to. But downgrading seems like an odd choice still. Well see though how it plays out. It will probably be succesfull anyway with the Nitendo games being popular and at a lower entry price.

5 years ago

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As I said in an earlier comment, it's no coincidence they're releasing the Lite just before the new Pokémon drops. Switch Lite is ideal for kids and cheaper for parents. Especially for families, every kid will "need" their own Switch to avoid monopolizing the family console.

5 years ago

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Yeah good point! I think I'm just not part of the targeted audience :P

5 years ago

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In short, a massive downgrade, what's the point ?

I was expecting 4K and a bunch of improvements, as Sony and Microsoft did with the upgraded versions of their consoles, guess not.
Also, what's the official price for the regular version ? I see some wild variations on French stores : It goes from 275 € to 320 € and more.

5 years ago

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4K on a mobile console with multiGB games with a battery life longer then 1 hour......
Not quite sure why you'd expect anything past 1080 for this, it's not playing low leveled phone games. The battery life is the important part for a mobile console, not having 4K which most games don't even use or need.

5 years ago

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I was obviously thinking of connecting it to the TV, 4k is pointless on such a tiny screen, but it's pretty much the norm for home consoles. I own a 3DS, but it never left the house, I couldn't care less about portability, I only bought it for its great library of exclusive RPGs.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild looks gorgeous and breathtaking in 4K/60FPS (cemu), even PSP games really shine when you massively bump the native resolution on emulators, it's perfectly legitimate to expect graphical/technical upgrades from a newer version of a console.

5 years ago

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The point of this was to be a cheaper, smaller, longer battery life mobile counterpart. Even the rumors put out both a "switch mini" and a "switch pro" so expecting the lite to have that is strange. Keep your complaints for a possible pro version, not something that's marketed, designed and expected to be worse in order to be cheaper.

5 years ago

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Scaling a 720p render on a 1080p output to a 4k screen is muddier than sending that 720p image directly through a 4k pipe, innit? A straight 9x scaling rather than 2.25x then 4x.

Also while the games' internal resolution would be low, having UI elements display at higher res would be welcome. And HDR is a big deal, while we're at it.

5 years ago

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It would but I'd expect improvements for the (possible) pro version, not something designed to be worse for cheaper

5 years ago

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I thought we were talking about the pro, which was leaked to be in the works alongside weird of this mobile-only model.

5 years ago*

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I mean, this is a topic about the lite with comments about the lite with some of the specs of the lite with sources linking to the lite and a title talking about the lite so I assumed this comment was about the lite. If the OP says otherwise then I guess I'm wrong and since you're talking about the pro I suppose you have a point but I'm not going to take their full word on a product which as far as I'm aware doesn't have a release date (Switch Pro) since stuff like that can change between then and now.
As for the pro itself, I agree with your statement I'm also pretty hopeful for that ^-^ But if it takes out too much of the battery life and sets the price to 600 CAD maybe not

5 years ago

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600 CAD


It's shit like this that makes piracy attractive.

I was just under the impression that Arvennios was expecting a pro device, was disappointed with this lite, and then you started talking about a 4k display on the unit itself and I for one was actually referring to the USB-C output. 🤷 A 4k grid on a 5-6" display is definitely overkill.

As for a pro version I expect they'll just do a fab shrink on the processor (20nm > 12), improved USB-C (4k output), bigger storage (because 32GB is laughable) and call it a day.

5 years ago*

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Yeah, I can see how you'd get that. Agree with the pro thing, I doubt they'd make that much of a difference but I hope it'll justify the possible price.
Sometimes Amazon makes me cry I wanted a PS Vita in 2017 for Persona 4 G but it was 200+ for a used one so I stopped caring

5 years ago

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That battery life better be more then slightly better >_>

But really I'd say it's great if it was 150ish usd, but it's still alright at current price tag. I feel like some people are comparing this to the DS and DS Lite which is kinda fair but should not be what's expected

5 years ago

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It says on their website that the Lite has a battery life between 3-7 hours, while the original Switch's battery life is between 2.5-6 hours, so not much improvement.

5 years ago

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Realistically, the "slightly" improved battery life is likely just the result of a smaller screen size.

5 years ago

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I figured as much but a cat can hope right?

5 years ago

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Ouch okay I kinda take back the worth it if that's all you'd expect
I knew it wouldn't be that much better and I didn't expect that to be better but I was hopeful for maybe 4.5-9/10 hours somehow

5 years ago

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It'll be nice if they kept the option to dock it with a smaller dock like many third party we've seen. Also it says it doesn't support Tabletop mode but I think I've seen on reddit that you can still connect additional joycons for multiplayer so I'm a bit confused.

5 years ago

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No reason to get this if you have a Switch already. The only upsides are an actual d pad and a 30-60 minute longer battery life, which are not worth $200 in my opinion. It's a nice option for those who like handheld gaming and/or kids, but I can't imagine many people would rather have the Lite over the original.

5 years ago

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I guess if you don't have a TV is a good option. Also, I get tired of holding the Switch in less than an hour, a smaller/lighter version will solve this for people who really like to play handheld

5 years ago

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Screen size is too small.

5 years ago

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Still gonna wait for the supposed pro version (P Switch?) and GPD Win Max to be announced.

5 years ago

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Already got a regular Switch. I just want them to release Joy Cons that don't have horrible analog drift after a few months. -_-

5 years ago

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Quick-drying electric contact cleaner is your friend.

But yeah, the joy cons aren't really holding up well. My left one barely "clicks in" anymore.

Still love the pro controller.

5 years ago*

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This. If the Switch Lite still has this problem, it will be worthless in a couple years, since you cannot detach the deffective joycon and get a new one. I wouldn't pay $200 for something that is bound to break in a year or two.

5 years ago

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So this should be out in time for the new Pokemon game?

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5 years ago

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Second comment, bruh :P

5 years ago

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Yeah, but I actually am going to buy it for the new Pokemon game. I have 2 x GBA, 2 x DS and 2 x 3DS not just to play pokemon games but for when I need to trade pokemon with myself.

5 years ago

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This will actually be my first Pokemon game in over a decade. I was initially excited, but it sounds like Game Freak is burned out and being critically demonized. Hopefully the game is still solid.

5 years ago

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Yeah there has been some cash-in trash - but a new gen core RPG debut on a new system should be a worthwhile event. I'll at least enjoy wiping out a new batch of children with the competitive pokemon I've been breeding and training since before they were born.

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This is beautiful.

5 years ago

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Will you be able to trade those pkmn though most of those probably won't be in S&S
Also +100 for the top tier collection but what's under that paper I need to know

5 years ago

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Same here. I haven't played Pokemon since the GBC. Whenever I see a post from Nintendo there is a bunch of people complaining about "National Dex" and giant pokemons. I don't even know why or what exactly is a national dex, but it's diminishing my hype. T_T

5 years ago

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I find it kind of relieving, honestly. I wasn't exactly psyched to learn about 900 more pokemon. A limited dex sounds much less intimidating.

5 years ago

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I agree. The limited amount of pokemon in the 1st generation was imo one the reasons it was so good. It really makes the whole "gotta catch them all" achievable and that's the whole point of the game.

5 years ago

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a part of me is thinking, i feel like i should've waited for this one because i never dock my switch anyway and this one is cheaper (but then again, if i'd waited i would've missed out on all the splatoon 2 splatfests).

another part of me is thinking, my niece was saying she wanted a switch so this might be better suited for her. although when i told my niece the price and how much money she would have to save up, she got a bit startled, so idk.

5 years ago

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Hmm, I was planning to buy Switch. I would use mostly in handheld position if I bought Switch, therefore the lack of tv connection is not a problem for me. But I would really want to play local multiplayer (smash bros etc.) with my friends.

So, switch lite + joycons vs switch?
Which one would be better?

5 years ago

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Switch lite + joy cons may cost almost the same than a Switch I guess. One benefit is that you'll be able to play with 2 friends instead of one, having two extra controllers. But the Lite doesn't have a kickstand son you'll have to figure out a way to keep it standing.

Also, you'll have to buy a charger for the joy cons.

5 years ago

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Still can't afford it, plus I still kinda need to catch up since Wii (and PS1...)

5 years ago

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