At least a way for people no need to download their mobile app (in case if they just want to claim)
Or they can download the EGS Mobile and download the freebie they got to play.
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Oh, that is annoying. Oh well, I stopped claiming the Epic stuff years ago myself, but thought I'd look at this when I saw it.
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"The Epic Games Store is available on iPhone and iPad in the European Union only, and on Android, PC, and Mac worldwide. The Epic Games Store is planned to launch on iPhone and iPad in the UK and Japan in 2025 with more regions to follow as new laws mandating app store competition are passed."
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Ahh yep, iOS App only available in EU.
Guess I'm going to add that on top info part to avoid confusion.
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EU only yeah, our consumer laws were the only ones strong enough to beat Apple's monopoly (the App Store being the only store for iOS apps).
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Not sure to get your question. If you mean "how is App Store monopoly related to an iOS app", then the answer is "the EGS mobile app is a third-party store, which is something normal on Android but was practically impossible on iOS until a year or two ago in EU".
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I wasn't expecting this, but I'm not going to complain for, most likely, getting a metric ton of free games for my phone.
Thanks for this Megumin.
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Well they suddenly started all this today, although they did hint about it a while ago, just didn't expect they launch it a day after their usual weekly freebie.
But their interface on Mobile is really... not that user friendly and features missing, so not sure how it'll go later on.
You're welcome @
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And if someone asks: "Will these give me the PC version too? Can I get Vampire Survivors via epic's android store" then the answer might be "No".
Its possible this will change as "Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee" is technically different from PC version thats just "Dungeon of the Endless".
Since I already have Bloons TD6 can someone check will they also get it on PC if they claim it?
Currently as of writing, the store on mobile doesnt even have Library or anything like that.
Probably because all the available games are on frontpage (probably anyway)
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And yep for your last phrase, really no mobile library and the only thing you can interact is just that frontpage and if things aren't there, you can't do anything even if they're for mobile and you have them and wanting to download but can't make it due to game is not on frontpage.
Btw not linked with PC, like if you claimed on Mobile, you only get the Mobile ver, not the PC one.
Currently both PC/Mobile are entire separated thing, just think both of them as different platform, or package on Steam.
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i wasn't able to buy Bloons TD 6 (Android & iOS) but i got each other separately with 2 orders
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Yep, it seems to have an error since yesterday update that they don't allow to claim different platforms game at once.
Now I'll just separate them instead of making 1-single claim for both.
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nah, Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee worked by claiming both
i guess is because i owned Bloons for pc?
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Not really, I mean, it only affects the later ones added, after DotE: A
Like those others F2P games on both store, some of them I can add both at once, but some only works if I claim separately.
For example:
But Games like Fortnite, Rocket League Sideswipe, could claim both at same time.
Still unsure why, but to avoid issues I just put them separately since that always works.
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Hmm... well require more games to test that out, currently not that many games there. I mean free ones 😅
Unless someone wants to try with the paid ones...
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I was able to get them through instant checkout but i just cant seem to login into the epic mobile app cuz I cant confirm my account on launch. It just keeps loading forever.
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Hmm... well the login issue really idk since I didn't check that part, not to mention iOS which is more restricted to EU only.
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It was my chrome browser being the issue. After i changed the default browser to edge, i was able to launch it smoothly.
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Basically for mobile logic, installing them = claiming them.
You'll receive an invoice to your Epic email or check your Epic Transactions page to see the item added up.
Besides that currently there's no other way to tell if you got the mobile game or not without installing the mobile app to see there or your own Transaction/Invoice email, since there's no mobile library and it won't show up on your Epic PC Library.
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I already gave up on Google Play & App Store... always clicking to claim ➡️ Downloads ➡️ Cancel download.
Unless someone has a better way without triggering that download process, I really appreciate that.
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The only trick I'm aware of is that if you happen to have another device linked to your account that's compatible with that game and currently doesn't have space for installing anything else you can select that device and it will claim the game and just throw an error in the device you selected. It's far too situational to be useful tho, and just cancelling the download is more practical.
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Well yep, at least need a 2nd device and almost full of space for that to work 😅
But looks like a fine method.
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Already a thread, nice. 😆 Thank you Megu for the work!
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At first wasn't really sure if people will be interested into mobile ones or not, but since people consider Bloons TD 6 big, so thought posting it to test to see people's reaction on it. 😅 You're welcome @FranckCastle!
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Thanks for links.
This EPIC mobile stuff is confusing. I have claimed from iOS links with desktop web browser, but that also claimed Android version? Or at least I can not buy Android as I already have it. And also I do not see anywhere that it is mobile version of game as it seems to be regular PC version that was also claimed?!?
And I see other users above commenting they needed to claim both version separately?
Are F2P Apps links supposed to go to the steamgifts links? Can I see mobile store on desktop browser? I do not see where to claim F2P mobile apps.
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Nope, both platform Android or iOS are different app, so it'll treat as different ver.
So you can claim both of them no matter if you don't own the other device or none of the devices.
At least your Epic account will register that you own Android & iOS ver of the game if you claim each of them.
But to play them, you'll need those devices to download from the Mobile app ver.
And as you can guess, yep, claiming on mobile doesn't unlock your game on PC, since what you're claiming is just the game in mobile ver.
F2P ones I only added to see if anyone wants them or not, but if it's not fitting there then I'll remove them.
Also probably for future I'll just remove the links and leave only Instant Checkout links after all.
You're welcome.
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Although probably I'll post them a little late since some of them aren't really easy/public to find, so might take a while to update it if it's ok.
But meanwhile Instant Checkout one probably will be up faster than that.
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Thanks for going ahead and adding URLs for the new February 20 2025 giveaways for SW KoTOR and SW KoTOR II: The Sith Lords.
3 out of the 4 URLs are correctly displaying the corresponding game product listings, but the iOS link for SW KoTOR is saying Page Not Found Error 404
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Fixed, somehow mistyped something on the link.
Sorry for all the mess.
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I don't think there's a page for mobile free games currently, like those are only available to see on mobile, unless someone could figure out if that can be a link to watch on PC.
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The DL service on the mobile app is kinda bad. I lost half of the download due to a bad wifi reception spot, so better stay close to the módem ;)
Also: I had to reboot the cell phone since Dungeon of the Endless couldnt pass from the loading screen (the one with the diamond on the lower right corner). Works now.
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I heard plenty issues with DLing and also the game themselves, just hope they're fixed since they're just launched but still prefer if it could run stable.
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imagine in a universe where subnautica also had a mobile version and it was the first mobile freebie they released on epic... and i also missed that one. i would be devastated. heck im devastated for myself in another universe lol
to this day my soul wails for the subnautica i missed all those years ago.
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After all these years with no repeat of Subnautica on PC side... missing it on Mobile side... would hurt so much...
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There is no library or even a search option in the app to download these games unless they show up on the main page, seems like an alpha version of an app at this point. I claimed the games but didn't download them, so I am hoping at some point there will be a library where we can pick from what we have and can download.
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Sadly nope, your only way to install them is only through the main page hoping the app is there for you to click.
No search function, no all apps button, at least currently nothing like that is showing up.
Or even remote install, trigger on PC side, but installing on mobile.
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At least the app version is still 0.5.* , so clearly this isn't the full release. I guess I will keep claiming games and not download them, in hopes that eventually they show up in a library or at least giving a download option with search.
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Yep, meanwhile just claim them all and hope some day finally finish those features you can enjoy the big backlog library you got all the wya.
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Ohh I haven't checked the prices of games from there and Play Store or App Store.
So they sell cheaper there compared to other 2 stores?
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Yeah, for example other stores sell cultist simulator for more than $5(local pricing may vary) while epic games for half the price. Similarly there is no game for $2 instead of $5. Downside is not many games right now and no proper structure but competition is always good.
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I see... hope the ver they have aren't that different, so basically the same game with same ver but lower price.
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I think it is not possible anymore, I get "Device not compatible" warning when I try to claim them on PC browser. So I guess only either Android or iOS devices would work now.
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Oh now I was also seeing it, thanks for pointing that up.
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🔗 Epic Games PC Freebie
Epic Games Mobile Store offers free mobile games after launching on mobile platform for unknown period/duration.
Android is open Globally.
iOS is only available in European Union Regions.
Once claimed, keeps forever.
Due to some errors since certain update, claiming both platforms at once WILL NOT WORK,
so changing Instant Checkout Links per Platform instead of making both together.
⏩ Instant Checkout (Login to Epic Games first to use)
🎮 Evoland 2
🎮 Out There - Omega Edition
📆 Next Freebie
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀F2P Apps
⏩ Instant Checkout
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