Does this happen to women so raw? Myself i would never have such a behavior
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Like this and worse, for every woman you've ever known. Your mother, your sisters, your friends, your girlfriend, your wife. They've been forced to accept it because the punishment for disobedience used to be very harsh. This, and all the things other commenters complain about as "cry babies", "sjw", "pc" and such, is women "not having it". This is them saying "enough, stop, you've done this for generations and now we're equal enough that we can finally tell you to stop without being fired, beaten, abused, silenced, raped, killed for it."
So yeah. Raw indeed.
This isn't a new world where we suddenly aren't allowed to treat women any way we want to, were we suddenly have to watch our language and consider the way our words impacts others. This is the same world it's always been. They've never liked it or wanted it or accepted it, it has never ever been acceptable or right to do, but women just didn't use to be able to say no, stop, enough.
Now they can. And people complain that they suddenly have to behave like decent human beings.
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Lol, I Was told to suck a dick over a video game, i guess Men dont have an overactive imagination.
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Indeed, that's just disrespectful towards real victims of harassment.
If you are playing an online game and you are not getting flamed\insulted\threatened you are probably playing against bots...
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If you are playing an online game and you are not getting flamed\insulted\threatened you are probably playing against bots...
Just because online gaming communities are often toxic doesn't mean that we should accept and tolerate such behaviour. We need to expect and demand better.
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But that's not sexual harassment, it's just jerks being jerks, that's different
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Find a girl that plays multiplayer games. And just listen to the voicechats, read pms and stuff. This is most of the time way more than "get good idiot"...
And it is sexual harassment.
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Finding women was relatively easy, comments that im not getting myself for being a noob is harder. Twitch streamers i know get a lot of it, many actually make it their income
Then again, maybe im playing the right games
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It seems that the point being missed is that internet trolls use any and all avenues available for insult, denigration, degradation, humiliation, and horror. Getting a victim to respond with fear, anger, or shame is the goal. And yes, they will use sexual harassment if the opportunity presents itself. Both males and females get harassed/attacked, and both are open to sexual harassment.
Just because harassment has become widespread does not make it acceptable. In a world where people are rarely held accountable for their misbehavior, bullies have little fear of suffering the consequences for their mistreatment of others while incognito.
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Not what I expected but okay. Also, don't victim blame that poor plant you monsters.
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Hmm mute these people must be "hard"... :3
Oh damn, now on SG too... :O
Even when u get raped in game like GTA just quit and move on... when u cant handle these situations as man, boy, woman or girl then the real world will be much "harder"... oh again... :O
Sorry but everytime when i hear this i think... " Nobody forces you to listen..." There are stupid people everywhere, kill them or tolerate them, but making a fuzz doesnt help here...
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You played a lot of PAYDAY 2...
Imagine everytime you use the voicechat to plan the heist, to give a call or something at least one other player of your squat would start
"oh, a grill, we could stop right now" or "wow a grill, send nudes" or "do you have a boyfriend" or stuff like that...
And if nobody starts you would get messages after the game like "wow not bad for a game, do you have pictures?" or "you fcking cnt, stop playing games and go into the kitchen" or someone would just send you a picture of a dick....
This is more or less normal in multiplayergames. In the realworld you would not have to deal with so much shit because you can react. In the internet, you become "the problem" when you rise your voice as a female gamer.
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dont play with randoms then or general mute people... the world is not a rainbow show and most people are assholes... so like i wrote under this post, accept shitty world and people and just mute in general or whatever...
changing people will not happen...
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I get what you mean but...
In R6S they start banning these toxic, sexist and racist people because enough people complained.
This is, how it should be done. Not just "don't listen to them".
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and will be done, but Rainbow 6 is from a company who can afford the money to make the actions and build a team against this... most game companies cant...
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It kind of sounds like you're saying, "well, if you don't want to be raped and harassed, you shouldn't be playing video games," and "if someone is saying awful things to you, just don't listen to it," and that seems the wrong attitude to take.
We need to expect a better level of behaviour from gamers, and the only way to change things and make things better is to make "a fuzz" as you put it - to shine a light on the behaviour of the toxic, vocal minority, and say that the majority of gamers that are nice people will no longer tolerate such toxic behavour.
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well, if you think you can make internet behaviour or genral behaviour of humans "better" then i wish you good luck...
you wont get rid off these assholes, logical step for me is to mute people in general, play inm privat lobbies with known people etc... crying about something that never will change is useless... or change to games that have strong moderation like WOW, but these are pretty rare because of costs...
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i talk about vidya where you have the easiest options to avoid or stop these things...
in real world for sure it should be handled another way, if possible enforced via law or a good friend with muscles...
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Well to be honest I don't really play that kind of multiplayer games and if I did play them I'd probably mute rather than hearing that kind of stuff but I still think there's something to be done to make it more agreeable for everyone. I just think that leaving is not always the better option but you're right until something more can be done muting is probably the best thing to do.
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its not that i wouldnt like to see a change in that but only big games with money in background can manage a well working moderation where you dont harras people because you know you get punished and most things are loged...
sadly this service will not swap on smaller games, so we have to kinda defend our self... :P
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Often subjected to explicit messages and even threats, many women will pretend to be men online to avoid harassment.
Noone I play with knows my gender, except friends that I know from outside the games. Not in order to avoid harassment but simply because I know about that concept called privacy that everyone seems to viscerally hate and then complain about people using their private life against them.
PS: thanks for the transcript though, that's a lot more convenient than watching a video so I hope you continue it as you keep watching :)
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Wow, I always thought you are male, I mean your avatar pretty much suggests it, but now I'm confused. Your nick is even more alluding in that direction. :D
Aw man, don't ever get fooled by profile pictures. ok, the gender isn't relevant at all but I so much love plot twists
Edit: I'm so dumb, I'm assuming too much, I don't know shit and please excuse my intrusion. :X :D
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Really? Ok Fluffster was always male in my vision but you never really know. :D
I agree with you on the multiplayer part, mostly these MMO communities are toxic, cancerous and discriminatory and also full of cheaters. I don't need this negative and competitive crap and prefer to play alone. ;)
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Lol, never thougth of my nick this way... Now that you mention it it's kind of rude :D
I chose it after the wraith in Dead by Daylight, because I liked ringing the bell a lot
As for the avatar, I picked it randomly among the Call of Juarez Steam avatars a long time ago at a period when I used to change my avatar a lot. At first, I kept it because I managed to use it even though I didn't have the game and I noticed it wasn't available to pick anymore. Then I eventually bought the game, but I still can't access CoJ avatars... Long story short, I find it's kind of a collector ^^
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I seen in your name always the "dong" as the main part but by online people i don't know better the male/female question is only interesting to sort sometimes sentences in the right direction because males and females mean sometimes different things with the same sentence.
Its only a help to know the gender nothing that is really needed online by "nearly strangers".
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:D yeah it's funny how peeps have totally different associations to things like nicks. But it's not like I had this idea right away, I was just thinking what it could possibly mean, and in addition to your pretty cool (yeah I like it) and very raw and masculine avatar, it just popped naughtily in my mind. (sorry and thanks for the explanation.)
I haven't had the pleasure to play Call of Juarez, but it's on my radar for quite some time and I think something very subtle is pushing me to that now. :D
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I played it a very long time ago and I really liked it. Not sure if it aged well though, I remember one of the things I liked was the nice graphics, particularly some landscapes. Maybe they don't look as good 12 years after the release.
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I used a playstation name that alluded to being pregnant..I received so many weird messages; people wishing my unborn baby ill/death because I beat them at a game; people attempting to hit on me; people sending sexist messages.
I'm a male, well into my thirties. Some of the stuff I read was extremely horrible. It made me feel sorry for the person on too many levels.
Username doesn't mean anything :)
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Yeah that's true, names are just names and doesn't necessarily tell you anything about the real persons behind it, but the particular choice of nick has mostly an intended purpose which also can apply to certain characteristics of said persons.
But why did you do that? Was it just for fun or out of curiosity?
You don't need to be specific about the details, as I can imagine the things you came across. You just opened Pandora's box and invited this shit. :(
To be honest, I know there are many creepy things out there, but I tend to look away cuz it just scares me.
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I'm guilty of applying similar labels based on usernames, comments made, etc because there is a lot of truth to it.
My choice was just for fun, and also because so many people around me were having seemingly surprise babies. I'm partly a magnet to all kinds of weird because I'm a weirdo myself; people seem to attract similar things.
There's all kinds of weird and uncomfortable things on the internet. It's good to stay ignorant about some things; they can have negative impacts on mental health.
My favourite message, one that I have saved still is a user who became salty in Dark Souls. Character was a chick with a horse-head and a couple of swords. I totally have the screenshots still nice...
Included my set-up for reference...
Maybe it's because I enjoy learning about the way people think and act, maybe I'm sick in the head and enjoy the shit that gets spewed out?
These are pretty tame in comparison lol
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lol if he responded thinking the first message was original and scumbaggish, he at least got 50% of the way there. maybe ive been on the internet too long but that really wasnt original..
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Hey, I'm aware of your weirdness and I seriously like it. Your choice of avatar and steam name tells it all. :D <3
I'm also all in for weird things as I find them more interesting than generic stuff. (as long as they're being nice and friendly). You also seem very reasonable and self-reflecting to me, and I can relate to that very much, hence I was interested in your motives for doing that. Understanding people and different mindsets is important to me too, but I draw the line when it comes to real sick stuff. Ignorance is then a means to self-protection.
Thanks for your honest answer. ;)
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Wow im super late to reply to this.
I definitely don't keep my eccentricities secret; or try to hide them. Only end up hurting yourself when you try to censor yourself from within. I've learned a lot over the past many years; some good some bad. But I can't help my curiosity. The mind and the way we work just seems so fascinating. Regardless of some sick stuff out there, I'm always left wondering why? And when I don't get the reason I just get even more curious.
There comes a point in which even the most experienced professionals experience that burn-out from their jobs. Just look at the amount of first responders who suffer from PTSD. Hell, even councilors, psychologists, psychiatrists etc that go through peoples heads/emotions/feelings all the time. I can put up that wall myself, but the question is for how long. I can certainly understand and appreciate the ignorance behind a lot of things. Its a lot easier to figuratively bury your head in the sand and ignore things. Sometimes, it is the best thing because it can just hurt us knowing that many things happen, even if you're watching a made up show. These ideas come from some form of truth somewhere.
We live in a world where instant gratification and temporary everything is the norm. We (and myself included) are all quick to judge on mental illness, addiction, poor choices in judgement that we're act swiftly and without proper thought.
Having gone through some shit myself and dealing with my own mental issues, it pains me greatly when I hear of people talking down about any types of addictions or actions, not even thinking about what led a person to do such things in the first place. That's why mental health is so important. Even for the most vile of actions. If we can understand WHY people do these things we can better act in the future.
Unfortunately, the easy and most socially acceptable answer is either 1) lock them up forever or 2) bullet to the head. Some things I can emotionally warrant to an extent..
Shit. this got super long..
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its quite something to see people be so uncaring about their privacy on social media then wonder how some rando could know so much about them. ten minutes with a few sparse amounts of info can reveal a lot.
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Well this is Adult Swim and this Video is clearly 100% true....
There is a problem with sexual harassment and it's sad, that girlgames still have to listen to some shit on voicechats, in pms or in forums just because they are female...
And if they tell about the problems it's just "she could log out", "mute chat", "ignore them". This is kinda sad and shows directly, that a lot of players think that it's normal and okay...
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so what? even if it would be 10% (I'm sure that more than 50% of female gamers that don't hide thier gender in games suffer from it) it would be to much
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seriously though it all comes down to playing with adult people.
And never give your private information away.
Only very few games require you to be on coms with randoms. and those usually turn out toxic in some way. and if it is a problem don't bloody play those games.
But seriously though fucking play with friends and don't play with randoms and you are fine.
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noone thinks it is okay or normal. but if you feel this is too much to handle then you dont go to places like that or right? Its about protecting yourself. you cant just wander in dark alleys where it is known that criminals are there and expect to not get robbed or killed.
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first: I'm not a girl so I was not talking about myself
so what you say:
if you are a girl that don't like to get reduced to an (sex)object with no rights for some idiots just because you are female (and we here talk only about the voice, not some boobs-twitch-stream girl) you should search for an other hobby and don't play online games.
But it's okay... I'll prob. not post in this topic anymore because this shows one of the biggest problems of the gaming-community.
There are problems with hatespeach, sexism, racism but everyone is just "yeah fuck it! if you don't like it, leave".
On the other side the "whole community" went on a rampage because an publisher decides to release his game on a different store or a battlefield game has an female character...
In the end I stoll hope (and I'm sure), that those who shout loudest often aren't in the majority...
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ok, if that what i am saying is wrong then how do you want to stop these assholes from doing what they do? is there a better alternative then avoiding these assholes by muting/blocking them? There is nothing you can do to stop them. so the only real option is to avoid them.
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I can't hear it anymore...
Males are the evil ones. Each an every time.
That it give a lot of females that flirting to get something or presents there boobs to get something, always not only to one guy, no to nearly all that are available, and then cry/whine when reduced on there body.
A lot of the females make attention seeking and the male hot, thats enough for them, they feel good and so on, but the males don't want to be hot and nothing happen. I can understand that completly as a male and i was pissed off from that female acting more then once.
Females must communicate more direct and clear when in contact with guys. Thats a easy solution that take, at least 80% of, the stress out.
I experienced that different stuff above many hundred times in my 26 years online (often as a leader of gaming communitys/clans -partly with 800 members-).
Sure it give males that harass females that act not as the above ones BUT when the female say clear that she is not interest, he should stop and such stuff it mostly ends. A lot of the females don't say a clear (for males clear!) stop/not interested.
I experienced that often by female friends and i played more then once the boyfriend to rescue them from the really annoying ones.
In the end is the problem MUCH lower as always said.
Oh and as a harassed male you are still the evil. I experienced that by my own in RL. Fem. Stalker, no police made something, they said "she will not do such things without a reason", that was all and i had more then 1 year "fun" -nearly each day online and offline-. That lay 10 years in the past and maybe they do now more but i would have not much hope.
I had, one time, in RL at a dart play evening that a female grabbed between my legs from behind to the front (i known her from a open air concert and 2 sentences talking, that was it and i dont sended signals that such stuff is ok). I was shocked and told her to take her hand away or i beat her.
The girls around seen her action as "cool" (and talked like that), the guys looked dumb at me that i don't said "hey cool that she do that".
I was the victim and anyways the dumb one at this thing AND when i beaten her (she earned that) i would be the evil one too in such a story.
[By the RL stuff i can only speak from germany]
EDIT: 8 BL, 1 WL for my oppinion, and experience, here. Sg get more and more a joke
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No one is saying that all males are evil, or that they don't also experience harassment. Pointing out one wrong thing does not invalidate all other wrong things.
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Careful there. Simple statements that don't properly underline the intent can come across as broad generalisation rather than acknowledgement of a mere element.
Rights advocacy is a good thing; the lunatic fringe however rarely is. It's easy to build a false totem of a group based on exposure to its worst adherents and then chant about how awful their whole tribe is, and sadly this is what is the most common form of the (online) gender rights discussions. A sad state of affairs when you consider that if equality is really what everyone wanted, then the advocates of the other gender should really be each others greatest allies, but nah. Catharsis typically wins out over actually making any effort or progress to the supposed goal, as demonstrated by Masafor here. Good intents, justified anger, but misdirected/disgruntled efforts that derail themselves by prioritising present emotion rather than seeking change. The transcript of the article linked by the OP also reads somewhat like that, but to a lesser degree (perhaps owing to articulation and need for entertainment value).
The conjunction of the two lines came off as a deriding of the whole group, and I was left staring at the first word to figure out the real emphasis. You get the benefit of the doubt because maybe I have too much exposure to the perpetual anthropomorphic trashfires that live on twitter and disguise prejudicial sniping as activism. Sorry for the nugget of textspam ;P
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My opinions stand for no groups (men's right or something else), its my and only my experience in a "long" live and with all that "hype's, shitstorms and storms in a water glass".
Genders are different and that is good.
Or it would be uninteresting.
All genders should have the same rights but not everytime is something done with a evil background and only a problem of communication.
The "all men's are bad to me" acting of A PART of the women are, in my eyes, complete bullshit and because so much QQ it is harder to see which ones are really problems that OTHER ones can solve.
Mostly it is solveable from that person with there own words and own actions (examples: no, i don't want, blocking, reporting, pick the persons you want to play with).
And my experiences of 26 years online are that a lot of females make themself trouble with, as extremst EXAMPLES, presenting there boobs, want stuff or help (so play the "female card" bonus) and then QQ when people (mostly males) see there body more in the Foreground/Main reason(s) /Motivation to help/give.
And then speaking from "i am reduced on my body/boobs" or such stuff is in my eyes stupid.
When i, as a man, make a picture of my muscles/sixpack (whatever) and present it to females than you can be sure that a part are more interested at that body and not more so much on my brain. And that there acting change.
And yes males are in that direction more eyes focuses. Thats a fact from the different brains. Because Males and Females ARE DIFFERENT (body, brain, hormones). And sure it give much more males that act, openly!, like assholes.
But i throw in then a little question for everyone... which gender educate more of the childs/invest more time in it ?
Each and everyone can educate his childs/grand childs/nephews/niches and so on, at least, to a part.
and each and everyone should do there best at this too :o)
Besides that males are insulted in games too. I would say at least the same ammount, often more.
So it isn't always a harassment against women, "only" idiots that can't loose or think there are something better in game XYZ. And they know/use the stuff that hits there "enemies". In the case of women different stuff then by males (mostly)
But a lot of the males take that insulting easier (and not gender specific). They sort them in under "assholes" and move along (mostly).
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I stopped reading after seeing you continued to refer to women as "females". Seriously?
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i am not a native english speaker and i don't study english i refer men as males too....
BL for that is really stupid. facepalm
In my dicticonary stand female and women for exactly the same. So i am more confused then before where your problem lay.
I kick you then from my steam friendlist too. I don't need such people.
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Don't worry it's no coincidence it would be that poster to reduce your post to that lmao.
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Hey thanks for showing yourself to me. Returned the favour.
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Neither am I, you know.
Also, fyi, that wasn't the reason but really, I don't have to explain myself.
Whatever floats your boat; that "friendlist" is useless anyway.
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Whitelisted you for what it's worth, it's always the double standard that when guys get shit thrown at them it's nothing, but against women it becomes harassment - protip: people that insult you don't insult you specifically because you are a woman, but because that's the way to get under your skin.
In my experience from dozens of various games and communities, more often than not, women on the internet get treated much better than the average guy, and get more of positive attention like receiving free stuff for nothing etc.
Also it's hilarious to see one of those "female is bad word" nutjobs in the wild, just wow.
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Some of comments were made by my friend as a joke, and the others, well, I treat them kind of like a badge of honour - I played well enough to cause such a butthurt and/or cheat accusations, that they decided to comment. I've had dozens of those back when I played CoD competitively, and still get comments like that in World of Tanks, it's pretty funny.
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this is happening to everyone. if i see it as sexual harassment, people did the same to me. i am a men and people in cs:go said " i will kill you"/ "i will fuck you in the ass" etc. These are loose insults because there are many toxic people who direct their anger at you for being better in the game.
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Black button
This should be Afro-american button, mind you!
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"Afro-American" hasn't been much of a thing since the mid-70s. I think you're trying for "African-American."
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"Death threat" is "sexual harassment"? Is she some kind of dirty pervert or something? Or just stupid?
Also, newsflash: you can get up to several dozens of "go die" in average MOBA match in losing team chat regardless of your sex. Actually, 99% anybody who says that doesn't know and doesn't care if you have hole between legs or not.
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Mute and block buttons exist for a reason... people should seriously learn to use them.
Source: a woman that plays MP games a lot and realizes that people are going to be dickheads to you online no matter what your gender is and some people should really get over it.
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IRL is a bit of a different story as you can get away from it quite as easily as you can online (I wish you could just block people IRL), but I prefer the tactic of just ignoring people like that, I got better things to do than give them attention.
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I agree with that, some people in online games just take advantage of anonymity to rudely get off their nerves, if you're a woman, it's just that the attack angle is very obvious. But if you're a man don't worry they will find something else.
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threats in game arent generally gender specific, nothing like a child saying stuff about your mom when you know they have no idea what theyre talking about. but it can be fairly frustrating to have people think youre less at a game because of being a girl. thats why i stopped playing fps and mmos in general. i will pick up a good round of drunk halo 2 with some buddies still if we are feeling nostalgic but ive avoided voice chat for a decade for a reason.
i can handle heckling, but if its derailing and ruining the game, why even bother? though i do have the ideal that if youre going to troll, at least make me laugh. i like a creative insult honestly
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This type of thinking is counter-productive.
Just because someone is pointing out one wrong, does not mean they are invalidating all other wrongs.
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Some people do seem to use it as online dating though. i remember a good one, i actually told some random dude i was a girl so he would help me protect my cargo in GTA. He seemed to have taken it well and continued with his dumb pursuit of an online partner somewhere else.
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As man I can only see what shit post when it comes to boobs(aka women).
I play female chars themself(because in cases it just fits way better than a male) and just from that there need to be a slap machine or better a kick to not being able to reproduce again one.
Just wait enough time and the idiots reveal themself.
More prone in RPGs than other genres.
Using the anonymity of the internet to show such shitty behavior god forbid that you(the woman) fight back! B and other words are used while the real a make himself the victim... so sad to watch it as man.
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Haha, I knew of a guy who used to play as a female username in an RTS game. He was called RedHotBabe or something like that. He was a total parody, yet men used to send him messages trying to get into his pants. He'd write "dances sexily across the world chat in high heels teehee" and stuff like that. The guy was hilarious and we'd see him doing this on a daily basis. Not sure why he wanted to be on the receiving end of disgusting messages, even for the laughs, but whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
I, on the other hand, had a decidedly male name for quite some time. The only reason they found out I was female was via a Ventrillo meeting with the clan leaders in my alliance. It wasn't the clan leaders themselves that were the problem, but they were the ones who spilled the beans while teasing me over my accent. I was clan leader of the top clan on the server. Oh God forbid that a woman could lead a clan in a male-dominated game. Turns out that 6 of the top 10 clans had female leaders. They came out to support me after I was getting verbally attacked in the World Chat. Some of them were my enemies, but they stood with me on it.
People just didn't treat me the same when they found out I was female. I even had to kick someone out of my own clan for saying some really terrible things to me.
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All that behavior people show online just mirrors what our societies truly uphold as normal values and standards, and I don't mean that nonsense we are fed to believe and which actually runs contrary to how we have to act to be actually successful. Add a little bit of puberty and anonymity, et voila: Welcome to the interwebs aka the dark abyss the human psyche really is. And, to add to the dilemma, most people pretending to work and cry out against it are nothing more than part of the same coin, just the other side. Everyday madness, I guess. You won't change a thing as long as you don't stop fiddling with the symptoms, but start tackling the problem at its core.
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juiciest bits:
here's the link to video at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztqLcoaDlHc
plus, find below first
two4 minutes subtitles (free for you! no additional charges! <-- new!)Jena Friedman talks sexual harassment in gaming.
Sexual harassment is a very real problem, and now it's also a virtual problem, as millions of women report harassment in multiplayer online games. Often subjected to explicit messages and even threats, many women will pretend to be men online to avoid harassment. Game developer and author of a guideline on harassment in gaming, Renee Gittins:
I've been harassed when I've been playing games online multiple times.
How do you know if you're being virtually harassed or if you're just being virtually too sensitive?
My emotions have very little to do with it. I've received death threats. I've had really rude and graphic messages sent to me.
Did the person who virtually harassed you face any consequences?
Unfortunately not.
Wow, that is so lifelike.
But is sexual harassment in gaming really a problem? I consulted with an authority. Men.
I know a few female friends that have felt mistreated in gaming. I've seen them be harassed online in front of me.
Things like, "Oh, she's a chick." Uh, "She must not be any good," Or, "Oh, I bet she's got big hooters."
I wouldn't assume somebody would be getting sexually harassed, man or a guy.
"Man or a guy."
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
What about women? What about them?
How do we reach gamers who spend all their time gaming to stop being so... rape-y?
I think that if they could empathize with the people who've suffered harassment, perhaps they would have a better insight.
Friedman: I wanted to help gamers empathize with the harassment women face, so I created a fully immersive virtual reality sensory experience of what it's like to be a woman. To make it feel authentic, I modeled my game off of recent accounts of sexual harassment and even hired this adult film actor...
It's me, good old Harvey, all right?
...although he didn't quite take to my directing style.
[ Knock on door ] Hey, James, are you hard yet?
After a little pep talk, my game was nearly complete. Now I just needed some consenting but unsuspecting gamers.
-I've been gaming my whole entire life.
-I do get addicted to some games.
-"Tekken," "Mortal Kombat"...
Man: What are your thoughts on PC culture?
-Like, political correctness culture?
-Yeah. It is spiraling out of control.
-If you can't handle it, then get off the Internet.
-PC movement -- yeah, I think that was just bound to happen.
-I think it's a very important and very good movement.
-You can hop on the sue wagon and sue somebody and say, "Hey, I was part of that." I mean, I think that that's unfortunately a big thing going on.
It's partly the victim's fault
Friedman: To prep our gamers for the full female experience, I thought it might be helpful to introduce them to some ...subtle sexism first.
-Let's just do a little twirl. Okay. If it's loose, let me know. The last guy was a little bit, like, just kind of broader in the crotch area.
-Oh, really?
-So this is, like, a remote. I'm sure you're probably used to things like this size in your hand.
-Pop quiz -- The O-N, what is that?
-Well, it turns the game on.
-And, yeah. Okay, the on button.
-Sorry about that. Yeah. I could eat you, you smell so good.
-[ Laughs ] Okay.
-I got to get you a helmet. [ Exhales sharply ] Okay, this is, um, not gonna fit your head.
-Do we have a smaller headset? Here, come here. Okay. What size do you think?
-Uh, Probably... He could probably do a women's... a women's medium.
-Turn a 180. Here. I know, like, guys aren't that great at math.
-What do you see in front of you?
-The wood door.
-Great. Okay, have so much fun, and please, don't forget to smile.
[ Door opens, closes ]
...do not spoil too much what follows
also cause i still have to complete watching :|)Comment has been collapsed.