in online games i often pretend to be a woman, because you get treated way more nicely as a woman. so i call bullshit on this
but the video is funny
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i personly think you can't get sexual harassed online. its just words and words doesnt harm anybody. noone can touch your tatas or penus vaginis over a computer screen. but maybe im ust thiccskinned
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If you harass someone regarding their sex then that is sexual harassment. There isn't a question, that's how it is defined. It doesn't matter whether that harassment is online, verbal or physical. It's still sexual harassment.
What I find very interesting is that there aren't any woman out there defending this sort of behavior. The only people who don't have a problem with it are males and they aren't on the receiving end of it (online and off line).
Oh, and just for the record, I am male.
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Just because something is "culture" doesn't mean there isn't something wrong with it.
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I'm talking about this case though? What. Something can be a good thing and still have its flawed parts to it; that doesn't mean the rest isn't "good". Admitting that there is something wrong with something doesn't make the good of it any less good.
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I am glad I grew up in the 80'. Idk how COD lobby is now these days, but back then was brutal lol
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Kinda late to the party but whatevs.
I don't really get the comparison to the regular toxicity present in multiplayer gaming communities. Yes, most of the people who play multiplayer games encounter harassment on a daily basis, usually as a result of things going wrong in the game. That's very different from there being a very high chance of being harassed just because you have a feminine nickname, not to mention speak up with a girl's voice on voice chat. Not that either of these is right but do people really not see the difference between the toxicity spurred by playing bad/being a sore loser and toxicity spurred by the simple fact that one is a girl?
As for the people that propose to just mute/ignore the perpetrators or get out of the toxic environment, how does doing this solve the problem? Is it really alright to just close our eyes and bar a group of players, that just want to enjoy multiplayer games and communicate with their team mates ,like everyone else, from playing? There is no easy way to make it stop but we can start with raising awareness and educating people. Many of these online harassers are quite young and might as well take this attitude outside the internet if they are not told that it is wrong.
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I'd say people tend to act like assholes on the Internet. You're almost anonymous and you don't need to take responsibility for your words and actions. So for many people internet and specifically online games are a safe playground where they can let off steam. Everything that is tabooed in society becomes a thing people seek in virtual world.
So I don't think sexual harrasmets is something exceptional, it is just as bad as other forms of online toxicity. Good thing is that for many people being toxic on the net is a way to stay sane, happy and polite IRL. Net toxicity can be countered (for example bylaws that forbid anonymity), but the cure may be worse than the illness
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juiciest bits:
here's the link to video at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztqLcoaDlHc
plus, find below first
two4 minutes subtitles (free for you! no additional charges! <-- new!)Jena Friedman talks sexual harassment in gaming.
Sexual harassment is a very real problem, and now it's also a virtual problem, as millions of women report harassment in multiplayer online games. Often subjected to explicit messages and even threats, many women will pretend to be men online to avoid harassment. Game developer and author of a guideline on harassment in gaming, Renee Gittins:
I've been harassed when I've been playing games online multiple times.
How do you know if you're being virtually harassed or if you're just being virtually too sensitive?
My emotions have very little to do with it. I've received death threats. I've had really rude and graphic messages sent to me.
Did the person who virtually harassed you face any consequences?
Unfortunately not.
Wow, that is so lifelike.
But is sexual harassment in gaming really a problem? I consulted with an authority. Men.
I know a few female friends that have felt mistreated in gaming. I've seen them be harassed online in front of me.
Things like, "Oh, she's a chick." Uh, "She must not be any good," Or, "Oh, I bet she's got big hooters."
I wouldn't assume somebody would be getting sexually harassed, man or a guy.
"Man or a guy."
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
What about women? What about them?
How do we reach gamers who spend all their time gaming to stop being so... rape-y?
I think that if they could empathize with the people who've suffered harassment, perhaps they would have a better insight.
Friedman: I wanted to help gamers empathize with the harassment women face, so I created a fully immersive virtual reality sensory experience of what it's like to be a woman. To make it feel authentic, I modeled my game off of recent accounts of sexual harassment and even hired this adult film actor...
It's me, good old Harvey, all right?
...although he didn't quite take to my directing style.
[ Knock on door ] Hey, James, are you hard yet?
After a little pep talk, my game was nearly complete. Now I just needed some consenting but unsuspecting gamers.
-I've been gaming my whole entire life.
-I do get addicted to some games.
-"Tekken," "Mortal Kombat"...
Man: What are your thoughts on PC culture?
-Like, political correctness culture?
-Yeah. It is spiraling out of control.
-If you can't handle it, then get off the Internet.
-PC movement -- yeah, I think that was just bound to happen.
-I think it's a very important and very good movement.
-You can hop on the sue wagon and sue somebody and say, "Hey, I was part of that." I mean, I think that that's unfortunately a big thing going on.
It's partly the victim's fault
Friedman: To prep our gamers for the full female experience, I thought it might be helpful to introduce them to some ...subtle sexism first.
-Let's just do a little twirl. Okay. If it's loose, let me know. The last guy was a little bit, like, just kind of broader in the crotch area.
-Oh, really?
-So this is, like, a remote. I'm sure you're probably used to things like this size in your hand.
-Pop quiz -- The O-N, what is that?
-Well, it turns the game on.
-And, yeah. Okay, the on button.
-Sorry about that. Yeah. I could eat you, you smell so good.
-[ Laughs ] Okay.
-I got to get you a helmet. [ Exhales sharply ] Okay, this is, um, not gonna fit your head.
-Do we have a smaller headset? Here, come here. Okay. What size do you think?
-Uh, Probably... He could probably do a women's... a women's medium.
-Turn a 180. Here. I know, like, guys aren't that great at math.
-What do you see in front of you?
-The wood door.
-Great. Okay, have so much fun, and please, don't forget to smile.
[ Door opens, closes ]
...do not spoil too much what follows
also cause i still have to complete watching :|)Comment has been collapsed.