Actually it is amazing that the computers are still working :D.
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In other news today, Star Trek: Voyager still sucks. V'ger, more so.
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Come now... Janeway is an intergalactic milf who made the show a great watch and we all know it.
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wat. You can't be serious. The only thing it was better than was Enterprise and that's not saying much.
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For me, it had the potential to be the best, but they wasted it by having a return to the status quo (often without even solving the problem) at the end of nine out of ten episodes. The love and joy between the Federation officers and the Maquis came way too quickly as well. This guy helped me realise exactly what was bothering me for so many years. He's worth a watch. He's fucking hilarious.
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Im one of the few people I know that is interested in this stuff. Everyone else I know looks at NASA as a money pit. "Well why spend 1.2billion dollars just to explore a planet we will never go to herpa derp derp".
Shame that we cant invest more into things like this.
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I'm the exact opposite. Space is empty boring stuff. I don't see why we should be investing money in space travel or colonising other planets when we can't even make one planet sustainable.
It's only a few more steps to embrace the human virus that we are. Always consuming and killing and never stopping to think why.
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Yeah, can't fix our own shit but already packing for a new place to ruin.
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The seas are empty wet stuff. I don't see why we should be investing our gold on ships or in colonizing other lands when we can't even make our own continent sustainable.
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The continent was completely environmentally sustainable before the industrial era. Economically sustainable is a whole other debate. Plus we don't use IMPERIALISM as an excuses to conquer countries anymore (apart from oil rich countries who have a different prophet and book of god).
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Yeah, no. Europe was pretty fucked up environmentally and demographically even before the industrial era. Then, it got even worse.
But, let's not turn this discussion into a metaphor nitpicking contest, shall we? That goes absolutely nowhere. I was only poking fun at your lack of enthusiasm regarding investments on things such as these, as thoughts such as yours are clearly pessimistic and have a great chance of holding back humanity rather than pushing it forward.
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I guess we just differ in our opinions of "progression". I should of stated I was never against research into space or colonisation of other planets on a base level. Rather that humanity should be focusing much more locally on the Earth which we have just ignored and totally dicked up.
Sustainable colonisation across the universe makes the most sense to me. Of course this isn't exactly the best way for our current economic system, but that can change.
It's also 6:22 am and I barely had any sleep :p
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It's okay, I'm not judging you.
But you do realize that "we" are investing quite a bit on sustainability. There are plans for entirely self-maintained vertical complexes for keeping up with food demands and such without directly affecting the environment as much. Recycling turned into a big thing as well in the past years and birth rates have been decreasing a lot on developed countries due to education.
Though, I'm not entirely positive about this whole sustainability investments either. The whole Rio+20 fiasco only proved to be a solidification of the prophecy where corporations take over, as they were retracting environment laws and dismissing any punishment given to agricultural colossi for ravaging large chunks of farmland among other terrible, scary things.
There are also a lot of conspiracy theories regarding environmentalism on itself. Some scientists have been pointing out that we are actually insignificant towards how Earth behaves as a whole, which brought up a lot of speculation. For instance, countries that are still rich in natural resources (such as the middle east and South America) have been pretty much stalked for a good while. The Middle East is getting pounded to hell because of the Oil, while South America has "environmental" laws all the way up to its colon. However, rich places such as the U.S., the E.U. and China refuse to take part in "protecting the environment" as they continuously keep on maximizing profit by not fitting into any environment protocol such as the Kyoto Protocol. One could say that greater powers are trying to "preserve" those countries so they can get their hands onto their resources before those countries use them all up by themselves and actually become prosperous.
TL;DR: What I'm saying is, the environment does not need your pity, as it does not pity you. Sustainability has been around for a good while. Believing that we need even more sustainability because the media says so can be a deadly trap regarding the way people think under the covers of corporation practices. Saying that "we are scum and we destroy the environment" will only hold you back and give someone else the power to act under your nose.
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exploration and study =! plans for colonization. Because we dont know something, we should just continue with out learning? You dont want us spending money on learning more about our environment which includes outerspace? We might as well stop all research then, I mean screw looking for vaccines and cures right? Longer living humans is unsustainable!
All poking aside, we should be investing more here. Granted the amount spent on researching not just outerspace but all "positive" research projects is a drop in the ocean compared to money spent on wars and weapons. So instead of not wanting to support positive, IE strictly beneficial, IE cures and faster/cleaner/cheaper technologies etc, why not support a push for peace. The money saved there could easily be reinvested into "your country here"'s infrastructure/manufacturing/ anything else basically, and benefit the world via lower pollution, few resource use and so on.
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What you fail to see is that this is the only way for the human virus to survive; instead of focusing us all on one planet where there are so many of us we're killing the planet faster than it can repair itself, we need rapid colonization, spreading us to "healthy" planets where we'll be fewer in number so that our effects will be lessened before that planet also builds ships to colonize still more planets and spread the population out further and further.
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We were born too late to explore the world, yet we were born too soon to explore the galaxy.
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Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson actually talked a bit about that recently. Not only is NASA funding important for the scientific advances in the field of astrophysics and for answering millenia-long questions about the universe, but such "money pit" is also an investment for inspiring the newest generation of children who might discover or grow a passion for Science. This inspiration would drive them into pursuing a career in a number of scientific fields. It would be a major advancement for knowledge and for the development of the US or whichever country making this push for the stars. After all, the more scientists the merrier.
But no, we get Jersey Shore and TMZ.
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It is my opinion that the masses want to feel superior while sneering at the idiotic antics of other people.
There are beacons like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, Jim Al-Khalili to name a few; that want to show humanity that it's about time we crawl out of this crib we live in and open our minds to the wonders of the universe.
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space is a waste of time, stop living sci-fi fantasies of the 1950s. Theres nothing out there for us. Even if we did find zomg "life" .... bfd. We are LITERALLY SURROUNDED by intelligent forms of life on our own planet. What significance is it? For the most part our interaction with other forms of intelligent life is, we kill and eat them. So lets skip the trillions of dollars spent, decades or centuries, and lives lost to only find some random life forms that dont care about us either.
Just realize, that, humanity is not immortal.
We have a good thing going here on earth, it wont last forever.
appreciate it and deal.
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Don't forget Curiosity lands on Mars in 9 and a half hours too. :)
Live here.
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It's such a special day when your little spaceship grows up and leaves home... sniffles
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Got MW3-chievement and 50 million fucks were given
It's a sad sad world.
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Not a fan of FPS's tbh, too much twitch gameplay, give me indie games plox
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Perhaps if this had anything to do with something utterly insignificant such as a $1,00 video-game inside joke you would have a more enthusiastic comment to write to us. Something productive, even.
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It's pretty cool that Voyager got so far. It'll give some information on the emptiness of space. It's a shame though that we're all going to be long dead when it'll reach the next star.
Still, I think investment in space research is important, not just for the colonizing aspect. Actually, all the rest is more important, because it gives a better understanding of the universe and its physic. And often, in science, investing in big projects like this give unpredictable results, like the discovery of what allows us to exploit lasers. We can't really predict what we'll find out with other planets at our reach.
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It's fascinating actually, it's a shame there doesn't seem to be lots of people that are interested here.
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You assume other races if any have space travel and are war like in nature. That's a lot of odds.
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Probably. But I really want to know whats out there and if there is something or someone out there.
And the chance to know is important.
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If I've done my calculations right (judging from the time, perhaps unlikely) I've noticed that:
The voyager 1 has traveled 18 billion kilometers in 35 years and that distance is the equivalent of approximately 16 hours and 40 minutes for a photon to travel the same distance.
Wow... that means that the Voyager traveled only 0.0019 light years... less than a two-thousandth of a light year.
Space travel is a fleeting dream.
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Give it a few hundred years, and it'll be possible! Too bad I won't be alive. :'(
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Governments should never fund any research about space or space travel beyond what is necessary for space based weapons platforms. They would do more good by letting the tax payers keep that money. Everyone who feels the need discover what is out there can spend their own money doing it. They don't need to forcibly take my money and spend it on their pipe dreams.
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Ok, I want to spend money on space-research/travel and not spend it on healthcare, welfare or sending politicians to the UN. I also don't want to improve the roads that I won't be driving on. I don't want to fund any libraries that are in different parts of the country or museums I don't visit. No man is an island my little friend.
Spending money on "pipe-dreams" has given us satellite TV(!) and thousands of other technologies that improve our lives on a daily basis. Also, at our current rate of population growth, eventual colonisation of other planets may be a good solution to that problem. Jeez...if it were up to you and people like you, we'd all still be living on the African plains...
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I also do not want to spend it on other people's healthcare. I am opposed to the government providing any form of welfare and believe that private charities and individuals are better suited for the job. I'm simply opposed to the existence of the UN. Don't need to qualify that in any way. Libraries and museums should be privately funded through donations.
No man is an island but no man should have his legitimate assets or earnings seized under threat of force to be reallocated against his wishes. What is mine is mine. What is yours is yours. If you don't like how I or anyone else allocates their resources your only two options are to whine about how we are wrong or attempt to seize our assets by force and then do what you will with them. You clearly are in favor of seizing by force.
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Defense is within the purview of a government's responsibilities. Scientific research without any defense applications is not. Whether something is good or not is irrelevant. There are some things that governments should not do. Charity is a good example. It is good to help small children that have cancer. Plenty of private citizens and organizations do help those cancer kids. I've given money to help kids with cancer. As good as that may be it's not something that the government should have any part in whatsoever.
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Pretty exciting actually
Don't you think?
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