Well, some more information would help.
When did you get the Account Suspended message?
When did you send your support messages?
Have you ever interacted with Humble Support before?
How did your cancellation go? Did you interact with Support, or just do it with a click of a button?
I ask because there's a few possibilities here:
See what I mean?
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Got this message when wanted to buy January HB monthly last friday, few minutes later I messaged support
I mostly used HB for monthlies, but also have few purchases at store (last purchase was Call of Cthulhu which was revoked later because they messed up with the price)
I cancelled subscription using button, without involving support
I know it might take some time to support answer, but I'm waiting about 10 days and still nothing
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Even i used different credit cards on different accounts i opened all accounts on same ip and browser. also card holder name was same.
They deleted keys on humble account but they are still working . also tried unused keys they are also still working.
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I have two Humble accounts, that I use the same payment method on, never had an issue, had them both for years.
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When did you first try to contact support? My point is, Humple support doesn't work on weekends, maybe that's the reason they haven't answered you yet?
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The only reason they should have for locking an account is if payment to them was blocked / disputed.
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They locked it cause you were trading games or had a lot of referrals from the same people. They will not reverse the lock. If you wanna keep buying bundles just make a new account, they won't block your payment method unless it's Paypal.
Sometimes during sales you might be able to make a purchase on the HB store with that wallet. Try with cheaper games <5 euro.
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Yes, I traded few games from monthly because I wasn't interested in them, but following this logic almost all steamtrades users should be banned. You can check my trading history, there is about 40 games traded for more than year (and not all was from HB). So even for HB support I shouldn't look like trader. And I have only one referral, so that can't be the reason too
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I don't know at which point a person becomes a "trader" in their eyes. I only know that there is no human involved in the process of locking accounts and answering to the "Why is my account locked?" tickets.
Bans are not meant to stop users but to set developers' minds at ease. So just keep doing what you do on a new account and try my advice regarding the wallet funds.
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No, you can generate the keys you already have in the account. And if you have an annual subscription running, you still get the bundles.
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How's that work, you're just suspended from using the account to make future purchases?
You can still log in and view your keys?
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You just can't buy anymore with that account. But you still have access to your purchases and any remaining subscription. You can even get keys from their giveaways. And as I said above, during large sales, when they get 100 purchases per minute you can buy a cheap 3-4$ game with your suspended wallet funds and the system won't detect you.
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The only thing that you can do is remain calm and friendly in your correspondence with them. I've given games away, or swapped them for something else, but not too many as I think that's where issues arrise. I would never dream of selling keys. The problem might arise though if you swapped a game with someone and they, in turn, sold the key.
It's unfortunate, but there are people out there who don't have much integrity when it comes to stuff like this. They might sell a valuable key on one of those shady sites and screw the consequences for the poor devil who gave them the key in the first place.
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You're lucky you haven't traded with me then. Although, 90% of the people that I've traded with, know exactly what I do with the keys.
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Yeah, because only the first couple of people who traded with me got away with those kind of deals. After that, I learned and made it so it wouldn't be worth their while. After that, I traded some games with genuine gamers, then closed my thread when I got the games I wanted so not to push it. I know how to check the current resale value. Resellers can go suck on lemons.
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Just waiting to see if this is yet another case of "boohoo, Humble screwed me over" when the user had 15 monthlies running simultaniously (which was the case the last thread I saw Humble "Did it for no reason").
EDIT: Yup, you traded all your games away, seems they locked you for that.
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It boggles my mind some of the things that people do and then try to claim how they were 'wronged' and it was for "no reason". If you choose to trade games from Humble bundles then fine, but that is the risk you run when you do it. It's that simple.
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How exactly would they know he traded all his games away?
I'm assuming humble isn't monitoring steamtrades trying to find traders.
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Yes, I traded few games from monthly because I wasn't interested in them, but its not "you traded all your games away". You can chceck my trading history, its about 40 trades form more than year, not that many to call me a reseller and lock account
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I have; https://www.steamtrades.com/trades/search?user=76561198131307876
That's where I got "all your games" from... All Monthly games in the title, far more than 40 trades, a whole list from HB in the topmost recent one.
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Got your point, but am I looking like a person with 15 monthlies running simultaniously? I just buying monthlies for myself and of course I can trade or give away games I'm not interested in. There are lot of resellers here with 1000+ of trades, but I have never seen topic here about someone account was locked for trading
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As I said, that was the user last time (that I saw) screaming "HB is evil, I DID NOTHING WRONG" and then we quickly found out he ran 14 alts on monthlies.
There are threads about it appearing from time to time.
"of course I can trade or give away games I'm not interested in."
Actually, according to HB's rules you must agree with you can't. They turn a blind eye though, to a point...
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we quickly found out he ran 14 alts on monthlies.
....that's beyond greedy.
I honestly doubt Humble would suspend people trading games bought from them with a mere one account. I mean, shit happens like Chulthu incidents but I'm sure they would not screw people intentionally for shit and giggle.
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I did 30 before :X
Their payment process becomes a nightmare after awhile, multiple captcha starts then phone verification on stripe over and over.
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Your example is likely related to getting multiple monthly simultaneously, not trading games. Honestly, I doubt HB suspended people accounts because of trading games bought from one account. Surely, HB claimed on their EULA that you can't trade your games but I believe it's a grey area where HB's trying to balance it.
If they ban all accounts related to trading, 70-80% (or more?) of their customers will be gone.
If they don't control $$ traders grab multiple Monthlies/bundles simultaneously and throw them into grey markets, it will hurt developers so much. Consequently, it will be hard to get new games for their bundles.
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It's pretty clear that he put half his bundles into a tradeable list, not TRADED. If HB tracked down and banned all users put over half bundles on ST, we would see hundres or even thousands yelling around here. Until now, that doesn't happen. It's really hard to believe that HB banned a single user for this reason.
Or is this a sign before big storm? We'll see.
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But aren't they supposed to inform a customer of the reason for locking? If they actually haven't done that, it's uncool no matter if locking is justified or not.
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You mentioned Call of Cthulhu that got revoked. This might be the reason. A few people got suspended after that too in reddit. Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/humblebundles/comments/a06jrr/my_account_was_suspended/
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You know, this is Christmas period. I don't know how long You wait, but You know, You can wait way longer now than any other moment, right?
Just give them the chance and wait. I know it's annoyinf and frustrating...
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It really might be problem with payment method. I know you used same one before many times. However I have experienced lock out from new payments as well. I don't recall doing anything wrong and one bundle purchase did not go through. I have contacted support, they checked the case and informed me that it was done by a bot, which falsely marked my account as suspected. 10days is quite a long time, but I would still give them a little more time to breath. It is Christmas they have multiple bundles and store sales going on and I believe their hands are full. Hopefully you won't miss on any good deal.
Good luck
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As of now waiting is the only option for you. Maybe after Christmas you might get an actual response with reasons.
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Having seen a number of these threads lately, I would guess that what is happening at humble is that when you contact support they check up on you. If you are clearly trading HB games, they either refuse to help you or they lock your account. I don't know where the line between the two is.
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If you gift your games on Steamgifts - you're a trader too for them
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They suspended one my account too some time ago and they told me coz i used my own ref link on another account, oh what a shame, year ago and they bitching now, didnt said anything about trading, just crying about ref link from XY months ago xD funny asf
when i told them and what will be with my 25€ i uploaded with PayPal to HB wallet, no reply, if i use my own ref its so bad, if they steal my 25€ its ok xDD HB is nice trash with their logic and support...
for 1,5€ i made new PP, card and fk u Humble :D
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They suspended one my account too some time ago and they told me coz i used my own ref link on another account,
Not a very smart move from them, if I had a customer abusing my referral system, I would just block the referral program for them, not lock them out of spending more money on my shop... 👀
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How would blocking someone who clearly just makes new accounts to scam the referral bonuses from them help anything. That sounds like actual breaking of rules unlike just gifting some games here which gets your account unsupported so why act like a victim when you get caught?
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Clearly it's Humble's fault when they sever connections with people trying to exploit their services.
It's like Steamgifts banning people for selling their wins on G2A instead. Jesus, this site is evil. Everyone be warned of Steamgifts!!!111one!
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I spent some of uploaded money to purchase before suspend so if i ask for money back i loss aswell purchases from money.
I asked them if its looks fair by them, own ref is epic problem to suspend account but if they lock alot more money than is ref they act like its ok and nothing happened. Its not about some €, its only principle for me now.
If they transform my wallet to store coupon am able to use it, i recieved $5 coupon for Cthulhu glitch and i was able to get game with $5 credit with applied suspend.. heh
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I have a big issue with Humble that made me quit the monthly. The games are always advertised as one month after. Right now being middle of December and the January bundle is here. What? Ok, let's say for some people this is normal. But not only this, but they're charging you for the January bundle and the end of December? Why not at the end of January when the February bundle starts?
And because of this confusing business practice I got charged for a bundle I didn't want believing I'm paying for the previous month bundle. So I asked support kindly to offer me a refund since I didn't understand how they're charging me in April for May's bundle which I didn't want.
But they said no because I've apparently been offered a refund 1-2 years back. So I paused my subscription and filed a refund request on Paypal. I voiced my problem and there was no answer from Humble even to the refund case. They just let the time run out until Paypal got me my money back.
They're really shady sometimes
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Just a fair warning - even if you may be in the right here, after PayPal refund Humble will ban your entire account, this is their standard procedure after chargeback no matter if it was justified or not - so better spend all your remaining wallet money, use/save all your unused steam keys, download all DRM free games you wish to keep, ebooks, audiobooks, software and whatever else you have on account - because you will lose access to all of that.
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They're shady just because you don't understand their system, a system in place for what, 3 years, and not changed since?
It's the X bundle because they drop the first friday of X month. You are charged the last friday of X-1 month. As stated it's been this way always. So what's shady?
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Not despite. He finds them shady BECAUSE those nasty little vixens from Humble enticed him to sub for another year with their $99 promotion.
I was in a similar situation. Already topped up my PayPal wallet but then I decided I can make my remaining 6 months last till 2020.
It was a joke ;)
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You seem not to understand how it works. The January bundle gets released/revealed on the first friday of January, why would they charge at the end of January? you always pay in advance, then get the keys. if you are subscribed you have enough time to pause the next month if you don't like the early unlocks. if you intend to only buy one bundle, you can do it and then immediately cancel the subscribtion then you won't get charged for the next month automatically. but remember that you must buy it before the complete bundle gets released, which is always the first friday of a month.
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This is because the December bundle is revealed on the first Friday in December. Once it is revealed you can no longer buy it. That is the whole point of Humble Bundle. It's supposedly for charity, so you do not know what you are getting, kinda like a loot box. If people knew what was in the bundles, they could easily pick and choose which months to buy. I believe this gives them SOME protection from for $$ traders in that they have to gamble each month rather than just picking multiple copies of the bundles with very expenisve games and turning massive profits.
On the first friday of the month, the following month's bundle goes on sale. These aren't shady practices. Can't really tell if you're trolling us for a giggle, or serious. Either way, that's just how it works.
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The rule is that you can buy only ONE Monthly bundle (you can buy up to three for other bundles). I think $$ traders don't care much about gambling mysterical games as most (or all) Monthlies are valuable on grey markets. I believe they want to buy as many as possible Monthly bundles they can and get massive profits.
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Yeah, that is possibly the case. I've always thought that it might play into the reasons that they hide the contents. I only ever buy for personal use myself, so never tried buying more than 1 of any bundle, so wouldn't really know much about that end. :)
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Yeah I dunno. I didn't like this month's bundle, but that could be just my taste in games.
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Happy to see they finally unlocked your account!
Sad that such things happen but I can see the reason behind these.
BTW. Merry Christmas and all the best for you!
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i got 2 credit card rejected, and when i paid with Paypal was flagged to "manual review". Agent tell me thet if happens again they will review it as quick as possible, that was 2 weeks ago.
(And finally i got my purchase 5-6 days after that)
About 1 hour ago tried to make a purchase, 2 credit card rejected, with paypal got the message "Order cancelled" when i tried again..... "Account Suspended".
I open ticket with all this info with more detail of course and.... somene close the ticket whithout saying nothing to me.
I really don't know what to do now, account suspended, they close my tickets, if i open a new account it's useless coz all my pay methods are rejected.
Have a nice day xD
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Omg, that makes me wonder what reasons they have to repeatedly suspend you over your purchases.
It might be due to your credit cards, but honestly I don't know.
Maybe try to contact them via Facebook/Twitter and ask for assistance and more importantly ask them how to avoid those suspensions. At least they should give you reasons.
Good luck in getting your account back!
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So week ago Humble Bundle locked my account for no reason. I was subscriber for more than year and everything was fine until last month. After November unlocks (Sniper Elite 2005) I decided to cancel subscription because of poor bundles quality. But January unlocks persuaded me to try once more time and ... I got "Account suspended" message. Now I can't buy anything from store, I still have about 15 euro in my humble store wallet, and support keeps ignoring my messages without even explaining why account was locked.
EDIT 1: Thanks to all who responded, its looks like I should wait a little more and maybe they will answer to my ticket
If they respond I will update topic with the reason of suspension
Also added few gifts:
It took two weeks, but they finally responded. The reason of suspension was Call of Cthulhu, which I bought month ago and then it was revoked because actually it was price bug. Of course suspension was made by accident and now my account works again.
Thanks all for answers and here are some more giveaways:
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