Hey guys, I have saved up money for several months now and I want to buy a decent gaming PC. I can spend up to $800, but would prefer to keep it around $600. I do not need a monitor or other gaming paraphernalia- I just need the case and the contents inside. If possible it would be greatly appreciated if you make the build on PC Part Picker. I only have a few requirements.


  • AMD processor and video cards
  • 8 gigs of RAM
  • Case has at least 4 USB Ports
  • Motherboard supports at least 2 video cards

Thank you guys in advance. I wouldn't want to make a foolish mistake trying to create a build on my own and end up wasting my hard earned money.

9 years ago*

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Question: Why does it HAVE to be AMD cpu and gpu?

Question: By at least 4 usb ports, do you mean front ports?

9 years ago

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AMD is for the most part cheaper than Intel or NVIDIA equivalents.

Not all have to be front ports, like 2 in the front should be good, because I could plug my mic and webcam into back ports

9 years ago

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mouse & keyboard into the front? none left for anything else? I use a lot of USB stuff so want most as possible. This 4 usb only need to be USB 2.1?

9 years ago

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Yeah USB 2 would suffice, I actually don't need a single USB port, and yeah, probably mouse and keyboard in the front I might need to get a PCI USB Expansion card if I want to continue using an xbox control for some games

9 years ago

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Let me jsut tell you this
IF you plan on upgrading your pc regularly get AMD, if you want it to last forever get Intel-nvidia

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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rly? things might have changed...but I can tel you this
My previous pc lasted 8 years, used everyday :) and still being used now by my mom, I had to upgrade my GPU but the previous one lasted like 6 years

9 years ago

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Yea same. I had a super old Nvidia card in my old PC. It barely ran games. It used a heatsink and was overclocked to it's max and it's been running with 0 issues for 6 years.

But the Nvidia card sucked; so I put an AMD 5450; overclocked it. And if I play for more than 4 hours (which is rarely). Then the card overheats and I have to wait for it to cool down. Funniest part is it dosen't even bother to thermal throttle it....it just stops.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't quite have the free time to go making a build on that website but I can recommend a few general parts.

The R9 270X is a card that can play any/every game and get at about or at least 60 fps no problem, you can get it from XFX for about $100.
Looking for a better one? I'd recommend the 290 or the 290X. Or if you can't spend that much, the 280X. I use 2 270Xs and my PC is a monster getting 120fps minimum in all games. All the cards I've listed though have crossfire compatibility.

The AMD FX-6300 is a 6-core 3.5 GHz cpu that is known for its astounding overclocking capabilities (I use one and it can overclock stable up to 4.3GHz), if you're into that. IF not, I believe there's a higher 6300 series (6350 i think) that gets 3.9 by default. Still very cheap. Get an 8000 series if you have extra money and want all 8 cores rather than 6. (Though no game in existence needs 8 yet. 6 is the highest that has ever been needed for a game.)

Standard DDR3-1600 RAM will suffice unless you have the extra money to throw at this. Jump to DDR4 if you can, upgrades in DDR3 are negligible at best.

As for motherboard I'd recommend an Asus, sorry I cannot name any specifics. If you dislike Asus, Gigabyte makes good ones as well I've heard. Any build with any of the specs I listed above will last you years before you ever need to consider upgrading, especially if you can shell out for a 290X? You'll run for half a decade with no fps problems. Your hard drive would die before you ever need to upgrade.

9 years ago

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Thanks for detailed parts list, is there a recognizable difference in performance with DDR4 vs DDR3 that would make it worth me forking out the extra money?

9 years ago

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There is a difference between DDR4 and DDR3. It's definitely worth it to get DDR4 if you can afford it. However that's just MAINLY going to help with things like loading times in-game. With your budget I'd honestly just get some 1600 DDR3 RAM, 8 gigs is more than enough for gaming. You'll want that budget somewhere else for the sheer performance.

9 years ago

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Okay, I have been recommended the 280x a few times now and it seems like it is worth the extra money, are there any games you cannot play with your crossfire 270x's? And did you ever use just 1 270x? If yes how were more demanding games running with just one?

9 years ago

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I use 1 270X on most games. I have never once needed both of my 270Xs to max out my 60hz monitor. I max every game out. The lowest FPS i have ever gotten in a game was in Dying Light on week 1 (With 1 GPU, 30 fps. 2? 60.) due to Nvidia paying them off, there were barely any AMD optimizations. They've been improving it and I've been seeing more FPS, but no game has ever come as close to being a low FPS as Dying light.

1 GPU- Elite Dangerous- 150 FPS.
1 GPU- Dragon Age Inquistion (On week 1) 70 FPS (Now? Unknown)
1 GPU- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell- 90FPS
1 GPU- Company of Heroes 2 (With V-Sync) 60 FPS, with drops to 53 FPS occasionally (due to a mix of limiting the GPU to 60 FPS and to that game's lack of optimization for all brands of hardware, most games don't have any kind of drop, but you likely would never notice 60 to 53 anyway, turn off V-Sync if you can though.)

I cannot play Planetside 2 with crossfire as the game lacks any kind of multi-gpu support and I get crashes with crossfire running. Same with Arma 2 (Arma 3 works though). I'd recommend going with a non-crossfire profile as even though the tech has been out for a decade (or more?) most devs IGNORE the existence of it. Maybe in a few years that'll change, no idea.

1 270X is perfect for today's gaming on getting everything maxed out, and I can't see that changing within the next 3 years at least. Maybe then it'll need a setting toned down or two. A 280X will be able to max things out for years longer than that I'd assume.

Note: Running crossfire adds additional demand on your CPU, so make sure you get at least a 6-core if you plan on getting crossfire.

Hope I've helped.

9 years ago

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Thanks a lot man you have been so helpful- two final question. What are you FPS with ARMA 3, because I've wanted to get it for a while now, but neither CPU nor my GPU are not strong enough to run it. And do you have Bioshock Infinite if so what FPS are you getting on it

9 years ago

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Yikes well I might not be too helpful with these last two sorry =P

I only played Arma 3 during a free weekend so I cannot check what I would be getting now. But I will tell you now that Arma 3 is a CPU-intensive game, not GPU. My friend ran a 270X on that game with a 4 core 2.8 GHz 5-year-old AMD Pentium cpu and averaged 30-40 FPS. So if you have a 270X or 280X and any FX series 6300 or higher, you don't have to worry about getting any lower than 60 I'd assume. (Render distance is a variable you can set to help you achieve optimal FPS CPU-wise. This will ultimately affect your FPS no matter your specs.) What CPU are you getting?

I have Bioshock Infinite but only for Playstation 3, sorry.

9 years ago

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Most likely the Fx-6300, I was looking at it before hand and a few people have recommended it here too

9 years ago

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FX-6300 is very good, especially (as I mentioned) since it is VERY good at overclocking. Might wanna pick up a good cooling system with it so that in a few years when it's your bottleneck you can overclock it and have no heat issues. If the cost for a good cooling system is too much for you, consider getting a higher-end FX CPU instead.

FX-6300 unoverlocked can definitely handle Arma 3 though =)

9 years ago

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Cooling is one of the things I know almost nothing about, what would you suggest? And that is great, my friends have been wanting me to get Arma 3

Also, I really don't know much about power, should 80+ Bronze Efficiency suffice? Or should I go higher?

9 years ago*

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I personally went silver efficiency but bronze should most definitely suffice. Not the biggest know-it-all on power like I am my main parts.

Cooling though depends on if you plan on overclocking. If so, definitely go liquid cooling. I bought an AMD liquid cooling system myself. Should suffice for you as well if you wanna get that CPU running up to 4.3GHz

9 years ago*

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Would something like this, combined with the case fans work fine? Or do you have a link to a product you recommend?

9 years ago

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I have nothing I could personally recommend, as I have a customized AMD-brand liquid cooling system, and that's not something you can actually browse for =P you have to specifically order it. But that seems to be a pretty decent stock liquid cooler, should be able to get you through overclocking when the time comes no problem.

9 years ago

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IMO, it's not worth it. A small SSD will make a world of difference in loading-heavy games like Skyrim. Honestly, most people don't use a lot of their RAM as it is. 8GB of DDR3 at 1600 will be plenty. 2X4 preferred over 1X8, unless you have 3 channel RAM (not very common from what I've seen). Unless you're switching between several memory heavy programs, or perhaps streaming your game and therefore need to run another program in the background, I'd stick with DDR3.

9 years ago

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I know the functions of SSD's but I dot know how much crates what magnitude of an impact on the computer. How much would you suggest?

9 years ago

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It only affects loading times of your OS and the programs installed onto the SSD. But for the price? You'd be exchanging a lot of performance away for a faster boot-up time. I'd only recommend an SSD if you have a high budget.

9 years ago

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It make the OS much snappier and loading time for any program installed is much better. I'd suggest 64 GB for just your OS and a few commonly used programs or games, or a 128 GB for OS, common programs, and a number of your games. My 128GB was $50, but around Black Friday. Every other computer seems sluggish now.

9 years ago

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$50 I could manage, that's why I want a build that I can continue to add on too

9 years ago

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AMD Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/VDWQYJ Total: $595.64
Keep in mind that you can run 2 AMD GPUs, but not 2 nVidia GPUs if you decide to. And if you do, you will need to upgrade the power supply.
Are you going to overclock?

9 years ago

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Thanks for the build. This may seem like a n00bish question, but would there be any difference between 1 8gig stick of RAM and 2 4gig sticks other than I would have more RAM slots once I get more money? And I am not too sure about overclocking: for sure if they have the option for factory overclock upon purchase, I am kinda scared to do it on my own though.

9 years ago*

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You get a considerably less performance if you don't take advantage of the dual channel RAM from the motherboard, by using only 1 slot.

9 years ago

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Yes, you'll get slightly better performance out of two sticks than one.

However, the difference is minimal, so I would value the extra slots more. Sometimes it boils down to whichever is cheaper.

9 years ago

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Its really not worth buying dual GPUs unless you already have a top of the line GPU and still crave more power. Otherwise you can always get better performance upgrading to a single better GPU over purchasing another one of the junk one you already have.

That is a fact.

Also, most games don't even properly utilize dual GPU, even today.

9 years ago

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Yes, correct. OP's requirements were that it needed to support dual GPUs. I was just stating that if he wanted to do that with nVidia cards in the future, he can't with this motherboard.

9 years ago

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Just wondering why you're requiring crossfire capability? Unless you're looking at spending double your proposed budget it's not really an efficient use of your money.

9 years ago

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I am on a low budget right now because I am In college, but I am set to graduate late June 2-16 with little to no debt. Once I get a better job because I will now have a degree, I will get significantly better pay. I hope to invest a small bit more into my computer.

9 years ago

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I have to admit that is a good idea.

I would recommend a R9 290X

9 years ago

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ehhh I'd skip the amd cpus, right now they are quite outdated and not worth the price, zen will be a lot better.

9 years ago*

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Really? I have heard such great things about the AMD Fx-6300 (both here and on other sites reviewing it)- and isn't Zen a line of CPU's from AMD?

9 years ago

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Yes the Zen cpu line is from AMD but it will come out in 2016, right now as I said they are slightly outdated, I'd go for an i5 4460 especially if you will keep the computer for years :)

I mean in the future you could even swap it for a newer processor or an i7, with amd you'd be stuck to that 'cause the new amd lineup will have a new socket (yeah intel will have a new socket as well but you'll be able to upgrade up to a broadwell cpu keeping the socket 1150).

I'd drop the sli requirement, it's not worth the weight but in case people usually suggest a particular motherboard, I can't remember the name it's the krait sli edition or something like that.

9 years ago

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here a quick build, it can be improved but it's a good start :3


you can buy the os on /r/softwareswap, the ram has a low profile so if you'll ever want to mount a large cooler you can do it with no problems, the psu is great, you can even add more ram, you just need to add the gpu of your preference.

Edit: forget DDR4, too expensive for now and not worth the price for gaming, RIGHT NOW.

9 years ago*

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But there is no security guarantee on Reddit, and I don't want to get scammed

9 years ago

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You can always wait and buy windows 10 on launch, it will probably have a nice price on launch.

9 years ago

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If he has a copy of Win7, he gets a free upgrade to Win10 when it becomes a thing.

9 years ago

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Really I thought it was windows 8 that offered that :O?

9 years ago

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UPDATE I have this so far. What do you guys think? Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated, especially in the cooling and power department. Do I need to buy case fans or fan controllers? Thanks for all the help so far.

9 years ago

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I don't think water cooling is necessary in this PC. A Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo is cheaper and would do a better job cooling your computer.
I would also add an SSD because a 120GB SSD is only like $50 and makes a big difference.

9 years ago

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Numerous online reviews have said that this processor it notoriously hot, with overclocking it will get even hotter. Are you sure about no liquid cooling? And I have been recommended SSD a few times now, do you know if sandisk is any good, I have several of their products and am very satisfied and I found one for cheap, but have never owned any SSD at all. If not what brand would you recommend?

9 years ago

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You picked a bad processor, pick an AM3+ with 8-cores and do not buy a liquid cooler. AMD's stock coolers are pretty nice and if that's not enought for you (should be enough if you're not overclocking) buy another fan+heatsink cooler. That 6-core CPU would bottleneck your GPU.

My other not-so-important suggestion would be;
*Get an MSI Motherboard, MSI is the best in AMD mobo's.I'd suggest a 970A-G46 which is okay in terms of hardware and AWESOME in terms of software.

9 years ago

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Did I pick a BAD processor? Or is it just that there are better processors on the market. When taking my budget into account is the Fx-6300 sufficient? You are saying my GUP will get bottlenecked, so instead of getting a better CPU would i be better off financially downgrading to a 270x?

9 years ago*

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Instead of buying FX-6300 and a Liquid Cooler, just go for the FX8320. It's about the same price in total without the cooler and has similiar price/performance ratio. But you need an 8-core processor, or you'll have to upgrade in 2 years. Your GPU will work better with FX8320 and almost every new game requires an 8-core processor to run smoothly.

FX-6300 is sufficient but trust me, you don't want to be have to upgrade in 2 years. FX-8320 is awesome.

9 years ago

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No game requires an 8-core processor. Stop lying to him please.

9 years ago

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I have no reason to lie, no game requires 8-core processor to work but almost every one of them needs an 8-core to work SMOOTHLY.

Take Call of Duty Advanced Warfare for instance, it heavily depends on CPU and will require a lot of processor power. You need a good CPU to run it over 45 FPS.

That GPU can go for over 5 years, but that CPU has a lifespan of 2 years. You can get a better performance both from GPU and CPU if you match a R9 280X and a FX-8320.

9 years ago

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Incorrect. If it does not need an 8-core proccessor then adding the extra cores does not help whatsoever. CPUs operate based on speed and amount.

The amount is what the cores are for, the load. Only 1 game in existence even needs 6 cores of load (Maxed out for at least 60 fps).

The SPEED is what he needs to make games run smoothly. I haven't had any issues with my FX-6300 not-overclocked and getting at least 60 fps. If 60 fps minimum is not smooth to you, please tell me what is? And the FX-6300 has a 4.3 GHz overclocking capability no problem.

9 years ago

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Speed > Core Counts ?

Okay I'll OC my old 2-core CPU to 4.3 GHz it'll be faster than my current 6-core 3.4 GHz, right ?

If you want to make a prograssive argument, tell me what he needs to buy. Do you actually recommend him buying FX-6300 with a liquid cooler ? I have no problem with that. I just suggested another idea. But saying Speed > Core Counts is truly the incorrect information here.

9 years ago

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No. You clearly didn't pay attention. So let me spell it out for you.

You need SPEED. and LOAD. But no game needs an 8 core LOAD. The max any game has needed is a total of a little over 4 cores of LOAD. Thus requiring six cores.

So when you have enough LOAD. You need SPEED. And then SPEED is the overall ending decider of your performance after you have enough LOAD. It will take at least a decade for any game to need 8 cores of LOAD. So 6 cores will do him perfectly, especially when he can get a SPEED of 4.3

Try not to twist my words. I made it very hard for you this time. But I'd like to see you try to do it again.

9 years ago

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So will the current GPU get bottlenecked or nah?

9 years ago

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A little, probably unnoticable. But main problem is that you'll need to upgrade that CPU soon. GPU is pretty good but since 16-cores will come next year, that 6-core CPU has a low lifespan now.

And you seriously won't need liquid cooling, I use a shitty old AMD 6-core 1075T and never saw it hotter than 50C.

9 years ago

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As I said earlier in this thread, I plan on getting a much beefier computer In the next year to two, how much would the life span of the 8 core differ, and considering my plan would it even make that big of a difference other than a few dollars?

9 years ago

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Sorry didn't saw your earlier comment, I just saw "decent gaming PC" on topic and suggested an 8-core. FX 6300 and 8320 isn't really that difference in terms of performance but buying liquid cooler is a bad idea. I just think you should spend that money to upgrade for a little better CPU, liquid cooling is truly unnecessary.

9 years ago

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It's just that there are better processors. The FX-6300 can run every single game 60 fps matched with a good GPU no problem. The overclock capability to 4.3 makes it much better than the next few CPUs above it. Meaning spending an extra $100 on CPU would be redundant if you get an FX-6300 with even a $50 liquid cooler.

If this guy is suggesting 8-core is better than 6-core, he knows nothing about CPUs, as there isn't a single game in existence that needs an 8-core CPU. Only 1 game in existence even needs a 6-core.

9 years ago

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Off topic, but isn't it 2 (Battlefield 4 and Watch_Dogs)

9 years ago

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No, neither of those take up 6-cores. Let alone 4. (I've played them.)

Only Dragon Age Inquisition took up slightly over 4. so almost 5. Maxed out, thus requiring 6 cores for optimal efficiency.

An FX-6300 with overclocking capability would last you 6 years no doubt. (Assuming your PC doesn't break beforehand due to some technical issue.)

9 years ago*

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no it won't, an Intel i5 destroys every AMD processor right now, it's not a good time to buy an AMD chip especially for gaming! Wait for the new Zen architecture or take an intel cpu, you even get room for upgrades in the future. Then if you want to waste money, it's your choice, but don't spread misinformation.

there: http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/2gzkzq/discussion_cpu_bottlenecks_explained/
Just a quick example

9 years ago*

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I did not spread misinformation. Nowhere in this thread have I even referenced intel. I am simply stating the facts about the FX-6300.

Your accusations and attempted brand-argument and not appreciated. I see the pros and cons of all brands, I'm not looking to attack or defend any brand like an annoying fanboy like you. I am discussing with the OP the brand he has chosen before hand.

Please take your brand war to someone stupid enough to want to have one.

9 years ago

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I'm not talking about brands, but you clearly miss the point, I'm just talking about a price/performance standpoint, you'll pay more for a lower performance, no one will ever suggest an FX over i5 in this time frame, especially if the price you pay is extremely close (and in this case it is). Anyway, do whatever you want, but since you suggested he should jump to ddr4 as soon as he can, clearly shows that you have no idea about what you're talking about. GG and have fun :)

Edit: and I'll add, disagreeing with you doesn't make me a fanboy, on the other hand suggesting outdated hardware at an high price point, especially when he hinted about sli/xfire makes you the real fanboy.

9 years ago*

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You clearly don't know the meaning of a fanboy.

I am talking about a performance/price standpoint. Except what you're missing is that he doesn't want to hear about i5s. So why would I suggest them? I know everything intels CPUs and AMD CPUs are capable of. And he is only interested in AMD CPUs, so that is what I tell him about. So enough with your Intel fanboying. You're more annoying than that AMD fanboy that tried to tell me all modern games NEED 8-core CPUs.

Would you rather I be an unhelpful asshole and berate him about his brand choices? No. That's an assholeish thing to do. I will help him on what he wants help on. He wants to spend his money wisely within brand limitations, I will tell him the best deal he can get.

9 years ago

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You clearly don't know what a fanboy is then. I don't give a flying fuck about the brand of the cpu, I just said that buying an AMD cpu, right now, is stupid and to wait for Zen, and I'm an intel fanboy? Seriously? He's spending over 100$ for a cpu and adding an aio water cooler to it and you call it a wise investment? With the same price can take a better thing whatever it is and if he wants to upgrade he will have room in the future instead of replacing the whole mobo+cpu combo.

Plus when he started the thread there wasn't an amd limitation, you even suggested ddr4 which none of the amd cpus support (right now), so are you serious or are you just another arrogant asshole who enjoys calling others fanboys? Anyway, I'm out, people like you really make me regret posting in the first place.

9 years ago

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You keep missing the point.

Why would I recommend a cpu that isn't available/that he doesn't want? Why? Please answer this question before you continue your idiociy. He never said he wanted to wait, so why would I suggest it? He never wanted intel, so why would I suggest it?

After, why would i then NOT recommend the best cheap deal he can get? That makes no sense that you'd get mad at me for showing him the best deal he can get for $150, that you can't top in performance until you throw another $100 in.

I can't tell if you're just trolling and trying to start arguments, or you REALLY don't want this guy to have a good deal on his PC that he's building.

P.S. There WAS an AMD limitation when he started the thread. It was in the OP. Read please.

9 years ago

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I don't care anymore, have fun.

9 years ago

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Then why respond?

9 years ago

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Didn't want to leave you waiting for a reply.

9 years ago

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Thank you for your consideration.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Was your goal to be as useless as possible? I literally requested no intel and no nVidia

9 years ago*

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You said you didn't want to make a foolish mistake and waste money.

9 years ago

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Don't bother, he wants to waste money, let him do that :3

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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dude you want my advise save more money and build a PC that can last you at least 4-6 years! I saw your build and by next year your PC will be unable to play the games at the highest resolutions! Some games won't even run on Medium on this PC!

9 years ago

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Another side note- there are two little question marks at the bottom of my list, the first reads "The NZXT H440 (White/Black) ATX Mid Tower Case supports video cards up to 406mm long, but video cards over 294mm may block drive bays. Since the Sapphire Radeon R9 280X 3GB Video Card is 308mm long, some drive bays may not be usable." the second reads "Some AMD 970 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Vishera CPUs." Are either of those significant enough that I should consider changing my parts?

9 years ago

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Not really, unless you're planning to use a lot of HDDs. The first warning is there probably because you'll need to remove some HDD mounts/cages from the case to fit a very large GPU, not a concern if you're not going to use them. The second one can easily be solved with a BIOS update if needed, though I don't think you'll have any problem.

A little advice: go with the 8320, instead of the 6300, and drop the H55, get a 212 Evo instead.

9 years ago*

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I already switched to the Evo, and I am not too sure about the 8320 vs the 6300, what reasons would you have for choosing 8320?

9 years ago

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Future-proofing, mostly. Also, the Asus M5A97 is not the best mobo for OCing. If you're not going to OC, the 8320 is your best bet. The only scenario where the 6300 would be a better choice is if you plan to do some heavy overclock.

9 years ago

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well i personally think if he just want to spend 800$ there is no way he can make this PC last him more than a couple of year! We already have 12 GB VGA's and games that requires like 4GB video memory and like 6 Gb of rams!

9 years ago

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and no SSD in 2015 :/ and just a terra? I already have some games that are 40 Gb and 60 Gb big!

9 years ago

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I have seen some ridiculously large games, but what games do you have that are 60 gigs?

9 years ago

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I've been in the PC building business for long now and I advise this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XzVjCJ
You will have 4 frontal USB ports 2 of which are 3.0. 3 Tb of HDD and 256 Gb of SSD for the OS and if you need to install some games on it.
8 Gb of rams with a 6 core CPU and 2Gb of dedicated Video Memory with nice cooling and a DVD reader.
Sorry but I found no way of keeping this under 600$ if you want your motherboard to support 2 VGA's! And I rarely build a gaming PC for under a thousand dollar so 800 for a gaming PC well this PC gonna last you a couple of years but don't think it can last more.
Total Cost: 780$

9 years ago

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Thanks a lot man, very helpful. The processor I have picked has been very controversial, how do you feel about the Fx-6300 vs the Fx-8320 vs the i5? Also is there a reason why you got a worse graphics card than what I have selected? Finally is there any way my PC would have a longer life while still maintaining a lower budget?

I don't know if you saw my comment earlier but I am not worried about building a PC right now that will last decades I just want one till I finish school, get on my feet and fully establish a career.

9 years ago*

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for what game are 60 gb large well I don't have any one in mind right now but still some games are large and u need large hard disks! Well this PC might last you long enough because it have an SSD wish will certainly provide you with the highest Hard Disk speed for the next couple of years. You have 2 x 4Gb wish are somehow enough (unless u run virtual machines like I do) and when they are not enough you can basically remove them and just add 2 x 8 Gb wish does not cost a lot! You can also remove the 3 Tb Hard Disk keep the SSD and get 2 x 1 Tb HardDisk and make one of them a backup hard disk!
I picked the AMD Fx-6300 because IT IS THE BEST BUDGET GAMING CPU you can check the review in here http://www.techradar.com/reviews/pc-mac/pc-components/processors/amd-fx-6300-1117533/review
The i5 are still the best you can get but they cost more a lot more. And the intel I5 won't fit in this mother board! It is only AMD compatible and you requested that everything should be AMD. As for the FX-8320 it is only 2 ranks better than the FX-6300 but the FX-6300 is 40-50$ cheaper and paying 50 more bucks for a processor that is a little bit better is not worth it and 6 cores are more than enough, I've never reached more than 50-60% of CPU usage on my PC and you are a student so you don't use Photoshop and stuffs. Check this: http://www.futuremark.com/hardware/cpu/AMD+FX-8320/review and this http://www.futuremark.com/hardware/cpu/AMD+FX-6300/review
As for the video card mine is 40$ cheaper but you can use yours just remove the case and put yours. I usually love the cases to have a window and light and stuffs :P The Gigabite R270X I picked got 3 cooling fan wish is better than just 2 and it got a slightly faster clock speed but it is bigger in size and got 2Gb DDR5 compated to the 3Gb DDR5 in the graphic card u picked but the R270X got a better clock speed wish mean u won't really notice the difference and I currently have a 2Gb graphic card and it is more than enough for most of the games but if you want to make the PC last you longer you can switch it with the 3Gb DDR5.
Hope that I helped you if you need another build with i5 or something let me know! And feel free to ask me anything!

9 years ago

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Thanks, I really appreciate it, I already know that intel and AMD had different sockets, I was just talking CPU vs CPU. And by virtual machines do you mean like emulators?

9 years ago

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yeah emulator are a type of virtual machines

9 years ago

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this is higher up, $750.

9 years ago

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