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I think its due to overloaded servers right now from many people trying to get the game. Will try in some hours again.
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Maybe next time, because on november 19 HL celebrate the 25th anniversary
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Interesting. An old interview form GameSpot says the final RC got approved on Nov 7th, so maybe that's where the 8th as a release date comes from. Official "physical" release took a bit more time of course.
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Don't trust Steam's release dates. ;)
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Highlights of the 25th anniversary update:
Shout out to all the OG owners: 🥳🎉🎈🎂🎆
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I played Blue Shift and Opposing Force for the first time a few years ago. I think they hold up just fine. There's a reason "boomer shooters" is a trend in indies now. Gameplay focused game>game focused on some shit story via "cinematic quality" These FPS will always hold up.
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I think they would hold up pretty well. I remember them being a bit different since they were not made by Valve but given all the work was done for them and they only had to make new maps they were good. It won't be Doom 2016 levels of speed but should still be fun.
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They are all kind of separate but similar. Each one adds a little twist to keep the basic gameplay new-ish. They all have a bit of comedy, I think Blue Shift might have more but I wouldn't call it comedic. Opposing Force is more HL with a little more added to the "follow me security guard" stuff that adds some flair. Blue Shift from what I remember was less of that and shorter but it wasn't bad. I'd say play OF first and if that doesn't fill you up, Blue is a little more.
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(Edit : Blue Shift) Not so much expand as follow along and fills in some small gaps but nothing lore wise. It shows some characters survived to make it to HL2.
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Graphics are basically the same as Half-Life so you can decide for yourself whether you're okay looking at 1998 polygons.
Opposing Force is a high-quality expansion, decently long with lots of new content. (Don't forget to do the tutorial, it's completely changed from the Half-Life Hazard Course and quite amusing.) The final battle is easier than in Half-Life but still memorable in its own way.
Blue Shift is shorter and has less new content. I think it's worth playing for completion's sake, the actual level design and story are decent, there's just less of it compared to Opposing Force.
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At the time they were clunky but fine. They're still clunky but fine. Same as HL1 really.
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Just by the way, if you're patient, people are working on remaking these two (similar to how Black Mesa remade Half-Life). A half-finished remake of Blue Shift already exists as a workshop item for Black Mesa and it's really good!
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PSA: seems like this is still available for free. I added the game to my wishlist, went to the wishlist, opened the store page through the wishlist and was able to add the game to my account, for free.
It shows up for a 80 or 90% discount in the wishlist itself, but using that method (as explained above) gave me a free option.
maybe this works for other people as well, idk.. just putting it out there because it worked for me.
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It wasn't so shortly after this was announced. It was in fact no longer on the list from the steamdb link by the time I saw it. There were threads specifically complaining about the apparent reversal because of that, and it was only recently put back on throught their store page. So, it wasn't "still available", it was just accidentally turned free too early, locked that down to the way it were before, and they put it back on later and you just happened to catch thiis soon after they reverted.
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I've seen quite a few games that say $0.00 but when you try to add it to your account, there was a problem. Many do later go free. So it's pretty common to say they're free, before it goes live officially. In this case, it just so happened to be from Valve, so they fixed it quickly.
Anyway, it's working now for everyone.
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I'm just putting it out there that between the OP's posting and after the guy tried to get it, it was not obtainable before today. It wasn't even at $0.00 (and games can be obtainable with a price tag as well), and I specifically recall that it wasn't on the list per the OP's source. And I'm sure Wario64 had a hand at jumping at it too, but it was shortly revoked for some time, which is why people were saying it wasn't so, no matter what they tried. It's working now because it was meant to start today, not yesterday.
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This makes a lot of sense, thanks for clearing things up. 😃
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Not really, even if you never played the original. From what I see, there's some slight improvements to water/guns/ragdolls but that came at the cost of this not being properly made for source, so there's some bugs.
Seems like people only buy this for GMOD since it uses some models..
But at least your half life collection would be complete xD.
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