Anyone excited for the return of expiring activation keys?
After another look at the email, I wonder why Othercide has replaced Thronebreaker on the cover with the three headliners. 🫠
Edit: Nevermind, it seems there were only two headliners in the original email this month. Thronebreaker and Othercide were mentioned a bit below in the same space. So it is not Othercide which has replaced Thronebreaker, but it is Othercide which has been upgraded to a headliner.
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last 2 months were 5€/per month fgor me, i canceled fter sec month, now i got coupon for 6€/3 months
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Can confirm. Paused just after february got announced, and while a bit later than most here, got the deal in the end.
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Yeah these multi month deals are lame.
Unless you get a coupon too, because then these are the best deals yet. :D
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Not all hope is lost, Pete!
Seems they are still sending them out, albeit slowly. Just got mine in the mail, one day after the expected date.
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Yeah at this point Humble Choice is pretty much a must have recurring sub for most of us.
And im not even sure why jumping through these hoops is neccesary in the first place.
Look Humble! Lets make it 5 Euros, and ill buy any shit you throw at me each and every month, even if you troll us with 6 copies of the Bad Rats Collection. Agreed?
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I wonder the same, maybe is related to how many months we've been skipping?
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Same here. Thought I'd have to actually skip a month. Been using coupons for atleast 12 months, won't pay full price now, especially not this bundle haha
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also got for 6 for 3 months, so actual price u got when it was charged?
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Would you mind copying the Terms and Conditions which appear at ?
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Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice at $7 USD a month for 3 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on March 7th at 9:59am PT. This price is locked in for 1 month, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or paused. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited. Users in China and Russia are not eligible.
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Thank you! Interestingly, there seems to be an inconsistency:
$7 USD a month for 3 months
This price is locked in for 1 month.
Not sure if I understand the terms right, especially the "price lock". It looks to me that:
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Are you part of the first batch (Feb. 21) or the second batch (Feb. 22) of coupon receivers?
If the latter, are the 3 months mentioned in the email and in the Terms at ?
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Since it is supposed to be a 3-month coupon, it should still be on What does your next payment say? (Click Manage Your Plan on and look in the upper right)
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Coupon Terms and Conditions
Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice at $7 USD a month for 3 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on March 7th at 9:59am PT. This price is locked in for 1 month, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or paused. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited. Users in China and Russia are not eligible.
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Thank you! Your Terms & Conditions are identical to Picollo30's, which is a nice confirmation.
The price lock is surprisingly inconsistent with the email and the sentences near the start of the paragraph.
$7 USD a month for 3 months
This price is locked in for 1 month.
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Mine is a bit different:
Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice at €6 EUR per month for 3 months (reg. €10.99 EUR per month) before any applicable taxes and fees. Regional pricing may vary. Coupon expires on March 7, 2023 at 9:59 am PT. This price is locked in for 3 months, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or skipped. New members only. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited. Users in Russia and China are not eligible.
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Interesting, thank you for sharing this paragraph!
Would you mind clarifying whether you received the coupon in the first batch or in the second batch? I believe the first batch got 3 months (as you) and the second batch got 1 month (with inconsistent terms).
If you are part of the second batch, would you mind clarifying whether this paragraph is the terms in the email or on the website ( )? Due to inconsistencies, everything is possible.
In any case, I assume Humble will choose the most customer-friendly option, so everyone should end up with 3 months, even though it may not have been their original intent.
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I got a bit different as well. I didn't check on humble's website so I copy from my mail.
got a coupon today, was paused.
Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice at $7 USD per month for 3 months (reg. $11.99 USD per month) before any applicable taxes and fees. Regional pricing may vary. Coupon expires on March 7, 2023 at 9:59 am PT. This price is locked in for 3 months, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or skipped. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited. Users in Russia and China are not eligible.
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because 🤷♂️
There was an investigation by WaxWorm. The conclusion was that the difference of treatment could be explained away by a hidden classic status of the subscription, which persisted after the migration from Humble Monthly to Humble Choice.
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Got the coupon, works out at £4 a month for me.
My normal price is £8.99.
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It's not that easy unfortunately. I and some others for example have to pay 6€ while others pay 5€ with the current coupon.
My current theory that still seems to hold up is, that ex-Classic subscribers who transitioned directly via Change Plan to Choice get the lower amount. People wo never had Classic (like myself) or who cancelled their Classic subscription before subscribing to Choice in separate steps seem to get the higher (the actually advertised) price in comparison. This might be because Classic had to be paid in US dollar while Choice is paid in local currency.
At the same time, Humble's coupon offers also are oftentimes weird and don't seem to completely fit the terms that they come with. And Humble's currency conversion in general also is weird every now and then.
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Yes I am an ex classic who swapped to a regional monthly.
My price doesn't match up to what the regional coupon actually states as £6.
3 month deal
The terms and conditions part at the bottom of the email say normal price is £10.99 a month.
I don't know if that is correct for a new subscriber or not.
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No £4, but my regular price is £2 lower than what the email states as well.
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So what does the email say and what does the coupon say how much you have to pay? And when you actually try to buy it with the coupon, what does it say there in the last step before actually buying it? (Or if you already bought it, what did you actually pay?)
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And just to make sure: by "transitioned directly" you mean, you had an active, non-paused, non-cancelled Classic subscription, went to the settings and chose "Manage your plan"/"Change plan" and directly changed it to a Choice subscription? You did not cancel your Classic subscription first and then subscribed to Choice in separate steps, even if directly one after another?
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The important part is HOW you did it, not necessarily why. ^^
You'd be the first person that doesn't fit the theory and I've asked quite a lot of people over the course of a few months. At least two still active Classic subscribers at the time even did it after I told them how to do it according to my theory and successfully got the lower price afterwards.
That's why I have to ask for the specific details of the process. Are you 100% sure you did it exactly the way I described it?
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There is one thing however, for some reason later in 2022 I did paused once (and lost the 20%) bonus so maybe that changes something
Damn, that would be really frustrating if that unfortunate pause resulted not only in the 20% bonus (which I use reaaaaly rarely and don't care about now too much) but also making all the coupons 1 EUR more expensive
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Were the prices 1€ lower before that though? And to be fair: currently you are paying the "normal" amount and getting the "normal" coupon discount. It's most likely some sort of bug that some people are paying less than others in the same region / currency and with the same coupons.
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Ha, I don't know... before I skipped I paid only once really strange 8,25 EUR and full 9,99s .... after skip I had some kind of coupon and I paid 5 EUR but I really don't know if that was normal coupon price or not. As a matter of fact I only recently discovered that there are folks who get the same coupons as I, but they're always paying 1 euro less.
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Do coupons get sent only if you pause/cancel, or do you also sometimes get one if you're subscribed but haven't paid for the current month yet?
Sometimes I'm offered a discount when I go to pause my subscription, and I assume that offer disappears when I actually pause it, right? Like if I decide to buy the bundle afterwards, I'd be charged the full amount, correct?
Just trying to figure out the best way to approach this each month!
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If you get an offer when you try to pause, and you pause anyways, then later on you have to pay full price unless you got another offer in your e-mail. Edit: apparently the coupon stays in inventory.
I've gotten a coupon most of the times when I pause or cancel. I cancelled this month and got the e-mail offer yesterday.
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Gotcha, thanks for the reply! I usually decide to buy or not buy the bundle within the first week or so, so I'm not sure if a coupon would come if I just decided to wait and see.
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If you get offered a coupon directly when trying to pause/cancel, you can accept it without buying the month at once. This way the coupon will stay in your inventory until it either runs out or you buy the month with it. If you then pause/cancel anyways, you might get another coupon later via email usually around mid to end of the month.
I've had this exact thing happen once although it was at least a year ago. I haven't gotten an immediate coupon offer for trying to pause/cancel for quite a while now but I almost always get an email coupon mid to end of the month if I pause/cancel at the beginning of the month.
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Oh wow, I had no idea, I assumed accepting the coupon made the purchase right then and there. Thanks for the info!
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Got 6 euro coupon for 3 months and this offer lasts until 7th of march so its easy to skip this choice and wait for the next one and apply the coupon :)
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Oh sht I looked at the wrong date xD my bad
Coupon says about €6 but they will charge me €5 only.
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Oh, you cannot skip a month if you use coupon. I got 3 months for 7 usd month offer to email and thought that I would pause in case I don't like next month's games. If you skip you will lose promotion:
"If you skip a month, the following promotion will be permanently removed from your membership: "$7 USD a month to sign up for Humble Choice for 3 months.""
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u cant skip neither cancel. its the same. its 3 straight months, any month skip/cancel=promo canceled
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Considering I'll never play any of the games, 5€ someting is a fair price.
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They can give all the coupons they want, but if the next 2 bundles are very bad, they´re just shooting themselves in the foot, because the sales are going to be lousy!!! No matter how many coupons they give...
But i don´t think that will be the case.
The quality isn´t what it used to be some years ago, but it´s not that bad also. For my taste at least (it´s always subjective...).
This February choice, for instance, if you can get it between 6-10 € i think it´s a pretty solid deal
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The last time they handed out 3 months for 6 bucks coupons, there were rebundled games, multiplayer games and non Steam games in the mix so the quality can go down significantly.
This February choice, for instance, if you can get it between 6-10 € i think it´s a pretty solid deal
For 6 bucks, sure. For the full price? Not for me.
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last time they handed me 3m/6€ were very good bundles for me. Its subjective
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I don't know when we had the last month when I didn't receive or already had a coupon. And if coupons are always around it makes little sense to make any assumptions about some future content based on the existence of some coupon. This is like making wild claims about the future based on a piece of paper telling that the sun will raise at least another three days.
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Someone who is making money from a product people get on a recurring subscription fee just decide to give it away at half price for the next 3 months... and you don't think it's an indication that they're worried people are going to pause their sub if they are not given incentive not to do so?
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Not really. I just checked and since December 2020 I only had four months without some coupon discounts.
By your logic this would mean that some manager was alarmed in more than 80% of all months about some poor content lineup, resulting in these coupons.
If you insist that to be true, so be it. But it doesn't really make any sense.
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Ok then.
I was just talking about the few times they gave away coupons for several months to mostly everyone on condition that there would be no pausing but hey, you are clearly passionate about this. I wasn't trying to piss in your beer or anything. Just expressing my opinion.
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Got baited by the "3 months for 7 bucks" offer, my coupon said that the price is locked for 1 month while the email itself said that it's locked for entire 3 month period. Well, it turns out it really was a 1 month offer only cause they're trying to charge me the usual 12$ in march.
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Other people have had the same issue as you. See the discussion here:
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FALLOUT 76 and FALLOUT 1 keys must be redeemed by March 5th, 2024 by 10:00 AM Pacific Time.
why did they do this ?
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Only got Fallout on my Steam library. Decided to pause but they gave me $4 off coupon. $8 for 8 games. Not bad at all.
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Good thing I saw this thread, got reminded to check my email, and who would have guessed, humble offered a €6 deal as per usual. Easy buy now.
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February 2023 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD -
📅 Important dates
💳 February 28th, 2023: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 March 7th 2023: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
ScourgeBringer (gift link notification)
🔑 Full list of subs (ROW)
🔑 Full list of subs (CN)
To PAUSE a month: go to this link -> Skip A Month
(or: Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Month -> Continue -> Skip A Month)
Activating Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales grants a Steam inventory gift of The Witcher: Enhanced EditionStarting 14 Feb the package for Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales has been changed to include Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Soundtrack and to not drop The Witcher gift any more. New redeemers no longer get the gift, but all owners (old and new) get the soundtrack.⏩⏩ Leaks for MARCH Bundle ⏪⏪
🌟 2023-12-21: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous out of stock
🌟 2024-01-04: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous back in stock
🌟 2024-01-09: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous out of stock
🌟 2024-01-27: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous back in stock
🌟 2025-02-15: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous out of stock
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF 653297,653300,665464,677870,322538
🎮 Games:
* - the game was featured previously only in Build-a-Bundle / Pick & Mix bundles that are usually priced too high for the games to receive partial CV (exclusions apply) and are therefore not included in the bundle count.
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
One plan for all
Starting Feb 01 2022, Humble Bundle offers only one plan, which will allow you to receive all the games included in that month’s lineup for the price of $11.99 (regional pricing may vary, see below):
Humble store discount:
The discount rate is based on how many consecutive months you had your subscription active, as seen below:
The stacking discount will reset back to 10% when skipping a month or canceling your Humble Choice membership.
Changes Coming to Humble Choice FAQ
USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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