I have had keys for games that were bundled or given away for free in a promotion and then the game went entirely free in the future. The key is pretty much useless, it will just add the game to your library permanently instead of disappearing after you uninstall the game.
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Yeah, that was it. There's a lot of reasons, but this and beta keys were the actual answers I think I was searching for :P
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Thanks, I didn't know that. I don't think I have ever purchased a single DLC and don't have any plans to, but it's good to know :)
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They have a tiny bit of value if you are somebody that wants a game to be in your Steam library and can't find a key. If you play the free game and then uninstall it, it is removed from your list of games. Since you can't keep the game in your library, you have to keep a separate list of games outside of Steam if you want to remember the game.
Edit: I just played the game Marie's Room yesterday, but now it is no longer in my list of owned games on Steam. I would like it to be there and I would trade a game that was previously given away for free in a promotion for a key of Marie's Room even though it is free to play.
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If you activate a retail key for a free to play game, does it add a +1 to your game count. I don't care about the +1, but a lot of people do.
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Collectors want to have the most of everything to show off. If they can get a +1 by collecting a game that they will never be able to get keys for again because it has gone free to play, they will try and get it. I bet there are a lot of people that would pay real money for it. There are a lot of foolish people with nothing better to spend their money on.
There are people that will spend thousands of dollars on a digital skin, lol. It's all about the e-peen.
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I didn't know that. I haven't used the feature to hide games. I actually never look at my list of games on Steam other than to install a game. I have a separate text file with all my games though. I use it to keep track of what I have played, what I am the most interested in playing, put notes on games, and sort the games in order of how much I enjoyed them after I have play each one.
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I don't see how a free game can be traded assuming it's still on the market as free. Removed games do have a value because you literally can't get them anymore, so it's sorta like that one shitty game on a old console. People will pay for it because that's the only way to get it. As for those free mmo games...We don't talk about those.
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I think collectors want it just because it will give them a +1 on their number of owned games where playing the free game will not. They care about showing the highest number of owned games and activating a retail key for a now free game will increase their game count.
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Imo that's not enough to make it really worth trading, unless you literally own every other game except those free games with retail keys
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Anything is worth trading, it all depends on what you are trading for. I don't care about the +1, but there are some free to play games I would like to have permanently added to my game list and I would be willing to trade for them. I wouldn't trade anything worth much, but I would be willing to give a key for a game that was given away for free in a promotion or possibly even a leftover key for a cheap bundled game that was never free.
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a few of those keys 2 free games could give you cards and some people like collecting rare badges/cards
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True, although that's not what I was talking about
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it's a change that has been made not that long ago. because, games that were thrown away for free had no value anymore on sg and no giveaways for them could be made anymore (still on sg). so, now we can make giveaways for these games again, if we have keys for them, but they're still at 0 value. so games that still cost money and went free for a limited time only can be given again (at 0 value), and keys for free games can be given away, so in both cases they aren't left unused, and games who were free for a limited time can be given away again
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I already know about this. I was asking about why games that are permanently free had keys, but someone answered it might be beta keys or whatnot and I think that's it. That, and price changes
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Now, before I say anything, I'm not accusing X of fake giveaways or whatnot, but I'm sorta confused. I found some 0 point giveaways for free games without special editions or dlc or anything and I was wondering if they actually make keys for free games. Is it just in case they get removed or something? I can link the games and giveaways if enough people want it, but like I said above, I'm not saying they're fake.
Edit: These are 2 of the games I was talking about
And after some checking they apparently had prices before. I'll keep this discussion up for a bit so the people who are wondering can check the comments for answers then I'm shutting this :P
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