The user has probably already served their suspension.
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I've been checking their profile every day since I reported it. And when I reported it, the giveaway was still up. If they were already suspended, the giveaway would've been closed. So no, they were neither halfway suspended when I reported nor unsuspended when I reported.
And he won overture 3 days ago. He also made his giveaway 3 days ago. So it wasn't:
Won overture 1 month ago
Didn't activate
Got suspended for 1 week
Unsuspended 3 weeks ago
Made giveaway 3 days ago
I also reported him 3 days ago. If he was already suspended, then that means he was suspended immediately upon winning overture and unsuspended less than a couple hours later before I reported him.
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Winner have 7 days to activate their wins, so that's why they didn't get suspended. Report again if the game is not activated a week after the giveaway ended.
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I would imagine making a giveaway of a game you won but haven't activated overrules that. It's pretty solid proof that they won't be activating it. It's an interesting coincidence that he got the game in a bundle shortly after he won. And if he did that, he would've activated the one he won. So no, making a regift giveaway immediately on winning a game DEFINITELY render the 7 day rule void.
Maybe you could pull that shit 3 days ago when I made the report, but by the time someone looked at the report, he had gone 3 days without activating. 3 days not activating a gift that he coincidentally made a giveaway for right after winning? You don't need to wait 4 more days to figure out what is happening. He didn't forget to activate, he didn't happen to get a key 5 minutes after he won that he decided to give away.
So yeah. When I made the report, he might've been slow to activate. But when a mod finally looked at the ticket, it was pretty clear that's not the case.
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It's strong evidence, but it's not proof.
Some people enter for giveaways they have a spare key/gift of and create a giveaway for it if they win it. It's unlikely that it is the case and they just happened to forget to activate the game after creating the giveaway with their spare copy, but it is still a possibility so the 7 days period to activate still stands.
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Even so. The support ticket was closed. What they should've done upon seeing suspicious behavior like this is leave the ticket OPEN. Then check again in 4 days and resolve it. But they closed the ticket, meaning they don't intend to do anything.
"This guy looks like a regifter, but 7 days haven't passed. I'll leave the ticket open so we can check again once his time is up"
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Or they got fifteen other tickets about the same user. Or they have another way of keeping track of it. Stop backseat moderating. Your involvement ends with the ticket. We handle it the way we see fit and explaining every detail of what we do would be an enormous waste of time.
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They can't, comments are disabled on user reports.
That's why you should provide as much evidence as possible when filling an user report, because they can't ask you to provide some more, so for example if you make a report for referral link without linking where the user posted a referral, they can't do anything, and since they can't ask you for more details the only thing they can do is close it with no action being taken.
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Joachim is correct. And it wouldn't really be feasible to follow up with users about reports anyway. That would be a bunch of extra 'paperwork' on top of what we already have to deal with and it would slow things down even more. That's another thing. It takes time for these things to get taken care of and sometimes people get impatient. At least give us a few days for most things
Also, in some cases, there could be some issue with other users' privacy. It could be that we look into things and nothing untoward is happening and there are just some weird circumstances, but that information may not be the business of the person who reported the situation and it might be out of line for us to go sharing it.
Sorry about the late reply. I haven't been around much lately.
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It can be painful though, to watch somebody winning and winning and activating only like half of the games during those 7 days. Imo, having the winner activate the game within, like, 24h after marking it as received (with the same 7 day period to mark as received and redeem) would have have been better. :S
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That's a great idea. Marking as received should reduce the time to activate. Hell, marking as received should mean you HAVE activated it. Like not having the game activated, but marking it as received means automatic non-activation (After all, what idiot marks a game as received before making sure the key is valid?)
As a side note, dev giveaways, that send the key through steamgifts, should not be automatically marked received either.
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Yes, we are. We started with around 15,000 outstanding tickets, the majority of those being User Reports (often duplicates). I would guess that we've cut that backlog down to around 10,000. (People make new tickets every day.) We have every intention of responding to each and every ticket.
Thank you for your patience.
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I believe User Reports are up to 40,000 tickets now, last I heard. And it started out at around 35,000 maybe when SGv2 was launched, maybe.
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(If anyone is wondering why we are guessing, the exact numbers are known only to Senior Staff as they can see all of the tickets, not just the ones at Support level.)
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Not my giveaway. I ALWAYS look up suspicious things. Habit from being a mod/admin in a lot of groups. I've been checking the wins and game list of everyone who makes an overture giveaway. Because it's being given out by the hundreds (or rather fifties), it's a prime target for regifting. I'm honestly surprised that this is the only guy who won overture, created a giveaway for overture after winning it, but hasn't activated their game. I was sure there would be a lot more regifters. But everyone else who won and made a giveaway activated
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Sounds like you got too much time on your hands. You made a ticket, didn't like the response or non response, so you post it in forums? I just picture some old person with binoculars staring out the window.
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...Seriously? Well I just got the best damn idea ever. Break the rules to get a 1 week suspension, report yourself if you have to. Then regift tons of games for 3 weeks now that you're immune to suspension. Most/all might get deleted, but if they miss one, free contrib!
That was sarcasm, by the way. Not going to do that. Just pointing out how completely idiotic that is, to give someone immunity for breaking the rules.
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You're not immune to suspension. If you get suspended and you recidive, you get a longer / permanent suspension.
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That's the closest you can get... :D
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You should not complain, I have pending reports from 3 years ago.
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Then close it. Obviously it's outdated and shit ain't gonna happen but it still makes a mess 'up there'. If we want mods to work faster and better we should help on our end if we can.
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It's not like I care about these reports.
Actually, I doubt they even consider reports from years ago ^^
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Obviously. You see a fake giveaway, report, done. But it is still high-lightened as 'active' for our mods. I mean, yeah, they might not look at it anymore but if every single user of SG would close pending tickets that are long forgotten the 40k jatan was talking about would be long gone.
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If it is pending for 3 years the reason is obvious, they have done their job because of other report. Again, if they did not chose to close old reports, they have a reason...
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Reported someone for not activating a game they won (which they made a giveaway for) after checking their game list on their steam profile. Ticket was resolved today, but he wasn't suspended. So I figured maybe a mod contacted him and told him to activate the gift. But his regift giveaway was marked as received. So maybe be got another copy from that bundle to either give to the winner and activate the one he won, or he activated the one he bought after giving the one he won to his giveaway winner. Right? Nope. Went to his profile and Overture still isn't on their account. Apparently regifting (not explicitly against the rules, but requires non-activation which IS against the rules) is okay now. At least one mod thinks it's okay to not activate a game after you won it.
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