Not famous, not pixelated, not highly discounted, excellent and super original tactical-RPG !
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The Long Dark is really worth it.
So much work and love put in by the devs and the game is pretty polished for an indie studio.
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For me it was a disappointment.
Story mode is kind of (too) long tutorial and survival becomes quite meaningless over time.
It would be really good if it was something between that - survival sandbox with story, not just goals for maps.
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games where you need to play without sleep because you want to know more and more about the history
Masquerada did that with me.
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Islanders. Fun, cheap, brilliantly designed game about building cities on islands.
95% positive on almost 4k reviews in the 3 months since it released...
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Ibb & Obb is a great co-op puzzle platformer game.
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-88% Strike Vector EX
I have not bought it yet.
The Game library is waiting for me ...
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Recursed - best logic/puzzle game since Antichamber.
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Journey of a Roach, a very good point&click adventure.
About Love, Hate & the Other Ones, a nice little puzzle game.
Betrayer, an interesting action kind of game with some adventure elements, if I recall.
All of them are genuinely good AND dirt-cheap, I suggest you check them out :)
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Betrayer is interesting at least, indeed. Perhaps even good, especially at this price.
But i recommend playing it without monochromatic filter - its far better this way.
Gorgeous implementation of wind and ambient tied up to unusual mechanics.
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not pixelated games, 99% of them are garbage and people only buy them or recommend them because they are less than 1$.
Really? Not all pixel games are Rpgmaker games. I really had fun with Dungeons of Endless or Darkside Detective.
I want to recommend "The Pillars of the Earth" by the way. I really had fun while playing it.
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Really? Not all pixel games are Rpgmaker games.
And not all RPGMaker games are bad ;) I get why people might see RPGMaker as a staple of shitty games, but there's quite a lot of really good ones.
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Haha, no problem. Just felt the need to share my opinion on the matter :D
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Purchased Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition in last hours for myself, but its top seller.
I highly recommend Pathologic 2 for its deep lore, surreal art and immersive atmospheric gameplay. As well as other Ice-Pick Lodge games, especially The Void.
And also take a look at Darkwood - its kind of pixelated, but belongs to that 1% of such games, which is not garbage at all. Reminds me of Silent Hill, but in top-down perspective.
Both pretty dark and unforgiving, though. Maybe even more than Dark Souls series. But quite satisfying (maybe exactly because of that) if you do it right.
And if you're masochistic enough, then Oxygen Not Included is also worth mentioning. It has most complex and deep mechanics i ever seen, despite cartoonish appearance.
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Congratulations! :)
Btw if you're experiencing huge black pixels and black avatar glitch on ultra in Definitive Edition and have nVidia card (not sure about AMD), rename EoCApp.exe in Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\bin directory to something else and launch it via desktop shortcut. Steam functions such as overlay and online will work as long as Steam launched before that. It's also the way to skip annoying launcher (support tool).
Game uses same exe name as 1st Divinity OS and therefore same nVidia profile (at least on old drivers), which is not correct for OS2 and causes glitches. Then you can create new profile for that custom exe in Nvidia Profile Inspector (or just control panel) if you wish to fine-tune settings.
There's workaround much easier - just set in-game lighting settings for medium. But that obviously comes at cost of visual quality.
Edit: Guess i'll post that at Steam community as well, since there's nothing about exact this workaround - only medium light and setting shader cache on\off.
Edit 2: Here
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I enjoyed Valkyria Chronicles
Can't go wrong with Terraria
AI War is a deep space strategy
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You rules have kinda inspired me to break them and recommend two recent pixelated adventure games, both totally worth playing, both probably known only to a small niche group of gamers:
Whispers of a Machine is a sci-fi Scandinavian noir made by those guys responsible for Kathy Rain (and a serious step forward for the developers, to my mind). While this should be enough to attract point-and-click fans who've somehow missed the release, I'd also like to add that the game is pretty awesome gameplay-wise: you playthrough style results in our protagonist acquiring different augmentations (yep) that you get to use for puzzle-solving and not for combat at all.
While Whispers of a Machine is Wadjet Eye level pixelated, Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders won't stand any compromises in this department. As for the genre, it's a detective too, but this time a historical one (think ancient China). I'll just link my review here, if you don't mind.
Unfortunately the discounts are tiny in both cases, but, well, the games are pretty cheap, and I didn't regret buying both at full price at all.
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Turmoil is an oil drilling simulation game with management elements that I recommend especially with its one DLC that I bought during the Steam Summer sale. Recent reviews are 96%.
New mechanics are unlocked as you progress, which increases gameplay variety over time. DLC unlocks even more up front, but provides even more new mechanics. The few people who don't seem to like the game are either sim masters who think its too easy, or they weren't interested in drilling to begin with and they find the core mechanics repetitive.
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Planescape Torment - prolly the best story I've played through in a game, plus it had a real impact on me when I was playing it.
Baldur's Gate 2 - one of the best ever games for a reason
Gothic 1
Gothic 2 with expansion,
Gothic 3 which is fun, but not as good as the previous 2, but you don't really have to play it, just get the soundtrack which is prolly my favourite gaming soundtrack ever made.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (and other 2 games but I haven't played them yet)
Metro games are cool, though the morality system is goddamned annoying
Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption - old game which gets a bit annoying at times cause most "dungeons" have 3 levels, but the story is cool and I loved the voice acting
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines - a cult favourite for a reason, great RPG (just dont play as Malkavian or Nosferatu for first playthrough)
AGE OF MYTHOLOGY - I love this game, but I still haven't finished playing it, and it's been installed on my PC for quite some time now lol. This reminded me I should prolly get back to it soon haha
Dying Light - fantastic zombie game with Parkour done right (having David Belle collaborating paid off big time), an alright story, but fantastic gameplay due to aforementioned parkour elements and combat
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete Edition from GoG (not the steam garbage HD edition) - then you can mod it with HoTA or ERA 2 (also known as WoG)
Zanzarah The Hidden portal - awesome game, basically Quake/Pokemon with fairies - might require a bit of work to setup properly and get rid of the lag when starting
ATOM RPG - haven't played it yet but my bro says it is fantastic, kinda like old school Fallout
Flatout 2 or even better yet Flatout Ultimate Carnage - the best arcade car game I've ever played (and I normally don't like car games)
Dragon Age Origins
Drakensang - kinda like the german equivalent of DnD, I loved those games
Pharaoh + Cleopatra - my favorite city builder
Anno 1404 Gold Edition - loved playing this one too
Majesty 2 - you give bounties, you don't control your heroes - also fantastic voice actor haha
Terraria is a lot of fun as someone already mentioned.
For the King - had a lot of fun with my bro and his wife.
Northgard - same thing as above, really cool game.
Mount and Blade: Warband
There is more but I figured this is enough.
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"not the steam garbage HD edition"
It's not THAT bad, if someone hasn't played Heroes 3 before they might just enjoy the HD edition. It's on Steam and it also has achievements. But if someone has tasted the original experience with the expansions (and the mods)... well yeah, I know what you mean.
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The fact there are achievements means nothing to me, and I don't think that should be a big factor in buying a game.
I wrote garbage cause I remember reading that it had a lot of crashes AND it doesn't have the DLC-s. Either way, GoG's complete edition is the best version you can get. :)
Thanks for reading my wall of text haha.
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It just takes a bit of effort to find good games. :) The innovation and risk taking will prolly come from indies and a couple of anomalies like CDPR and the like...
And the HOMM3 steam crashes were likely fixed later on, I prolly saw it when it had problems.
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if you ask any real gamer, he can tell you a few ideas that will work at 90% chances.
does not take effort innovate in games, but it's cheaper do always the same reciclyng the same textures and movements etc..... and just change them a bit than make a real new game.
actual games are all (95%) copies from other games with diferent textures and some little changes to avoid being acused of plagiarism, sometimes how you said some little campanies make new games like ori and the blind forest for example, hollow knight etc.... some fun games, that don't required grind as a main feature.
now the game industry it's just for make money, they does not care about customers etc.... (proof blizzard for example with diablo inmortal for android when the 99% of player base are PC hardcore gamers...... "don't you all have phones????" just pathetic)
only a few indie companies care a bit about customers but once they taste the money and popularity.... well.... Rocket League it's a proof of what i'm talking about in this point.
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Yes I suppose many try to expand too fast and use the corporate model where no matter how big you get - it's never enough.
A bunch of publishers are a cancer on the gaming industry, but it would also be hard to make a costly game without either them or crowdfunding like kickstarter.
But there are also those who do alright and keep the core values that lifted them up in the first place.
One of the reasons why shit games keep being made is because people pay for them. That's why you have a new Call of Duty almost every year, and a new FIFA, and the 123'81230971237 battle royale game.
If people were more particular with their purchases and rewarded good business practices and quality products - we would prolly have a bit less of AAA cancer. But then again, I don't expect particularly deep or good games from AAA publishers because that would require risk, innovation or time which they won't afford to their developers.
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if i got enough money to make my game, i will succes right now in gameplay aspect (not history because i'm a noob writing things) but in gameplay PvE and PvP will succes and willl win a lot of money...... sadly i don't have money and knowledge to make it, just the idea.
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24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
With the last hours of this summer sale i want to get some game recomendations for me and for other users, but with some rules:
1-not very well know games like GTV / the witcher / Xcom / PES / dragon ball / etc.... we all already know them and we all already saw them on top sellers every sales and discounts.
2-not pixelated games, 99% of them are garbage and people only buy them or recommend them because they are less than 1$.
3-not recommend a game because have -90% discount, the discount it's irrelevant, we want some recommendation of good games, gem games, that games that usually are not top sellers and people don't find them because of that, but are games that anyone should play before die, that games that even at full price are worth it.
games that have a maginific history or gameplay or both etc... pure extasis games, that games where you need to play without sleep because you want to know more and more about the history etc...., even if it's at -20% discount recommend it!!!!
try to recommend games of diferent tipes (plataformer / fight / shooter / rpg / etc......), then we all can choice from diferent options.
well let's hope to find some other new games to buy before sale ends and start the next sale.
in my case i bought this games during this sale:
-senua hellblade sacrifice
-batman trilogy collection
-tales of vesperia (i have tales of berseria also on backlog to play it)
-ni no kumi 2
-resident evil 0 remaster
-ori and the blind forest
-hollow knight
-the vagrant
things i bought after recomendations in this post
-divinity original sin 2
-valkyria chronicles plus the beach DLC (plus 2 free DLC after buy the other DLC)
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