Hey, just out of curiousity, i see alot of kids crying about the prices of AAA Games, and see all of them play bundle games or price exploited games all day, so whats the issue... don't people otherwere are able to buy the 50€ games ?

right now there is are these Threads again, crying how much Aliens sucks, but the guy that started it haven't even played it, it already happened on how much other AAA Games sucks (far cry 3, devil may cry 2013, family guy :) )

On a closer look i saw these guys are from one of the really poor countrys, so this might be the issues ?

So just a little question, how long you have to work in order to buy a 50€ game ?

For me its 2 Hours (already deducted tax's) (GERMANY)

so i really dont care about high prices in Germany because it should be way easier for me to get a 50€ game than someone from Tier 3 because its 10 Hours of work for him ?

12 years ago*

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10 or 5 minutes, depending on my clients endurance

12 years ago

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Hey I understood that!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thats just nasty :/

12 years ago

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He makes me feel really special.. he's even giving me a 10% discount because it's V-Day soon. :3

He makes that 2 minutes really amazing...

12 years ago

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Awww, how sweet. Will he finally let you kiss him this time? :)

12 years ago

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We are over!

12 years ago

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haha that took me awhile to get

12 years ago

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Depends on your job i guess.

12 years ago

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There's this little thing called budgeting as well.

12 years ago

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I earn about 200€ a month. You do the math.

12 years ago

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a week

12 years ago

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Yea, it was pretty obvious. Problem is, my work month has 20-21 days, from which I work 16-19 at best. This week I work only 1 day, while next week I'll work 5 days. So, a better way to put it, I have to work around 5 days a month.

12 years ago

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I feel ya mon, after all we both live in Romania (tara tuturor "posibilitatilor"...).

12 years ago

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when I was in Canada, 2 hours max to pay that.
The last 4 months I have been volunteering in East Africa and will be here for 2 years.
In order to buy a game at that price on a volunteer allowance (the same wage a Tanzanian would be making) it would take 2 weeks.

12 years ago

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Two hours, but I never do. Wait a few months and it's 50% off.

I'm in no hurry to play any game, way too much backlog to drop that much on a new game.

12 years ago

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Since I have money left over from last salary and I want to be an ass just for once, I can say that I can buy a game directly if I want

12 years ago

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Without eating, paying taxes and transportation : about 5 days. ( 8 hours a day )

12 years ago

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well i asked a friend from israel, for him it takes 10 days of work (he gets 5$ a day) well yeah,
also it depends on the job but thats pretty tough thats like 40x more effort than alot of people here need

12 years ago

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lol 5$ for a day? i'm living at israel and i'm doing 6.5 $ for a hour.
so its 52 $ for a 8 hours

12 years ago

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lucky you , probably he just gets ripped off since hes 17 (i think hes working at a gas station)
( 5 US$ not israel $ )

12 years ago

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your friend immigrated to Israel? Becasue in israel the minimum its almost 6 $ per hour not day..

12 years ago

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he was born there, though im pretty sure he said something about 5 USD a day, is there any difference if youre <18 or not ? if even 16 year olds get that 6$ / hour he was probably just full of shit :/

12 years ago

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i'm 18 but its just a few $ diffrent.. and its per hour not day most of per day jobs payment are 54 $

12 years ago

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About 3 workdays (8 hours long).

12 years ago

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Man... im spanish, and right now its really hard to find a job here, so before doing the math i'd have to calculate the probability of getting a job in the first place xD
Anyway, espect to see LOADS of spanish people looking for a job in germany, as our country is f***ed up at the moment and the best chance of survival we have is emigrating :( i hope i dont have to...
well... what i wanted to say, is that there are other factors to keep in mind in order to determine if 50€ are accesible to most of the population.
I myself play only bunle games and "price exploited games" in fact, never paid more than 10$ for a game. And i'd like to keep it that way

12 years ago

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It's pretty low class to ask others about their finances.

Your post starts out on a fallacy however. It presumes that people play bundle or indie games because they have to and not because those are some of the best, most innovative games out there. Why spend $60 for another rehashed, cliched experience which at times will prove subpar even at providing the expected well-worn tasting notes, when you can spend $10 for a brand new indie game or $5 for a bundle of relatively new indie games with much more to offer?

That is not to say that there are not AAA titles that are amazing, or that there are not even a few that are worth $60 (there are), but you cannot judge someone's wealth by their taste in games. Nor, can you judge a game by how much it is being sold for.

Also, coming back around to class, the old rich know that it is by saving money and spending it wisely on investments that one continues to be rich. It is a fault of the poor and certain nouveaux rich to spend money recklessly. There is a reason that Scrooge McDuck was an erstwhile penny-pincher; it left him plenty of pennies to swim in.

12 years ago

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nobody is forced to answer, for me i think its pretty interesting to see that,
and if you click someones profile you see how generous he is either, the prostitute from the first reply has a real high steamgifts contribution. on other peoples profiles i now know why the contribution isnt as high as for others.

12 years ago

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Why do you need to know why the contribution of each user is high or not?

12 years ago

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"the prostitute from the first reply has a real high steamgifts contribution" - lol'd irl

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Man, blows in Germany are expensive

12 years ago

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I have to live for $150 a month so IF I can get any AAA title then it has to be Christmas or my birthday or someone died and left me bunch of money...

12 years ago

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About 6 hour s work to earn that.... but I would never spend that on a game.

12 years ago

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me? 4 days of 8 hours each...

12 years ago

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My country for example, the currency triples the USD price. You can imagine every game is $180+ instead of usual $60. Part time job can get you around $1 to $4 per hour (after currency converted). While workers can still buy and consider em cheap, students on the other hand kinda had to work their ass off. But there's always something to do to get some money rather than complaining on threads lol.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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yeah you can doubt that, my degree says otherwise.

12 years ago

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so what do you major in?

12 years ago

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general computer science , nothing fancy

12 years ago

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Intelligence and financial success are not highly correlated.

12 years ago

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that is funny cause it's sadly true

12 years ago

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I can wholeheartedly agree on this one!

12 years ago

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50€ is too much for me. Rarely have I ventured that deep into the depths of my wallet and decided to get every penny to buy game at that price. It's just too much.

12 years ago

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Not working now, but about 5-6 hours would be my estimate.

12 years ago

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About 4.5 hours to get $50 USD. Really 5 hours if this is the day where the USD has more value. But those are rare days seeing most the time I pay less in Canadian dollars for USD games. So 4.5 hours at $10.50 an hour.

12 years ago

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Let me ask you, is the amount of earning per person directly related to the amount of complaints and negative reviews a game gets?

12 years ago

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~5 Hours of "work" to get a max of $62 a week.

I "donate" plasma, and get $30 and $32 if done 2 times a week, which is the max. However, there has to be 1 day in between them.

12 years ago

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Well, I could buy full price games if I wanted to, and although my wife would complain I could probably get away with it if I actually played them.

But even if I did play and all that, I still wouldn't buy full price PC games. The only reason to pay full price, far as I can tell, is impatience.

12 years ago

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1 workday which includes traveling expenses and lunch.

12 years ago

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Around 3hs of work. But I never buy games full price, so the point is moot. Why should I pay full price when I'll only have the time to play the game some 6 months after it's release (if I'm lucky).

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by kc.