I have an extra copy of Sanctum: Collection That I want to giveaway! This giveaway will Start Now and end in 1 week.

How to enter:

To enter, Please tell me the cutest, funniest, or scariest story that has happened to you.

I will pick the best one in my opinion and I will message the winner and announce the winner here once they have claimed their prize.

Looking forward to hearing those awesome stories! Good luck everyone!

10 years ago*

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The scariest thing that has happened to me was a time I probably saw a ghost (That depends on whether you believe in ghosts and spirits, or it was just my imagination.)

I was 8 years old and woke up at 3 am. I was hearing steps but no one was awake at home. I was feeling kind of thirsty, so I thought "Hey, I should go get some water", so I got up, and started walking, while hearing steps that were not mine right behind me. I looked back, but there was no one there, so I kept walking until I got to my bedroom's door. I looked at the long hallway that was separating me from the kitchen, and heard steps again. I started walking towards the kitchen, while hearing another person's steps.

When I was about to get to the kitchen, I heard someone calling my name right behind me. I looked back, and I saw this... ghost bride, with a sickle, charging towards me. Then I screamed and she vanished. Everyone at home woke up, scared, saying they thought they had heard a demon.

That's pretty much the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.

10 years ago

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I thought you said no one was home? Or was the kitchen thing a different day?

10 years ago

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No one was awake. Which means, there were other people, but they were all asleep.

10 years ago

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Ah, my mistake. I misread it :P skipped over the first "awake" bit.

We would get footsteps and soft music every so often at my old house, but never any kind of apparition.

10 years ago

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The scariest thing that happend to me: I have hungry... I will look in the kitchen. There is no Lasagne. The End.

10 years ago

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Okay the scariest thing that ever happened to me was something that occurred while I was sick and trying to sleep one weekend. I tend to get sleep paralysis an awful lot. It can be a terrifying thing. You can't move, you can't open your eyes and sometimes it feels as if you can't breathe properly. Sometimes I have enough coherency to just relax until it breaks--as long as I'm breathing fine. But when I feel like I can't breathe, I start to panic.

So this night in particular, I wake up feeling like I can't breathe. I was laying in bed, trying to move, mind and heart both racing. And I heard what I believed to be my mother talking in the hallway outside my room. I assumed she was talking to my brother who's room is right next to mine. So I tried calling out for help. One thing I know about sleep paralysis but tend to forget in the moment is you can't speak during it. But your mind can trick you into thinking you are. So I thought at the time I was really calling for help.

I heard my door open and I could sense the light coming in through the open doors--you know how when your eyes are closed you can still tell when the sun is coming up because the light still penetrates the eyelids somewhat? It was like that. Anyway, I felt the bed shift and heard the box spring creak as what I believed was my mom sat down next to me. I felt her rubbing my back in gentle circles and could hear her trying to soothe me. "It's alright. It was just a bad dream. Nothing is going to hurt you."

I felt comforted by this and let my body relax. I didn't fall back to sleep. I just waited, relaxing, until the sleep paralysis went away. When I opened my eyes, no one was there. And my door was still closed. I got up and asked my brother if our mom had been through the hallway earlier to talk to him, but the weird thing was she wasn't even home from work yet.

Now of course you can hallucinate during sleep paralysis. I know this. I've done so before. I've heard and seen things. But I've never felt anything touch me before or since.

10 years ago

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Funny? well, this is what happened to me yesterday.

Me and my father was going in shop, which was too far, but there was already a shop in our city which was really close to us, so I told my father lets go to that shop which is a way closer, but he got angry, because he wanted me to stay in city longer, thats why he wanted to go on far one, so he sit very angry on chair and keep lecturing me for 1 hour, then my father's sister comes to us and repeats every word as my father says, like I shouldn't play everyday, I need to go out, etc, then after few minutes my father's sister separates me from my father, and I finally begun going to home, I walk upstairs and finally im on my door, my father was gone somewhere, my father's sister aswell gone somewhere, they both have keys, I don't have key, I left it on my room, I call on door, my mother is supposed to be in house, but nobody opens door for 15 minutes, seems like my mother was gone on wedding, so I had to wait another probably a hour on door waiting, this is what few words can result.

10 years ago

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In 2006, when I was twelve years old, I went with 6th Grade mates to a week-long camp to Cordoba, Argentina.

I liked the place! A peaceful place where you can walk alone (I enjoy solitude), between the trees, you can go to a nearby river and you can drink its cold, refreshing water... or you can as well play some football, or hide-and-seek, child's plays and shiet. Yeah, the teachers who came with us, they let us do too many things.

Day, and night.

http://i.imgur.com/NjyWL40.png This is what the accomodations looked like. We were I think two 6th Grade Courses, so there was a housing for the boys, a housing for the girls and a housing for those teachers. Ah. That orange-red thing is the bus.

Like on theee fifth, sixth day...? We went outside at night, to play with our flashlights and do some exploring. But before goin' outside, we heard a teacher yelling "WALK AWAY!", "GO!", at a gray fox who was next to that oak tree in the middle of the housings.

What did the fox said? jk What did it do? It climbed to the tree fast, and the f'n teacher was shit scared! He ran outside the teacher housin' and he tripped over an oak branch and he fell on the ground, and it was TOPKEK that night!

So, welp. Tha's the story about MAYBE the funniest thing I witnessed in my childhood. Hope you enjoyed, Panda! Took my time to write it n_n'

10 years ago

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I was once found floating in the Mediterranean Sea with two gunshot wounds in my back and a device with the number of a Swiss safe deposit box embedded in my hip. Upon reaching shore, I assumed the name Mason Courne after finding a passport under the name in the safe deposit box, along with other international passports, large amounts of assorted currencies, and a gun. I subsequently attempted to discover my true identity while countering attempts on my life by CIA assassins, eventually realizing that I am one such assassin who failed to complete his most recent mission. I broke my connections to the CIA and united with Marie Kreutz, a woman who helped me learn about my most recent actions prior to my memory loss. My conflict with the CIA reaches a climax when I take the fight to their doorstep.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by EpiKxPanda.