You paid the full amount? I don't believe this, everyone bought it when it was -90%
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Probably not. Seeing how that giveaway ended a month ago, I think OP also got it at 90% off. The problem is that $1.49 initially got them $14.99 of CV, which now dropped to $4.99.
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Actually I bought it before the sale, kept it for awhile seeing as I could get some CV, at the time I purchased it I was just under the amount to actually start entering.
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For starters, reading each game's value off Steam is the only feasible way to have it work dynamically and not require some form of manual input. More importantly, I think you're reading into this CV thing the wrong way. You're supposed to give away as much as you're comfortable with, and as an added bonus you gradually get access to some more giveaways. You're not getting promoted at work and then have the promotion revoked.
As you stand now, it's probably trivial to get to at least $30, since you can do that with a few cents worth of bundle games, if that's all you're worried about. It would also be prudent to consider that people with thousands of dollars of CV are affected by this way more than you are and are bothered way less.
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Wouldn't it be able to be saved from when you would get the CV amount? Considering all it would be is if the giveaway is closed and has been received by the winner, then add the worth of the game to OP's CV.
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sure it could be done, it's all programmed after all. but cg will not change the current system, especially not with SGv2 under construction.
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It has never really been an programming issue but more the fact that getting your pricing from Steam can prove unreliable and a lot of errors would make it in people's profiles. Those would have to be manually corrected each time. Support staff already have enough on their plate without fixing CV errors on top of all the tickets waiting for an answer.
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hm, I suppose, that if you track price changes, you can filter out price mistakes with a bit of programmed logic.
and as you can see, you always have to deal with QQing users, no matter how you implement it :P
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the system should change, I'm just saying that tracking the price at the time of the giveaway could be done, even if the Steam API sometimes dishes out wrong information.
and I guess once a game is no longer on Steam as stand-alone version and the API returns the price of the bundle, you'd have to manually adjust the value for that game, anyway (or remove it from the list, either way, someone will complain).
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CV should be a number on your profile and nothing else.
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Curious as to why you always make $30.01 CV giveaways if you'd rather there was no CV. Not trying to be an arse or anything, just wondering. Is it going to be replaced with something else and that's why? Maybe you'll be able to restrict those who enter your GA's, but in another way, and for now CV is the best way you've got?
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I've personally read lots of people saying that it will but I've never seen an official announcement stating that. With the number of people saying that it is happening, I assumed it is. Maybe it's info from those testing the site?
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If it ever does happen, there's gonna be lots of hate from the users with $500+ CV.
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Same. I couldn't care less about CV. Sure, it's great if you can enter a giveaway that you usually couldn't... But I don't worry about it. I keep giving bundled games. :D
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Maybe some people between $500 and $2000 or so. Most people above that won't mind, I can ensure you :P
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Why? CV used to be nothing more than a number on your profile. The contributor's giveaways were introduced as a way to reward those who were generous and donated to the site without expecting anything in return.
The concept has now been warped and people are donating just to increase their CV to have slightly better odds at some giveaways. I don't care if my $1600 in CV doesn't mean anything anymore. I still made people happy and that's what should be important. Removing CV should get us back to this state of mind and those who will complain are the ones who gave away for the wrong reasons.
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You damn know how greedy most users are. I'm just saying that besides "Why I earn no CV qq" threads, we'll also have the "Why my CV all gone qq" threads, too. :P
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You will find that the higher the CV, the less people care about it. It's not cost-effective to raise your CV too high for the tiny chance of winning something. It's much cheaper to just buy the games you want.
Those who complains are mostly the ones giving bundle games, the abusers and those like the OP who have low CV and for whom the price drop of a single game makes a big difference.
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there are soooo many bundles going on all the time, you can easily have $30 CV w/o spending more than a dollar.
but passing the $30 CV mark will require you to give away non-bundled games, so please don't create another QQ thread when you get to this point, you have been warned :P
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Excuse me for being new and wondering why things are how they are.
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Registered 1 year ago, you're definitely not new.
And if people seems a bit aggressive it's because these threads tend to pop up fairly often and no one ever bothers to spend 10 seconds to do a basic search and see that it's been discussed to hell and back numerous times before.
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Yes I REGISTERED a year ago, didn't have access to use the site until a month or two ago.
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OK, fair enough. But the lack of search prior to posting is still the main reason people get somewhat annoyed at those threads.
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Yes, I find this annoying (but less annoying that CV counting for something at all). Still, it's technically easier to do query current prices, given that some contributions need to be changed retroactively (for example bundle games given after the bundle started but before the game had bundle status on SG).
Still, it's something that's worth changing (and IMO not that hard to change). The right way to go about it would be to submit a support ticket with a suggestion for change, instead of posting it to the forum.
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It's been discussed already and will not be changed.
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You are obviously not "old skool." Back in "the old days," everyone had to sign their posts so that we would know who wrote it. If you don't like that convention, that's your prerogative, but don't go saying there's "no reason" until you've at least tried to find out why things are the way they are.
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The system just isn't coded that way. Until SG 2.0 comes along, who knows what changes there are, but I don't see this being a big issue for the devs.
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I have a solution for you. Whenever your CV drops, give more non-bundled games. Works for me.
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I created a giveaway that ended about a month ago and when I went to enter a contributor only giveaway, I didn't have enough. Yesterday before the price-drop on Takedown: Red Saber I had $14.99 in contribution, now I only have $4.99, I just feel that the price it was when the giveaway ended should be the total contribution amount, considering you paid the full amount.
Maybe I'm just butthurt, but the fact that I now have to create another giveaway to get my original contribution amount.
Anyone else annoyed by this?
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