Hey, mine are just about to turn 7 months, too! Not patronizing at all. I appreeciate the advice and that it comes with the admission thatall babies are different (and that two at a time is harder.) I may fall a little short on the mental stimulation since I run out of energy being on my own with them most of the time now, but I am pretty careful with naps. I'm not toally by the clock yet, it's still a little baby led. so the naps are taken in a range based on 2-3 hours of awake time. With the nicer weather I'm taking them out more often too so I'm sure that helps. I think part of it was that I would rush to quiet them all the time since I didn't want one to wake the other. So they got used to being nursed and rocked a lot without much chance to learn self soothing. As I said, it's not CiO, it's just that they cried a bit (more out of annoyance) when I changed the routine and made them do more of the "work" of falling asleep on their own. I'm still with them the whole time as they fall asleep making sure they don't get too worked up. After a few days, the younger one's still putting up a fight but his brother can fall asleep despite the crying!
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i think i already told you, read the baby whisperer. she has tips, even for twins.
also, if you need to chat. my twins are 5yo :D
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I'd read if I had the time, lol. I had a lot of people recommend it but they just never quite fell into place with the "E.A.S.Y." method. And now that they're awake a little longer, they tend to feed abot 30 minites before a nap and then right after or shortly after their nap, depending on nap length. Plus, now that they're having some solids I think that's contributing to better sleep too with fuller bellies. (So long as they don't get constipated!) Now that bedtime is going well, we're going to resolve the night wakings so that they only wake for 2 feedings. 4 hours of sleep is the best I'm going to get until they're weaned onto 1 feeding over the next few months and then no feedings probably around a year old.
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that is the point of easy. no baby fits :)
however, we really used the "grapes" feeding. i have no idea how to call it in english (i read the translation).
basically, you feed them every hour before they are going to sleep.
supper, then a snack, then a bottle. that way, you can get a 6 hours sleep even at that age. well maybe waking up for gas or something, but not a long wake.
and yes, reading after having the kids is hard, i know :D i usually try to tell people to read it before the baby, or they won't...
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As I think I've mentioned, despite our worst fears, we never had problems with one of them (usually him) waking up the other (usually her). They had an amazing ability to sleep through each other's issues. That still seems to be the case, except when the one (usually him) deliberately wakes up the other (usually her). :P
But maybe we were lucky! We did a fair amount of letting them (usually him) cry it out...though not forever... :)
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Congrats on the sleep!
Different generations can have wildly different opinions about child-rearing. So while it is always helpful to have a grandparent there when the baby first comes home...it can be just as helpful when they leave and you get your house back for you and your little or not so little! family. :)
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Make your husband deal with the poop. I changed virtually every diaper whenever I was home, which was all of the time except when I was at work 40h a week.
But there's nothing wrong with cat ladies. Sometimes I just want to be a crazy cat man! =)
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Just got twins (a boy and a girl), 62 days old atm...
As of the nightwatch (since I'm at work during daylight I can only imagin what they tell me for daytime) we are trying to put them to sleep at sharp midnight (which takes around 1 to 1.30hrs, considering feeding time and letting them burp etc) they fall asleep and wake up at straight at 6oclock in the morning with their perfect "body watches".. again trying to put them to sleep with some lo-fi music- hushing-feeding etc. and they'll wake again at 9 oclck and so on.
Since 3 days they sleep between 1-2 oclock night, wake up for about 1 hour at 4 oclock, sleep, wake up at 7.30, and so on...
Heard that since it's the time where they tryin to figure out everything this'll gonna happen so I'm going with the flwo.
Nothing much to do since they are 2 bad-ass babies =)
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Yay for boy-girl twins! Mine are 5 1/2 though, so maybe (?) the worst is behind me until they're in their tweens?
Good luck-- it's a long road!
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Thank you. Our house motto is, "it gets worse before it gets better." We find that it's always true.
j/k...mostly. :P
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Oh, man. You gotta get that sleep. Good luck and way to keep it together!!
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i saw the title and thought “must be a new parent.” sadly as a less new parent all the advice i have is that this part doesn’t last (none of it does).
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For those not in the know, I had twins back in October. With my mother-in-law living with us for several months, it's been helpful but still rough. I wanted to do some sleep coaching but anything short of almost tear free was intolerable to her. Not that it's not doable but it's just not very effective with my little guys. So now that she's gone I've finally made some headway. It's not "cry it out" but it's not totally tear free either. It's beginning to work and last night I couldn't even believe the time when I checked the clock when I first heard crying for the night! The other 4 hours came a few days ago when I dropped the kids off at day care for the day after we found a daycare center that allowed for occasional drop ins as opposed to enrollment. So to celebrate, here are two GAs.
The last door
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