so general opinion seems to be an issue on my end however I don't think anyone was using billmelater so who knows.
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Nope for me, less than 24 hours ago I bought something on steam store using paypal, and the charges is same that was on steam price list.
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update: have confirmed it tries to add a fee even if I use my linked bank account through paypal. I wish I knew what was causing this as the amount it charges varies based on amount (seems to be a percentage but too lazy to actually do the math). I use avira which is what several of my it friends recommended and am running a full scan now. This is frustrating and I don't really want to have to do a full windows reinstall the day before classes start just to test if this still happens.
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Possibly taxes in your country based on the amount of money you used or so.. I remember having to fill a form after making 100 deals on the market or something like that to confirm if I am living in the USA or not and other information for tax use.
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this could be it, I've picked up more than the usual number of games this month.
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Ask steam support? I have no idea, I just use my CC through steam.
Are you in the US? Could be some kind of fee for conversion or something?
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I've been making purchases on Steam through Paypal and when it goes to the Paypal login page, the price listed is slightly higher, like what you mentioned. However, after finishing the transaction, when I receive the receipt, the amount is what was originally listed at checkout on Steam, so it doesn't seem to actually change the price. I have no idea why it's doing this.
Edit: Have you tried actually completing a transaction and checking it after the fact? Like I said, it's been doing the same thing for me, but it doesn't actually add anything. It just says it is and then doesn't.
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Your steam profile says you live in California, so it has to do with the collection of state tax probably. I live in Tx and they do the same thing if I use PayPal. When I lived in Washington (state), it did the same thing. It all depends on the state and if that state requires online companies to collect tax, even for online services. The only way around this, I have found, is using my debit card or a credit card.
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This is new though, never happened before today and I've purchased many games.
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It just started charging my Steam Wallet for tax today as well. Used to not. My only guess is they recently updated something and can better track where people are and are charging taxes accordingly. IDK
I find it silly to charge for digital goods. I can understand if you buy from an online retailer and it is physical goods, because those have to travel over roads to get to you, so that tax in theory is covering part of the maintenance of the infrastructure. That is why some states have started to pressure online retailers to charge tax on people from their state; at least one the most common reasons given. I still do not really see why there should be a tax on digital stuff, beyond gov't money grab. It is ridiculous in Washington state, how bad it has gotten in some ways, spending money that was supposed to go to another project and then wondering why they have to do such drastic budget cuts every yr.
Beyond it being taxes collected for your state, or even actual PayPal fees of some sort, no idea what to say.
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You should contact paypal if the fee is only showing up when you go to their site but not steam. Might be some kind of new billmelater fee or interest. Ever since ebay bought paypal, they've been adding new policies to get more money out of us. They changed billmelater to paypal credit btw.
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final update: not sure what the problem was but it is fixed now (no longer shows a price on paypal pop up window and didn't add any fee). No response from steam but paypal email saying I should be able to complete purchase and to contact them if the problem happens again. Theory is a glitch with paypal.
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Did I miss a memo where steam started adding additional charges for using paypal? I almost authorized it but then I noticed my cost was $3.50 more than it should have been.
Edit: if it's not any trouble would anyone mind checking (without completing purchase of course) on steam it said 24.98 then on paypal it wanted to charge me 27.35.
Edit 2: was also using billmelater option
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