So i'm getting myself an Xbox360. I know it's a little late, but i have no interest in online play, and if i were to preorder an Xbox One/PS4, the price of games would burn my wallet.

Thing is, i'd love to read your suggestions for games i could get for the console.

The ones i'll probably go for straight on will be Red Dead Redemption, a football game for my brother (PES maybe), and Fight Night, but i'm more than interested to hear suggestions. Pretty much any genre is fine, i'd love to see serious (see drama type of games, like Heavy Rain for the PS3), but pretty much anything will be heard, if i like the game (a description will be welcomed, but i will do some research myself), i'll get my hands on it.

Pretty much any exclusive game (or console exclusive, as i already have a good enough computer) will do good.

Thanks in advance guys.

11 years ago*

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Earth Defense Force 2017 for the best couch co-op experience of your life

11 years ago

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YES. Everyone NEEDS to play EDF 2017.

11 years ago

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assassins creed the COD series, and GTA V

11 years ago

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Dont suggest games that you can get on pc

11 years ago

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GTA V ;___;

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The Gears of War Series! ;)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Currently playing the hell outta Diablo III. BattleBlock Theatre is pretty fun too.

11 years ago

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Just going to toss some random ideas here:

Would say FIFA over PES, but there are good arguments for both sides. I suggest trying the demos and see which "feels" better to you.

If you haven't played it on the PC, the Mass Effect series.

The WWE games are pretty fun to play against each other.

If you're at all into driving games, the Forza series is very good.

If you're into zombie survival at all, check out State of Decay. It's an Arcade game, but it's got solid gameplay and surprising depth. Recently came to PC as well, was Xbox exclusive for a while.

11 years ago

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Ahhh i'll see about the WWE games for my brother, we might have a good time with those.

I'm looking mostly at PES because it's what he's used to the most (used to play it on the PS2), but i borrow it from a friend and show it to my brother later on.

As for ME, i thoroughly played them and enjoyed them. The Forza Motorsports will be a nice addition to racing games, we've tried Dirt 2 on my pc but it wasn't to their liking.

State of Decay....i'll have a look at it on the PC, if it's fun enough, i'll get a copy for the console, thanks!

11 years ago

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Don't get State of Decay on the 360. The PC version will be much better. The developer mentioned that they can not afford to create any updates for the 360 version.

11 years ago

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GTA V, you don't need anything else now :D

11 years ago

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I'm wondering why you're buying it. If you had specific exclusives in mind, that would be a good reason, but you're coming here asking what to buy. So why are you buying it in the first place? I can't believe you ran out of PC games to play.

11 years ago

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I'm mostly buying it because my brother wants a console, his computer is not exactly in top notch condition to play games (he has my old i5 2500, but has a GF gt350 or some sort, can barely even run Assassins Creed 1, and he doesn't want to spend more money on hardware), and he enjoys playing with friends, so while we're at it, i'm looking for good games that are not available on the PC, are not that multiplayer focused, and are just fun overall.

And yeah, to be honest, i haven't seen too much PC games that have caught my eye, as of lately i'm just waiting for Starbound and The Witcher 3 to be released, i'm guessing it'll take quite a while to MGS to be released.

11 years ago

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so mainstream

11 years ago

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Nothing wrong with mainstream things. Most of the time, they're great.

11 years ago

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Red Dead Redemption, Tales of Vesperia, Dead Rising 1... all I got off the top of my head.

11 years ago

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Vanquish, Saints Row 1, Bayonetta.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBox Live Arcade)
Mega Man 9 / 10 (XBox Live Arcade)
Lost Odyssey
Shadow Complex (XBox Live Arcade)
Tenchu Z
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
The Darkness

11 years ago

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The Darkness, Riddick and Prey are on PC, and have extensively played, but for the rest i'll have a look at them, haven't tried Bayonetta on the PC.

This is going to become a HUGE backlog, thanks!

11 years ago

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The Darkness 2 is on PC. The first was console exclusive.

The other Riddick and Prey are on PC, but both are removed from Steam, so I included them. Both are rather cheap on 360.

11 years ago

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I really enjoyed Enslaved. I didnt get Lost Odyssey though, I bought Resonance of Fate instead and was very confused by it :-s
Halo (any & all), Enslaved, Majin, MGS HD Collection, WET are my limited recommendations.

11 years ago

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  • Mass Effect Games
  • Lost Odyssey
  • Resonance of Fate
11 years ago

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Why would anyone suggest games that are also on pc? ( I assumes that he has one )

11 years ago

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While some of my mentioned titles are, they have been removed from Steam.

11 years ago

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and if they are not on steam, he won't play them :P

11 years ago

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Army of Two - both of the games
Left For Dead - both of them
other than that... i cannot recommend much else because I am not a fan of microsoft

11 years ago

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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

11 years ago

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One of the best action RPGs out there.

11 years ago

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Gears of War 1 + 2, Fable 2, GTA V (you have to get this one), UMvC3, Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Dead Rising, Aegis wing (free XBLA game), MGS HD Collection, Catherine.

And you'll definitely want Uno lol j/k

11 years ago

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get a PS3 instead and get The Last of Us, GTA V, Beyond Two Souls. PS3 has better exclusives imo.

11 years ago

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While I agree that PS3 has some great exclusives, better than the 360 stuff for the most part, there might still be a reason they went with the 360, maybe because of pricing there or knowing people with games already.

11 years ago

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I personally would've loved to get a PS3, mainly because of MGS4, Heavy Rain and others, but unfortunately, the pricings here for that console are still way too high, not to mention each game costs like 1/4th more than the avg xbox 360 game (sadly the xbox console is friendlier on the wallet here in Argentina, and since it's far easier to crack, games are getting cheaper and cheaper), i do agree on your point though.

Maybe next year i'll save some more and get myself a PS4 straight on, but for the moment i can only afford the Xbox.

11 years ago

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never had an xbox. Have heard that it doesn't have a long life expectancy if you play heavily.PC 3 could/would be a better choice though. But that's my opinion.

11 years ago

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Grand Theft Auto V

11 years ago

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El Shaddai

Deadly Premonition

11 years ago

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Haven't heard of those, will check them out!

11 years ago

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Any Halo game should do. Not much else worth nothing on the 360 exclusives side...

11 years ago

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There are a lot of very great titles.. you mentioned RDR and I guess this and the Gears of War games are pretty much "must have" for any gamer. Get a friend on your couch and play Gears in coop, its pure and awesome fun.

If you like good stories, you should go for Enslaved, NIER and Lost Odyssey. For me these three are the top games of this console-generation and the ones I might actually dig out and play again 10 years from now.

But there is much much more.. Im a PC-gamer at heart, but trust me, buying an X360 is a great descision :)

11 years ago

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Rockband 3. Disc version, not On Demand version, and make sure it has the EA and MTV logos, not the Mad Catz logo. This version can be made to work with "Custom" songs. That is, you download songs from the web for free, put them on a flash, and they will play in-game. There's a pretty substantial movement for it online. Plus, you can export 53 of the songs from Rockband 1 for $5 (the other three are available as customs) so it's pretty easy to get a lot of songs, on the cheap. And while you may not want to fiddle with plastic instruments, who doesn't love karaoke?

Moving onto more traditional gaming, Shadow Complex is a spiritual successor to Super Metroid, and it's only on the Xbox 360. Arcade game. Very awesome, never a dull moment or a part that doesn't just work. The only bad thing about this game is that Orson Scott Card (rich bigot who gives money to hate groups) is involved and undoubtedly gets a piece of the pie.

I would only play Assassin's Creed games on the 360 (since my wife has one) due to the crap Ubisoft pulls on the PC. I use SG+ to filter their games—I wouldn't even take them for free, or take a chance away from one of y'all who aren't as bothered.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is another Arcade game. It was on the first PlayStation originally, and then either the Saturn or Dreamcast (I think Saturn) with an expanded area. XBLA just gets the original, except they changed the song at the end for copyright reasons or something. I guess the original was so damn good the singer/band got some measure of success, and a lawyer to keep her/their song out of future ports without extra $$$? I really don't know. Otherwise the change doesn't make sense. But it's a great platforming game and the CV that started the whole "Metroidvania" trend.

Crackdown is awesome, but the sequel absolutely blew. It was an Xbox Original title that took too long to finish and ended up a 360 launch title. It looks like an Xbox Original game, but it's a GTA-alike (open world crime) but you're a special agent authorized to do anything but kill civilians to take down the mob. The cool thing about Crackdown is, for each kingpin (there are three), there is a series of generals to deal with, optionally, in any order you like. Each controls a specific aspect of that gang's business, and taking out each general reduces that gang's effectiveness in that area. Plus, by doing things, you can level up your skills. It's just a great game all around. I mean, it's the whole open world city thing like GTA (and you can steal cars and build a collection), it's got city climbing like an Assassin's Creed game, it's got stat improvement like an RPG. It's pretty much a concept game that works, an ideal mix of several popular styles. And you can get it pretty cheap now. Pretty much a must play on the 360.

Source: Wife had a 360 since 2008. I'm more of a PC guy, but when something's better on the box, I don't mind using it. It just takes too damn long to boot up, but it is a stripped-down computer from 2006 with no traditional RAM and just 512MB of GDDR3 for the system and the GPU... still, its tri-core 3GHz PowerPC CPU can move a little faster, I think, than it does. (Yeah, it's basically a Mac, how's that for irony?)

11 years ago

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Try Alpha Protocol, felt like an agent playing this!

11 years ago

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red dead redemption, skate 3

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Onomatopesha.