Games that were featured in a bundle have an asterisk (a star; this > * < ) in the drop down box - you can see it when you create a giveaway.
While it is true that there is no explanation when you create a giveaway, this has already been requested, so it should hopefully be only a matter of time, until cg implements a disclaimer ;)
There's a thread, explaining how the contributor value is calculated, based on bundle and non-bundle games.
Also, bundle games that were given away before they were featured in a bundle receive full contributor value - but as you already mentioned, you can never tell in what form a game will be given away afterwards, so even tradeable copies will be considered "bundle" games, once they were featured in a bundle.
I think there are still people who give away games for the sake of being nice, rather than to increase their contributor value, so this might not be a big problem.
On the other hand more and more people moved their giveaways to private groups - one of the reason might be the increase of "idiots" on this site, that fail to read the FAQ and trade away the games they win, or make fake giveaways - another reason could be the increased chance to win a game in a group.
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I always wondered what that meant - as far as I know there is no explanation to it on the create giveaway page. Thanks for explaining!
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Don't worry, this is something we're aware of. Over the last few months, there's been a lot of changes to the site and the FAQ hasn't been updated to show any of this. I'm working on a revision slowly that will answer a lot more questions than the current one does and will update the rules accordingly.
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Thank you very much - looking forward to see the FAQ updated but I also would like to see a little text on the creation page telling the games with an * have been in bundles and are therefor differently treated.
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Actually I think that the system was transparent for you, which is where the confusion arose. Anyway the point of this site is to be generous, not to hoard contributor points. I'm not really sure why this is even an issue for you or why it would prevent anyone from making giveaways in the future.
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No the system was not transparent - I just started wondering why my points did not grow. Than I found some information about the bundles and thought of it as a good thing but still did not understand why what I calculated did not match up to the points showing until I found out 3 of the 4 other games have been in bundles too but I do not have them from bundles.
I don't think about it as a bad thing but I just wasn't aware of it and it caused confusion.
As why it might think it will prevent people of creating giveaways I meant that the games which ended up in a bundle are potentially less attractive for contributors which look at their contributor score. I look at it as I cannot join some of the giveaways as my score isn't high enought but I intend to reach for it :)
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Look for that. It's not as if the site is designed to trick you or anything. If you think a disclaimer is necessary, file a support ticket to make a suggestion. As for some of your other concerns, many people have plenty enough regular value to allow them to give away games that have been in bundles when they can pick them up as normal (e.g. when on sale or the like). Also, just pick up some things during sales to make giveaways with. Tons of good games go 75% off during sales. In addition to getting 4x the value of every dollar you spend that way (even just $5 or $10 here and there adds up), you basically get your bundle contributions freed up 1-for-1, so you really get 5x your contribution until your bundle value is all accounted for. It's not as if it's lost forever, just be patient and give what you can when you can. You'd be surprised how quickly it can add up.
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As mentioned before I alrady wondered what the * meant to tell me - now I am aware and all is fine :)
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To give full bundles away is a bit of a challenge: The winner might have one or more of the games already and someone else who really wanted that one game is losing out - I rather make a lot of people happy rather than one...
...on the other hand the Desura-Keys and DRM-Free conted are wasted.
You get the point? I don't mind the contributor value on those as they were dirt cheap and I only got so many because of the happy hour.
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That's actually 50%...
But yeah, just give games in full or don't give bundle games at all. Reason being is that you have 99 keys so they're easily obtained to boost contributor value. It's unfair to other people who give away games that aren't in bundles and are at full price vs Bundle games that are cheap, but they WERE accounted for full price before.
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My calculation was wrong - actually 87,5% of my games were in bundles (7 of 8) - 50% would have been right if my assumption war right (4 of 8).
I don't mind the loss of value - this was all stuff just lying around and going to be wasted and I am happy if somebody else has a need for it - it was just confusing.
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I also have optained a copy and can give it away but I always wait until the flood is over - in that kind I am actually happy I will not raise my contribution score as I found the ship pretty annoying to show up all the time :)
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You are probably tapping in exactly the scenario I meant when I said people might not give away those anymore...
...but unless there is a safe way to distiguish bundles from non-bundled versions I thinkt there is no easy way to fix this. One thing would be to provide a proof of purchase but who should check all these...
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I know that there is a limit on bundle gifts, but also when an item's price is permanently reduced the contributor points are recalculated.
So, if someone has given more bundle gifts than allowed by points, can they then get those points by giving away more non-bundle games later?
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Here is a list of all the games that are in bundles and is updated every bundle: Bundle List
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Thanks for sharing - I found that link too and this is the reason I realized so many of the games are from bundles ;)
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The contributor is not lost, you just need to give away more games that are not bundled games, you can only have up to 20% + 30$ that are considered bundled, so if you gave away 100$ of non bundled games you can have another 20$ of bundled games. The contributor value is not lost, just hidden for now
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Who should know that better than you ;) - You have my respect for the group you have founded!
Thanks for mentioning it - but I still am in conflict with dismanteling the bundle or give it away as a whole as mentioned further up - any thought on that?
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I think I have something close to 1500$ hidden at the moment from contributor, means everything I give away that isn't bundled is worth 1.2x so 10$ is 12$, confused me for a while until I worked out what was going on.
But as for giving away, its down to you, giving away full bundles will help your contributor though
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DOH! Of Course! Because a bundle is not a bundled game ;) there is already 2 to 1 in my calculation to rather give the full bundles instead of single games from it :) - Thanks!
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Me neither - was just the confusion which has been cleared up by now. Looking forward to see how the site continues to develop and the FAQ soon ist updated.
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It's not a contest, mate. Give shit away because you want to give shit away, not because you want to stroke your e-penis with your contributor score.
Not to mention this whole thing was added specifically for discouraging people from buying 99 cheapass bundle keys and bullshitting the system with them. If you want to give away your keys, just do it. Just don't expect to get rewarded for it.
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Please read and understand my comments before commention on them in a offensive way you do.
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An asterisk or any footnote is typically an indicator. I'd normally look into it when I see one.
I'm curious how you weren't aware these are bundle games? If they're in key form, you most likely purchased them. Unless you're accepting keys in trades, which it'll only be a matter of time until someone gives you an invalid or duplicate code.
As for the FAQ, we've been waiting for a few months now.
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I did not know what to look for as an asterisk is rather generic and hard to search for in Forums - I read through the whole page but did not see anything mentioned so I disregarded it.
You see that is right for my Indie Bundles and I am completely happy with it - But I had some games I bought and had on inventory - therefore I did not know there show up in bundles - this is why I would have loved a direct link to a list of the affected games and a text mentioning on the page that the game I am going to post is affected.
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I'll bite.
You read the whole giveaway page? Including the part that states "If you have any questions, take a second to post on the forum. Thanks." You could have easily done that before hand rather than after the fact. Not to mention, the first post on the forum is named "FAQ, Site Guidelines, Comment Formatting & User Add-ons", that would be a good spot to see what the asterisk means.
If you had actually tried to search for the asterisk, you would have had to click the Forum link in order to get the search bar. You should have come across the "FAQ, Site Guidelines, Comment Formatting & User Add-ons" at the very top again.
So it would be my assumption that you probably spent no time actually searching.
P.S. This is one of the only forums that actually lets you search for less than 3 characters, you're either trolling hard or new to the internet.
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The be honest I didn't put too much thought into the asterisk after I could not find it on the page as an asterisk usually marks a footnote - so I have not searched through all the documents before doing my first post and I think many others did not do so either. Rather complaining about me not searching hard enough to solve the riddle, it should be an easy task to put up a little note on that page explaining it. I read through all the FAQ and it was not mentioned in there as far as I remember.
I am neither - believe it or not but I am an IT professional with more than 12 years of experience - knowing a search for less than 3 (sometimes even 4 or more) character usually returns an error and therefor not even trying. And you can't tell me you read the EULA on every product before you press "Next" and are asking me about a small character...
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I am in the same boat. I gave away three tradeable copies of torchlight (after hib6 ended, at that) before I realized I wasn't getting contrib points for them. I didn't know what the asterisk meant. (I looked for a footnote at the bottom of the page. There isn't one.) I don't expect anyone would that makes a giveaway for the first time.
I don't give away games strictly for the contrib points, but I do find myself irked when I can't enter $100 contrib giveaways but the value of my giveaways is over $100 if they were full credit.
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No - either you have a different page than we do or it is not written there (anymore). That is the whole point. Please try it yourself.
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Look up the word "rant" and I would like to ask you too to read through my comments before trying to push me into the wrong light. I don't care to much about the points - I was just confused - willing to give away 99 keys without wanting anything in return should proof my point.
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Definition of RANT
intransitive verb
1: to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
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And now tell me in how far I did that, please.
What is the point of beeing offensive just because I mentioned my confusion, thoughts and opened up a little discussion which may enlight more people than just me? Your words are not constructive at all - while mine build up a bit of knowledge.
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Read my comments and understand them, than come back and rethink your wording - I was confused about the way it was treated as it is not clearly mentioned in the FAQ and I had no clue what the Asterisk ment. Just because I signed up a while ago doesn't mean I was always active an know all the details how things work around here.
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No worries - but I am happy you came back to appologize - not many people have that good manners.
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I will close the topic now - my questions are answered and my confusion is over...
...I would like to thank everyone helping constructively build some knowledge around this matter and say a "shame on you" to everybody who tried to push this topic into the wrong light. I would have liked to keep this open a little bit longer, but some poeple simply can't comment without beeing offensive.
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...for 4 of them I was aware of it and I don't really care and if I was a person only caring about contributor value I would keep my other 99 Keys I got from bundles, but I will spend them over time anyway I guess even though they don't add to it (unless I post more unbundled games - which I can't as I am currently broke and will be the coming months). But what bothers me is, that the other three games were not bought from a bundle but were sitting in my inventory for a long time - One I did not even buy while it was on sale.
The current system was not transparent to me while I was giving them away which really bothers me - there should be a message telling that you are giving away a game which was in a bundle and you don't receive full credit or even non at all.
It also bothers me that this potentially prevents people from ever buying those games and giving them away again. But on the other hand I can't think of a way to find out if a bundle was bought or the non-bundled version.
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