Well i've been a user here for 2 weeks i think and i participated in, 70 giveaways and i didn't win anything for the moment and i'd like to know if thers a secret or a trick for win or if i've got just bad luck because i think that theres people in this site that won a giveaway before a week, so if you can help me please comment. Ok thanks, i'll keep trying amd sorry if this is a spam

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Oh another one...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Is it that time of the day again?

10 years ago

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By joining them.

10 years ago

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"i've been a user here for 2 weeks i think and i participated in, 70 giveaways "

Haha, that's nothing. Add two more zeros to "70" and THEN you'll have every right to feel sad about your bad luck ;)

10 years ago

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Hi there and welcome. It's all random. Look out for private giveaways on the forums, keep your points for game you're really interested in, try to enter giveaway with fewer people.

Also, consider giving games to increase your CV.

Also, my question would be, how did you manage to register on steamgifts despite the value check ? Looks like you only have free games. Forgive my curiosity, I'm just wondering how that is even possible.

10 years ago

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This is a joke, right?

10 years ago

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How do you win giveaways?

  1. Enter giveaways
  2. Wait
  3. ???
  4. Profit
10 years ago

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He can't use the recipe without knowing the secret step/ingredient!

10 years ago

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Yo llevo dos cupones de la ONCE comprados y no me ha tocado nada, menuda estafa.

10 years ago

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Igual te ha mirado mal un ciego

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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How much participation have you done in creating giveaways for others? What is the secret or trick for you to do that?

10 years ago

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  1. Plain and simple, join giveaways. Prioritize entering games that you REALLY LIKE. If you are not looking for a particular game, enter giveaways with less entrants. Be on the lookout for one hour giveaways.
  2. Pray to your God. In my case, it's RNGesus.
  3. Join groups who do private giveaways. Follow their rules so you will not be kicked out.
  4. Get a good thing going by creating good karma. Do positive things for others, anything from helping an old lady cross the street to creating giveaways.
10 years ago

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2 semanas y 70 participaciones es algo así como nada y menos, parientes del tio ninguno. Lo mas normal es que la primera vez que ganes sea con 1000 por lo menos. Si quieres te doy una lección de estadistica para demostrartelo.
En resumen, no nos llores porque no mamas

10 years ago

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Siento decirte que aquí no hay ningún truco secreto ni nada, sólo paciencia. Yo gané mi primera subasta con más de 1200 entradas y hay casos mucho peores. Si miras las posibilidades de ganar subastas públicas verás que no son muchas, si hay mil personas apuntadas y sólo una se lleva el premio 999 se quedan sin nada.
En las privadas la cosa cambia, pero normalmente para poder meterte en grupos privados como requisito se te pide que crees subastas con una cierta periodicidad así que si no ganas nada en varias semanas no te creas que estás teniendo una suerte especialmente mala... simplemente es lo normal.

10 years ago

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2 weeks and you're complaining? LoL
I'm doing this for like 4 months, and i can consider myself lucky, as i've won 7 giveaways. So just give it some time, and yeah, luck is a must have thing. But i think karma has something to do with it too, lol. I never won shit when i was younger, so i guess karma is with me now :P

10 years ago

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I know the secret... But I wont tell you c:

10 years ago

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70 is nothing I entered over 1000 and won 2

10 years ago

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Im playing lotto, actually I have bought tickets two times in my life and havent won a single prize. I am such a bad luck :(

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by DjECW.