What should I do?
Your CPU is more than strong enough, 2nd gen i7's still have no trouble playing games.
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It was kind of rhetorical. If one is worried about a 4770K bottlenecking a 1070, how much better is a 6700K going to do?
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Mhm. Precisely. 15% is a bit underwhelming for a $500+ investment in CPU/mobo/RAM. At least to me.
There's just so little to be gained in general in jettisoning any Intel CPU from the last few generations for a newer Intel CPU of a similar class.
Me, I upgraded from a creaky Phenom II X2 that could no longer stably unlock to an X4 to an i5 Skylake.
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It depends on what you do on the computer really..
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Get RAM + GPU. 1070 is like my dream GPU, it's way too damn good.
An SSD on the other hand, would make absolutely no difference in terms of gaming except faster loading times.
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I have Coolermaster Thunder M 620W.
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Don't upgrade from a 4770K. I mean, if you're gonna sell the 4770K and other hardware for like 60% of what you paid for it or something, okay. But otherwise, full-price upgrade with no remuneration from the replaced hardware, modest as heck increase in performance. Why?
I do recommend getting more RAM, though. 8GB isn't #$%^ anymore.
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You want a more powerful GPU, a couple generations later, sure. Those gains are bigger.
And it's probably easier to find someone who wants a deal on a 770, or someone you know who can use it.
Anyway, yeah, get more RAM, get the new GPU. Skip upgrading the CPU.
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If you don't have SSD, upgrade your hard drive to SSD is the best step. PCI SSD will be even faster than SATA.
After that, I will recommend upgrade the GPU to 1070 because there is very few improvement in gaming by upgrading your memory from 8GB to 16GB, if there is no budget concern.
You might also want to replace your power supply if you upgrade your GPU.
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There is nothing wrong with your current PSU.
Your current PSU definitely can provide enough power to drive the whole thing.
It is just a better secure for your expensive GPU. It is totally fine if you don't replace it.
If you do want to upgrade your memory by adding more memory sticks to your current PC, I also recommend to find the memory with the same voltage, speed and cas Latency as your current ones.
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gtx 1060 is 2x faster than your gtx 770 - https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1060/26.html
and you can buy more RAMs on saved money
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that CPU is more than enough for current games, 16GB would be nice, most games do use the extra ram, and also makes your PC all smooth and nice :P, and if you have the money for a 1070 then go for it.
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I wouldn't upgrade anything yet. If you want better performance in games and want to spend the money, then just upgrade the GPU.
Do you have an i7-4770 or an i7-4770k. If you have the k version, I would suggest buying a decent aftermarket cooler and overclocking it. The coolers are cheap and you should be able to easily overclock it between 4.2 and 4.5 Ghz with an air cooler. I would double check, but I think your motherboard supports overclocking, you may just need the latest bios version.
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I have i7-4770, so no overclocking here. But I want upgrade my PC so it's good for another +/- 4 years. After that I am considering to change my whole PC cause my motherboard is a bit old and new technology are rolling in, for example, DDR4 RAM.
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CPU is fine, you really don't need the latest generation if you are not concerned about the lesser TDPs of the latest/next gen. If you really want to upgrade, then get the 1070. 8gb RAM is good enough for most games, adding another 8gb is recommended for future titles.
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sigh why do people not get the K series of CPUs? You could be getting a huge performance boost for free by overclocking. (in other words, spend the little extra and get the K next time lol). I ran a 2500K (3.3GHz) overclocked to 5.0GHz for several years before upgrading recently. :X
I'd go with the GPU first on that rig, then the RAM. Both are still fine for now, but if you must upgrade, that's where I would start. CPU tech isn't progressing as fast as GPU tech right now, and your 4770 isn't much behind the current tech. As long as your motherboard has all the features you want, you're golden. If you're only gaming in 1080p, it might be worth checking out the 1060 and AMD's 480X. They're both pretty ballsy at 1080p and a fair bit cheaper than the 1070.
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I am thinking about upgrading my pc. My specs atm:
Motherboard : Gigabyte GA-B85M-HD3
RAM - Kingston 8GB DDR3 HyperX Fury 1600 MHz
CPU - i7-4770 3.4GHz
GPU - Gigabyte GTX770
HDD - 1Tb
SSD - 120Gb
PSU - Coolermaster Thunder M 620W.
I am thinking to get another 8GB RAM and Gigabyte GTX1070. Is it atwised with my motherboard and CPU. Will ther be bottleneck effect etc. or other problems? Want to sure before ordering new parts. Or it's worth to upgrade and I should get new PC.
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