I've had two excellent trades this week.

-The first one was for two of my L4D2 cards (Witch, Boomer) for Dust: and Elysian Tail. I only spent about 60cents.
-The second was today. I traded my two keys (one for Bioshock, and the other for Bioshock 2) for Bioshock Infinite gift.

I don't know what the traders were thinking during this time. What have your trading experiences been like?
Once a guy offered Dota 2 for a some hat in TF2. -.- He claimed he didn't know it was worth 3cents on the market.
And one time I got scammed.

EDIT: Okay, dis nigga I traded with for Bioshock Infinite is claiming I have already used the keys. I didn't. He's calling me a scammer. What should I do? Should I screenshot both the amazon page saying that I bought them, and my Steam account page about my store transactions proving I already owned them before I traded with him?

11 years ago*

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I've never gotten scammed or had any negative experiences in trading.

But also no significantly good ones.

11 years ago

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a guy once added me and was seriously trying to trade a dota 2 for my payday 2 CCE (3 cents VS 50 dollars), I played along to see how far was he going to and eventually told him that I've been trading for years and I knew better so of course he tried to beg for it (I really want it pls) and I just told him to delete me and never add me again. Of course I blocked him and told my pals to block him as well.

I also recall him saying that he found me via a video, yeah right...

11 years ago

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I traded with this guy named lobstronomous, he gave me Bioshock and bioshock 2 for the most recent bioshock. Just realized that jerk ripped me off

:P <3

11 years ago

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No calling out. D:


11 years ago

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Calling out is the shittiest regulation in this forum.

If i spam the fuck out of this thread, i will not get any warning....if I say "Persion XXXXXX scammed me", I get 3 days !!!!!

11 years ago

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Spam can also get you suspended. It just depends if the support member thinks it has gotten bad enough from that user.

11 years ago

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Guise, he's my friend. I have not traded with him.

11 years ago

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I don't do a lot of trading, I simply don't have the patience. If I'm trading, I want a game I'm willing to try.

Still, I've had some nice traders. One traded several bundle games for some cards of mine, then gifted a bundle I couldn't buy when he found my interest in it. That was pretty cool.

For a bad one, well, this is a bit outside the usual you would hear on this site, trading console games. There were a few people I knew on GameFAQs that I was friendly with, and have traded with several of them. One of them was interested in Breath of Fire 3 (PSP) and Final Fantasy X International. Was going to trade it for a couple of PSP games I can't get here as physical copies. All I ever got from him was excuses before he started ignoring me. Wasn't happy about that.

11 years ago

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Dang nice! Is there a trading thread that I can see?

11 years ago

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worst trade was when i got scammed. i gave 2 copies of Portal 2 for nothing (i was new to trading, and other trader told me he could give me steam wallet if i gifted these to him).

best trade was trading a 33% off coupon (forget which game) for Civ 5 GOTY (tradable gift)

11 years ago

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Wow, that's pretty awesome.

11 years ago

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bad day :(

11 years ago

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"I traded my two keys (one for Bioshock, and the other for Bioshock 2) for Bioshock Infinite gift."
Pretty fishy...

11 years ago

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How so?

11 years ago

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As in it sounds like you ripped off the person you traded. Bioshock 1+2 for Infinite? Those go for 5 bucks together.

11 years ago

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Someone can be just generous? Why you have to judge someone in this way? I really don't get it. And Bioshock and Bioshock 2 combined cost is about 40€ on Steam (19,99€ each) without buying them when they're on sale (and even if you buy them on sale the original value it's still the same). So where did you get that $5 price I really don't get it.

11 years ago

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Amazon. There was / is a sale for it. I know it was running yesterday. And the topic creator did say keys after all.

Its a case of 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is'.

11 years ago

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It was their offer in the first place.

11 years ago

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Damn you made some nice deals. Both are practically steals :P

I won't brag about my trading experiences tho... you never know who's reading this thread :P

But yeah, I've made some deals I'm pretty happy with.

Oh and my best trading experience has to be this.

edit: Just had my worst trading experience a few minutes ago with this douche who didn't trust my 114/0 rep on steam trades because he owns 3x more games than I do (his rep was 13/0), then finally he agrees to go first after I politely rejected to, and starts threatening how he'll "destroy" me if I scam him. The funny part is I traded with a friend of his 5 minutes prior to him and he was really polite and had no problems going first, so the other guy had no reason to worry or be such an ass, some people just deserve to die a terrible Chinese torture death...

11 years ago

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If I were you I would play the Bioshock Infinite as fast as you can, because you either ripped a guy off or the guy traded you a key from a chargeback. Search the forums and you will find a lot of people who have games just disappear from their library that they got from trading.

That being said, I've had a lot of fantastic trades but my favorite (not best, but favorite) was when I traded a Showdown Effect Beta Key for FTL. I explained to the guy that it was a beta key and would end eventually, I even offered him another game to go with it. All he wanted was the beta though. And I got FTL, one of my favorite games now.

11 years ago

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I haven't traded much, but best trade was probably a A.R.E.S. card worth 30 cents for a bundle game :P

11 years ago

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Back when I started trading, I had just two bundle games; Cave Story+ and Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery. A month and more than 20 trades later, including being scammed a couple of times, I ended up with GMod, Portal 2, Bioshock and Hotline Miami (a month before it was bundled). So I guess I did pretty well for a beginner. :P

I now have over 90 rep on Steamtrades and have gotten such titles as Dishonored, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2 and plenty of others. All with just two bundle games, a few in-game items and a $20 iTunes gift card which almost no-one wanted. So I guess I've been pretty successful with trading so far. :)

11 years ago

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good job :)

11 years ago

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I traded away one of my dota 2 invites for orcs must die 2. and that was when the invites were worth nothing. guess he didn't know

11 years ago

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i traded around 6 tf2 keys for a arma 3 alpha gift.

My worst is probably when i got scammed $45 in a key trade a week ago

11 years ago

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Ugh, even if this thread doesn't become a epeen measuring contest, lionizing sharking is not a positive part of the trading community. Seriously, this is just encouraging people to intentionally give incredibly lowball offers in hopes of a newbie biting, which is really a dick move.

11 years ago

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"lionizing sharking"... I don't know what language kids these days are speaking but I know I want off this planet. :p

11 years ago

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What? Lionizing is an actual word, in case you didn't know.

11 years ago

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I started off today with 1 Gun Monkeys key, and ended the day with Borderlands GOTY, Garry's Mod, and the L4D bundle. Not a bad gig considering I got the Gun Monkeys key from a friend.

11 years ago

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Was it Gun Monkeys from the 750 copy giveaway that just ended yesterday?... Its against the rules to trade games that you win, even if it was your friend who won it, he broke the rules. It sucks because a lot of people who actually wanted to play that game lost to people who just traded it away. I've seen others trying to trade it too. Its just annoying when people do stuff like that on here

11 years ago

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He didn't win Gun Monkeys. :D

11 years ago

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Urm, is he from SG also? Cause that key may have been from the dev giveaway.

11 years ago

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singing: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds. And we can't build our dreams on suspicious minds!

11 years ago

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i traded 1 counter strike go card, and got the Valve collection

11 years ago

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I got brutal legend for 4 isaac cards, i got impersonated today T_T negative feedback making me look bad, support can be slow at times

11 years ago

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In other words;

SCAMMING - post your experiences of being

  • scammer
  • scammee
11 years ago

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Come on, the OP isn't a scammer. :P

He's just really good at trading. Scamming would be giving the other guy something he didn't ask for or straight out stealing his stuff.

11 years ago

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Not good at trading, simply lucky enough to find someone willing to lose a lot of value, without realising it. Once I had a guy who offered me 2TF2 Keys for a Arma 3 Alpha LITE... LITE! I never accepted it of course, didn't want to shark the guy.

11 years ago

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Ehm, what? Just because someone was dumb enough to trade B: Infinite for B1+2 makes the OP scammer?

11 years ago

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if the other trader got what he agreed to trade for, then it wasn't scamming

11 years ago

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Hey whatever helps you guys sleep easier at night

11 years ago

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It isn't scamming if people are not fooled and are willingly trading for more than the community set price.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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I traded my CSGO beta invite for Shogun 2 and rise of the samurai

11 years ago

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I hate trading cos people always try to convince me their bundle Fortix key is the most expensive thing in the universe cos "everyone" wants that game and that my copy of Fallout New Vegas is worthless cos its been on sale 6 years ago and its worth like $2 now and that I should feel lucky they're willing to trade their bundle key for my worthless inventory gift.

11 years ago

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Bundle keys? Lucky. I was offered free items. :D

11 years ago

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You should've traded skyrim for that! Best trade everz!

11 years ago

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I wanted to trade Hitman Blood Money and Mini Ninjas for something nice, but the keys would have expired on the 30th, so I gave them away here around the 27-28th. On 29th somebody added me on steam and said that he wants to trade me L.A. Noire for those 2... I was so angry to myself....

11 years ago

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I had some really profitable trades that I weren't even prepared for (like an Unepic key for a Sanctum 2 preorder), but I'd call the best trades the ones where I traded with people who didn't see the value in dollars, but in how much they wanted the game. As for bad trades, I almost got scammed with a fail minecraft account, but aside from that, I happily managed to evade even the simply rude people. I guess I'm one of thsoe happy traders out there.

11 years ago

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So far all my trading experiences were pleasant. Last time i traded i got Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition for 5 Binding of Isaac cards and all the other cards i got i traded for games like Lone Survivor, Cave Story+, Bit.Trip Runner, Psychonauts, Closure and a few others i can't quite remember which ones but i think that i also traded cards for my Dungeon Defenders Collection :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Lobstronomous.