At a rally an unnamed gunman took a shot at Trump and managed to graze the top of his right ear, but Trump will be fine. One spectator was killed, and another injured. The shooter is reported to be dead.

EDIT: The shooters name was Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was featured in a BlackRock video in 2023.
A Wikipedia entry for him with more infor has also been created here.

EDIT 2: A local police officer talked to the shooter before he shot at Trump:

EDIT 3: Closing this thread since I think its run its course.

1 month ago*

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Isn't there like rules for no violence/war or political relate stuff on here awhile back?

1 month ago

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You can read the guidelines here. It specifically mentions gore, Israel, Ukraine, supporting terror, and some other things. But nothing about this, except for the few comments depicting gore/violence that have since been addressed by a moderator.

1 month ago

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I checked that before making this thread. Basically the rule is you can't make topics about war because people from both sides likely visit this forum so it will turn into conflict every time.

1 month ago

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Im neutral/torn about all that can or shouldnt be posted, makes sense to have an offtopic but where to drawn the line i cant make my mind on any strong position.

On war i get the many deaths, violence, more hatred involved and it seems from now on an even more extreme amount of fake news as arguments to block war...

But the 'will turn in conflict everytime' is far from exclusive to war. The way political polarization been happening because of social media all subjects that are 'extra sensitive' to either sides or both easily turn into flamed conflicts; And because said polarization 'right - left' been global its reach is much larger then war.

Thinking about it i think war tops in levels of hatred, but divisive subjects that hit the nerve in politics tops in numbers

1 month ago

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Yea political topics are also inherently controversial, though I'd like to believe that the vast majority of the people here are against murder at the very least. That's not to say everyone will sympathize with the victim(s), but at least no one should be saying such acts are a good thing.

1 month ago

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people from both sides

Honestly right wing politics against left wing politics is no less controversial then people siding in previous convos.
That can derail quite quickly. Frankly the shooting is perfect example of that. Someone was ready to die or spend remaining of his life in jail in order to try to murder another person for different political views.

1 month ago

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Absolute zero sympathy. He and his supporters mocked Nancy Pelosi's husband who was almost murdered in his own home by a wacko intruder. He downplayed and mocked a Michigan governor who was the victim of a right-wing extremist abduction plot. He incites violence and hatred everywhere he goes. This is all of his own making.

Unfortunately this event will probably make the more gullible people out there sympathize and support him.

1 month ago

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Didn't he also endorse the lynching of his own Vice President?

1 month ago

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He has a long history of turning on people he worked with.

1 month ago

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He clearly has the signs of a sociopath.

1 month ago

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Crazy how this still happens in 2024 in a supposed first world country..

1 month ago

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Radical left against radical right. What can go wrong eh?
Sad to see America deteriorating towards civil war so fast.

But to me the most ridiculous thing is how Trumps is suddenly praised like second coming of Jesus. IMO Biden and Trump are both old senile fools who should have no part in position shaping the world politics. And while we saw enough ridicule of both of them, now I see more praising of Trump for standing up and shaking his fist after "getting shot" in the ear. Yet there truly are family men who died by the shooter. Yet here we are - Trumps picture is all around the internet as some kind of hero. As if getting shot suddenly erases his wrongdoings.

Frankly both parties have degenerate political views. And extreme left just gave the extreme right the win in elections. Congratz antifa.

1 month ago

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The suspect was a registered Republican, don't underestimate the fanatism of people who got cheated / disappointed. The world is not black and white, despite the media tries to push that narrative.

1 month ago

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I guess it is just speculation, but I did read he might have been registered as republican just so he could vote against Trump. Though I don't know in detail how American voting system works. Either way he was a lunatic. No discussion there.

Overall though I would just like to highlight how absolutely moronic (without specifically looking at this case for example) are far left and far right. They are both actively feeding the opposite end. The more liberal becomes one end of the spectrum the more extremist activate on the other end of spectrum (and vice versa). There truly are not any central political parties that normally take in consideration what people want. Now we only have two extremely different parties that actively engage in trying to divide population by trying to feed the agenda of "if you are not with us, you are against us".

That is how Trump and Biden along with republicans and democrats have divided the country in extremely different spectrums, both royally fucking up in order to spite the other side. And that happens all around the world. The more liberal we want to become, the more conservatism engages. Pendulum swings, republicans come back in power and all hell gets loose trying to on principle destroy everything democrats do. And the same thing when it swings back to democrats.

Honestly, the more this happens the more I stop believing in democracy. Especially with illiteracy and information abuse that can be done in these days. I have been disappointed in pretty much every election for the party I have voted for.

1 month ago

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“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

1 month ago

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It don't give real democracy.
Only rich and poor people.

Guess who make the politics (that clearly everywhere favor the rich ones...).

Nuff said.

1 month ago

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Biden is not far left. In American context Bernie Sanders might be but he is like a social democrat by European standards and even he failed to become the presidential nominee for the democrats two times. If anything the Democrats are dominated by ancient, half-dead estabilshment politicians while the Republicans are under the thumb of Trump, even most of the moderates who might otherwise dislike him.

1 month ago

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My pal Bernie Sanders should have become President of the USA at one point in the past.
It would have been good for the US.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Easy to spot the ghouls here.

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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I'm starting to really question competence of the state security apparatus on USA soil... Too many failures from allowing blatant terrorism to continue, failure to secure important government buildings and now this...

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by jiggakills.