In celebration of the premiere of Game of Thrones Season 8 this past week:

REIGNS: Game of Thrones giveaway! 🐲

  • Who is your favorite character(s)? Why?

Gotta say, I really like Brienne for her skill & tenacity, Tyrion for his dry humor, and Arya for her prowess & attitude.

Also, feel free to enter my Risk of Rain 2 GA HERE.

5 years ago*

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I love Brienne and her chemistry with Jaime. I also like Tyrion and Petyr Baelish even if he's out of the game lol

5 years ago

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I like Brienne. She's an unusual character in the fantasy genre altogether, where women tend to fall into the villain, conqueror or damsel category. Her heroism and lack of self confidence are endearing.
I am crushed the show completely bypassed Lady Stoneheart because the situation the books left Brienne and Jaime in was more interesting than what they got in the show

5 years ago

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I am crushed the show completely bypassed Lady Stoneheart because the situation the books left Brienne and Jaime in was more interesting than what they got in the show

Refresh my memory. Does Lady Stoneheart tie into the Brienne and Jaime storyline?
As far as I remember she and her band of outlaws are little more than a rumour in the books and barely touched upon so far.

Although I did find it intriguing that Beric Dondarrion and Coldhands are not the only ones. John doesn't count since he seems to be something different due to being able to pass the wall even after he came back from the dead. (On 2nd thought so can Beric.)

Edit: Nevermind. I looked it up in the Wiki how those two are connected. Seems I really have to re-read the last one if the 6th book ever comes out.

5 years ago*

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Refresh my memory. Does Lady Stoneheart tie into the Brienne and Jaime storyline?

Spoilers for A Song of Ice and Fire books

In the book, Lady Stoneheart and the Brotherhood without Banners are more than rumour. We last seem them having strung up Podrick and telling Brienne they'll execute him unless she kills Jaime Lannister for her, as Lady Stoneheart blames him for the events leading to the Red Wedding, and believes Brienne has betrayed her promise to Catelyn (because she's carrying Oathkeeper).
Brienne is given a choice of "Sword" (killing Jaime) "or Rope" (being hanged)

The last we see of Brienne, as she refuses to kill Jaime, is her being hanged with Pod. In a bit of a cliffhanger, however (no pun intended), she's heard shouting something right before it seems she would die.
Martin has confirmed she shouts "Sword" (nothing official because it was some convention panel and well, it doesn't matter anyway since the books will never get written) to save Podrick (and herself), thus choosing to kill Jaime, which is far more interesting than her following Queen Sansa the Boring, first of her name around in the show

Edit: I should have started reading the end of your post lol

5 years ago*

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Edit: I should have started reading the end of your post lol

Sorry, didn't want to waste your time.

I wonder if Briane would be above lying to save her and Podrick's life or if she would actually do it despite loving Jaime. It would contradict everything we've learned about Briane so far but who wouldn't lie in that situation.

I didn't realize Lady Stoneheart and her outlaws were part of the Brotherhood without Banners (nor that she was brought back by Thoros von Myr). I just assumed she came back on her own out of hatred and residual magic.

since the books will never get written

I really, really hope you are wrong but at this point I'm beginning to have serious doubts myself. I'd be delightfully suprised if they ever get published though.

5 years ago*

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No time wasted, no worries. It was pretty clear in my head so I didn't have to go and research or anything and I type pretty fast ;)

Indeed. The conflict for Brienne would have been especially interesting. Jaime has already challenged so much of what she defined as heroic and honorable. I really would be interested in seeing how she gets herself out of this.

I really, really hope you are wrong but at this point I'm beginning to have serious doubts myself. I'd be delightfully suprised if they ever get published though.

I really really hope I'm wrong too but with Martin admitting he's gone gun shy since the show got so popular, and him wasting his valuable writing time in promotion for the show and now being one of the writers of a spin-off... I don't know if it'll ever happen. And if it happens, how much of the story will change to be closer to the show's?
I really hope I'm surprised too.

5 years ago

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Daenerys obviously!!!!!1!
Dothraki are a people of peace btw and if you disagree my queen will kill you with weapons of mass destruction "DRACARYS" trolololololo
you mad westerosi boi?

5 years ago

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There it is! ;)

5 years ago

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I didn't answer the question about my favourite character yet because the first ones that came to mind are the usual suspects but now after a little bit of contemplation I found 2 characters that intrigue me a lot and in my opinion don't get the recognition they deserve.

First.... Ramsey Bolton. It's hard to call him my "favourite" for obvious reasons but I do have somewhat of a morbid fascination with him.

Second: Margaery Tyrell. While on the first glance she might look like a typical female role in a medieval setting, doing what she is told and so on, I think there is more to her than that. She's cheerful, she has a strong sexuality, she's clever, she steers the people around her in the right direction without them even noticing it. Given half a chance (if Joffrey had not had Sansa as his torture puppet) she might even had had a chance to turn him into a half decent king.
Also being portrayed by Natalie Dormer in the show certainly does not hurt.

5 years ago

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Ramsey's cruelty is mystifying. One of the most villainous villains that ever villained. I struggle to empathize with his character, for obvious reasons, and I think that makes him a very interesting character to me also. His persona is beyond my reach. Yes Margaery is subtle and manipulative with more peaceful agendas to steer away from disaster.

5 years ago

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Ned Stark, just sad that he dies like in all his movies. Also Sansa Stark for her prevalence.

5 years ago

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If you don't like to see him die you'll have to play Hitman 2 :D

5 years ago

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Another one that I'm surprised I didn't see more of on this list! Ned the Head!

5 years ago

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Margaery Tyrell.

And obviously the most badass character of the entire GoT saga, Olenna Tyrell! :D

5 years ago

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Good choice! I agree Olenna is supremely badass!

5 years ago

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