Are you using a wireless controller, by any chance? What model/make is it? I used to have weird keymapping issues with some games when using my wireless one, but a wired one would work just fine. Depends a lot on the game, because it turns out there's actually two different sets of drivers from Microsoft for each (wireless/wired). Most developers only ever test their games with a wired controller, so when the game and the wireless driver try to agree on default mappings they get all messed up.
It's most likely not the problem you're talking about, but I felt like explaining it anyway. I went pretty deep down that rabbit hole when troubleshooting this issue for myself a some time ago. Ended up finding some Japanese dude that'd made his own custom drivers and weird crap like that...
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If you go to Devices and Printers, open the controller there and check the 'Hardware' tab, does it show three items, one of which is "XBOX 360 Controller For Windows"? Just wondering if it identifies as such. Did you plug it into a different port than usual, perhaps?
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As you know, others seem to have had this problem in the past. In one of the threads x360ce was mentioned. It's some sort of xInput driver emulator. I have no experience with it, but it might be worth a shot. I noticed that Saints Row: The Third is mentioned on their compatability list, at least...
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Last time I played SR games they were 3rd person adventure type games, not shooters. hmmm
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I've always referred to those as "point and click adventure games", I guess 3rd person action game may be more accurate.
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Sometimes the answer just isn't out there yet. Have you tried setting it up like how it is messing up? Sort of silly but when you are out of options you never know what might work. I've never had it quite so bad but sometimes emulators will switch my shoulder buttons in-game so I just reverse them in the set up.
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It might just be something they have to patch on their end then. If it was a problem with your pad or computer specifically then it probably wouldn't be working for a lot of things, rather than just SR. Until they get a patch out themselves or release some information about it for people to be informed you might need to try a separate key-mapping software like someone else was talking about. I vaguely remember something similar happening with Dark Souls and I think I actually used x360ce to use a pad for that.
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Actually. Was it only with a friend that it didn't work or did it just suddenly stop working altogether no matter what game mode you were playing?
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Now that is really crazy...the last time I used a controller in SR3, it worked fine, but that was months ago and I think there may have been a patch or two inbetween which could have possibly broke it. I am using an aftermarket controller, so it could be that as well...
Unfortunately can't really give any other advice that wasn't already given here. Could you possibly plug the controller out, run the game for 5 minutes using the keyboard, close the game, put the controller back in and try again? Stranger solutions have worked before, so might as well give it a try just in case.
I tried to find where the config files for SR3 are (I don't have 4), but unfortunately only found the display settings in the same directory as the .exe. Sorry.
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I had that problem with Splinter Cell Conviction but not for SR3/4. For the SR series, the controller worked fine for me. XD
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You can always use a ps3 controller if you have it. What I use to run most games and have no problem on Sr3. Download motioninjoy its the ps3 controllers joytokey.
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Have you tried putting back the settings to default? Or remapping the buttons in the options?
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Xbox 360 PC controller Problem (With Saints Row 3 and 4)
A few days ago I tried playing SR3 with a friend, and I realised that the controls were all messed up, I mean really messed up, this is using the xbox360 controller for Windows, I brought SR4 today, as-well. I am having the exact same issue.
More specifically.
A is B
B is X
Left Stick up is right stick down
Left Stick down is right stick up
Right stick up is left stick down
Right stick down is left stick up
As you can see, this is completely inverted in every way, shape and form. It is really fustrating, considering it used to work on SR3, and every other game it works on too. I see others are having this problem, but nothing I found can fix, but to be honest I haven't really found anything helpful.
Before you comment and say, just use a keyboard, I do for most games, its just games like this and GTA I like to use a controller for.
Anyone else having this problem? Please help. Thank you.
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