What is your main reason when you are deciding to make GAs not "public for all" ?
Originally, I worked mainly on public gifts.
However, the results of the “survey” included too many BOTs and “previous offenders”.
Am I not making public gifts anymore?
No, we have gifts on Puzzle and these topics.
Also use SGTools.
And sometimes we also make public GAs that also serve as surveys.
Survey information is usually kept private.😉
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By "public giveaway" I mean GAs which are visible to everyone on the main SG page. The GAs linked on the forum are mostly "private/invite-only", in terms of how it is evaluated on SGTools, and with "groups" being the 3rd category.
I gather from your response tho that you would be likely making more public GAs if it wouldn't be for them bots and rule-breakers, which resulted in you making forum GAs instead.
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how is it?
I recently voted to check the winners with SGtools.
Many people seem to save time searching.
(Voting may be disguised as a BOT user)
(Some people do not respect Guideline's obligations)
If you notice a user not following our guidelines, do your best to politely explain our rules with relevant links or quotes to our guidelines when appropriate.
If they do not take action or deny any wrongdoing, please submit a user report ticket so we can take action if necessary.
This is the duty of SG citizens.
But there are people who do not keep their promises. deplorable.😫
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What if SG would have an option to notify you when someone didn't yet leave feed-back after 7 days of one of your GAs having ended? Would it improve matters?
At least in my experience, while (also) I understand that some may be online e.g. only on weekends (such as due to working with sleep-over elsewhere), what you mentioned is certainly somewhat annoying in regard to micromanaging on SG to help filter out eventual rule-breakers already on own GAs (instead of someone else eventually noticing rule-breaker by checking on SGTools).
Specificially, to check who didn't activate their win yet, such requires comparing date and scrolling through pages (if one did chunk out 50+ GAs in one week). And if one doesn't regularly check, then some GA with no feedback quickly disappears there somewhere on some page. So at least a notification option in that regard, such would seem a great way to not have to manually check on status of no-feedback, wouldn't it?
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Ok, so three issues:
1) Slowness.
I suppose that especially when e.g. a Steam sale is on, some more users would as well prefer to have some sort of "express GA" option, where rule for response time after key/gift was sent would be e.g. 2 days instead of 7.
2) Some winners not having activated their recent-older-than-week win despite clearly being active.
Personally, I usually do inbound checking with SGTools, before I send a key. I do not check on whether key from me was activated, when a "received" feed-back was left. It certainly would be more thorough that way tho, but means even more micromanaging (especially when one chunks out a lot of separate GAs at a time).
3) Some winners not leaving feed-back within 7 days (either due to not being online at all, or due to perhaps already having activated win, but simply just forgot to leave feed-back as received).
The notification I mentioned was about this. But all in all, it seems we already named some aspects where whichever improvement would be helpful, be it at least a notification, to not have to manually check the GAs-created-page on missing feed-back, or as far as having an automatical activation-check (which could run perhaps e.g. once or twice a day for all recent-older-than-week non-DLC wins?).
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bots and spam accounts wish there was like a 2-step verification. to deter spam/bot accounts. I remember when this site was decent. With only popular games getting over 1k+ entries now every game has 800-1k and popular games get up to 5k entries.
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I used to do public until I joined Touhou and Playing Appreciated. If I saw enough people wanted it I threw it into pa and the rest would go into touhou to make sure I didn't go afk. I have a lot of winners in my public ones that have not activated wins so it's much easier to blacklist the rare group member then it is deal with annoying public members. I will still do some public ones but its very rare since again most of my keys go somewhere else
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I used to make my giveaways public, but no matter how high I raised the level no one ever played the games I gave away. Though to be fair I only raised it to level three, but I've heard from pretty much anyone that talks about it, that it doesn't matter if you go up to ten, it doesn't change that. Only one out of twenty games I gave away were played and that made me want to not give anymore of my games away.
Then I joined Playing Appreciated and now at least nine out of ten of my games are played and those couple of people that didn't play the games got kicked out of the group. It's the only group I know of that does that so I will only give games away on that group now.
I wish I could do it public, but I just can't.
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From my point of view vast majority of folks staying at lvl 0-1 are leechers. A good $1 bundle can get a new user close to lvl 2. So, I'm sorry for those few, that really can't afford it, but I see no way to accommodate them in the crowd of freeloaders. As it stands, practically all my GAs are at least lvl 2-3+.
In the last 9 months I've created over 150 GAs, pretty evenly split between group and forum invite only (SGTools protected). I like creating forum events and happenings (because through them we get to know each other better and find friends), and I'm a member of quite a few groups, that I want to support. Looking through the GAs made by me, it seems like I have been making public GAs (12.1% of my CV so far) only for some pretty crappy stuff, like unwanted soundtracks from different bundles. However, I don't really feel bad about this, because I support quite a few groups, that anyone can join, and I quite often offer advice to new members on which groups are worth joining IMO.
One more factor, that we are missing here, is the region restriction issue. Folks blindly restricting most/all of their GAs just to their region are on my no-no list.
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I get that. The first thresholds for SG levels are quite low, and even if it is for whichever reason not possible to purchase a bundle (such as due to not having even own bank-account yet), an user with some games on Steam account likely has some Steam cards in inventory, in which high Steam-level traders are likely to be interested (to make some more badges with) in exchange for some spare key/s from bundle.
Nevertheless, while there may be a couple hundred of "long-term active" level 0-1 users, even if some or all of them would be called leechers, most of "all registered" 0-1 SG level users are arguably not leechers as such. Most of the registered users arguably lost interest in the site quite quickly, due to not really seeing a point in spending time to enter 1000+ GAs to eventually win some game they could have purchased themselves for 5 cents. And if one tells them that they better first invest some in SG, by making GAs, before they can get to expect some enjoyment from the site, most of them would probably have run away even more quickly, due to it sounding as if some Ponzi-scheme.
And by that I don't mean to put blame on anyone. Just talking about some apparent dynamic behind the past years, which led to the "current state of affairs", where new users are even less inbetween long-term low-level users - therefore less likely that a new user wins some and therefore more likely that a GA-maker is not all that happy about yet another long-term low-level user having won a public-for-all GA and ending up not doing these anymore, further making it difficult for a new user to win some when the amount of all available level 0 GAs is perhaps already so low that points are left-over after entering them all (which means that there is no dilution about amount of users per GA).
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I have had multiple reasons for doing giveaways but at the moment getting the game played makes a pretty big impact on my list. Hence doing most of my giveaways to Playing Appreciated group. Public giveaways are quite random. Generally the process goes alright but are likely to end up as +1. Nothing wrong collecting library but I wish the games I give to get chance of playing and feel that they are wasted that way. Someone else could have enjoyed it.
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I have my reservations about PA. On the one hand it's extremely frustrating to pick a good game that you really enjoyed playing and see that GA was won by a user who's won a million games and only gave one or two freebies ten years ago just to go up one level. Realize that the person will only use the game to pick up cards is really sad, so the PA is a good strategy.
On the other hand... I'm getting closer and closer to 40 years old, and I don't always have the time I'd like to play (right now I have a series of commitments and it's been more than two weeks since I haven't played at all) , so I've already stopped entering GA with PA because I didn't know if I would be able to honor the request... someday, yes, for sure, but not within the timeframe that the OP was asking at GA. : )
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Aye, can relate to that. I have less and less time to play yet now there are at the same time more free games everywhere. It feels good to give someone enjoyment they can get from a game. It is a shame how hard that can be here. Sometimes I open random giveaways of mine to see if the winner enjoyed the gift. It is quite common to see that have never even launched the game and that's a bummer.
Personally, I don't have any strict time requirement like PA or PM has but if one doesn't have the time to even try the game six months after winning, it would have been better to give it to someone else. I gift games to give enjoyment, not to add another chore to someone's life. I also don't understand the idea to join giveaways where one doesn't even want the game. I understand borderline games i.e. you are somewhat curious (but wouldn't buy it yourself) and wanting to try.
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I find hiding games behind a puzzle (either an obscure mathematical formula that five people know on Earth, questions related to the creator's very private life or just jigi "trying to solve a children's puzzle that has like a thousand pieces with the same colour and hue is definitely fun" di) obscure groups and extremely specific whitelists are pointless and just foster the whole elitist attitude the forums (and the community) already has sadly. Note, that I am not hating these giveaways, nor do I wish harm on the people who make them: I am just against them on a personal and moral level.
My giveaway philosophy is simple: level 0+, public, no restrictions (including region ones, but sadly they are sometimes required due to Steam), no strings or puzzles, mostly unbundled games (it might not seem like it now, but it will be visible later), sometimes an bundled one. I believe everyone should have an equal chance to enter: That means no whitelists, nor blacklists.
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I always try to balance my GAs. I do a part for the groups, a little (very little) for the forums, for my whitelist, and about a third (a little more or a little less, depending on the season) are public.
In my public GAs I always switch the level. From time to time I set level 0, to encourage new users, but the normal thing is to set it to level 1+ to encourage old users to try to level up (giving games to the community).
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After dealing with quite a few winners who wouldn't mark giveaways as received I tried to increase the level to see if the problem goes away. Turns out that it did. So it's not rewarding people with a higher level or creating exclusivity, but rather saving me from having to run after people to ask them to mark giveaways as received.
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Sorry for not starting the exact same thread again, I have commited a grave sin and now the forum gods will hate me!
Moderators have better things to care about than some random guy restarting a thread.
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In another forum thread, there is an ongoing poll on what type of GAs I should make for a batch of keys. And while perhaps not surprising to many of you around, it seems somewhat interesting that the "Public for all"-option has that little support at this point (4% of votes, which is about as many votes as "to not make whichever GA" has).
Due to that I would like to ask you the following:
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