This is to celebrate the coming of the first midwinter tradition, where it all evolves from.

Happy Saturnalia!

Since everything evolves, and is borrowed from other things, I thought it would be nice to enlighten people about the true origins of most "Midwinter" festivities. It is, afterall, the solstices that influenced much of what happened with daily living. The sun was the most crucial element - aka "the Light", the giver of "Life eternal" etc. Anyway, on the 17th of December Saturnalia begins.

The stars were integral in many societies. One of the first Good vs. Evil diety (Ahura Mazda was for good, and Angra Mainyu was for bad)-driven religious groups, the Zorastrians, where probably one of the key influences - and in fact probably the original three wise men of the Bible, if in fact such events occurred around the starting of the Age of Pisces, the fish... the symbol so often used in association with Jesus himself... as homage to the representation of this "New Age", in tale.

When plants will begin to create food again for the masses on a larger scale, and what influenced these ancient tales the tribal wise men would tell to the youth, in a metaphorical way to explain the passing of the season of death - winter, into the next year of life, with more sunlight, and the growth of the new plants. The trees were put into homes (evergreen types) as a way of "good magic" to promote a prosperous new year to come. The idea was symbolic that life will endure through the hardships of winter and a new year would be plentiful! I love the aspect there - and the parallels continue with many-a-tradition. And of course tales of others that started such traditions. It always goes way back, and even the pagans and/or ancient mesopotamian beliefs and values were repeated ad infinitum. This is my gesture of goodwill - the creation of the Fantasia!

Not in a demeaning way, but in rememberance of truth, and the first and origin of things, as far as we can trace them... as to why it is what is today. It's so amazing these traditions continue in so many beautifully evolved forms. I appreciate all celebrations that use this as their origin, or even if this was not the origin, something before that prompted this great Saturnalia...

We have revised our fantasy to create new and beautiful tales. Ones that inspire love, compassion, peace and kindness. At the end of the day, no matter the beliefs, if this is what results, then I call it ALL a successful story, no matter what one wants to use as truth or fantasy. Everything in the end is an illusion. We only perceive because we have neurons that fire off, and our intellect is limited by this perception, creating our ideas and beliefs about things - but just because we have our facts - that does not necessarily facilitate truth on the whole. We are always limited by our understanding. The more we know, the less we realize we really do know. The phrase is true, in my beliefs and perceptions of what I have learned over time in my own battles and searches for more understanding - and finding more "origins".

I'll close in saying.... Happy Saturnalia! Whether you celebrate one "holiday" or another, this is what it really is about. So, Happy Holidays, and enjoy the Saturnalia! The universe is much bigger than our beliefs... and at the end of the day, it's always going to be Saturnalia as long as the earth is here, and as long as the stars move as they do, and as long as our planets continue to encircle and rotate in the customary ways it happens in our own galaxy and solar system.

Spread joy, happiness, love and peace wherever you go. Whether it is during Saturnalia, or any time of year. The beauty of life is: every day can be a holiday, if we will it to be so in our minds. Create your ideal paradise where you stand right here and right now, and make that decision to live every day is though it is exactly that. Your wildest dreams will come true - beyond what you can comprehend or expect!

We can WIN! Every day!
As Descartes eloquently puts it: "Cogito, ergo sum!" - or... "I think, therefore I am!" Will it, and let it become! ^____^

Happy Holidays everyone. As with Saturnalia tradition: the first is the last, and the last, the first.

Battle Fantasia - Revised Edition Level 1+

Please don't forget bumping! It's good for your karma.

6 years ago*

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Bumpelibump! πŸ’™ πŸ˜ƒ

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6 years ago

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Merry Christmas!!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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happy cakeday! 🍰

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6 years ago

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Thanks! :)

6 years ago

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Happy cake day Luke!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy day of cake!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Karma bump :D

6 years ago

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Happy Holidays to you! ;)

6 years ago

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You too! :D

6 years ago

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Snowy bump. :)

6 years ago

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Well. I'll remain with traditional Christmas even though i was aware of reclaiming things a bit. Happy happy Fabsy. Yes.

6 years ago

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I usually celebrate traditional Christmas as well, since it's what I've always done... but along with some Saturnalia nowadays just to sprinkle it in. Two-for-one! ^__^ Yes.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Very nice post, so positive! <3

I was born in the sign of Pisces. :3

6 years ago

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I was born under traditional Aries, but since astrology changed, we are one constellation behind our real one today, so technically I am Pisces, since we go one month backwards in finding our true star/constellation.

Everyone reads the wrong horroscopes! XD Odd stuff, huh!

6 years ago

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That would mean I should be Aquarius? o.O At least I am still connected with the water, as I am part of it. ;)
I am sure you will not be surprised, but I hear about this for the first time. But Wiki agree with you, so you are right! Not that I doubted you or anything. :P

But... but... can I stay Pisces? I love them. :3 And all the horoscopes are right about my personality and so. ;)

Also, have you meant horrorscopes? XD

6 years ago

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You can choose whatever you want. Even time itself is just ... our own idea. I mean, it's like... forever in motion. No beginning, no end, just a continuous movement of what was once future becoming past the instant we experienced it, so we can never really "catch" it.

Maybe that is too deep, but I guess I mean to say, I'd pick my favorite one, and keep that! Just imagine you were born 1000 - 2000 years ago, and you're exactly on par! And... people born 4500 years before that... they were 2 ahead! You'd be Aries! Or... go another 2.1k years before, and you can be Taurus! And... and... well, you know what I mean, I hope.

Horrorscopes indeed! I have often used my above with astrology never being updated to account for universal flow... as a reference to suggest that they are indeed horror in a way. :D

6 years ago

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I completely agree with you. Time is relative and very subjective because everyone senses it differently.

Interesting perspective really. ;) I wonder does it count to Chinese horoscope too? o.O

See, you have developed new terminology. ;D

6 years ago

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I can't even begin to fathom how much comprehension that would take... to wind it all together and make any sense...

Maybe The I Ching would help. ^_^ There's a wealth of conspiracy info there, after looking at some parts of this Book of Changes.

I need to stop searching for these things that spring up in my memory!

Just don't get involved with participation in this thing... it's evil as hell!! Kidding, but it's ... probably evil as hell.

6 years ago

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Nice read ! bump

6 years ago

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I celebrate "traditional christmas" even if I am not a christ. I don't belive in any god or any other idea of something "bigger".
I only belive it coincidence even if this sounds a bit rude or sad or whatever for some people because they think without a "bigger somthing" there would be no sense in life (I disagree).

Anyway, I still "celebrate" because I just like it... To gift something, to have this calm mood, to stay home and have some nice dinner... all that stuff

6 years ago

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Yeah! I like it. I also have friends that are completely either agnostic or athiest, and totally like their input on various things dealing with... anything in life. I appreciate your perspective and comment much! Have an enjoyable season of celebration!

6 years ago

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+1, and the history behind it is still fascinating. :)

6 years ago

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Talking about Gods, also Isaac Newton was born on 25th December :P
Thank you for the explanation about the origin of the Christmas tree, I was thinking about it a couple of days ago, but then I forgot it completely XD
And merry Christmas! πŸŽ…πŸΌ

6 years ago

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Merry Christmas!

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6 years ago

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πŸŽ…Merry ChristmasπŸŽ…

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Happy Saturnalia!!!!!

6 years ago

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Happy upcoming Saturnalia. I am never one to turn down a holiday so its all good :-)
Thought I add a +1 bump to your thread.

6 years ago

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Thanks :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy Saturnalia and Merry Christmas!
Have a nice weekend!

6 years ago

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Wow, such a motivating and lovely post from you, Fabsy. <3
Yes, we can win every day by spreading love and receiving it back.
Happy Saturnalia to you with much love and peace, my inspiring hero!

6 years ago

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Bump !!

6 years ago

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Whoop for Saturnalia!

6 years ago

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Happy Saturnalia!

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6 years ago

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No cleavage?! I'm surprised, but we can always wait until Saturnalia begins!!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy Holidays!

6 years ago

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In that case, aren't you 10 days early?

Eh, whatever. Happy Saturnalia! :)

6 years ago

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This is to celebrate the coming of the first winter tradition...

Or at least, the furthest I've been able to trace it back on my own skills...

I am in fact early. My giveaway ends when it begins. Last is first, and first is last - or something to that effect.

I may also do one celebrating the time-frame in the midst of it all... ^_^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If you care about my other event thing... here's an immunity checker, just so you know you'll be on my heart list. Giveaway is of course over, but... at least you're on there for some other stuff - maybe something will pique your interest... ;)

6 years ago

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Thanks :) Considering your taste in picking games for GAs there is a chance for something nice indeed :)

6 years ago

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BUMP! :)

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Superfabs.