I just upgraded my GPU from a HD 5570 to a GTX960 and im pretty happy with the upgrade, i was too considering changing the whole PC but i decided to wait a little more... Its kinda expensive to change the whole PC :P
I recommend you to buy a new GPU, i bought GTX960 because it gave me a performance like a R9280 for a lot less, and i didnt had to change my PSU for it... but if you have the money the GTX 980 sounds great... you could wait for the new R9 390x that sounds like a total beast :D
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You don't need more than that OC i5 first gen, that thing is still very good, even better than my FX 8350, just get a new GPU, but a single GPU, not SLI.
Also practically every Motherboard still has PCIe 2.0 this 0 affects on PCIe 3.0 GPUs, you PC is good, I would't upgrade anything besides GPU as I said.
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Long story short a 970 shouldn't be bottlenecked in your pcie 2.0 board. I'd just do the gpu. Get an i5 xxxxK when yours dies, or skip the OC capability (depending on your needs) for more savings.
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A while back i priced the parts for a new rig at £1200-1800 not outside my budget but i'd rather not blow that on a rig just yet as i'd just like to keep mine ticking over until we see some new CPU's ect that really blow mine away.
I'd say really looking at about £400-500 tops so maybe a gtx 970 and another 8GB ram with a water cooler for my CPU to extend its life for 3 years or until my CPU melts lol. I could stretch to a 980 and its not much more then £600 for the ram and water cooler for the GPU but at 1920x1080 is a 980 even worth getting or a single 970?
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I'd say the only reason to go with a 980 if for 4GB of VRAM instead of 3.5, but even then you can go with a 290X at a cheaper price for similar if not identical performance. But if you want Nvidia then stick with a 970 is yo want the best bang for your buck.
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Get a 970. The PCI-e 2.0/3.0 won't make much of a difference.
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The thing is that the requirement for CPUs haven't changed much in past couple of years except for very few select titles. The bottleneck is almost always GPU.
So you 'll be fine by just upgrading your GPU. You can get 960 or 280 depending on what fits in your MOBO. They will run pretty much everything on high @1080 gaming Then you can think about complete upgrade on Black Friday or something by which time new ATI cards will be in the market to make better judgement.
970 made the decision pretty easy before its limited RAM was exposed. Now its no longer a future-proof card it was suppose to be. Since you don't upgrade that often, you should wait before complete upgrade.
960 is severely limited card. Its designed to compete on current games but it will soon reach it limits with its 128bit in upcoming games. So only buy it as temporarily place holder. It won't last 2 years.
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Overwhelming looks like i should just get a new GPU and any thing from either a GTX 970 or 980 is within the budget I have and should offer a few years more life out of my rig unless something burns out thank you for your comments.
So now i'm going to ask another question.
GTX 970 with a further 8gb of ram taking me to 16 gb and a water cooler for my CPU or just get a gtx 980 for a little more cost then a the 970 with other components?
Thoughts and reasons would be welcome.
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NEW GPU, definitely. Your computer isn't that outdated. I'm currently buying a new PC and the processor will be i5, same as yours, cause I can't afford anything more expensive. I can't even afford a series 9 card, I'll be getting a series 7. So you're pretty lucky.
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For most games, it its GPU that is the bottleneck. i5 gen 2 is still pretty good since CPU hasn't improved that much since gen 2 (please Skylake) and you might not need to overclock at all.
8GB ram is still enough. Go for the GPU, PCIe gen 2 won't hit much.
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I'm still debating a full new build as my PC is aging now.
the main guts are
i5 2500k OC @4.7 Ghz stable for 3.5 years on air cooling ;)
8 GB of ddt 3 @ 1800 mhz
Gtx 580 1.5 GB
Azuse P8z68 (older one with PCI-e 2.0)
Now my PSU is a 1000W(was going to SLI 580s) SSD and HD are small but work well and my case is pretty nice but they are about the only things i could reuse as my Motherboard only supports PCI-e 2 and the new GPUs take a small hit if not on a PCI-e 3 board for a single card I could just use the rig I have and take a 2-5% hit but vs a gtx 580 the gains would be massive on say a GTX 970.
So the struggle I have is new rig(big spend) or get a single GPU any of the new Nvidia 9xxx cards would be a massive gain over my 580 just not sure, i'm also not sure how much longer my i5 can keep going at 4.7 Ghz so far i've kept the BSOD away for over 6 months with some Vcore fine tuning but as it ages it will draw more and more until i cook it lol.
Any thoughts on what you guys would do would be welcome, new rig vs new GPU.... and a reason for either would be great.
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