Just got steam alert about another revoking. The game https://store.steampowered.com/app/752500/Ghoulboy__Dark_Sword_of_Goblin/ was purchased on Fanatical and activated on June, 7, 2018.

UPD (six hours layer) Got my replacement key just one minute later after sent him (dev) a e-mail.

6 years ago*

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Are your game revoked too?

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Not (yet)

Same for me.. waiting for the next one..

6 years ago

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Pretty sure mine was from Friday Special # 60 Indie Gala bundle. Has yet to be revoked

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Me too . What happen with it?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Literally had this game for about 10 months, and then the dev decides to revoke. Is he okay?

6 years ago*

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That's why i don't like Steam as platform - every crazy dev can easily take his game back. :(

6 years ago

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It's just weird. Some devs revoke keys because they got 'scammed' or whatnot, but they usually revoke them within a few months. This is close to a year, and then he decides to revoke?

6 years ago

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Seriously Valve should change their politics about devs' possibility to easy revoke.

6 years ago

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It was in a Go go bundle in october and another from Otaku, that's probably why the keys got revoked, at least I assume.

6 years ago

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That's alright, but I got it from fanatical, same with OP so.... (I'm assuming I got it from Fanatical/Bundle Stars because I haven't won it in a giveaway and I don't use any of the other bundles listed above) it's strange, because this was such a delayed reaction if the dev was scammed, so I don't know what's happening with him

6 years ago

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Apparently it was a "mistake"; https://steamcommunity.com/app/752500/discussions/0/1781640738624173137/?tscn=1550081380
Althought it's hard to say if it was an honest mistake or he's just saying that after the fact because of all the negative feedback.

6 years ago

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I just read that, and I feel the bs. Idk if you know, but he raised the price of the game today, I think he/they are doing this on purpose

6 years ago

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I think Steam makes it too easy to revoked key. I think dev should be able to revoke key in some circumstance but they should have to provide some kind of proof not just clicking a button. This way nobody would be able to say that it's a mistake, imo it would solve the problem.
It seems to me that if you never revoked keys before and are unsure of how to do it you would look it up since a mistake in that instance have such a big impact, so yay, you right it does sound like a made-up excuse, not sure what he expected though, you revoke that many keys for no reason and you are bound to create a lot of negative feeling from your customer base.

6 years ago

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It will release on the switch tomorrow it's too much coincidence, probably just wanted to delete the unused keys and opsie

6 years ago

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Not just steam. Any platform can probably delete your game/ban your account as they seem fit. Which is why physical is still the best for me.

6 years ago

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That's true, but there's no way I can turn all of my steam games into physical copies, too much space. Even if we take out the ones I don't play, 100+ discs are too much for me :P

6 years ago

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Nah, DRM free digital distribution is the way to go. Buy from places like GOG and itch.io. Get yourself an external USB drive to store backups on, it takes very little space.

6 years ago

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Was going to say this, on most platforms including Steam and GOG you don't technically own any of your games, you own a license that can get revoked at any time. With GOG though, the user agreement might tell you a bit differently but it can work exactly a physical would but better, you can get an 8TB external drive nowadays for like $150 and then just put the game you want more portable on a modern USB instead of a CD (if it's even a CD in the box and not a Steam key) :D

GOG deserves all the love it doesn't get enough of

6 years ago

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These mass game removals, that was the final push for me to stop buying new games from Steam. I buy from GOG now if I can. Dev/pubs can't revoke games whenever they feel like it there. You buy game there, it's yours. Download the installers (and goodies), keep them safe on external backup drives.

6 years ago

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Any dev on any platform could do this. It's just that steam is bigger. If any of those other companies became as big as steam, it'd happen there too.

6 years ago

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Someone beat you to the topic by literally one minute.

6 years ago

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Yeah, i know. I checked for same other threads before creation, but it happened when i made mine. I don't care tho if moderators wipe out this thread. Main purpose is achieved - it's not only me who stays without this game today.

6 years ago

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Now I wonder, do all giveaway creators have to buy it again for their winners directly from the steam store? Because I sure as hell wouldn't like giving them more money.

6 years ago

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I am asking for the giveaway where I won to be deleted. Sucks the giver will lose the cv for it, but it was only an 8 buck game. I don't want an unclaimed win on my account.

6 years ago

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They shouldn't, especially considering some of the dates they were won at. You really can't expect someone to re-give a game for a giveaway over 8 months old :P
Besides, I'm sure everyone on the sg community will, or should understand that it wasn't the giveaway creators faults

6 years ago

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Report it the developer as fraud for it. Buy the game from steam, leave a negative review and then request a refund. Enough negative reviews and refunds will tank the developer games and stats.

6 years ago

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About this... ¿the reviews will be removed then? because with the game "johnsgame" the reviews related with "keys revoked" were deleted.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Isn't that a different dev about a different game? At least the link you showed has nothing to do with this game right?

6 years ago

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sorry i wrong,i also email they devs because i think is the same game,wrong send email too,
very good that i post also the source link to steam so that if i wrong people can know,thank you for let me know (sadly i can't fix the email now i send it already)

6 years ago

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It happens, was just making sure I didn't understood it wrong.

6 years ago

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HA-HA. Nice try. But it's lie, and we know it.
Really developer CAN undo, it's possible (some developers already did undo after such revoking)

6 years ago

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They simply can't undo that by themselves but Valve does and they did it on rare occasions but not for small indie devs. ;)

6 years ago

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Oh thanks for letting me know, that's quite interesting. ;)
But yeah it was 2 years ago and nowadays Valve tends to deny requests to undo accidental revocations from small devs. It's just based on my own observations from the last mass revocations where devs reached out to Valve and they denied to undo that. It seems to be a case decision by them.
Though devs are not capable of reversing that on their own, just to get back to my initial statement. Yeah Valve could fix that, but they apparently won't give a damn, especially after changing their policies regarding the distribution of steam keys to devs, which is now greatly limited.

6 years ago*

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Had to check my account to see; apparently my Ghoulboy is still activated. Not sure where I got my key from to be honest.

6 years ago

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The date can somewhat indicate the source. Check your list of licenses for the date of activation

6 years ago

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Oh crumb, I forgot about the license list! Appears I bought it from the Steam Store June 22nd, 2018. Guess the dev wouldn't want to mess with Valve.

Appears I might have missed people getting keys back? what the hell is going on? I don't even think I've played the game one minute myself.

6 years ago

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Dev can't revoke Steam store purchase, as far as I know.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Mass revoking a set of keys long after their purchase is an act of fraud.

6 years ago

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This is not a Joke the Keys was Revoked.

6 years ago

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I bought it from Fanatical Hidden Gems 7 Bundle and it's revoked too😨 I'm waiting for an explanation of the developer.😭

6 years ago

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Same. Found this in the forum:

Originally posted by Redrogames:
Hi guys. Sorry for this This is my fault. I wanted to ban some keys because I thought it was being used without permission. But the keys I gave >to the bundle companies have been canceled. I didn't know it would lead to such a conclusion. I request from steam how I remove revokes from >keys. Please understand. I had no bad intentions.

It's pretty ridiculous that Steam allows developers to just shut down all their keys that easily. Hopefully Valve assists in undoing the revocation (if that can even be done)

6 years ago

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Mine wasn't revoked. It's a cool game

6 years ago

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Of course.

"I got fucked over by the middle man... let me punish the buyer".
It's so backwards that it turns a solid 360 like 8 times. So fucking stupid. No matter the situation, the developer's in the wrong. But regardless, I still want to know if Fanatical truly fucked them over. Thought that they were one of the good guys. But maybe they're not. So it's important to know.

Fuck you developer!
But also, would be best to know if we have to say "fuck you" to Fanatical.

6 years ago

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Fanatical, judging by their tweets on twitter, wasn't informed of this. Also, judging by this https://steamcommunity.com/games/752500/announcements/detail/1741108341982604785
and the fact that the dev just increased the price today, I don't think Fanatical is really involved in this

6 years ago

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Hmm, okay. Unexpected, in all honesty. It's an honest mistake. Though it's also a mistake with huge consequences that will probably cost a lot of people a lot of time and effort. Not to mention the cost to his reputation, the reputation of Fanatical and to a small extent Steam as well.

This ain't an oopsie. This is pretty bad. He should've done research and even then, in all honesty, he shouldn't have reclaimed keys just because a middleman did something bad. This punishes only the consumer. The middleman who sold it won't care since they already have the profits.

Well, overall, it happened. I can imagine the state of panic he's in and I do not envy him. But the fact here is that he was going to do what a few others have done in the past and it's just that this dick move spanned way further than he expected it would. Personally, I wouldn't forgive him. Luckily I don't have any of his products. I doubt I ever will either now.

Thanks for getting the info and sharing it :)

6 years ago

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Surprisingly, the dev refunded the keys, which is better then most would. he doesn't seem like a native english speaker, so maybe he got confused? Either way, he's better then the others who just revoke and apologize without making it up, but I don't think I'll get any of his products anymore

6 years ago

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Well, I think my problem is just that people still have to go and tell them that they lost their key. So those that didn't notice what happened or just plain don't want to go through the arduous process of showing proof of purchase, finding their e-mail, writing the thing and then possibly having to write follow-ups.

Better than nothing, mind you. But all in all, he planned to carpet bomb keys, but accidentally nuked it all. Just because he regrets the nuking, doesn't mean he wasn't planning to already do a lot of damage.

6 years ago

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That's true, but I didn't need to go through that. I just asked him "My key for Ghostboy from the fanatical hidden gems 7 bundle was revoked, can I get another?" And he did, near instantly. However, I do agree with your second point. Accidents happen, but the fallout still continues. Accidental nuking is still nuking

6 years ago

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i bought 10 bundles https://otakubundle.com/latest/bundles/otakubundle-20

all revoked it seems

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Won this game 3 days ago and my key is revoked too now

6 years ago

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Mine was revoked too. It was from an Indie Game Bundle.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Where you saw this?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thank you, I just looked to the news, not discussion.

6 years ago

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Thanks for heads up

Got my replacement too..

6 years ago

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Kudos to this Dev for going with replacing the keys at least. Last time my keys got revoked, the dev said he would replace but ultimately didn't.

6 years ago

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Still waiting for mine

6 years ago

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What I find amazing is that some of you think this is all fine just because you got your keys back. Your meek attitude is the main reason why these mass revocations keep happening. You don't get to steal goods from someone and then return those goods later and everything is fine. That's just not how things work. You are free to try it anytime and then post back from jail (after you tell the judge that we are all human and make mistakes and give him the peace sign).

6 years ago*

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I think you're overreacting a bit, what the dev did was wrong indeed and people should never buy from him again but we don't have to track him down and "hang" him. He'll get enough shit for what he did I'm sure. At the end of the day it's not a fortune, just a cheap bundle game worth a few cents. We're losing way more money everyday to worse people.

6 years ago

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Worse are those members that actually support the actions to varying degrees. I hope for large outcry so that Steam will change their rules that allows devs to do this for suspect reasons. This rationale this time appears to be 'oopsy... sorry'. I fear that the alternative of quiet/meek acceptance leads to increased abuses and continues the trend of users leaving Steam for other services. Steam? Are you listening?

Is there a Steam petition or other action for change that can be supported by members?

6 years ago

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