I have the g500 for almost 3 years now, i can say i am quite a heavy user (fps and moba games)
and the left click hasn't given up on me yet, though the wheel's brakes have become quite soft (g500's wheel can be unlocked and rotate fast) and even when locked it rotates faster than normal.
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sadly no i experiance the same thing with dota 2. though i do have my own pc mouse that has lasted 5 years -2 of those being after dota 2 and it works perfectly but its a regular old Emachines mouse. most of my problems come from USB mouses
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My MX518(SE) recently broke but lasted me 6 years and felt well built. A great mouse indeed but the left click starting being temperamental. If I didn't already have a replacement G500, I might have bought another MX518. The G500 feels less well built and the tilt wheel is more wobbly than the MX518 but I'm getting used to it.
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I'm using a MX518 too and I love it. I guess it's been replaced by a newer model now but I see there's quite a few retailers still selling the MX518's so they must have had a good back stock. I'm thinking about ordering a couple for spares before they are all gone. I don't want to have to get used to another mouse!
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Yep, I have Roccat Kone Pure. Over 1.5 million clicks at the time and working like a charm ^^
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I have the same mouse. It is a defect within the mouse. Here is a video about it and a possible fix So far opening up the mouse and merely placing duct-tape on the hammer has worked for me. Only issue i have now is after 2 years is that the right click double clicks although very rarely. If you have a waranty you might want to try that first though. Oh, and here is a link to test your mouse clicks
edit: Well thats if a phantom left click works the same way as a misread single click turning into a double click. if not then ignore this.
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I have an old, used mouse, and they last nearly forever.
Here's a tip, don't buy new and shiny. ;)
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I've been using a Microsoft SideWinder Gaming Mouse for over 5 years with 0 wear. It's been out of production for a long time, though.
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I loved that mouse, bought one when it first was released in 2007. Unfortunately, it finally wore out this spring. And I'm not willing to spend what amazon sellers want for a new one. So I'm now using some razor thing, and it just sucks by comparison.
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It's not a gaming mouse but it is really comfortable and durable, take a look for: A4Tech K3-230
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I've got a G600. Just got a new one from Logitech because they are very nice when it comes to replacing faulty stuff - I'd started getting double clicks instead of single clicks on my previous one.
Check with Logitech Customer Support. If they decide to send you a replacement, you'll get it the next day.
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that is why i do not buy over price mice as i have found those in most cases do not last me any longer then a cheaper mouse
though so far my 15 dollar mouse is holding up lol it just a basic Sentey whirl wind i got it mainly for the style of it and fact that it did have some dpi and i am glad i did
the thing is it is hard to say what would last 1 million clicks because logitech says the mouse you have is good for up to 8 million clicks lol
none the less a lot people praise the Microsoft side winder mice
like i said i get the cheaper mice because the way i see it i could get an 80 dollar mouse have it last maybe 3-6 months or buy a 15 dollar mice and even if i buy 2-3 a year it is still cheaper then 80 every few months plus you could always buy 2 cheaper ones to always have on on hand
but really the choice is your
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I have the older RAT 7, it's about 4 years old now and it's finally falling apart, middle click started bouncing, left click is beginning to, rust on the screws from my hands. But it's served me well, I guess. Sensor likes to fail on one axis very, very rarely, and by that I mean for maybe 10 seconds every 3 months.
Also, not to sound like a smartass but I think the chassis is aluminum, not stainless steel.
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My Logitech g500 was going to hell as well, I was about to throw it away when I found this guide:
I followed through, the copper leaf spring shown in the guide was corroded, a rub of sandpaper and everything works perfect now. Wish I had done it sooner, went like a year with the click problem because I didn't have the money to buy a new mouse.
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my g500 lasted 2 1/1 years now it recently started not reacting at all like when trying to copy some stuff and when gaming that was annoying...so logitech has 3years warranty i contacted them had to send a pic of the bill a pic of the mouse with some stuff written on a paper. yesterday the replacement arrived a g502 now i hope this one lasts atleast 2years :D the package from the g502 says it lasts 20mil clicks well we will see,i click alot :D
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Even though lots of people have had issues with Razor, my Deathadder 3500 has been going strong for the last two years with no issues.
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I am not 'bragging', but all mice I've purchased wouldn't last more than three months of constant usage.
The last victim is Logitech G500. Previously two Razers.
Now the said mouse is suffering from phantom left click.
Could I ask for recommendation for durable gaming mouse? The one that can stand 1 million clicks for sure. I'm playing Diablo 3 and Dota 2 constantly and they're hard on mice.
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