The Swedish flag is a constant reminder of our dark and oppressive past. Refugees and migrants are forced to live under its Christian Cross; a symbol of the Crusades and the slaughter of millions of innocent Islamic lives in Sweden's past that makes them feel unwelcome and unsafe. Sweden should be a safe space for everyone.

The rise of Extremist Far‐Right movements, emboldened by the flag of Christianity and 'whiteness', only further necessitates this change.

As our outdated national symbol gradually becomes the banner of Xenophobic and racist extremist groups, we must think into the future. A future of peace, understanding and tolerance.

Our proposition is, to show our unity with the religion of peace and to make our home a home and a safe environment for all, that we replace our symbol of an oppressive past with the Holy symbol of Islam. No longer would far‐right extremists feel that their country caters to their extreme and genocidal ideologies.

The cross is only representative of Christians while the moon not only represents our solidarity with Islam but is also a part of nature. The moon and stars represent a universal culture of beauty and resistance to fascism and intolerance.

It is time for Sweden to become an international country, a beacon of tolerance and understanding.

7 years ago

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Should Sweden change it's flag?

View Results
Yes - we must stand against those evil white males
Never heard of sweden before

Quite the symbolic islamic conquest.

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7 years ago

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My first fhought was exacly the same.

7 years ago

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мне кажется тупее идеи я пока не видел

7 years ago

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Is this supposed to be funny?
Where is your own opinon on this, OP?
Or are you just trying to spark off arguments?

7 years ago

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In what way does this anger you anon?

7 years ago

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If you just want to shitpost or troll people do it somewehere else

7 years ago

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avoids answering the question

7 years ago

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anon is short for anonymus, and LittleBibo1 is anything but without a name :P

7 years ago

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whoops, habit lol

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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How the heck would you have gone about finding that?

7 years ago

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you just have to scout the right places on the internet

7 years ago

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Guess I wouldn't know, I don't usually look around for flags with male genitalia on them ¯_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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It's about the journey, not the destination anon

7 years ago

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It's been going on for a while since the swedish people changed from proud vikings to a bunch of cunts.

7 years ago

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not afraid to voice unpopular opinion

I like you

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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whats wrong with you? 😐

7 years ago

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Elaborate plz

7 years ago

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Created by Elsa N. from United Kingdom, he-he

7 years ago

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Wut? This sounds like some sort of unfunny joke.

7 years ago

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It's satire of the strangest kind my friend.

7 years ago

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That's some weird sense of humour.

7 years ago

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I mean, the material definitely is something that can be approached in a comedic/satirical manner, but here it is yet again just executed so piss poor, it almost hurts. You know, like when everyone is sitting in a nice round, having a good time, trying to up the ante by telling one joke after another, bursting out in laughter, and then there's always that one guy that really doesn't get it, tries to throw in his two cents, utterly fails and leaves everyone in a disillusioned state, staring into the distance, trying to remember the good times from just a few moments ago. I think that's what people nowadays call edgy.

7 years ago

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It's a troll "petition" by some international xenophobes, pushing their sad tale that Sweden is too welcoming for "dangerous Muslims".
You can see that it was created by a Brit and most signers are from the USA and Canada. Trumpers in action. And anisakis is one of them.

7 years ago

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that's exactly what I thought... the ductus and the language is typical alt-/ neo-right

7 years ago

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This flag thing is still a thing...

Thanks rafaelgs18 for your script

7 years ago

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Hahaha omg I cracked up so badly

7 years ago

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Are we just assuming the gender religion of the flag?

7 years ago

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Did you just assume that it identifies as a flag?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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regarding the petition guess you may need to give a closer look first...?
Created by
Elsa N.
United Kingdom

and regarding you...?
United States

and as for Sweden...
maybe you should mind your own business..?
or perhaps try to solve your own problems before suggesting solutions to others..?
nothing personal but maybe you should really consider Tumblr advice as stated in your info box?
*for those who feel kinda lazy to check xD (tumblr-taught me to hate myself for things I did not choose)

now as for the coming flood of political, economical, ecological, military, technological, cultural, healthcare, religion, finance ,illuminate, freemason, Wikileaks, extra terrestrial, CIA FBI, NASA, KGB, MI6, Mossad, Interpol, NKVD, NSA,etc... ANALYSTS & ADVISERS!
i suggest you to consider the following gadget as it may come in handy for any future discussions 🙂

P.S: won't be replying any further to avoid any 💩drama 💩, so feel free to be provocative as much you want ;)

Good night fellow SG users 🐱 ❤️‍

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7 years ago

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Why are non Swedish people allowed to sign the petition? This whole debacle is straight out of The Onion.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I'm curious to read an opinion from someone who actually lives there.

7 years ago

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I live in Sweden. There are some Muslims here. Most of them are nice people. There are also some Christians here (more than Muslims). Most of them are nice people. There are also plenty of atheistic and agnostics here. Most of them are also nice people.
Plenty of people from Finland as well. Don't know what that says about the place, but there are a lot of them, and their accent makes them sound very friendly.

In all seriousness, religion really is not such a big deal here, and the whole "Muslims are taking over" narrative is untrue. While there are of course some bad eggs, same with any other group, the vast majority of them do fit in well with society here.

7 years ago

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Thank you.

7 years ago

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impossible you must be brain washed to say sucha things do exist here! xD

7 years ago

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What the fuck is wrong with this generation? Seriously. What the fuck.

7 years ago

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You should probably check your facts before posting shitposts. Sweden is the 4th most secularized and least religious country in the world.

Just like its neighboring Denmark, Sweden is also one of the least religious countries in the world, with only 19% of Swedes acknowledging that religion has an important influence in their daily lives.

7 years ago

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absolutely yes because religions are the opium of people and omg neil degrasse tyson is so woke and his tweets are just too edgy and smart xDD after all frontier is a fascist and archaic concept and its 2017 now... swedish really need to let everyone in to drain the wealth of their nation through free welfare benefits for every single migrant because racism must not win. dont forget where that led us in the past... dont forget the holocaust, dont forget the 6 mil- ehr, i mean... 11! no, 20! 20 million. we are all the same under the skin and there is only one race: the human race. before all those little hitlers fetishists lurking around here say that: no, the fact that racial diversity is a largely accepted concept sometimes even easy to be observed with your only eyes in any other living being in the animal reign means
l i t e r a l l y nothing. we are all equal! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

7 years ago

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Oh look, it's another unfunny shitpost. CG really needs to add some feature to ignore users/threads for this site. Before someone points out the plugins/scripts that add this feature, i know about them. But if your site has any form of forum/board that has to be a standard feature....

7 years ago

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Yes. Like the one reddit has with one click you can mark it as +ve or -ve

7 years ago

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Wtf? That's our flag with colors changed... I think some Turkish guys trolling Sweden :D

7 years ago

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+1 lol I was looking at the comments to see if someone mentioned this. Indeed someone basically copied Turkish flag and changed the colors...

7 years ago

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At least this is fake. In some countries they spend 26 million on a real flag referendum :P

7 years ago

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Isn't this supposed to be a steam & games related forum? Isn't there reddit for political propaganda and edgy jokes?

7 years ago

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About what "millions of innocent Islamic lives in Sweden's past" you talking about, "Wandering Invader"?
Maybe this one, or maybe this one?
Maybe you should start from your profile country? But I believe this isn't your native homeland. Not even close.

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7 years ago

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When you come to a stranger's house, you must live according to its laws, and not the owner of the house according to your laws.

7 years ago

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I am sure the British Empire coined that phrase.

7 years ago

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People stupidly will never stop to amaze me.

Flag is part of national tradition. And no-one will change it, most of countries have written in constitution that their flag and anthem are there to stay and protected. If you don't like someone's flag then don't live there.

It's like going to Netherlands and wanting to ban orange color, to England and change Big Ben or to New Zealand and exchange kiwi bird for lion. Also it's really lame shitpost, we should really do something about it, as it's starting to get out of hand. We do have off topic category, but it doesn't mean it should be flooded with "content" like this.

7 years ago

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Please, you don't really think that petition is serious?
The objective of such things is just to cause anti-islamic fearmongering and hateful comments.
Just look at some of the replies in this thread.
Simply replace references to Islam with Israel or Jews and you'll get similar answers.

7 years ago

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you can't see big ben - so no one would really notice if you changed it :) it is the bell inside that big ass tower :P

7 years ago

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A 4chan troll out in the wild! amazing

7 years ago

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