Bought myself a new setup, after I had my old one for 6 years now.
Trying to figure out what game to play first. Probably going to end up playing most of them anyways at some point though.

I know it's no easy poll, since most games are great on their own and hard to compare. Just pick your favorite.
Wanted to add this game to the list, but I rather want a serious poll outcome and reduce troll votes.

That's it for now. Thanks for voting. There's two awful GA's "hidden" in this thread for inventory cleaning purposes.
/edit: Of course, tell in the comment section what not listed game/s I should consider.

Here's some reasons why I want to play certain games. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.

  • Skyrim: I loved Morrowind in my younger days, and RPGs in general (like Gothic). Skyrim is said to be the best game there ever was by many people, and brought modding to a whole new level. Definately going to play that (vanilla?), however it's a game you can spend hundreds of hours, so won't play it in one go obviously.

  • Witcher: Don't think I have to say much about this one.

  • GTAV: GTA2, VC, SA where the shit in my teenager days. Played IV, which was okayish. This game is definately on my play asap-list.

  • Fallout 4: Played 3 for years and never got bored. Bethesda just makes awesome games. Will also play this for sure, but can't play all the games at once, can I?

  • DOOM: And if I'd play it just for nostalgic reasons, it's just a SP game, which won't take much time to finish. I kinda don't want to spend too much on it for that reason. Wait for a sale.

  • FC4: FC1 was so good. Want to see how the series developed over the decade.

  • JC3: Had so much fun with FC2 as I hadn't since Red Faction's destruction engine. Love these kind of destruction games.

  • Mafia 3: The prior games were so good story and gameplay wise, that the sequel is a must.

  • Dishonored: Heard lots of good talk about this gem. I love stealth games á la 'Thief', and the steampunk setting I've already enjoyed in Bioshock.

  • Alien: Watched the movies with my parents as kid. I was more fascinated than scared. I love movies/games with immersive atmosphere. And I enjoyed the cat&mouse gameplay in Outlast.

  • DS3: Was a die-hard (heh) fan of DS1, and 2 (mainly the PvP). Actually played DS3 on my current setup, but with min graphics and low resolution at console-like fps.

  • Metro: Their graphics were so good when they came out in 2010, and still are. I was told to play them if I enjoyed the Stalker series. Which I did.

  • Deus Ex HR: Played DE as kid and it was one of my greatest gaming expierences together with HL1. Would play Mankind Divided afterwards.

  • Bioshock Infinite: Even that I didn't enjoy it as much as Bioshock, it was still great. Even though I played it on min graphics, bad resolution. Want to experience it again.

  • Elite Dangerous: I love space sims, yet there weren't that many good ones in the last decade. Loved Freelancer (and backed Star Citizen in 2012). Actually played ELITE on my father's C64 as kid.

  • Watch Dogs: Pretty recent, good to test my new setup.

  • SR4: Played the Third which was fun, mix of GTA & JC. On low graphics though.

  • No Man's Sky: I'm just kidding, sorry.

Not on list:
For Honor: Open Beta starts in two days, might give this a try, but most definately don't want to spend that much on one game.
Battlefield 1: Played the hell out of BF3, loved it. Though I don't care about the graphics and WW1 setting, so I could just play BF3 which I already own, or buy BF4 for 5 bucks.

From that list I own already: Skyrim SE, DS3, Metro, DE HR, Bioshock Infinite, SR4, BF3
Will buy the game/s during sales only, but that's not of importance for the poll.
Alternatively I have lots of friends who I could ask sharing a cracked/pirated version (for testing, before I decide to buy).

/edit Forgot to mention what my setup will be: 1060 6GB, i5 6600K, 16GB, SSD etc. Only plan to play 1080p, so I should be good for a few years.

8 years ago*

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Which one?

View Results
Alien: Isolation Collection
BioShock Infinite
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Dishonored - Definitive Edition
Elite Dangerous
Fallout 4
Far Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto V
Just Cause 3
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Metro Redux Bundle
No Man's Sky
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Watch_Dogs 2

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain!

8 years ago

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I've never really been into the MGS series, and when I've watched gameplay/trailers, this has made me think; "nah I don't really need this". Whether it's explained by lore/gameplay or to attract more male buyers. I thought of it as bad taste and immersion-breaking. Could be that I missed a great game, can't tell.

Witcher for example has lots of sexual content, but it fits the game/story/atmosphere, so I'm good if it's used that way.

8 years ago

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I'm big Witcher fan, so I know what are you talking about. I bought MGSV for 20 bucks and it has great story and gameplay. I'm on mission 23 and spend 50hours on it(+MGSV:GZ 11 hours :D)! That was the best purchase I ever did.
For example GTA 5 is great and you will spend more or less 30 hours on main story line + side missions. But I think that online mode is terrible, the best one was SA:MP.

Anyway, on new PC you can play Crysis 3, it is still a gorgeous game, you liked BF3 so maybe Titanfall 2?

8 years ago

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Well, nothing can compete with SAMP. Damn, I spent a lot of hours playing in Cops vs Criminals servers.

8 years ago

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20$ for 50h sounds like a good deal.
The prior GTAs didn't have much longer stories either, the main focus was more on doing my own fun stuff anyways.
And SAMP was damn awesome indeed. Had played on some RP with huge battles years ago.
Crysis 3 isn't on steam afaik, but I can get it elsewhere.

8 years ago

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If you like RPG's, Witcher is the one to play first imho

8 years ago

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Yeah, I figured that the majority will vote for it, too. Just hope that playing it won't make other games appear dull.

8 years ago

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it will and take up a LOT of your time my first play through took 100 hours without playing the DLCs, start with another game then come back for witcher 3 .
i recommend Bioshock or Dishonored , Fallout 4 is a good starter but if you really liked Fallout 3 play New Vegas first then come for FO4

8 years ago

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I haven't played any of those games so I voted for no man's sky

8 years ago

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If you could play all of them, which would be your first though?

8 years ago

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No mans sky.

most of those games are sequels/remakes, so with, for example, GTA V, I know it'll be pretty much the same as GTA IV, but bigger. most of the originals aren't that original, another stealth game or horror game, whatever. NMS is the only original title there, even if it does suck donkey balls

8 years ago

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i just loved the whole bioshock series. those games are so pretty.
yup witcher is a great series aswell.
i also played Tons of fallout 3 and NV, Not a big Fan of 4. Just plays a little boring imo
Skyrim is awesome. Just Take a little time and get a few Mods going. theres really cool ones, that f.e. make the skill trees more diverse, if you would rather enjoy the game in a more vanilla way.
Overall Just enjoy playing games :^)

8 years ago

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Was a huge fan of System Shock, and the Bioshock series captured the oppressive atmosphere pretty well.

Some people tell me to mod the hell out of Skyrim, while other's advise me to "PLAY VANILLA FIRST! Then mod it.".

Probably going to apply some graphical non-gameplay changing mods if at all. Heard the SE works well on its own.

8 years ago

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Just Cause 3, because, well...

Just Cause

8 years ago

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'Just casually' when you don't know what else to play (inbetween other games). That's how JC2 worked for me great.

8 years ago

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I've made 100% on JC2, so I can't talk about "casually"

8 years ago

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Voted Saints Row although IV is a bit worse than the Third was. The Third was just the right kind of over the top crazy kinda game, and IV is a bit too much over the top imo, but still, a good game.
The Witcher 3 would be my second choice (well, okay, actually first, but I always root and vote for underdogs), and Skyrim third... a decent game but definitely not on par with Morrowind awesomeness.

8 years ago

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As to SR, are you like me that prefers 3 over 2, even though the popular opinion is that 2 is way better?

8 years ago

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Haven't played 2 yet. Started with the Third thanks to a friend's recommendation and I loved it, then played IV and liked it as well but not as much. Haven't played Gat out of Hell either... having two jobs more or less prevent me from playing "big" games at the moment.
From what I heard about SR 2 though, I'm almost certain I'm not gonna like it more than 3 or 4. :)

8 years ago

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Tried to get SR2 working, but I gave up because I was too lazy to roam the Internet for fixes.

If it just wasn't such a bad port.

8 years ago

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The mod "Gentlemen of the Row" might fix that. It has for most. Although it worked without the mod and only a few modifications to the files.

8 years ago

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I thought about not adding Witcher 3 to the poll, to get more diverse results. But people would have probably spam'd it in the comments then.

I'll see how I like SR4, since I already own it anyways (no DLCs though).

8 years ago

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Whoever said Skyrim Special Edition, doesn't know what a good RPG is.
Unless you do want an action game with RPG elements that only punishes you for leveling up.
Also, the combat's clunky and not impactful at all. The best mods only remedy that fact slightly.

I'd recommend Human Revolution. A good story, interesting visuals and the gameplay is pretty ok with it focusing on the idea of exploration.

8 years ago

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With a new PC, it's always custom to play the nicest looking games, just because.

Watch Dogs 2 would be the nicest one. Then play Metro Redux, because they are awesome. Then uninstall No Man's Sky, because your drive space shouldn't be wasted on lies.

Enjoy :)

Oh, and a 8GB 480 is much better than the 1060. The HD texture pack for Fallout 4 is already too much for the 6GB 1060.

8 years ago

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WD2 does look great from what I've seen of it.

8 years ago

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My brother has a 480, he doesn't like it (heat, noise, framerate issues) and said he'd go for a 1060 if he could go back. Opinions. I decided on the 1060 beforehand anyways.

8 years ago

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I'm sorry to hear that for him. Either way, both cards are great in performance. Each win and lose some games. The big difference is VRAM, which is what I'm focusing on in this case. Either way, gratz on the computer. Tell us what you end up playing :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I think 6GB should be fine for me. The 1060 3GB one is another story. No idea why it even exists.

Probably going to start with Skyrim and Witcher afterwards. Then I pick whichever goes on good sales.

8 years ago

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I'd say metro redux bundle.
A good start.
Then for the stuff to get real, witcher3.

8 years ago

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I saw the bundle being 6$ on Bundlestars. Often goes for that price, but never lower.

8 years ago

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I just buy new one tooo and start play skyrim high def

8 years ago

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"high def" means only graphical mods?

8 years ago

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Oh sorry to mislead. I mean high defination pack or spcial edition

8 years ago

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That setup is pretty much identical to what I've been looking at, very nice :) How much do you think that's going to end up costing you? Just interested as I'm a bit rubbish at price comparisons and wondered what it would generally cost. I've been doing a bit of research and there's also a new i5 released which seems to be about the same price as the 6600k but I'm not sure exactly what the difference is.

8 years ago

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Got some good deals for:

129€ Asus Z170 PRO GAMING
69€ Samsung SSD 250GB EVOBasic
99€ Kingston 16GB 2400Mhz
45€ be quiet! Dark Rock 3
59€ be quiet! PURE POWER 9 CM 600W
249€ GeForce GTX 1060 WINDFORCE

Saved at most 175€ there.
And bought the i5 6600K for 248€ (on amazon) which wasn't a deal.

With a new case and a common 2TB HDD I got to ~1.000€ which was my budget. If I had more to spend, I'd have chosen the 1070 for like 400€.

The difference between i5 6600k and i5 7600K, is that the latter is the newer Kaby Lake, costs a bit more (+20-30€) and does almost the same. I couldn't have installed it on the Z170 (without a bios update) either. And tere's not many reviews for it yet either, and I didn't want to spend more on the mainboard to have it compatible.

8 years ago*

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Lol to show how much I know about computers I thought your "be quiet" was in reference to the low pricing, well I have to say those are some good deals. Amazon UK seems to value everything at least £30 more. I agree about the 1070, but I'm happy enough with getting the 1060 for a 1080p monitor and upgrading when prices fall down and newer games are more demanding as it doesn't seem to be worth the huge price increase for slightly more FPS at the moment. Thanks for your response and help :)

8 years ago

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Haha. be quiet! is a German brand/company who stand for their name. Great quality, normally I'd go for cheaper fans/power supply, but the deals were too tempting (was a 25th birthday sale of a German hardware shop).

If you just want to play 1080p with a 60Hz monitor, the 1060 will do for the next years. The 1070/80 is rather overkill, and only needed for 1440p, 4k, 120Hz, 144Hz, VR etc.

Better to spend the savings on a Gsync monitor (which are still pretty expensive sadly).

8 years ago

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I'll keep an eye out and see if they have any other price drops, thanks for the recommendation.

Yeah I'm relieved that should be okay, I mean I'm going from a 1366x768 laptop so I'll still be experiencing something massively different quality wise from what I'm used to! As always with technology there's something better available but I'm happy to be patient :)

8 years ago

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Since you liked S.T.A.L.K.E.R serie, try Call of Chernobyl ( ) and his add-on. That's so cool !
Otherwise 100% Witcher 3

8 years ago

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bioshock , borderlands or S.T.A.L.K.E.R trilogy

8 years ago

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Played all the Borderlands in jolly coop. Great games.
Will definately replay when someone asks me to join him.
But with nvidia physics this time.

Bioshock I've considered trying the remastered ones some time. But I head that they've changed almost nothing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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One of the best games all time and glorious childhood memory:

8 years ago

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Actually don't even own it on steam yet. Only on floppy disk. Which still works. :-D

8 years ago

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whohoo - i hope your new rig got some floppy-drive tho? xD
ok to be honest my rig from 2months ago dont even have any optical drive anymore....only usb...times change.

8 years ago

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My new case doesn't even have any 5,25" slots for optical drives.

Only 3x 2,5" for SSDs and 2x 3,5" for HDDs. There's literally nothing to disturb airflow on CPU & GPU which to me is futureproof (especially if GPU's decide to get super long or water cooling/radiators being a must some day).

Got external drives that I actually never use at all.

8 years ago

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GTA V, Doom, Witcher 3, Skyrim and Elite:Dangerous. There's a lot of games that are worth to be played and these will definitely consume a lot of your time :D.

8 years ago

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Alien: Isolation, just because Alien: Covenant is coming out this year.

8 years ago

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I have no preferences, but I want to give you an advice: do not install more than 2 games at once. It seems trivial to say "just finish one game, then move to the next one", but really, I got overexcited when I bought the new GPU and installed 10 games, started every single one of them and then started thinking every single one of them was getting too serious, so I abandoned them all.
Don't make my same mistake. I struggled to get focused on completing one game at a time for months. Follow my advice and just install one or two games at max.

8 years ago

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I understand you. Hence why I decided to be more careful on what to play, and in what order.
Most of the games I'd have to buy anyways, and will probably wait for better sales and/or GotY versions.

However, I'd be okay with buying at least 1 new game to celebrate the new setup.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would go for Dishonored ---> Skyrim (full hd mods *.*)

8 years ago

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Bumpity, Definitely DOOM!

8 years ago

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Doom - will look good on your new rig and you'll finish it fairly quickly, so you can move onto another on your list.

8 years ago

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Which is also a drawback, considering that 30€ for 10h play time is kind of expensive.
But when I'll get it on a sale/bundle, I'll certainly play it at once.

8 years ago

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Ahh, I misunderstood. I thought you already had those games and were deciding which to play!
If you don't have any of them yet, I'd go the other way and choose something that will take you a long time to finish.

8 years ago

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Yeah, the "games I have from this list" list is kinda hidden at the end of the thread.

So Skyrim SE it would be then. :-D

8 years ago

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Some excellent game collection you've got there! If I were you, I'd play The Witcher 3 first, followed by either GTA V or Dishonored, depending on whether I'd want more action or something sneaky :)

8 years ago

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Only own a few of them so far, but I plan to buy at least one of them, and get the rest during sales/bundles.

8 years ago

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Ah I see, didn't notice the list of the games you own at the end of the thread before :D In that case, I'd go for Deus Ex :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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