Would you like to have a region lock filter?
Write a comment in the giveaway to inform the giver. They may give you a different key which don't have region restriction, or ask you for permission to delete the giveaway (which you technically could refuse, but it's very unlikely you will receive anything even if you do so, so the courtesy is to let them delete the giveaway).
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It didn't happen to me yet. I recently got off Sniper Elite and Sniper Elite V2 giveaways.
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Region restriction is not a reason for reroll, because if restrictions were not set correctly, any other winner can have the same issue. There are other ways to solve this - replace the key, remove the giveaway, or maybe even change giveaway game to another one.
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When it was changed exactly I do not know. But about 2 weeks ago I had the case that I could not activate a game in Germany.
I also thought a Reroll is ok, but support has informed me and the creator that there is no more reroll when it is a region restriction.
I have to agree to delete this GA and creator must create a new one with the right region restriction.
Reason was if it hits a German again and he does not agree to delete or reroll the GA that would unnecessarily damage the creator because he would have to look that he gets the game for the right region or just get a not activated.
From this point of view, it is more complex for the creator but also safer not to get into such a situation.
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Cases are judged on an individual basis. When re-rolling seems to be the best solution, we re-roll. If not, other steps are taken. In the situation you describe, a re-roll was judged to be inappropriate. It is the responsibility of the giveaway creator to ensure region-restricted gifts are created as region-restricted giveaways.
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Just got into the same situation. Creator of GA will delete or reroll it, he's just wrote a ticket to support. But should i mark it as not received or not mark at all? Can my NR mark negatively affect the creator somehow or me if i will not touch it ?
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If you choose not to mark it at all, it will remain in "limbo" until the situation (somehow) changes. If you mark it "not received," that puts added pressure on the creator of the giveaway to resolve the matter. Do not mark it "received" unless and until you have received a working copy of the game you were promised. Once you do so, the responsibility shifts to you.
If you are OK with re-roll or deletion, you can write that in the comments section of the giveaway. That saves us having to request it during the processing.
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What should I do If I win a game that cannot be activated in my region, or if I receive a gift or key that does not match the game I won?
You should contact the giveaway creator to return the gift, and to inform them of the situation. If the giveaway creator is able to provide you with a replacement gift or key for the same game that can be activated in your region, then you should mark the gift as "Received". In all other cases, the gift should be marked as "Not Received". When marking a gift as "Not Received" it's recommended that you leave an explanation in the giveaway comments as a reference for both the giveaway creator and our support team. If the giveaway creator is not able to provide a replacement gift or key, they may ask your permission to delete the giveaway.
from FAQ
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But there is a filter already, you can't enter (or even see in main listing) giveaways that restricted to another country. Thing is that giveaway creator need to set allowed regions correctly upon giveaway creation. If they did not, and you can't activate the game because of region restriction, all you need to do is tell them about this problem, and then it's up to them to solve this issue one way or another.
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But sometimes the gifter doesn't know that the key is region restricted. This sometimes happens eg with Germany, Australia, Japan ... games are ROW, but cannot activated there, maybe because there is a low violence version for these regions ... an automated filter would be nice, but I doubt, that it is possible ...
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I never said creator had to be punished for this, it can be a honest mistake. But there are ways to resolve this mistake, and it's up to creator to chose what to do. And there is no way to automatically check is the key is restricted or not, you can't find out any information about the key prior to redeeming.
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Sadly in my experience, most people can't/don't/won't want to go the extra mile if it's something they're just trying to get rid of. I've run into this over and over on steamgifts with potential wins I had, so I don't even bother to try to reason with people and make it "right", since it's their karma. I let them delete it if that's the action they wish to take. It's their loss... not mine.
On the other hand, if I'm the giver, I buy them another key/replace it via Steam/gift card if it's beyond the x% threshold. I can't simply live with myself deleting something somebody won. It doesn't sit well with me. Anyway... I try to either find another game that suits them, and we can agree to close it out if they simply don't want to try to work with me on getting a replacement. I make an effort to change it for them.
If I cannot see the change around me, I make sure I become the change I want... I guess that's just how I am...
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I guess that's just how I am...
That is how all proactive people are.
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Die Spiele möchte man trotzdem spielen, gerade Deutschland hat öfters mal eine Sperre bei uncut drin oder manche bekommt man hier zulande nicht mal (aktiviert).
Ich versuche es auch zu vermeiden, aber wenn es gar nicht geht, greife ich auch auf Plugins zurück um diese zu aktivieren.
Bisher habe ich noch keinen Bann bekommen und kein Key/Gift wurde zurückgezogen. Solange es nicht jedes Spiel ist, denke ich, wird es im Rahmen bleiben.
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Ich habe bisher auch einmal einen Black-Ops-Uncut-Key aktiviert. Aber das Risiko will ich nicht nochmal eingehen. Vor allem, weil meine Bibliothek deutlich größer ist als damals.
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Versteh ich, habe es mehr als 1x genutzt. Und bei fast 8k Spielen ist auch nichts passiert.
Ich versuche so weit wie es geht zu meiden, aber bei manchen komme ich leider nicht drumherum.
Aber das meiste geht ja. Wenn es nicht in DE Verfügbar ist, dann giften lassen. Meistens hat das siehe Manhunt und co nicht mal ein Lock.
Darf wie gesagt nur nicht zu auffällig oft passieren, oder gar mit den DE Acc einkaufen in billig Regionen. Da habe ich auch bissel Vorsicht.^^
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At no point would you get in trouble for not being able to redeem a gift due to a region restriction as long as you follow the rules and mark it not received after seven days if you can't come to an agreement about re-roll or deletion with the giveaway creator. The rule is you have to activate a game you have won - but if you are not able to do so for reasons only the giveaway creator could have changed then that's not on you - it's on them. The best thing to do is to comment on the giveaway and ask for a re-roll or delete since it is region locked, whatever you do never mark a game received until it is successfully activated on your account.
It would further be impossible to implement a region lock filter that didn't depend on the giver entering correct information - and if they do you already can't see the giveaways you can't redeem because they'll be created as region restricted. There's simply no way to know if a key or game is region locked without getting that information from the point of purchase - and even that isn't always correct.
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We already have a region-lock filter in place. It is not 100% effective because people do not always do what they are supposed to do.
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According to the guidelines, you have to activate a recieved key. But what happens, when you cannot use your key because the game is region-restricted?
I already filtered out games I have and DLCs of the games I don't have. Plus, I don't want to risk a VPN ban on Steam.
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